When Lin Sen arrived, he saw the Bull Demon King standing directly outside the pavilion, and said anxiously, "Madam! Just open the door!" This simple pavilion Naturally, he couldn't stop a peerless monster like the Bull Demon King, but what happened today was originally his fault. Before that, Princess Iron Fan used Yuan Lang's mouth to issue an ultimatum to him. If he really broke in like this, unless he really didn't want this wife and son!

And Qing Ling is even more winking, and has already completely emptied the surrounding area, even the pipa essence has gone to nowhere at this time.

Seeing Lin Sen coming in a hurry, the anxious Bull Demon King finally gave birth to that look of hope, and hurried over and said, "Brother!! You are here!! Today's matter is my responsibility." You all know! My brother is so kind and virtuous, but he deserves a bow from me!" After saying that, he hugged his hands, ready to salute Lin Sen!

"Don't! Don't! Don't!!" Lin Sen jumped out of the way hastily, and then hurriedly helped the Bull Demon King up and said, "The Great Sage of Pingtian has broken Lin Sen, get up quickly, get up quickly !!" After the Bull Demon King straightened up, Lin Sen finally said, "Sage Pingtian takes such care of me, and Hao'er Mountain is on the side of my Hanging Mountain, how can I ignore it!"

"It's right! It's right!!" Bull Demon King nodded again and again, and then said softly to Lin Sen, "Brother! You can help me with today's matter!" Then he continued to focus on the attic She winked at Lin Sen, obviously hoping that he would say something nice for him!

"Brother! Leave him alone! I'll see what he can do!" As soon as the Bull Demon King finished speaking, Lin Sen still didn't speak, and the cold words of the Iron Fan Princess came from the attic, although the words were cold , but obviously has been paying attention to every move outside!

But his younger brother was stunned by the call of the Bull Demon King. Of course, no one knows the surname of Princess Iron Fan better than him. It's rare for him to go out, but when did he get so close to Lin Sen!

How could Lin Sen not know that the Iron Fan Princess was just pretending, and that the Bull Demon King rushed over so anxiously, which showed that he still cared about the two of them in his heart, so he laughed and said, "" Sister, since this brother-in-law is here, I just want to say a few words to you. Since the brother-in-law came so anxiously, it shows that he still cares about his sister. Even if he is at fault, everyone will close the door You can say whatever you want, how can you block brother-in-law out of the door like this, brother-in-law is also a great sage of peace, if this is spread, it will not damage the majesty of brother-in-law!"

He referred to him as sibling and brother-in-law, but he described this matter as his own family's business.

"What is the Great Sage of Pingtian!!!" After Lin Sen finished speaking like this, the Iron Fan Princess immediately yelled angrily, and then sobbed, "Our mothers are in danger today, where are you, the Sage of Pingtian? , if it wasn't for the busy running around these days, my brother, our mother and I would have been taken by the West to serve as slaves and handmaids at this time, and then I will see how you, the great sage of peace, will deal with it!" In the tone But with a faint cry, what happened today was when their orphans and widows needed the Bull Demon King the most, but there was no trace of it. It would be strange if Princess Iron Fan was not angry!

As soon as he finished speaking, the Bull Demon King's face couldn't help but darken, and then said hastily, "Madam! I was wrong about today's matter, but you let me in first, and I will explain it to you slowly." Ah!" His wife and children are being bullied like this, it is only natural for Princess Iron Fan to beat and scold her, let alone such a few complaints, the Bull Demon King will naturally endure it!

"Yes! Sister!!" Seeing the silence in the hall, Lin Sen hurriedly chimed in, "You just open the door first. If you have any grievances, let brother-in-law go in first!" Such a layer of door curtain, but He will definitely not coax the Iron Fan Princess!

squeak! !With a soft sound, the door of the attic slowly opened, and the faint voice of the Iron Fan Princess came from within, "I let you in today for my brother's sake, and I will see what you have to say." !"

Seeing that the door was finally opened, the Bull Demon King hurried in with a look of joy, but just as Lin Sen was about to turn around, he heard the voice of the Iron Fan Princess from the attic again, "Brother, you Come in too, you are my natal family, join me today to see what this cow has to say!"

In her words, Yan Ran completely regarded Lin Sen as her own. Although this kind of matter is not big, it is definitely not something that outsiders can participate in. Even though Princess Iron Fan said it, Lin Sen also followed the bull. The Demon King hastily entered the attic!

Inside the palace pavilion, the iron fan princess was sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed at the opposite door, with a look of anger and sadness on her face, and there were still faint tears on her face, while the red boy was guarding her side. , a pretty face is also very serious!

