Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 818 Purple Thunder Hammer

Lin Sen was taken aback by what Tong Tian said, and said in astonishment, "Kong Xuan? What does this have to do with him?"

Tong Tian smiled slightly, and then said, "Kong Xuan and the others want to break the way of heaven, neither Hongjun nor the way of heaven will sit idly by, so their only chance is when Hongjun and the way of heaven are fighting! "

After saying this, Lin Sen understood, and Kong Xuan's arrangement was naturally that the Jinning sisters came to help Hongyun for no reason when they were at the Longevity Mountain. Say sanctification!

At the same time, Lin Sen also reflected that after Hong Yun became a saint, the saints disappeared for no reason, and even the Buddhism was robbed, and the two Western saints were completely unresponsive!

"When Hongjun fought back that day, between me and the Biyou Palace, I suddenly felt the pressure of the Dao of Heaven, but it made us understand the past through the Dao of Heaven, but it was too late, and we waited I can't get away, if it wasn't for Kong Xuan and the two of them crossing the catastrophe that day, we wouldn't be able to take the opportunity to cut out the majestic purple energy and get out!" Tong Tian also sighed at the moment, but Lin Sen also sighed slightly.

"So... Emperor Wa...?" Lin Sen already knew the whereabouts of Nuwa in his heart, but he didn't need Tongtian to answer this question at all!

But Tongtian nodded slightly and said, "Not only Nuwa, the saints of Hongyun, but also Zhenyuanzi, Chang'e, these people who are integrated with the prehistoric world, are also Hongjun who share the power of heaven and earth." Chess pieces, now that there are three people missing like me, I'm afraid they are all already restricted by the way of heaven!"

"Patriarch, I don't know if there is any way to save Emperor Wa and Hongyun Jiaozu!" Lin Sen asked anxiously at the moment. Lin Sen really can't look at them like this!

"This matter, but they can only rely on themselves!" Tongtian said with a slight sigh, "If they can cut off the majestic purple energy, maybe they can still get out..." Just from his tone , Lin Sen also heard that this matter must be extremely difficult. How can it be so easy to cut out the Hongmeng Ziqi, the cornerstone of the road, and if he cannot escape, he can only become a puppet for Hongjun to fight against the Dao !

"Lin Sen today is very grateful to the patriarch for clarifying the confusion..." Lin Sen said at the moment, Jishou, but what he said today made him completely understand the cause and effect, and then he asked, "But I don't know today What is the order for the ancestor of the Japanese religion to invite Lin Sen to come?" Lin Sen still didn't want to understand at this time, this time it was not Yun Xiao who asked him to come, but the leader of Tongtian who asked him to come here!

"Since I said this today, then I'm going to be blunt." Tong Tian immediately looked at Lin Sen and said with a smile, "You are the variable between the world and the red cloud because of you, but today I am I need your help with something..."

Even though the leader of Tongtian is no longer a saint, such a statement still made Lin Sen feel extremely terrified, and immediately he said anxiously, "Don't say that, the leader, if Lin Sen can do it in SLR, just tell him, Lin Sen must do his best!" Apart from other things, just the confusion today is enough for Lin Sen to help without hesitation. Of course, if it exceeds the scope of his strength, then he naturally has no choice. 1

"You are the variable of heaven and earth, but I want you to help me find something!" Tongtian said softly at the moment, "I called you today because I want you to help me find the three lights of that day and earth." !"

"Three Lanterns of Heaven, Earth, and Man?" Lin Sen was a little startled immediately. The Three Lanterns of Heaven, Earth, and Man are nothing but ordinary treasures. Does it have any special purpose besides the seal that lifted Pangu's essence and blood?

Seeing Lin Sen's astonishment, Tong Tian smiled and said, "Although the three lamps of the earth and the earth were only innate treasures, they were transformed by the three life lamps of Pangu's day. If we want to reproduce Pangu Yuanshen, then the three A lamp of life is essential!"

Lin Sen also nodded slightly at the moment, and then said in his mouth, "There are three lights in the world, but I know where they are, it's just..."

Hearing that Lin Sen actually knew where the three lights were, the Master of Tongtian just smiled slightly, and when Lin Sen hesitated, he asked again, "Just what...?"

Lin Sen said with a slight wry smile, "Both the day lamp and the ground lamp are in the hands of Yingzheng of the Wu Clan, while the human lamp is in the hands of Kong Xuan. It is difficult to get the three lamps from them." It's too easy!" The current power of the Confucian witch family is so great that the world avoids it. Unless Hongjun defeats the Taoist Taoist and then reappears from the Taoist sect, otherwise, in the current earth fairy world, there is really no family whose power can compare with it!

"So it was in the hands of those two people? No wonder we couldn't find out!!" Tong Tian murmured at the moment, when the few people unsealed the Pangu's blood essence that day, all the saints They are all restricted by the Dao of Heaven. At that time, there was a gap to investigate the matter of this fairy world!

But after the three of them rushed out, none of them were saints, their strength was much stronger than before, and they could still find the traces of Sandeng, the man of heaven and earth, from the hands of those two people who broke through the constraints of heaven!

