Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 811 Thunder Tribulation

Seeing this, a faint smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face. Looking at the purple robbery cloud in the sky, Ying Zheng's incomparable arrogance suddenly rose!

He is Yingzheng, he is the first emperor of all ages, he is the ruler of the world, even in the world of earth and fairy, even if he is practicing, he will stand on the top of the world, his domineering, his heart is absolutely unstoppable Allow someone to stand above him, and now is the moment when he is about to take the last step and step onto the top of the world!

But seeing him smiling, a ball of blood slowly appeared in his hand. As soon as the blood came out, the boundless and ancient breath hit everyone's heart. Unlike everyone's doubts, Lin Sen and the others Naturally, he knew what that thing was, it was the Pangu essence and blood obtained under the Huashan Mountain in the past!

Ying Zheng slowly held the Pangu blood in his hands, and muttered in his mouth, "The twelve ancestor witches are all gods and gods. Pangu's blood can reshape the real body... ah."

With that shocking shout, Ying Zheng's towering and huge body suddenly shattered and dissipated, and finally only a bloody light was left that merged into the Pan Gu's blood essence!

The Wu Clan is endlessly alive, the body is dead, and the person is dead. If other Wu Clans disband their bodies in this way, they will disappear completely from the wild in an instant, but Ying Zheng and the others are different. They are not pure witches, but the descendants of the combination of witches and humans, witches who also have souls!

And as Yingzheng's blood essence rushed into the Pangu's blood essence, the twelve ancestor witches also glanced at each other, and then at the wild land. Emitting the supreme brilliance, turning into twelve streams of light one after another also rushing into the blood essence!

After the departure of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the twelve golden men immediately collapsed slowly and turned into dust and disappeared, while the Pangu's blood essence wriggled rapidly, growing rapidly in front of everyone's eyes. In an instant, it turned into a huge blood cocoon that stood up to heaven and earth.

Between the blood cocoons, the stronger and more domineering aura came out, not to mention the people present, the whole prehistoric creatures, at this moment, surrendered under that aura, and their heart rhythms were unconscious Beating with the beating of the breath in the blood cocoon!

With a sound of "stabbing...", this kind of beating did not last long, the blood cocoon was suddenly split, or it should be said to be torn apart by force, and the person standing during that period was screaming up to the sky The stout giant's face vaguely looks like Ying Zheng's, but the aura of that body makes this prehistoric creature startled!

"Pangu's real body..." Looking at the towering giant, although he had already guessed that Ying Zheng would condense this thing before, after seeing it now, Lin Sen couldn't help but be impressed by the aura, after all, it is the evolution of this world The body, and not only the condensed body of the twelve ancestor witches, but also so much Pan Gu's essence and blood as the foundation!

Seeing that Ying Zheng had condensed his real body, Kong Xuan smiled and said with a smile, "Congratulations to Your Majesty Ying Zheng, you have finally reshaped your real body!" Now he is in midair, although his tall and straight body is far from Yingzheng's huge body that towers above the sky is huge, but in the five-color beam of endless samsara, its momentum is not weaker than that of Yingzheng's towering Pangu real body!

"Boom..." There was a muffled roar from the thick purple thundercloud, which seemed to convey the boundless anger of Heaven when facing two people who dared to disobey him. , Lin Sen and others have already pushed tens of millions of miles away, and they just pay attention to this place with magical powers 1

After all, if the two of them rush through this thunder calamity, they will be able to truly break through the way of heaven, and will no longer be under the control of the way of heaven, and become the real overlord of the world. If they fail, these two pioneers who dare to violate the way of heaven, Under the wrath of Heaven, it will be completely turned into ashes!

"Monster, do you think they can get through it?" Looking at the two from a distance, even though the distance has been opened at this time, the power is still the same as before, and even the whole prehistoric is able to I can clearly feel the aura of these two people!

"How can it be so simple to break out of the way of heaven? There are nine levels of heavenly punishment. If they have confidence, they will not face the heavenly punishment and thunder calamity together!" Kunpeng looked at the two people in the distance and said in a cold voice. The joy on the table has long since disappeared, and what is left is only livid. I thought this was an opportunity for the Yaozu to rise again, but now it seems that it is indeed possible to fall into a more bleak situation than before!

"Bai Ze, Ying Zhao, the two of you will take all my Yaozu people back to Luzhou in Beiju!" Zhulong immediately said with a frown, then looked at Lin Sen and said, "Package Hanging Mountain, Huaguo Mountain, Demon Master Palace, etc., all the demon clans that can be gathered will be pushed to Beiju Luzhou!"

