The spirit crystallized, Lin Sen's heart suddenly trembled slightly, he naturally knew about this, the inheritance of the cold silkworm demon saint he received in that fairy mansion back then was a kind of spirit crystallization , this is the essence of the monster clan's lifelong cultivation, and the black water snake is one of the twelve monster bodies of the monster clan, and the inheritance it left behind must have something extraordinary!

Seeing the slightly interested expression finally showing on Lin Sen's face, Yin Chi roared and shouted, "Sinister, shut up!" It was just that weak cry, but at this time it was just an increase for no reason. It's nothing more than Yin Su's determination!

Seeing that Lin Sen finally showed interest on his face, Yin Su immediately sneered at this and said, "This black snake spirit is my Black Water Snake Clan and has not been cracked so far. If you want to take away the inheritance of my Black Water Snake Clan, It's just a daydream!"

"Not cracked?" Lin Sen smiled immediately, looked at Yin Su with his eyes and smiled, "I don't think so!" With playfulness in his eyes, he looked Yin Su up and down until Yin Su When it was a bit unnatural, Lin Sen laughed and said, "I think the inheritance of the black snake spirit is on you!!"

And that Yin Su raised her eyebrows, and before she could speak, Lin Sen was the first to say with a smile, "Don't be too busy denying it!!" Lin Sen looked at Yin Su and smiled slightly, "I just discovered that, although You only have the strength of a Xuanxian, but the black water profound energy you are driving is even stronger than your father's, and its breath is unique and exquisite, and it is not at the same level at all!!" With that playful smile on his face "Now, do you still want to deny it?"

Lin Sen felt it was strange before. Although it was only a moment of fighting, his estimation was absolutely correct. There is only one reason, the method of controlling water used by Yin Su is fundamentally different from that of his father!

Yin Su really didn't expect that from the beginning to now, he only made a move once, and Lin Sen saw the clue, his face turned cold, and he stared at Lin Sen and gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I am Xuan Shui The inheritor of the soul, but you want to take away the inheritance of my Black Water Snake Clan,!! Hmph!! Dreaming!!!"

Then the small face said proudly, "Let me tell you! Once the mysterious water spirit is fused, only one person is allowed to practice. Only the inheritor of the black water mysterious snake can practice this water control technique!" Then He stared at Lin Sen again and said with a sneer, "I know your divine sense is strong, even if I die, you can still detain my divine soul, but don't try to take anything out of my divine soul, as long as I have a thought , the inheritance of the Black Water Profound Snake will completely disappear from this world!!"

Yin Su stared at Lin Sen with a sarcasm, as if mocking his actions, but it was just a waste of time!

"Essence recognition and master fusion?" Lin Sen was taken aback for a moment. Naturally, he knew about this matter, and what Yin Su said was also true, but Lin Sen always felt that something was wrong in his heart. He looked at his body carefully, but there was no problem at all, and there was no trace of uneasiness in those eyes full of hatred. It was obvious that he was absolutely not lying, Lin Sen still had this vision!

Immediately he laughed and said, "It seems that I was really rude. I didn't expect you to be the new Black Water Snake!! I'm rude! I'm rude!!" Then he slightly cupped his hands at Yin Su, But most of these gods and beasts of heaven and earth are the only ones between heaven and earth, and the black water snake is naturally the same!

Although the Black Water Snake Clan is the descendant of the Black Water Profound Snake, none of them are that Black Water Profound Snake. There is always only one Black Water Profound Snake in this world, and it will be gone when it dies. Yin Su, who has fused the spirit inherited from the Black Water Profound Snake, although her strength has improved, will one day transform into that Black Water Profound Snake!

"Hmph!" Facing Lin Sen's salute, Yin Su snorted coldly and turned his head to the side fiercely!

Seeing Yin Su's appearance, Lin Sen couldn't help wondering, "It seems that I didn't become a bad guy for nothing this time. I didn't gain anything, but I showed my strength and offended people. What do you think I'm going to do to you two?" What should we do?" Then he looked at Yin Su and said in a very embarrassing manner!

"You'd better kill me! Otherwise, on the day when I surpass you in strength, I will definitely beat you to death!" Yin Su glared at Lin Sen and said fiercely, while Yin Chi hurriedly stopped him He stopped, and finally begged Lin Sen submissively, "Master Lin Fang, I beg you to let Su Su go! If Su Su dies, then the inheritance of the Black Water Profound Snake will completely disappear from this world. I beg the owner of the workshop to see that the ancestors also made achievements for the Yaozu, so let’s leave this line of inheritance, this old man swears here, if we leave today, we will definitely forget what happened today!"

