Seeing that there was another fire chain in the red boy's mouth and wanted to burn himself, the Guanyin immediately resisted it casually, and at the same time said softly, "Your three flavors of real fire are useless in front of me, how many times do you have to try before you will give up?" !" And just as he finished speaking, he saw that the plantain fan in the hand of the Iron Fan Princess was a sudden one!

This one is incredible. Originally, the plantain fan was a rare treasure that restrained the real fire of three flavors, but at this moment, under this fan, the raging flames that soared to the sky were suddenly raised by the fire, and the billowing heat wave engulfed the entire sky. It sets off like the fire clouds and sunset glow!

However, the iron fan princess quietly changed the fan in her hand at some point, and she still didn't stop under this one, but now she swung several fans one after another. The fire is about to grow a layer, and after a few blows, the fire that the red boy spewed just now has more than doubled!

The picture of the sudden fire, even the Guanyin who didn't resist with all his strength, couldn't help being a little flustered. .

Seeing that although the goal was achieved, Lin Sen still screamed anxiously in his heart, it wasn't enough, it wasn't chaotic enough, and then he shouted anxiously, "Sister-in-law, fan the wind!!!" And he With such a shout, Princess Iron Fan didn't hesitate at the moment, and she didn't have time to think about why Lin Sen wanted to use the plantain fan to restrain the three-flavored real fire at this time, but it was still the other hand that showed off. Take out the green fan, and silently recite the Dharma in your mouth, the fan grows in the wind and becomes the size of the banana leaf.

Princess Iron Fan held the fan in her upper hand, and with a swipe, a gust of wind was born, landslides and ground cracked, vegetation flew, mountains and rivers flowed backwards, blowing towards the Guanyin with overwhelming roars!

And the monkey had already suffered a loss before, Guanyin was unprepared, and immediately shouted "Wukong, quickly sacrifice the wind-fixing pill!" But the monkey was blown for a long time Far away, this way, there are naturally people from the Buddhist sect waiting, and the purpose of handing over the Wind-fixing Pill to the monkey is to restrain the plantain fan!

At this time, I saw the gust of wind generated by the plantain fan. Although the fire of the real fire was scattered away, the scattered sparks were pulled into the gust of wind, and the three real fires burned everything. The earth, rocks, water and trees curled by the strong wind are all its fuel. For a while, the flaming storm completely blocked the Guanyin. In such a situation, the Guanyin also frowned slightly. .

It's just that although Guanyin was yelling anxiously, the monkey was in a daze at this moment. It doesn't matter if he is in a daze. The wind from the plantain fan is so fast. In a moment of daze, people can be blown thousands of miles away. !

Seeing this, Guanyin hated secretly in his heart, but he was also helpless. His face turned cold and he said softly, "You think you can escape by doing this? Naive!" In front of the chest, and then flatly pushed forward, the soaring wind and flames seemed to hit an invisible wall.

Although the Guanyin's body was surrounded by the howling wind and flames, there was no airflow around his body, and even the monk's robe on his body did not fluctuate in the slightest. It is to resist this plantain fan!

Although Lin Sen didn't know what cultivation level this Avalokitesvara was, he never thought that it would be so easy to take it down and save his life. At that moment, he looked at the Iron Fan Princess and waited. After the Iron Fan Princess flickered again and again, Lin Sen held up the Wujin Staff, a black light entered the wind, and went straight to the Guanyin!

"Wukong, hurry up and sacrifice the Wind Orb!" Guanyin's voice at this time was almost scolding. This plantain fan is so powerful that even if it can resist it with its cultivation, it can only resist it for a while. The iron fan princess kept fanning like this, and she was fanned out of the millions of miles like the monkey just now, disgraced, but at that time, her face was gone!

Even though the monkey released the water intentionally, he had already pretended to be in a daze just now, but now he couldn't pretend any longer. It's a sacrifice, but the formula in the mouth is very slow!

But at this moment, Lin Sen's Wujin rod was already mixed in the howling wind and flames, quietly but quickly heading towards the Guanyin.

The monkey was so dawdling that Guanyin, who was resisting the strong wind, immediately raised his willow eyebrows, and then suddenly felt that there was almost no breath in the black gold staff in the wind, and immediately scolded coldly, "Just This ability? You still want to fight with me!" At this time, in a hurry, he didn't use the treasure, he just waved his hand, and the volleying palm was aimed at the Wujin staff in the strong wind.

Although it is a treasure that has not been used, but the one that is condensed with the powerful Buddha element is more powerful than ordinary treasures!

Under that vigor, even if the Wujin rod was still in the strong wind, the one hit by that palm was deflected in the direction, but it can be seen that Lin Sen is not in the slightest anxious, but instead has a smile on his face. With a faint sneer, he suddenly and quietly squeezed a spell in his hand!

But on the black gold rod in the middle, suddenly erupted, filled with yellow smoke, and thousands of golden lights. If the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord or Navi Lanpo Bodhisattva were here at this time, he would be able to recognize this at a glance. The pervasive golden light is indistinguishable from the thousand-eyed divine light of the hundred-eyed demon king!

At this time, the Wujin rod was very close to the Guanyin, but as soon as the thousands of golden lights came out, it was sprinkled on him suddenly, and amidst the billowing wind and flames, the golden light was It's like a big sheet that covers the sky, holding the Avalokitesvara in it!

But all of this happened suddenly. At this time, even though the monkey had already used the wind-fixing pearl to stop the gust of wind, the Guanyin beside him was already the thousand-eyed god in Lin Sen's black gold staff. Just holding back, the monkey immediately pretended to be very anxious and asked, "Bodhisattva, but I need my grandson to wish you a helping hand!"

If the monkey didn't shout, Guanyin might have asked him to come over to help, but at the moment when the monkey shouted first, Guanyin couldn't get rid of his face, so he smiled slightly and said, "A little side door!" Xiaodao, watch me break your magic power!"

After saying this, the Buddha's light around him, which should have been like a spring breeze, suddenly burst into a destructive brilliance, and the resplendent Buddha's light suppressed Lin Sen's thousand-eyed divine light! (To be continued.)

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