Seeing the thick purple calamity cloud, everyone backed away in a hurry, with terrified expressions in their eyes, the way of heaven is fair, so unless the thunder of heaven's punishment is something against the sky, it will not fall easily, Since the creation of the prehistoric world, even after experiencing all the catastrophes, countless lives have been devastated!

But this Thunder of Heaven's Punishment has never appeared in the prehistoric, and now Kong Xuan's incarnation of the Five Elements has attracted this Thunder of Heaven's Punishment. Let the way of heaven must be destroyed!

As the protagonist of this incident, Kong Xuan, who was in the five-color brilliance at this time, looked at the purple robbery cloud in his mouth, instead of being surprised, he showed a faint smile, and his pair of phoenix eyes glanced at the sky lightly. , muttered with a smile in his mouth, "I can't help it so soon!"

The smile on his face seemed to be not at all worried about the power of Heaven's Punishment Jieyun, which was so powerful that even a saint could not be compared!

It's just that the five-color brilliance suddenly flourished on his body, and the five figures around him flew into the brilliance at a rapid speed at this time, and merged with Kong Xuan, but the radiant brilliance on his body was condensed into one piece on the top of his head. Half an acre of colorful auspicious clouds.

Above the auspicious clouds, the five-element incarnation of Kong Xuan sat facing each other in the posture of reincarnation in the five directions, and the five-color brilliance condensed like a beam of light, went straight into the sky, and went straight to the purple robbery cloud, as if to break through the robbery cloud generally.

If the purple robbery cloud could be dispersed so easily, then it would not be the thunder of heaven's punishment, but the five-color beam of light that soared into the sky was blocked by the thicker purple robbery cloud !

Seeing this, Kong Xuan was not at all anxious. He still had a faint smile on his face, and his pair of phoenix eyes turned slightly. Instead, he looked at the gorgeous chariot in front of the witch clan, and said with a soft smile, " Is His Majesty ready to do something?"

The voice is clear and gentle, but it sounds as pleasant as a Fengming!

"What do I want to do, and I use you to talk about it again~" A deep voice sounded in the chariot immediately, although it was said like this, but there was still the breath of Ying Zheng in the chariot, It's just that the aura made Lin Sen frown, and it was many times stronger than Ying Zheng, whom he had seen once or twice before!

bump! !There was a crisp sound, but the chariot that had been carrying Yingzheng suddenly shattered, turned into flying ash and disappeared, and I saw Yingzheng's current chant, that was Yangkong with a long smile and said, "The time has finally come, and I finally don't have to use it." Staying in that chariot all the time...hahaha!!!”

"Congratulations, Your Majesty..." The surrounding witch-human clan also all neatly hem their hems, and their mouths were full of reverence and admiration!

And under the rising of its aura, it is obvious that it has become one of the targets of the purple robbery cloud. Only then did Lin Sen understand that Kong Xuan has never shown his figure, just let his several incarnations walk in the world, The purpose is to fear the punishment from heaven, and Yingzheng's chariot must also be used to block his breath, and the alliance between Confucianism and witches probably has something to do with the weirdness of the two of them!

Seeing Ying Zheng smiling up to the sky, Kong Xuan also smiled slightly, but he didn't pay attention to Ying Zheng's words just now. Looking up at the robbery cloud in the sky, Kong Xuan's body was in the five-color beam of light It rose slowly, and at the same time, his warm voice with a smile sounded throughout the prehistoric world, "Kong Xuan, the son of the Phoenix, prayed to the world. The five-element samsara and the heavenly way that I have witnessed here will never enter the six samsaras, nor return to the five elements." In the midst of it, out of the heaven and the earth, neither born nor die, neither old nor perishable..."

Following Kong Xuan's words, the aura on his body also increased tremendously. Lin Sen had seen Hongyun Sanctify in the past, so he naturally recognized such a change today, but Kong Xuan's sharply increasing terrifying aura was still far away. Far above the red clouds of the past, the countless monks present could still stand at this moment, and all the creatures in the prehistoric world bowed down one after another!

And from the words in his mouth, Lin Sen finally understood that this Kong Xuan was actually going to prove the Tao here today, and what he accomplished was not a saint. The name of the five-element samsara is the way of heaven, which means that what it achieves is not a saint, but a saint of heaven who is beyond the saint!

With the incarnation of the innate five elements into himself, the reincarnation of the five elements is endless, and with the endless and powerful magic power, he forcibly escapes from the constraints of the heavens. While admiring Kong Xuan, Lin Sen also understands why this thunder of punishment appears Well, how did Heaven allow someone in this prehistoric world to transcend himself? Not to mention Heaven, it is the ancestor Hongjun, and all the saints absolutely do not allow such a thing to happen!