Yin Chi's face was full of grief. He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that the inheritance of the black water snake would be cut off from him. If so, he would be the sinner of the whole family!

"That's right!" Lin Sen nodded slightly and said, "The Black Water Profound Snake is one of the twelve demon gods of my demon clan. As a demon clan, Lin Sen naturally cannot break the inheritance of the predecessors!" Lin Sen As soon as these words were finished, Yin Chi's face immediately showed hope, and even Yin Su's eyes trembled slightly. Could it be that Lin Sen could really let their father and daughter go?

Seeing the hopeful look in the eyes of the two, Lin Sen smiled evilly and said, "If what you said is true, then I will naturally let you go, but it's a pity that you still have something to hide!"

Under Lin Sen's gaze, Yin Chi immediately pleaded anxiously, "Master! Our secret, Susu, has been told to you just now, there is really nothing to hide!"

And that Yin Su also turned his head coldly, and said coldly, "The words have been finished, believe it or not, the lives of our father and daughter are now in your hands, if you want to kill us, why bother?" You're making excuses like that!" The contemptuous look in his eyes seemed to call Lin Sen a whore and wanted to set up an archway!

Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "You guys are not telling lies, it's just that you didn't finish what you said!" He looked at the father and daughter with piercing eyes. But Lin Sen believed in his guess more and more.

This Yin Chi is a person who regards the inheritance of the Black Water Profound Snake more than his surname, and his face is all important. It is not difficult to see from the words just now, but when Yin Su spoke just now, other All kinds of insults stopped him, but after Yin Su started to speak, the voice of cursing suddenly stopped!

In terms of what he knew about the inheritance, how could he allow Yin Su to tell the whole story? Lin Sen put himself in the situation and thought about it. If it were him, he would be forced to die, and he would not let Yin Su say it. Come out, and since it is like this now, there is only one reason, and there is fraud in it!Either there is a lie somewhere, or there are still some secrets to hide!

"Have you guys finished talking? Whether you are telling the truth or not is not what you say, but what I say!" Lin Sen smiled slightly, and then spread his palms, and a little bit of them slowly popped out. The star-like white bright flame is exactly the spiritual fire condensed with his divine sense!

Although the flame was beating, it had no breath at all. It was neither hot nor cold, and even made people wonder if it was a hallucination, but it was something like this that made Yin Chi, father and daughter feel a sudden twitch. A Gordon, although I don't know him, but judging by Lin Sen's expression, this flame is definitely not a good thing!

What I saw was that Lin Sen flicked his fingers, and that ball of bright flames flew down onto Yin Chi's body. Once it got on the back of his hand, he disappeared without a trace, but Yin Chi's complexion suddenly changed one by one. , the bloodshot eyes suddenly widened, almost as if they were about to be hugged out of their sockets!

The wailing sound came out almost instantly, and then the other palm kept beating on the flame-stained arm, as if there was something terrifying on the arm that had nothing!

It's just that its beating didn't seem to have the slightest effect, the thing seemed to be constantly filling its eyes, but in an instant, Yin Chi was already burned and rolled back and forth in place, with bursts of hoarse wailing from his mouth!

"Father! Father!!" Seeing Yin Chi like this, Yin Su immediately stepped forward crying, but only saw that Yin Chi kept beating her body, but she didn't even know why her father was acting like this. I don’t know the pain, and I want to help but I can’t do anything. Then I stared at Lin Sen fiercely and cried, “I’ve already told you everything I know!! What else do you want to know!! If you want to kill us , Just do it directly!! Don’t torture us like this! You do it! You kill us!!”

No matter how she cried, Lin Sen's expression remained unmoved, he just smiled slightly and said, "I just want to know what you are hiding!" Then he looked at the man who was about to cry. Yin Su, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "Don't say no! You and I both know that you still have a secret in your heart!!"

Then he looked at the howling Yin Chi and said, "But if you want to say something, you have to go faster. You probably don't know what that thing is just now!" Then with that weird smile on his face, Lin Sen said softly, "That thing is spiritual fire, fueled by the soul. Once the soul is damaged, even if it is reincarnated, life after life, it will not recover. Even if the body is intact, the damage to the soul will exist forever !!"

Then he looked at Yin Chi with distress and said, "Tsk tsk tsk!! It's really pitiful, both arms are already on fire." With that weird smile on his face, he suddenly smiled and said, "You say I'm If you burn your father to the point where only one head remains, and then push him into that cycle of reincarnation...hehe..." (To be continued.)

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