The more Lin Sen fights, the smoother he becomes, while the six-eared monkey becomes more passive. Even if his martial arts are high-strength, no matter how tacitly the coordination of the eight arms is, it is still difficult to beat four hands with two fists, let alone what he is facing now. That's right, it's far from the gap of four hands!

Although Mimi Monkey is attacking everywhere, but the battle situation is completely shifted from Lin Sen's side. Mimi Monkey doesn't dare to stop at the moment. Once its strong attack momentum weakens, it will completely fall into Lin Sen's position. In the fighting rhythm of the dense arms!

In this kind of stalemate, the six-eared monkey became more and more anxious, and the attacks in his hands became more and more fierce. Even so, Lin Sen's body could not be touched, so he was so anxious. Among them, the six-eared mihou suddenly saw Lin Sen's unmoving footsteps, and his expression changed slightly!

At the moment, there were a few strong attacks again and again, taking advantage of the gap, this is a few somersaults in succession, flashing out of the battle group, the body of the demon ape with all sides and eight arms retracted, and turned into the golden crown and armor before, with eyes Looking at Lin Sen, he said, "No more fights!! No more fights!" Although he was extremely unwilling, he still said depressedly at this time, "I am not your opponent! No more fights!"

After fighting for a long time, the opponent didn't even move his footsteps. This was a completely disproportionate battle!

The six-eared monkey surrendered so suddenly, but Lin Sen was very surprised, and immediately accepted the demon avatar and said, "Are you sure? If you admit defeat, the stick will not be with you. You don't have to try again." Do you want to try?" The fight between the two was based on the Fenghuo stick as a bet!

"You don't need to try again!" said the six-eared monkey very depressed. "If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. No matter how many times you try again, it's the same. Instead of messing around, it's better to be straightforward!" The six-eared monkey said at this time It is with heartache, that stick, there may never be a third stick like that in this fairy world, but such an opportunity has disappeared from his eyes, how can he not feel heartbroken!

He gave up as soon as he said it, and he didn't procrastinate at all. This monkey is really straightforward!Lin Sen couldn't help laughing inwardly, this time he surrendered, the Hunyuan Qi Fenghuo stick had no chance with him. To the stick, it was equivalent to the Monkey King's golden cudgel. You let the Monkey King Give up the net golden cudgel and try, the monkey will definitely fight you desperately!

The six-eared monkey immediately said very irritably, "Okay, since I lost, then tell me your conditions! What do you want me to do?" Since he has never fought, it is naturally due to Lin There is one condition for Sen, and the six-eared monkey now only hopes that this condition will not be too troublesome, so that he can complete it before going to find the Monkey King!

"My conditions are very simple!" Lin Sen naturally knew what the six-eared micago was thinking, and said with a faint smile on his mouth, "You, join me in Xuankong Mountain from today, and from now on, be my A member of Hanging Mountain! This is my condition!" As soon as Lin Sen said this, seeing the astonishment on the six-eared monkey's face, he immediately became happy!

"Are you sure?" As soon as Lin Sen said this, the six-eared monkey became astonished. The astonishment was not that Lin Sen had such an idea, but that Lin Sen was astonished that the devil would have the courage to have such a thing. Thoughts, since the Taoist ancestor preached in Zixiao Palace, his tragic life has been nailed to death. No force dared to accept him, and no one taught him. This was the first time he was invited to join any force since he was born in so many years!

Immediately, he looked at Lin Sen with straight eyes and said, "Have you never heard the saying that the law is not passed on to the six ears?" This Lin Sen person is not bad, but the six eared monkey thinks that he has not heard it at all. The words of Taoist Ancestor, otherwise how would he dare to accept him!

Seeing that the six-eared monkey reminded himself in reverse, he immediately laughed and said, "Of course I know that the law cannot be passed on to the six-eared man!"

"Then how dare you..." Although the six-eared monkey did not finish speaking, the meaning of the words was too clear. Since Lin Sen knew it and dared to accept himself, is it true that he is not afraid of this body? Is the cultivation base in vain?

Lin Sen, who saw him, smiled and said, "Ancestor Tao is a man of great ability and virtue, and he is in line with the Tao with his body. The way of heaven is fair, and he will deliberately make things difficult for others. It’s just a joke made by the Taoist ancestor in the past, and its meaning has been misinterpreted by the mediocre people of later generations!” The Daoist Hongjun, the person who is in charge of the way of heaven, preached the Tao in the ancient times, when the six-eared monkey had not yet evolved. shape!

What's more, Daozu's cultivation base is so penetrating, how could he embarrass a little monkey!

