Lin Sen was very calm at the moment, and under the leadership of Yin Su, he walked in the Heishui River.

The scenery in this black water river is also very strange, in the black river water, there are densely covered with bright aquatic plants, emitting a faint fluorescence in the water!

However, the two of them said that they were in such a strange state, and they did not move all the way. Before they walked far, they saw that very gorgeous water palace sitting in front of their eyes, but on the lintel was written Black Water River Mansion!

There was an old man with black hair and white robe standing in front of the gate of the water mansion. He saw Yin Su coming from a distance, and hurriedly went up to it, and said with a smile, "Susu, have you sent Elder Tang and the others over... This is because the words have not been finished yet, but it was just now that he saw Lin Sen who was beside Yin Su, his words suddenly paused, and then asked hesitantly, "I don't know who this is?"

Before Yin Su could speak, Lin Sen laughed and said, "Under Lin Sen, the owner of Tian Xing Fang, I came here this time to enjoy the scenery of the Heishui River. I don't know if this is Heishui Water God?"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, the God of the Heishui River smiled and said, "It turns out that the Lord of Tianxing Fang is here, and I feel very honored and honored!!! Long Fayan!! This old man is the God of the Black Water River, Yin Chi!" Yin Chi immediately greeted Yin Su very courteously, and at the same time said to Yin Su, "Susu, don't stand here stupidly anymore, hurry up Invite Master Lin to enter the mansion!!"

Immediately, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to lead the way, with a smile on his face respectful, humble, and joyful!

old fox!Lin Sen smiled secretly in his heart at the moment, but this Yin Chi was much calmer than that Yin Su, and his expression did not change at all. The humble little River God seemed to be welcoming Lin Sen, a big man!

Lin Sen also smiled slightly at the moment and said, "In that case, then Lin Sen is bothering you!" Then he followed Yin Chi into the Heishuihe Divine Mansion.

But seeing that the entire River God's water mansion is like that crystal glass, shining brightly in the pitch-black black water, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "The water mansion of the River God is really majestic! It's not ordinary at first glance, just look at it." It should look like it's been around for a while!" Lin Sen asked, and Yin Chi could only smile apologetically, "Master Fang has good eyesight!! Good eyesight!! This way please!! This way please! Please take a seat!!"

Although Yin Chi was flattering, he didn't answer Lin Sen's question, but hurriedly invited him into the hall. After Lin Sen took the first seat, Yin Chi sat with a smile. He continued, "There is nothing in the barren land to entertain the gods, so Susu hasten to pick a few black jade fruits, and please the gods to taste them!" Then he smiled at Lin Sen and said, "This black jade fruit is mine. This unique thing of the Black Water River is very interested in the physical body, and it is also a rare and wonderful thing in my Black Water River!!"

And amidst his orders, Yin Su was also obediently happy, and then she was about to turn around and leave.

"Miss Yin Su, wait a moment!!" Lin Sen, with a smile on his face, hastily stopped Yin Su, and then looked at the two people who were puzzled and said with a smile, "I won't taste this Xuanyu fruit." , compared to the fact that the River God also went to my Xingfang that day, I have also eaten this fruit, it is indeed a miraculous thing!! But..."

Speaking of this, Lin Sen's voice changed, he looked straight at Yin Chi and said, "The River God said something wrong, and the treasure in this Black Water River is probably far more than just the mere Xuan Yuguo." Bar!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Yin Chi's eyes froze for a moment, and then he said hesitantly, "What does Shangxian mean by this?" Then he said, "Xiaoxian has been managing this Heishui River for some years. , but did not find any treasure!!" Seeing the faint expression on Lin Sen's face, the Heishuihe Mansion immediately laughed and said, "Could it be that the Shangxian heard some rumors? My master! If my Heishuihe What a treasure, how can Xiaoxian's cultivation remain as it is today."

Then there was that helpless and distressed look on his face, the little turtle dragon that turned forward was only the cultivation base of Xuanxian, who was able to occupy him, the River God Mansion, and bully him in every possible way, if he had the means, how could he still have it? Such humility is needed!

He looked at Lin Sen like this, but what he saw was that Lin Sen still had a faint smile, and his eyes seemed to be pretending to be looking at you faintly!

With a faint smile, a faint expression, and a pair of eyes staring straight at Yin Chi, under those gazes, Yin Chi's expression is also inconvenient, still showing your humility and grievance.

Looking at each other like this, at this moment, they are just looking at who will be unable to resist first, but if there are only the two of them present, the two of them will have to stalemate for a long time, but there is also Yin Yin who is present. Su, under Lin Sen's wise and confident smile, although he didn't say anything, it was more deterrent than anything else.

