Ao Moang scolded like this, at this time the little turtle dragon had no choice but to bow his head and apologize, "Little dragon was confused for a while, and I hope the great sage will make amends!!"

And the monkey also smiled and stepped forward and said, "Don't blame it!! Don't blame it!!" Then he looked at Ao Moang and said, "This is a matter of your dragon clan, but you need to solve it yourself!" He was making a big disturbance in the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, but he was ignorant in the past, but now he knows that the water of this Dragon Clan is really too deep, far too deep for him to swim in!

And that Ao Moang also cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Great Sage, for not killing!" And the little turtle dragon also thanked again and again, "Thank you for not killing! Thank you for not killing!!" Under the escort of Mo Ang, he flew into the sky, and the elephant dragon gave Lin Sen a quick wink, and followed him, but he also needed to return to the South China Sea!

However, after the dragons flew away, the water surface of the Heishui River suddenly surged, and then the wide mirror-like river surface was divided into two clear ends like a knife cut, and the emerald green river water , the surging waves are the jet black color of that Umad.

But in the water, there was a female fairy walking out with the Tang monk, and the monkeys rushed to meet him immediately. After all, they were their masters. Still have to go!

With the support of the three monkeys, the monk Tang walked up to the shore without any panic, and Lin Sen hurried up to greet him and said, "Elder Tang, you are frightened again!" Seeing Lin Sen Also here, Tang Seng's complexion suddenly became a little weird!

"Master Lin Fang is also here!" That strange look flashed, but Tang Sen also hurriedly greeted, and then introduced to the monkeys, "This is the daughter of the Heishui River God!!" Pointing at Lin Sen, he said, "Eldest disciple Sun Wukong, second disciple Zhu Bajie, third disciple Sha Wujing!!" Finally, he pointed to Lin Sen and said, "Heavenly Star Workshop Master Lin Sen!!"

And the beautiful female fairy also bowed slightly and said, "I have seen Elder Sun, Elder Zhu, and Elder Sha!!" Then she looked at Lin Sen and smiled and said, "The owner of the workshop is famous, Xiaoxian has heard it very well, and I feel very honored to see it today. !!" The Heishui River is not too far from the Hanging Mountain, so the name and strength of Tianxingfang is probably clear to this female fairy better than anyone else!

Then the female fairy said anxiously, "The river bed must be separated! Elders, let's cross the river quickly!!" As soon as he said this, Tang Seng hurried away immediately, and Zhu Bajie led the horse. Drifting, carrying the load, hurriedly followed, among the two towering water walls, all the way to the other side of the Heishui River!

The white dragon horse traveled extremely fast, and it took only a stick of incense before and after. He took the Tang monk to the opposite bank, and after the master and apprentice went on the road again, the surface of the Heishui River slowly closed. And the female fairy also bowed slightly to Lin Sen and said, "Xiaoxian's mission has been completed, this is my resignation!"

Immediately, he bowed slightly, and then he was ready to go to the water!

"Wait a minute, fairy!!" Lin Sen suddenly uttered a voice, stopped the fairy with a smile, and then asked with a smile, "I don't know what the fairy is called?"

Seeing Lin Sen's appearance, the female fairy said with a stiff expression, "The name of the fairy is Yin Su!" If it weren't for Lin Sen, he was the owner of Xingfang that day. God can't afford to offend, maybe he will turn his head away at this time!

And Lin Sen nodded slightly at the moment and said, "Yin Su? Good name!!" Then he smiled again and said, "We are also neighbors. Since this one fell to your place today, I will enter your black water river to have a look. see?"

"Xiaoxian's River God's Mansion has just been snatched back, and it's very chaotic at this time. It's really inconvenient to neglect the master!" As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Yin Su's eyes suddenly brightened. It was showing a trace of panic, although it was short, but he did not escape Lin Sen's eyes, and seeing this, Lin Sen secretly thought in his heart, sure enough, there is always some secret in this black water river!

At the moment, he smiled and said, "It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. Since we met, I will take a dip in your black water river today! There is nothing to neglect!" Such talking and laughing, but they are self-serving It is to go to the water.

Although there was a smile on his face, there was an undeniable majesty, and the hidden aura in his body frightened Yin Su. After he reacted, Lin Sen was Already walked into the river!

"Fangzhu! Fangzhu!!" Yin Su shouted anxiously, but Lin Sen seemed to have not heard it, but at the moment he also showed a helpless look, who made himself just that little demon with no strength, so he could only smile wryly He said, "Fangzhu, why don't you let Xiaoxian lead the way for you?"

But as soon as he said this, Lin Sen suddenly stopped and turned around and smiled, "I'm just going to trouble Miss Yin Su!" Then he stood there with a smile, obviously waiting for Yin Su to lead the way, And it was just a burst of helplessness for Yin Su to see her heart go down like this!

He could only say "Master Linfang, please come with Xiaoxian!!" Then he was the first to lead the way for Lin Sen, but under his waving sleeves, the water of the Heishui River seemed to be alive. Like things, he spontaneously avoided the bodies of the two of them.

Seeing this, Lin Sen suddenly said, "Miss Yin Su's ability to control water is very strange and mysterious!" But as soon as the words came out, Yin Su's eyes were slightly flustered, and then she smiled and said, " Fangzhu Lin praised it absurdly, but it’s just a little skill at the end, Yin Su is only touched by the river god’s control over the river water, it’s not as good as Fangzhu’s supreme desire!”

Nice acting!It's a pity it's still too tender!Lin Sen smiled softly in his heart, this Yin Su's acting skills are very good, there is almost no trace of panic in his eyes, and the understatement of the answer is also light, turning Lin Sen's question into a compliment.

But the more so, the more certain Lin Sen was at this moment, there must be some mystery in the Black Water River, and this mystery must also be related to Yin Su!

There was not even the slightest bit of nervousness in the room, but only a small face with a gentle smile, but Lin Sen was not in a hurry at all, since he was going to act, I'll see how long you can act!

Immediately, he looked around and began to enjoy the scenery in the Heishui River calmly, but Yin Su quietly glanced at Lin Sen, and when he saw that his face was really just admiring, a pair of beautiful eyebrows appeared. Slightly wrinkled, could it be that I was thinking too much?Lin Sen really just came to enjoy the scenery? (To be continued.)

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