Just when Lin Sen wondered why such a big thing happened, and the saints still didn't show up, he just heard a loud shout, and then boundless vicious and violent aura rose into the sky, Although it is different from the endless aura of Kong Xuan's five-element rotation, it is not bad at all in terms of power, and it is even stronger!

But the source of that loud shout was Ying Zheng, and Qi Tangtian laughed wildly, his tall body grew longer in the wind, and instantly turned into a towering giant, roaring unyieldingly towards the sky, as if to vent, as if Declare war!

While he was roaring, twelve rays of light suddenly flew out of Ying Zheng's body, and the things in the lights made Lin Sen suddenly stunned. Not only had he seen that thing before, but it was even Familiar, once upon a time, that thing spent a lot of time in the Hanging Mountain!

It was the golden seal that Lin Sen obtained from the Bhikkhu Kingdom in the past, on which the shaman script Zhu Rong was engraved, but at this time, the golden seal did not know that there was only one, but there were as many as twelve!

And as soon as the twelve golden seals appeared, a boundless and violent killing spirit suddenly rose from the golden seals that hadn't changed at all when he knew Lin Sen in the past, and surrounded by the twelve golden seals Suddenly, the huge aura that killed tens of billions of Buddhist monks just above the Lingshan Mountain suddenly rushed in towards the twelve golden seals!

As the boundless killing blood poured into it, the twelve golden seals grew rapidly, and instantly turned into twelve mountain peaks, surrounding Ying Zheng's side, but obviously this change did not end But it was Ying Zheng who had calmed down in the middle, looking at the twelve gold seals around him, a satisfied smile flashed in his eyes!

Then he said slowly in his mouth, "All gods and gods have appeared.. Twelve ancestor witches have appeared..." Following his words, the witch scripts under the twelve golden seals were all shining with their thick and colorful light , and in that light, the twelve golden seals unexpectedly changed rapidly, and after a while, they turned into twelve giants soaring to the sky shining with brilliance of various colors!

"All the gods, the twelve golden men..." Seeing the twelve golden men, Lin Sen muttered in his mouth. Today's shock is enough, and now I am afraid that Daoist Hongjun will appear in front of him. He will not be surprised at all 1

But he just didn't expect that the twelve golden men refined by Yingzheng and the world's soldiers from the world in the past are still there, and it is the golden seal that he got in his hand that day.

For so many years, these golden seals have already absorbed how much killing and bloody aura, but now that Lin Sen uses twelve golden men to form such a formation, the purpose is naturally very obvious, he wants to use twelve The golden man summoned the Twelve Ancestral Witches to come, and that formation must be one of the three great formations in the prehistoric world, the one that can summon Pangu's real body with the power of the Twelve Ancestral Witches!

And following Ying Zheng's words, the huge aura accumulated for countless years among the twelve golden men suddenly emerged, and the black violent aura slowly attached to the twelve golden men, but quickly completely covered the twelve golden men.

While the breath was churning, it could be seen that it was constantly changing, and in the end it turned into twelve unyielding demon gods who looked up to the sky and screamed. Although Lin Sen had never seen it before, but that kind of appearance and image, as well as the terrifying It is still easy to distinguish the aura, these twelve must be the twelve ancestor witches of the past!

And after a long howl, although the calmed twelve ancestor witches had manifested their aura, they looked around with nostalgic expressions. Obviously, they were not puppets who didn't know anything, but really came again. .

But to do this, there is only one way, and it needs to use the blood essence of the twelve ancestor witches. Seeing this, Lin Sen couldn't help sneering in his heart, saying that the witch tribe is a fighting race with a straight face. It does not seem to be the case, the twelve ancestor witches may have already left their blood essence during the decisive battle with the monster clan.

And the best candidate to preserve the essence and blood is naturally the Houtian who is in the six realms of reincarnation. Although he cannot get out of the six realms of reincarnation, it is an absolutely safe place there, and he is in charge of the empress of the six realms of reincarnation. Tu, of course, can make the witch clan reincarnate today. As long as the blood of the ancestor witch is handed over to the right person at the right time, the witch clan can rise again!

Although I don't want to, judging from Yingzheng's aura at this time, I am afraid that the Yaozu will be suppressed by the Wuzu for a long time, and it is still unknown whether they can even stand up. What he did was naturally the same as Kong Xuan. If he was allowed to succeed, the Yaozu would never have the possibility to overwhelm the Wuzu!

Seeing the appearance of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, even with the dominance of Yingzheng, facing the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan, he slightly bowed his hands and said, "Young Yingzheng, today I want to break the way of heaven. Wu, help me!"

The twelve ancestral witches just manifested their aura. Although they were somewhat wise, they could only speak without worry. Therefore, they all looked at Ying Zheng with satisfaction at this time. After he finished speaking, all 12 of them Slowly nodded with a faint smile! (To be continued.)

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