Big brother Qingling called, with such enthusiasm, it actually made the six-eared monkey a little uncomfortable. He has been disliked by others since he was a child, and when did someone talk to him so enthusiastically? One of the four monkeys of the mixed world, at this moment, he became nervous when facing Qingling, and said in a pitiful manner, "No!! There is no requirement!! It's good if you can live!! Thank you Qingling!"

However, Qing Ling immediately smiled and said, "Everyone is our own, brother Yuan Nie, you don't have to be so polite!" Lin Sen also stepped forward and patted Yuan Nie on the shoulder and said, "That's right, treat this as your own home. Yes!" Then he pointed to the people around him and said, "Although I've met them before, but I don't even know the name compared to you, let me introduce you!"

Immediately, he pointed to Chi Yun and said, "This is Chi Yun, Qingling's eldest sister, her martial arts is superb, even I am not as good as myself!" Lin Sen's introduction, the six-eared monkey's eyes immediately brightened. There was a glimmer of brilliance, warlikeness is the nature of the four monkeys in the chaotic world, even if it is changing, this point cannot be changed, and at the moment he bowed his hands and said, "I will ask for advice in the future!"

Chi Yun immediately smiled, "Teach me at any time!" If it was a competition of cultivation, she would naturally not be able to keep up with Yuan Nie, but for a competition of martial arts, she still has this confidence!

"This is Jin Ning, Qingling's second sister. This is Ding Xie. They are a couple! Sister-in-law Jinning is a master of alchemy. If you need pills in the future, you can ask sister-in-law Jinning!" Lin Sen After finishing speaking, Liu Er looked at Jin Ning in astonishment, but did he really think that this mediocre monster couple turned out to be alchemists from the Hanging Mountain, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Long time! !"

And Jin Ning also smiled and said, "Brother Yuan Nie will need to take care of you in the future. We are all on our own. If you need to use the elixir, you only need to ask!"

And these familiar words made Yuan Nie blush slightly, and Lin Sen pointed to Xiong Ba and said, "Compared with you, these few are still fresh in your memory! Xiong Ba! Pipa!" Lin Sen After saying this, Yuan Nie's complexion also changed slightly. He had fought against these two before. , but let him still remember it fresh!

Immediately, he hurriedly clasped his hands and said, "You know the name! I didn't expect it before!"

Xiong Ba is also a carefree surname, and he just smiled and said, "It's not strange, it's not strange, we two need to practice regularly in the future!" And the pipa glanced at Lin Sen and said, "It's a good time Me," and then said to Yuan Nie, "just call me Pipa, take care of me from now on!"

"Definitely! Definitely!!" Yuan Nie was embarrassed by Pipa's gaze, and he didn't know whether it was because he didn't get used to it, or it was due to the previous slap!

"This is my disciple Yuan Lang, nephew Yang Lin!" Lin Sen hadn't finished his introduction, but Yuan Lang and Yang Lin had already entangled Yuan Nie, both of them liked the close combat technique , so the six-eared monkey's fighting style is their favorite, and Lin Sen is still introducing it at this time!

Finally, Lin Sen pointed to the Iron Fan Princess and her son and said, "This is my sister, Iron Fan Princess, and her son, Red Boy!" Of course he knew the name Iron Fan Princess, the first wife of the Bull Demon King!

At the moment, he hurriedly saluted and said, "The forward turning disturbed the princess, I hope the princess is not to blame!" But he was apologizing for the previous incident!

But the iron fan princess who saw it smiled and said, "No need for princess, the princess calls me, everyone is my own, so you can also call me sister." Then she looked at Lin Sen and said, "But I still want to congratulate you brother, Hanging Mountain has joined the One Yuan Warrior again!"

Princess Iron Fan is different from other people, she has heard the rumors that the law does not spread to the six ears, so she also knows the story of the six-eared monkey, and Lin Sen actually took the monkey into the mountain at this time, although she is heartbroken. He wanted to comfort him, but after seeing Lin Sen and everyone else, he took the words back!

Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "Okay, you have already met all the people in this mountain. The rest of them are on duty at this time, or they are not in the mountain. I will meet you one by one when I have a chance!"

"En!!" Yuan Nie nodded fiercely, this warm welcome was the first time he felt in this life!

"That's right! There is one more thing!!" Lin Sen said abruptly, and then he waved his hand, and the Hunyuan Yiqi Fenghuo Stick inserted on the ground flew up in diameter, and went straight to Yuan Nie. Go, Yuan Nie was wondering, but Lin Sen smiled and said, "This Fenghuo stick is my gift to you!"

"How can this be done!" Yuan Nie reached out and stuck the stick on the ground again, and said in astonishment, "This thing is really too precious, besides, Qingling used three bottles of top-quality blood spirit pills to return it, I can't take it back. !" Although looking forward to the stick, but since these people are his own people, Yuan Nie can't let his own people suffer!

