Lin Sen just sneered slightly, but Yin Su couldn't help but tremble all over, then stared at Lin Sen with hideous eyes and fear, and said in his mouth, "You will suffer retribution!! You will suffer retribution!" If Lin Sen Sen really did what he said, a soul without arms and legs, Fei Zhan for life after life, torture for eternity, this is a million times more painful than killing them, or even losing their souls!

"Will I be punished? I won't bother you!" Lin Sen said with a smile, and then he seemed to suddenly think of it and said, "That's right! If you want to say something, you must do it as soon as possible. Wait, if you wait for your hands to be completely burned, then there will be no way to recover!"

"Fangzhu!! I have really told you everything!" Yin Su said with tears, "I have already said it! What do you want me to say!!"

It's just that her wailing made the waiting Lin Sen not even look at her.

"I said!! I said!! Stop it! Stop it!!" Yin Su hurriedly shouted, looking at the wailing Yin Chi with tears in her eyes.

With a wave of Lin Sen's hand, a small bright flame flew out from Yin Chi, who had been burned unconscious, and landed on his hand. Looking at Yin Su, he smiled and said, "Isn't it better to say it earlier? Eat so much bitterness!"

Yin Su looked at Yin Chi who was still moaning slightly in a coma, sobbed slightly and finally opened his mouth and said, "What I just said is true, but I deliberately concealed some!" After speaking, she looked at the expression on her face Lin Sen as usual, Yin Su finally sighed and continued, "The ancestors of my Black Water Snake Clan got not one piece of black snake essence back then, but two pieces!"

Lin Sen immediately laughed and said, "The Black Water Profound Snake is famous for its physical body and water control skills. Since the Black Water Profound Snake left behind the inheritance, naturally it will not only leave the water control technique. The other piece of soul is the tempering method of the flesh body!"

When Yin Su heard what Lin Sen said, he couldn't help being stunned, and then smiled wryly, "So you've already guessed it, that's right, the other piece of soul is the method of tempering the body, but no matter what No matter how hard I try, I still can't integrate that inheritance with me. I have to control the water without having a physical body, so I can't become a real black water mysterious snake. To use that merit to break down the barriers of inheritance, but I never thought of..."

Yin Su's smile was a bit bitter, the father and daughter originally planned to act on their own, but after the little turtle dragon appeared, they had other plans right now, pushing the little turtle dragon ahead to take risks, the father and daughter But it will be much safer, and the result will naturally be as they estimated.

It's just that I didn't expect that although Journey to the West passed through safely, the merit has not yet been obtained, but I met the evil star Lin Sen again!

Then he looked at Lin Sen and said, "The Black Water Profound Snake is extremely special, even if I pass it on to you, it will be useless to you!" My heart was a little desolate at this moment, for the sake of an inheritance, it was a mess. This look!

"But what kind of special method?" Lin Sen asked with a smile at the moment. Although he has many inheritances and his current mana and supernatural powers are not bad, but he has a big weakness, which is the time to practice Not long enough, without the long-term accumulation of that day, so there are many secret rumors in the world, none of which are known!

"My ancestor was an elf transformed by an innate black water profound energy after the opening of the sky, and this innate black water profound energy is also its original breath, and it is also where the black water mysterious snake's tyranny lies." Said this Chuna Yin Su was also a little proud, "Although our Black Water Snake Clan is born with the Black Water Profound Qi, they are all acquired things, so no matter how hard we try, we are still only the Black Water Snake Clan and cannot be transformed into That black water snake!"

When he said this, Lin Sen understood a little bit in his heart, no wonder the Black Water Profound Snake is so tyrannical, it turned out to be the Celestial Immortal God born from the sky, just like the Golden Crow in the great sun!

And Yin Suji said sadly, "Since the fall of our ancestors, although our people know that the innate black water mystery is scattered in this black water river, they have exhausted all kinds The method is also unable to search for it and integrate it into oneself, on the contrary, the method of extracting the water of the Black Water River for cultivation was born!"

"Oh? What does that have to do with this inheritance?" Lin Sen asked with a smile, "Could it be that the method of extracting that breath is stored in that inheritance?"