Although she was able to pretend like Yin Chi at the beginning, but as time passed, under her gaze, her complexion became more and more unnatural!

And such a change, although subtle, did not escape the eyes of Lin Sen and Lin Sen, but Lin Sen immediately smiled slightly, while Yin Chi sighed involuntarily!

Although it was just a change in Yin Su's expression, but Yin Chi already knew that he had already been defeated. The humble look on his face was slowly accepted, and Yin Su also knew that he had made a mistake, and looked at Lin with big eyes. Sen glared!

"What? Are you going to continue acting?" Lin Sen casually picked up the wine on the table and took a sip, then looked at the two of them and said with a smile!

And Yin Chi's complexion also slowly sank, and the humility disappeared suddenly, but underneath he had his own bearing, and said to Lin Sen, "Master Lin Fang is really well informed. We are in the Heishui River." I have been stationed in the center for so many years, and I have never been able to reveal my flaws in any way, but I never thought that even so, Fangzhu Lin can still find clues! I wonder if I can tell the old man, how did the master know?"

This matter is indeed of great importance, so Yin Chi wanted to know why he had been careful for so many years, so why did he still make mistakes!

Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment and said, "I said I guessed, do you believe it?" Then he looked at Yin Chi's two suddenly stiff faces and smiled again, "But I'm sure now, this black man There is indeed a problem in the river!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Yin Chi and Yin Chi looked at Lin Sen with straight eyes. If it wasn't for Lin Sen's cultivation level, they would have jumped up and cursed at this time, guess what?You guessed it, he made such an expression that he knew everything in his chest!

Seeing the wry smiles of the two of them, Lin Sen smiled at the moment. After experiencing the previous experience in the Zhuogou Spring, when Lin Sen heard about the source of the Black Water River, a twitch suddenly appeared in his heart. Silk's strange feeling, this feeling became like that in Zhuogou Spring before, coupled with Yin Su's expression before, this is sure that there is a problem with the timing in the Blackwater River, so it is just a fake blackmail!

After Yin Chi's face froze for a moment, he suddenly laughed and said, "Master, you really are not an ordinary person!! It's just a guess!! Hahaha!!" The smile was very happy and hearty, but The joy that emanated from the bottom of my heart seemed to be finally relieved!

After the smile faded away, those eyes stared straight at Lin Sen coldly, "But you've been fooled by your cleverness. Since you know something you shouldn't know, don't blame me for being cruel!" Yin Chi is very excited now, he is finally relieved, he was just guessing, so as long as Lin Sen is solved, then his secret of Heishuihe will still be a secret!

And that Yin Su also shouted loudly "Come here..." and then the sound of chaotic footsteps, but in an instant, a group of more than a hundred sailors, wearing the crystal glass The armor, the breath is calm, the same color of the peak of the celestial beings, and even the Xuanxian is the first, all of them are very extraordinary.

But Yin Su pointed at Lin Sen and scolded, "Take this man down!"

"Yes, princess!" The group of sailors shouted, and with a clatter, a kind of sailor surrounded Lin Sen!

Lin Sen looked around, seeing the sailors, he immediately laughed and said, "Not bad! Not bad!! Really good!!" Looking at Yin Chi and Yin Su, he immediately laughed and said, "Such strength , was actually taken over by that little turtle!! It seems that there is indeed a big secret in your Black Water River!! Haha!"

"There are no secrets that have nothing to do with you!" Yin Su snorted coldly, then pointed at Lin Sen and scolded, "Do it, take this thief down for me!"

But the one in the lead among the sailors was holding the water fork in his hand, pointing at Lin Sen and yelling, "You thief, should you surrender yourself, or do you want us to take you down!"

"Take me down?" Lin Sen smiled slightly, looked at the leading water general and said, "What a courage, what a breath!! Do you know who I am?"

"Huh! I know!" The water general said coldly, "Isn't it just a lower bound who hugs people's thighs and bullies others? This is not your star workshop that day, and it's not your turn to show off!"

As soon as the water general finished speaking like this, Lin Sen looked at the eyes of everyone. Although the levels were not uniform, there were more or less such meanings in it. Lin Sen immediately laughed and said, " Good! Good! Good!!" He said three consecutive good, but it was colder than the last!

Looking at everyone present with piercing eyes, he said, "Looks like I haven't done anything for many years, I've been regarded as a soft-legged shrimp who eats soft food!!" Although he still smiled, but that smile was cold and piercing! (To be continued.)

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