Zhulong's decision also caused several people to nod their heads slightly, but Lu Ya also said to the people behind him, "You guys also go back together, let's go now!!"

After all, no one knows whether those two people will be able to succeed. If they succeed, it will completely change the pattern of the earth fairy world. After all, not many people are willing to snatch the continent surrounded by poisonous mist and miasma!

Lin Sen is also slightly suitable for the people of Hanging Mountain to follow Bai Ze away, and with the remaining army of nearly ten million monsters leaving, the surroundings of everyone immediately became empty, only Lin Sen, Zhulong, Kunpeng, Monkey and Lu Ya and the others are still watching here, but the Patriarch Styx has already left with those blood sea Asuras.

"I'm afraid something happened to Emperor Wa!" After Chong Yao left, Kunpeng said suddenly. Although he knew that the saint was bound by something before, but in the current form, he was definitely not bound by something. Life is so simple, the saints absolutely do not allow people who can transcend the way of heaven to appear 1

But now that the Heaven's Punishment and Thunder Tribulation had gathered together, none of those saints showed up. Everyone knew in their hearts that something happened to the saints!

"Sting..." Along with such a loud noise, a purple divine thunder full of destructive aura finally fell from the thundercloud towards the two of them. Light up the whole world!

But under the thunder calamity, Kong Xuan smiled slightly, and a colorless light wheel suddenly bloomed on his body to meet the thunder calamity. The light wheel flashed and immediately swallowed the purple divine thunder. It's just that although it can be brushed in, Kong Xuan is obviously uncomfortable, not to mention the sudden pale complexion, even the figure in the air is suppressed a bit!

This is only the first thunder punishment, with the power of Kong Xuan, he has come to such a situation, Lin Sen can't help but have a clear estimate of the power of the thunder punishment that day, that kind of power is probably his own Now that so many people are tied together, it's not enough for that tiny thunder!

Kong Xuan hadn't turned around yet, but the day's punishment obviously didn't mean to let him recover. The current change was another lightning strike, which was thicker and more shining than the blow just now.

It's just that before he touched Kong Xuan, seeing Ying Zheng's huge body soaring suddenly, he actually stunned the thunder and lightning, and that huge and towering body, under the destructive thunder, It was also scorched black from being hacked, even with a body as powerful as Pan Gu's real body, at this moment it was wriggling rapidly under the divine thunder, recovering the damaged body.

And Ying Zheng couldn't help but let out a muffled snort, his voice was full of pain, which could make this ancient emperor speak out in pain, and the power of the Thunder of Punishment that day was evident from this!

"It seems that the two of you have already discussed it, and we will resist the heavenly punishment thunder disaster together!" Seeing this, Lin Sen said softly at the moment. After the first one, it is also difficult to be the second breath, but now if the two of them intersect areas, they can indeed give each other a chance to breathe!

Lin Sen and the others naturally don't want these two people to spend the punishment of heaven, especially Ying Zheng, but at a time like this, let alone meddling, as long as the distance is a little closer, it will make them fall into the thunder of that day. The breath of destruction was smashed into pieces!

Didn't you see that the prehistoric land under Ying Zheng and his wife still turned the destructive aura of thunder into an endless dead desert!

The third, the fourth.. The destructive aura in each thunder of God's Punishment is a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times that of the previous one. Even Yingzheng and Kong Xuan, from the fourth When Heaven's Punishment begins, it takes two people to join forces to resist it. The breath in the thunder that day has already exceeded the limit they can bear!

When the sixth Heavenly Punishment crossed the sky, the scorched bodies of Ying Zheng and the two finally fell from the sky powerlessly. The power of the Heavenly Thunder Punishment was too huge, even though the strength of the two had already exceeded half. Saint, but still unable to resist such an attack!

Maybe they can withstand such an attack after they rush out of the constraints of the heavens, but before rushing out, they must first survive the thunder disaster!

Those who have survived the thunder calamity know that the first six are just appetizers, the real highlight is in the last three thunder calamities, and the same is true for the God of Punishment Thunder, the first six are just the beginning , the latter three are the real punishment from heaven!

As the two of Ying Zheng fell under the sixth God of Punishment Thunder, the thick purple clouds in the sky slowly spun, and the center of the vortex approached the ground slowly like a funnel from the sky. At the very top, a flickering purple thunder light is rapidly forming! (To be continued.)

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