Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 809 Heavenly Punishment

The sudden appearance of the breath made the boundless sea of ​​blood stop. How could everyone not respond? At the moment when the breath appeared, the cold feeling really made everyone's hearts tense. The subconscious is to be on full alert, including even the ancient powerhouses like Zhulong and Kunpeng!

It's just that the breath just passed by in a flash, and the tens of billions of living souls all disappeared suddenly at the same time, so fast that it almost never appeared, but even so, everyone didn't have the slightest heart at this time Relax, the first generation of Yan Zhen is still carefully staring at the blood-colored Lingshan to prevent any scary things from running out!

It's just that after being so cautiously prepared for a long time, nothing happened. The only change was that the tens of billions of living souls that were about to fall into the hands of Styx suddenly disappeared. After there will be no more changes, everyone is relieved, after all, the aura just now is too terrifying!

However, compared with them, Styx's complexion is completely gloomy, as black as dry blood, so much has been lost, but the benefits of getting it just disappear, anyone is afraid He would be extremely resentful, and immediately two bloody brilliance flashed in his hands!

But it was the two swords of Yuantu and Abi, and under the killing intent of those two swords strangling each other, the rolling Lingshan was suddenly shattered under those two swords!

Seeing this, not to mention Lin Sen and the others who were watching a joke nearby, even Patriarch Styx himself became dazed, looking at the pair of swords in his hands with a slightly dull look, although he had unparalleled confidence in his own strength. Confidence, but this Lingshan is the place where the spiritual veins of the West gather, and it has been tempered by Buddhism for so many years 1

The entire spreading mountain range has long been like a magic weapon. How could it be smashed by him so easily? Although he just shot with hatred, it was just a random blow out of anger, without a full blow, how could it have such power? !

But at this time, looking at the Lingshan that turned into nothingness under the blow of Styx, everyone was stunned by the strange changes in front of them, and what was damaged in front of them was not only this Lingshan, but the whole The spiritual vein of the West!

The West experienced catastrophes in ancient times, which caused the damage to the spiritual veins and turned it into a barren land. Now, after these years of nurturing in Buddhism, it is finally the recovery of the spiritual energy. With the disappearance of Lingshan, it vanished into thin air, but no one present could see the clue of such a change, and the eyes that looked at each other were full of bewildered expressions!

"Yo..." There was another clear call, which woke everyone up from their contemplation. They followed the sound and saw another cloud of fire flying in the air between them. In the fire cloud, there is a beautiful, elegant and noble ancient beast phoenix!

But seeing the phoenix coming straight towards the crowd, turning into a cloud of fire and falling from the sky, and then standing beside Kong Qiu, Kong Ming, King Kongque Ming, the four of them bowed slightly to each other, this is how they all know each other again He smiled slightly and said, "The time has come, please invite me!"

Seeing Lin Sen and everyone like this, would they not know that this phoenix is ​​also one of the incarnations of Kong Xuan? What do you want to do with such a battle!

But I saw the four avatars of Kong Xuan standing in four directions. As the four stood still, a handsome god appeared slowly in the center of the four, wearing five-color armor. I couldn't help but feel ashamed, and needless to say, it was naturally Kong Xuan, the No. 1 saint!

However, after seeing him appear, he didn't speak to the crowd, just looked at the sky with a smile in his eyes, and said softly, "After waiting for so long, it's finally time!" With the charming faint smile on his face, With a smile, five colors of brilliance flashed behind him, and what he said softly at the moment, "Earth Xing's incarnation... comes out..."

Following the words in his mouth, the five-color brilliance behind him suddenly completely turned into the earthy yellow color, and on the other four incarnations, the brilliance belonging to their respective attributes also flashed!

But in the brilliance flow that I saw, the earthy brilliance on Kong Xuan's body suddenly soared up, and then fell in front of him, and the breaths of the other four incarnations rotated each other, and then from there In the brilliance of the earthy yellow, a middle-aged Taoist dressed in earthy yellow Taoism slowly emerged, with a calm complexion and a stalwart body!

"The incarnation of the five elements..." Lin Sen exclaimed softly in a neutral voice. This Kong Xuan actually used the innate five elements to create a complete incarnation of the five elements. Lin Sen originally thought that there were only three incarnations of Kong Xuan, but he did not expect There is also the existence of that phoenix, and now that the five elements are gathered together, how powerful it will be!

As long as he thinks about it, Lin Sen's eyes are involuntarily startled!

And with the appearance of the earth element incarnation, in the cycle of the five elements, Kong Xuan and the aura above the five incarnations are all growing rapidly. The cultivation base has still reached the enlightenment of the quasi-sages, and he is still a very powerful existence among the quasi-sages!

But now that the invisible is complete, Lin Sen looked at Kong Xuan who was looking up at the sky in the five-color brilliance, and couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, "Could it be that Kong Xuan is preparing to become a saint?" To go to the three corpses, but he is walking his own way, Lin Sen is really curious, what kind of honor he will achieve!

And as the five-color brilliance on Kong Xuan's body shone, a thick purple robbery cloud slowly condensed in the air. The purple was not as vast and upright as Confucian righteousness, but domineering and fierce, filled with countless destructive breaths during the period!

"Thunder of Heaven's Punishment...?" Seeing the purple calamity cloud, the more experienced monks couldn't help blurting out, and then they pulled their people back hurriedly, for fear of being affected by the calamity cloud.

"Is this the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment?" Lin Sen looked at the thick thundercloud full of destructive aura in the sky. Even he, the Lord of Thunder, felt hairy at the bottom of his heart at this moment, and he naturally knew this thing. .

Heaven's punishment is the punishment of heaven for the human world. As the existence that dominates the operation of the prehistoric world, the punishment of heaven can't be avoided even by saints, but now Kong Xuan actually attracted the thunder of heaven's punishment. What kind of heaven-defying thing came out! (To be continued.)

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