At the moment, he also frowned slightly, obviously knowing the trouble of this matter.

The three of them need the three magic lamps to restore Pangu Yuanshen, and Lin Sen knows the power of Pangu Yuanshen. If it weren't for the boundless supernatural powers, how could Na Hongjun and Tiandao be so powerful? Calculation, but if it can help it recover, such a big cause and effect is really crazy!

At that moment, Lin Sen said to the leader of Tongtian Cult, "Although Lin Sen is not talented, he is willing to give it a try!"

Seeing this, Tong Tian also smiled and said, "Whether this matter is successful or not, the three of us owe you the cause and effect!" Tong Tian's laughing words, but now he wrote down the cause and effect, and then stretched out his palm, slowly A purple eight-edged square hammer appeared and said, "I listen to Yunxiao's words, you and Lei Dao are very talented, this purple thunder hammer is the innate treasure of Lei Dao, and it is a gift for you to increase your strength!"

When the Master Tongtian took out the Purple Thunder Hammer, the boundless power of destroying lightning and lightning contained in that small hammer made Lin Sen slightly stunned, and after the Master Tongtian finished speaking, he was naturally happy Extremely, a fool would refuse at a time like this, and the immediate one said anxiously, "Thank you, Master, for the treasure!!"

Immediately, he hurriedly took over the Purple Thunder Hammer, even Lin Sen couldn't help but smile all over his face, but this Purple Thunder Hammer is really a treasure!

This purple thunder hammer is not well-known, but its power is very tyrannical. In the past, on the Fenbao Cliff, Tongtian obtained many innate things, but most of them were bestowed on the disciples of his disciples. Although he holds the four swords of Zhuxian , but that kind of killing weapon should not be used lightly, so there are only a few of the treasures that he carries with him on weekdays!

In addition to the Qingping sword, which is the treasure of Taoism that he personally refined, the most commonly used is the purple thunder hammer. When he was a god, he even used it to hit Laojun with it. If he chooses the purple thunder hammer to hit Laojun, that is an affirmation of the treasure's supernatural power!

Therefore, although the Purple Thunder Hammer has not been included in the top ten congenitals, its power is very extraordinary. Among the congenital treasures, in terms of destructive power, it is definitely the number one existence of the card!

What's more, the most important thing is that it fits Lin Sen's surname best. He possesses the dragon spirit. As the master of thunder, the purple thunder hammer, the innate treasure of the way of thunder, is naturally very compatible with Lin Sen, while Lei Ting It represents the majesty of the heavenly way, and it is for the world, so the treasure of the thunderway is very rare in the world, and the innate things with powerful power are even rarer. Now, since Tongtian bestowed this purple thunder hammer on Lin Sen, Lin Sen will not be overjoyed!

When Lin Sen took the treasure, Tong Tian also smiled slightly, and then said to Yun Xiao with a smile, "From today onwards, I will retreat to recover, and the rest of the matter will be discussed by the two of you!"

"Yes! Disciple takes orders!" Yun Xiao smiled lightly at the chief executive to accept the order, and at the same time Tong Tian smiled at the two of them, his figure slowly disappeared from the hall, and Lin Sen naturally understood, Xiang Tongtian, as a majestic saint supreme, although he has cut out the majestic purple energy, but his cultivation base has regressed before the enlightenment, and he still needs some recovery if he wants to take on the position of saint again!

"Farewell to the teacher!" "Respectful to the leader!" Lin Sen and the two immediately saw off slightly, and after Tongtian had completely disappeared, Yun Xiao smiled and said to Lin Sen, "It's no wonder Lin Fangzhu can let you go." Yunxiao escaped from the unicorn cliff ahead of time, it turns out that he still has such a destiny on his body, the matter of the three lights of heaven, earth and man, Yunxiao is begging, and all the children of my family will look for it together!"

At the moment, he smiled and cupped his hands at Lin Sen, and a playful smile flashed on his face. As Lin Sen's strength continued to improve, although Lin Sen Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation was still a little worse than Yun Xiao's, but It is already possible to talk about friendship with Yunxiao's peers!

"Fairies don't want to laugh at Lin Sen!" Lin Sen laughed at the moment, "If it weren't for the Patriarch to explain the confusion, Lin Sen would still be in the mist today!" Lin Sen didn't expect that he was actually in this world The variable between them is probably because he is a time traveler, and he shouldn't exist in the first place.

The current change is also Wei Wei cupping his hands and saying, "This matter is urgent, Lin Sen is leaving. If there is any news, the fairy must be notified as soon as possible!" After all, if Tong Tian and others can break the balance between Tian Dao and Hong Jun, then Hongyun Nuwa and the others were also able to take the opportunity to escape!

As for the two saints of the West, these two saints who have made countless great vows to the way of heaven in exchange for the merits of becoming a saint, under the current situation where the disciples are withered, they don't even want to repay those countless great vows, and the great vows No knot, but the two of them will never try to separate that majestic purple energy! (To be continued.)

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