But as soon as the Bull Demon King came in, before he could speak, the eyes of the Iron Fan Princess showed a slight strange color, and then hurriedly came down from the cloud, looked at the Bull Demon King and said anxiously, "You How did you get hurt?"

But what she said made Lin Sen stunned, and he hurriedly looked sideways at the Bull Demon King, but he was slightly puzzled. Looks a little bit hurt.

When I was wondering in my heart, I saw the moving expression flashed on the resolute face of the Bull Demon King, and then he smiled wryly with a very weird smile, "A Rakshasa is a Rakshasa, but if you can't hide it from others, I can't hide it from you! A little injury doesn't matter!" After all, they were husband and wife for many years, but Princess Iron Fan saw the flawless disguise of the Bull Demon King at a glance!

Then with a wry smile, the aura on that body suddenly turned to one side, as if a solid shell had been torn off, and the things exposed inside were very flimsy and erratic. Even Lin Sen could do it at this time. It's easy to see that this looks like the blood has been greatly damaged. Not only is the Bull Demon King injured, but the injury is still very serious!

When Princess Iron Fan saw the loose aura of the Bull Demon King, her complexion changed immediately, and she hurriedly came down to help the Bull Demon King, her mouth was very serious, and she even said reproachfully, "Is this still a small injury? What is serious? With your cultivation base, how could someone hurt you like this?" Putting the bull demon king on the cloud bed, Princess Iron Fan didn't mention the matter just now, but her face was cold "Is that the old dragon? I'll go find him!"

At that moment, he was about to rush out the door, as if he was going to avenge the Bull Demon King, but the Bull Demon King hurriedly pulled him back and said, "It's just that I encountered a little trouble! The one who was injured by Wansheng was worse than me." It's more important, but this journey was carried back by his son-in-law!" After he finished speaking like this, Princess Iron Fan's complexion turned around!

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart!These words entered Lin Sen's ears, but he was secretly thinking about it. When the bull devil and the old holy dragon went out, it seemed that there was also the nine-headed worm. Let's not talk about the cultivation of the old holy dragon. , the Nine-Headed Insect in the original book is a sudden that even a monkey can't take down. With such a cultivation base and the Bull Demon King, it turned out to be such an injury. Where did they go?What did you do?

However, although Lin Sen was puzzled in his heart, he was dissatisfied with the movements of his hands. He hurriedly took out a blood-colored jade bottle from his bosom, which was the top-quality blood spirit pill that the Qingling Death Piston held in his hand before. There were five pieces in the jade bottle, Lin Sen had eaten one before, but now he poured out one in a hurry, handed it to the Iron Fan Princess and said, "Give it to brother-in-law quickly!! After thinking about it for a while, he gave the iron fan princess all the flattening and said, "Take one pill every day, and the injury should be able to stabilize after a few days!"

Even Princess Iron Fan knows the preciousness of this top grade blood spirit pill, but seeing the hesitation on the face of Princess Iron Fan, Lin Sen smiled and said, "Sister, did you forget that we are a family? This pill was originally It's just for eating, but brother-in-law's injury can't be delayed!" Although the Bull Demon King didn't see anything on the surface at this time, don't forget his cultivation, such a tyrannical blood is showing such Such a vain state shows how serious his injury is!

But upon hearing what Lin Sen said, Princess Iron Fan finally took the jade bottle over and said, "Thank you so much, brother!" Then she hurriedly stuffed the elixir into the Bull Demon King. in the mouth.

And as soon as the blood spirit pill entered the mansion, the Bull Demon King immediately felt the soft essence and blood energy in the pill supplementing his injured body, and his complexion immediately became slightly better, and he couldn't stop it. He just smiled and said, "My brother-in-law is indeed the owner of Tianxingfang! Such a top-quality pill is very rare even in my hands!" Today, Tianxingfang has become synonymous with wealth among the monster clan.

Princess Iron Fan immediately gave the Bull Demon King a blank look, and then said, "It's good that you know, this top-quality blood elixir is very rare, and there is only one out of thousands of pills, but that Qingling girl is dedicated to her younger brother." It’s all cheap for you to heal your wounds!”

The Bull Demon King smiled immediately, and then said to Lin Sen, "My brother, I will not say such polite words. I know you are confused now, but there are some things that are really inconvenient to tell you!" And the matter in the mouth is obviously the doubt in Lin Sen's heart at this moment!

And Princess Iron Fan obviously knew the whole story, and said to Lin Sen immediately, "Brother, what your brother-in-law said is for your own good, you really don't want to know about this matter now, until you have enough cultivation On that day, even if you don't want to know, your brother-in-law will tell you!" (To be continued.)

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