Since Yin Su decided to say it at this time, there is nothing to hide at the moment, and he said directly, "After I merged with the black snake essence of the black water black snake water control technique, although the water control skill The book is very wonderful, but my progress in cultivation is very slow, all because my body does not conform to the exercise, and in the water control technique, there is a message left by the ancestors, telling us, then The method of taking back the innate black water profound energy and tempering the body is in the second piece of spirit. Since then, my group of people have tried all kinds of methods, but they can't start to inherit it. In this matter of Journey to the West!"

Seeing Yin Su's face, Lin Sen was sure that this was the real one. He told all the secrets, and immediately said with a smile, "In that case, it would be fine if I said no earlier, why bother to say nothing?" Suffering such a lot of torture!" Then he said with great interest, "Hearing what you said, I am becoming more and more interested in the inheritance! I don't know if you can let me take a look! "

However, when Yin Su decided to say it, he had already thought that if others knew about the existence of this inheritance, they would definitely snatch it, and even if they snatched it, it might just be a useless stone.

At that moment, he opened his small mouth, and spit out a diamond-shaped crystal stone from his mouth. Although the luster was bright, it was exactly the same as the shining stones everywhere in the Black Water River.

"This is the soul of the black snake?" Lin Sen said in confusion. He collected this thing from the river!

"This is the inheritance!!" Yin Su handed the crystal stone to Lin Sen with a blank face, and then helped Yin Chi up and said, "I know we are going to die today! I only hope that now that I have everything For the sake of what I said, stop torturing my royal father and kill us directly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Sen smiled, looked at Yin Su playfully and said, "Who said I'm going to kill you!" The weird smile on his face made the strange Yin Su ask, Seeing the spirit of inheritance spinning continuously in Lin Sen's hands, and Lin Sen closed his eyes straight away, completely pretending that the father and daughter did not exist, and did not have the slightest precaution. This is the beginning of the research. That spirit!

Although I don't know whether Lin Sen is bold or a fool, but the more he is like this, the more Yin Su dare not act rashly!

However, Lin Sen held the inheritance crystal stone in his hand, and first tried it with magic power, but he just felt that the crystal stone was like that piece of insulator. If he couldn't touch the outer wall of the crystal stone, he would be bounced away. No wonder the Black Water Snakes couldn't open him for so many years. Lin Sen now understands that the Black Water Snakes are also like himself. It is impossible to poke even the outer wall of the inheritance!

Since the magic power was not available, Lin Sen immediately probed into the crystal stone with the divine sense, but under the divine sense, the crystal stone was in a different situation. There is something special about this crystal stone, but after checking it with divine sense, this crystal stone has turned into that extremely ordinary stone!

Just like the fluorescent crystals everywhere in the Heishuihe River, even Lin Sen didn't have any resistance when he probed into it with his spiritual thoughts, and easily infiltrated into the crystal stones!

However, after this investigation, Lin Sen's doubts were even stronger. It wasn't that he found something in the crystal stone. The ordinary structure in the crystal stone was already a mass of mixed aura. That ordinary stone was unintentional, but just being so ordinary made another thing suddenly ring in Lin Sen's heart, another thing that he is still studying every day!

It is the jade tablet that records the law of the movement of the stars in the sky. Isn't the condition of this crystal stone the same as that of the jade tablet on that day?And it is also the inheritance of the monster clan, so is the inheritance information in the crystal stone the same as the jade tablet?

To be honest, if the jade card wasn't a coincidence, Lin Sen would have been hard to discover the mystery in it, but now seeing the mixed breath in the crystal stone, he couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed at this time!

If the inheritance of the black snake essence happened to be like the jade tablet, it would be a supremely good thing, but if it was different, as I said before, the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness is the purest place. Such a mass of mixed spiritual energy was introduced into it, defiled the mind and soul.

At that time, Lin Sen wanted to cry but couldn't find a place!

And with the passage of time, Yin Su, who was supporting Yin Chi, looked at Lin Sen with closed eyes, and couldn't help but began to hesitate in his eyes. If he couldn't find out, he should have woken up by now, but this Lin Sen After sitting in meditation for so long, did I really find something wrong?

Then he shook his head viciously, it's impossible, the clansman's research for generations has not found the key point of this thing, how could it be possible for Lin Sen to see the mystery all at once!

However, even though Yin Su thought this way, he couldn't help but still think about it secretly. This Lin Sen is very scheming and cunning. Could it be that he really discovered something? (To be continued.)

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