Lin Sen immediately laughed and said, "What's wrong, is there anyone in this mountain who is more suitable for using this stick than you? Besides, Qing Ling will definitely not have any objections!" What Lin Sen said was the truth. The stick is indeed tailor-made for the six-eared macaque. If the six-eared macaque is not used in this mountain, there will be no second person to use it!

To be honest, although Lin Sen forced the six-eared monkey to admit defeat today, he never thought that he could beat the Monkey King. , then the result may be different. For Monkey King and the six-eared monkey, without the most suitable stick in their hands, their combat power will be reduced by at least [-]%, or even more!

It doesn't make much difference whether Lin Sen has a weapon or not. Although he didn't use his divine sense in the fight just now, if the current six-eared monkey can win, then Lin Sen will also win. It's going to take a lot of hands and feet, it won't be as easy as it was just now!

Qing Ling also smiled and said, "That's right, Brother Yuan Nie, you can take it! It's just three bottles of blood spirit pills, Brother Yuan Nie, you are too underestimating our Xuankong Mountain's financial resources!!" Then it was suddenly He laughed and said, "If Big Brother Yuan Nie really feels sorry, I will find some flat peaches in the future! Ginseng fruit! Something like that for my younger sister to taste! My younger sister has no objections!"

Qingling was just joking at first, but she didn't expect that Yuan Nie cupped her hands and said, "I will find what Qingling sister wants, Yuan Nie!" The Fenghuo stick was pulled out, and there were bursts of thick black light on the stick, as if it was constantly emitting this joyful atmosphere!

Yuan Nie flew into the sky with great excitement, the stick in his hand was waving in a whirl, the wind was surging, accompanied by lightning and thunder, after some playful, he vented his joy in his heart, then Yuan Nie fell into the trap again. In the mountains, putting the Hunyuan Qi Fenghuo stick into his ears, he smiled at Lin Sen, "Thank you for the gift!" For him, this stick is not as precious as the second life!

Seeing that the six-eared monkey did the same thing as Sun Wukong, Lin Sen was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Qingling is going to inform Fangshi that Yuan Nie will join me in Xuankong Mountain today. It’s a great joy, but all the transactions in the market are exempted from tax for three days to celebrate!”

"Yes!" Regarding Lin Sen's decision, Qing Ling would never be right, not to mention that Yuan Nie was in a hurry to go to that square city in front of such a celebration!

"Liner, Langer!" Lin Sen shouted, and Yuan Lang and Yang Lin left Yuan Nie's side, and replied respectfully, "Yes!"

"You guys go and prepare food, wine and vegetables, melons and fruits, and fairy wine. My Xuankong Mountain will be full of celebrations tonight!" After Lin Sen finished speaking, the two drunkards Yuan Lang immediately said with a look of joy on their faces, "Yes , we'll do it now!"

But that Xiong Pa hurried forward to Yuan Nie and said, "Congratulations, brother Yuan Nie, you have got this handy weapon. Let's go! It's up to me to fight for [-] rounds!" It's a pity that Xiong Ba's first battle was a matter of great regret. Fortunately, with Yuan Nie now, it's the same.

Yuan Nie was a little emotional at the moment, he got the Hunyuan Qi Fenghuo stick, and it was very itchy at this time, and this Xiong Ba was naturally a rare opponent, just about to agree, but he heard Lin Sen say "For the time being, there is no rush for the competition. There will be plenty of time in the future. Brother Xiong Ba, go with Langer to prepare the food first. I do have something to say to Yuan Nie!"

Although I felt a little regretful in my heart, but thinking about what Lin Sen said was right, Xiong Pai immediately agreed cheerfully, and hurriedly chased after Yuan Lang!

Seeing that Lin Sen seemed to have something to say to Yuan Nie alone, the rest of them left one after another, and in an instant, only Lin Sen and Yuan Nie were left!

Although Yuan Nie was still in the joy of the crowd at this time, seeing Lin Sen's serious look, he hesitated in his heart, but he didn't know what Lin Sen wanted to say to him!

After everyone had left, Lin Sen finally asked, "I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore, tell me the truth, did you plan to compete with that Monkey King after getting this stick! "

When asked by Lin Sen all of a sudden, Yuan Nie subconsciously nodded, and then hurriedly opened his mouth to say something.

But Lin Sen said anxiously, "Then what about you now?"

Facing Lin Sen's anxious question, Yuan Nie suddenly fell silent, opened his mouth, but didn't speak!

Lin Sen couldn't help but sighed, the silent answer was not what he wanted to see, so he sighed and said, "You know, if you go this way, you will die!" In order to completely arouse the Monkey King Instead of a real fight, the six-eared monkey chose the best way to arouse the anger of the Monkey King, which was to pretend to be the second Monkey King. Gods and Buddhas, apart from death, will never have a second ending. Even the Buddhism that constantly absorbs disciples will not accept the six-eared monkey! (To be continued.)

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