How could Lin Sen forget the special ability of the Heart-eating Bamboo to extract the essence and blood of living beings, but after successfully portraying the restriction that reversed the energy in the Wujin Staff, Lin Sen had found a A shortcut to rapid physical growth.

Following the infusion of the energy from Guanyin's arm, Lin Sen's brows that were slightly frowned at the beginning immediately stretched out in enjoyment. The speed that can be clearly felt is increasing!

However, Lin Sen naturally wouldn't completely absorb that essence. Among the huge essence energy in Guanyin's arm, only about [-]% of it could be purified enough for Lin Sen to absorb with confidence, and the rest should not be mentioned here. The Wujin stick was snatched, even if it was given to Lin Sen, Lin Sen would not touch it. Although it was pure and tyrannical, it was more or less contaminated with the characteristics of Guanyin. Lin Sen was not the Wujin stick who was not picky about food. If the breath is integrated into the body, it will be harmful and useless to it!

However, even the two percent of the purest aura has already made Lin Sen very happy. These auras are enough to improve his physical body by more than one level. If he absorbs them completely, then the tyranny of his physical body The level is definitely much stronger than it is now, and it may even fly to the level of Dao's 36 arms in one leap.

At this time, Lin Sen felt a wave of fear. Judging from this breath, the Guanyin was far more powerful than Lin Sen had imagined. I am not in this hall to absorb the essence happily!

After thinking wildly in his mind for a while, Lin Sen hastily closed his eyes and concentrated on it. Now the energy has been eaten, but it will take a while to fully absorb it!

Not only Lin Sen, but also the Wujin staff. After all, the energy in Guanyin's arm is really huge, but it takes a while to digest it. After completely digesting it, the power of the Wujin staff must be stronger than Now earth-shaking changes have taken place!

But Lin Sen's body at this time is more complicated than this. In addition to the essence of Guanyin, he also has the huge life of the multi-eyed golden centipede in his body. In the body, merged into the potential of Lin Sen's blood, waiting for Lin Sen to develop a little bit!

But now Lin Sen is really envious of plants like the Heart-eating Bamboo Yu Xingchen Fruit Tree, whose speed of refining the breath is really too fast, and Lin Sen is now refining the Guanyin essence, but it will not take a while , and it took a long time to refine the vitality of the multi-eyed golden centipede. That is the potential of the multi-eyed golden centipede, and even itself is far from fully tapped!

However, it was said that Lin Sen was sitting cross-legged in the hall, concentrating on receiving the incoming Avalokitesvara's energy, when a sudden burst of noisy footsteps disturbed the peace of Lin Sen's mind, obviously another person was going to Coming from his own side, Lin Sen hastily stopped the backfeeding of the Wujin Staff.

As the bamboo Zhang appeared in his hand, Lin Sen was investigating with his spiritual sense, but after this investigation, the person who came made Lin Sen slightly stunned. Yuan Lang, who was sent by Princess Iron Fan to look for the Bull Demon King, was rushing towards Lin Sen at this moment!

Lin Sen's figure flashed at the moment, and he appeared in front of Yuan Lang and asked suspiciously, "Lang'er, why are you back here?" Lin Sen's appearance like a ghost, but the people in Hanging Mountain are already used to it. That's right, Yuan Lang wasn't surprised at all, he just paid homage in a hurry, "Master, this disciple has already invited the Great Sage Pingtian back, so come back now!"

Ever since Lin Sen passed on the real body of the demon that day to Yuan Lang, the aura on Yuan Lang's body has changed dramatically every day. In just a short period of time, the aura on his body has more than doubled, and the white fluffy body is more than doubled. , It also shines more and more, and even the impetuous aura of the monkey clan before gradually disappears!

"Come back, please?" Lin Sen immediately asked suspiciously. Yuan Lang's speed was too happy. At the time of the two incense sticks, Yuan Lang has already returned!

"Yes! Master!!" Yuan Lang understood Lin Sen's doubts, and then smiled softly, "It's a coincidence on the way. On the way to the Jilei Mountain, I met the guy who was going to the mountain. The Great Sage Pingtian who was rushing up the mountain, his disciples rushed forward, and then the Great Sage Pingtian led his disciples all the way back anxiously!"

As soon as Yuan Lang finished speaking like this, Lin Sen couldn't help being taken aback, this scene is really familiar!No, it was the scene where the monkey wanted to hide the red boy, but he didn't expect it to be staged here, but the Bull Demon King must not be a fake!

Thinking of this, Lin Sen couldn't help but smiled and said, "Where is the Great Sage Ping Tian now?" Lin Sen can understand the mood of the Bull Demon King, but Lin Sen still doesn't know how the Iron Fan Princess feels. But since the last time the red boy clashed with him in front of Wan Yao, he never got angry, which shows that he dotes on the red boy. He is afraid that when he returns to the mountain, he will hear the jade-faced fox tell Lin Sen Go find him!

With his well-informed information, it is not difficult to know that the Westward Journeyer is about to arrive at Mount No. [-], and that something happened to his precious son, so how could he not come here in a hurry!

When Lin Sen asked this question, Yuan Lang immediately showed a smile on his face and said, "The Great Sage Pingtian has already gone straight to the Iron Fan Princess's place, but he sent his disciples to accuse the master, and pulled him away instantly." Master, hurry up and help her persuade that Iron Fan Princess!" Yuan Lang said, but he couldn't help but smile on his face, which shows how anxious and helpless the Bull Demon King looked just now!

Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately smiled. Since the Bull Demon King had already spoken, why would he not go? After all, he was now the family member of the Iron Fan Princess, so he immediately smiled and said, "Let's go, Let's go and have a look!!" Then he took Yuan Lang and headed for Princess Iron Fan's residence!

It's just that after walking a few steps like this, Lin Sen stopped suddenly, and said to Yuan Lang with a smile on his face, "You've been running all the way too, you should go and rest first!" It is very bad if there are outsiders present for the family affairs of the Bull Demon King!

"Yes! Master!!" Yuan Lang reacted when he heard Lin Sen say this, but it was inconvenient for him to follow. If he saw something he shouldn't have seen by then, wouldn't it embarrass the Bull Demon King! (To be continued.)

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