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, the six-eared mi monkey's eyes were a little confused. After so many years, he had hit a wall countless times, and even as a newborn, he didn't know what he did wrong. Let all things in this world hate themselves so much. After knowing the words that the law is not passed on to the six ears, although he is not angry in his heart, but as time goes by, this sentence has been deeply engraved in his mind. The earmi monkey has really regarded itself as something that shouldn't exist in the world!

But what Lin Sen is saying now is to tell the six-eared macaque, you are not wrong, the one who is wrong is that person, after so many years, he is undoubtedly a person who argues for the six-eared macaque, this is called the six-eared macaque How can I not be moved, when my eyes are neutral, there are some watery flashes!

Lin Sen immediately stepped forward with a smile, patted the six-eared micaus on the shoulder and said, "Welcome to join Hanging Mountain, and I will make Hanging Mountain my home in the future!"

Home!Lin Sen's words really made Liumihou's heart tremble. Since when did Liuermihou ever have a relationship, he immediately wiped away the tears from his eyes, and then said, "I haven't agreed yet." You joined Hanging Mountain!"

Seeing the stiff mouth of the six-eared monkey, Lin Sen immediately laughed and said, "This is our bet, one of the four monkeys in the world, the six-eared monkey can't speak and doesn't count!" Laughing loudly, he pulled the six-eared monkey to go to the fairyland, and the six-eared monkey had already agreed in his heart at this time, but he still felt a little embarrassed, but at this time he followed Lin Sen and go!

The two hurried back, but it didn't take long before they returned to the hanging mountain, but the crowd hadn't dispersed yet, each of them was looking into the air with their whole bodies, waiting Lin Sen and the others are back!

"I'm back! I'm back!" Xiong Ba was the first to see the streamer in the sky, and immediately shouted hastily, and when he shouted, everyone also looked into the sky in a hurry, and saw the two When the people came back, they couldn't help but think about who would win and who would lose, but it was really hard to tell from the faces of these two people!

But after Xiong Ba's shouts, Lin Sen and Lin Sen were already standing in the hanging mountain, and Qing Ling hurried up and asked, "Brother, are you okay!" After all, the opponent is that The six-eared monkey that can be compared with Sun Wukong, although Princess Iron Fan has said that Lin Sen's current strength is not weaker than this monkey, Dan Qingling still can't help worrying, seeing Lin Sen at this time is safe and sound Come back without any kind, this is finally relieved!

"Hehe! I can do anything, don't worry!!" Lin Sen laughed loudly, and then said with a very happy smile, "Tell everyone a good thing, starting from today," and then pulled over The six-eared monkey asked with a slightly embarrassed expression, "I still don't know what your name is!"

But Lin Sen's question made the six-eared macaque's face darken suddenly, and then he turned his head and said softly, "I don't have a name, so just call me six-eared!" Wuchang, naturally no one named him.

Seeing the expression of the six-eared micago, Lin Sen's heart trembled slightly, and then he said with a smile, "Monkeys, apes! Why don't you have the same surname as the prodigal son Yuan! You The cheeks have three overlapping ears, and the third ear is Nie, why not call it Yuan Nie!"

"Yuan Nie!" Liu Ermi Hou murmured in a low voice, and then pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Whatever! Anyway, it sounds better than Liu Er, so let's call it this!" Although he pretended to be nonchalant, But with that flushed gaze, even the red boy can see the emotion in his heart at this moment.

Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "It's good if you like it!! Then Yuan Nie will be a member of my Hanging Mountain from now on!!" But after Lin Sen announced like this, the six-eared monkey was worried Uneasy, the four monkeys in the chaotic world were originally the kind of arrogant and arrogant people, but the six-eared monkey should have suffered in this life, but it made him feel inferior. At this time, he is very worried, if Lin Senruo is finished, If others disagree or don't like to accept him, what can I do, just turn around and leave?

"Really..?" But the reaction was far beyond Yuan Nie's expectations. Even Lin Sen was shocked by this reaction. The first person who spoke was Yuan Nie. wave!

I saw Yuan Lang almost jumping forward, looking at Yuan Nie in surprise, "Is it true, Master? Is Senior Six Ears real?" The addition of the earmi monkey is undoubtedly a shortcut to improve the strength of Yuan Lang, who is now focused on improving his strength!

"This is a good thing!" Qing Ling stepped forward with a smile and said, "With Yuan Nie joining, our Xuankong Mountain's strength will be strengthened again!" Then he smiled and said to Yuan Nie, "I It’s the older brother’s sister named Qing Ling, and the elder brother Yuan Nie also calls me Qing Ling. You can tell me anything you need in the mountains. I don’t know what kind of scenery the elder brother Yuan Nie likes. I will choose one for the elder brother Yuan Nie later. Residence!" (To be continued.)

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