However, after Lin Sen came out of the Three Immortals Island, he began to hesitate in his heart. The matter was agreed, and the Purple Thunder Hammer was also in his hands. Tong Tian even had the brand of his soul in the Purple Thunder Hammer. It was worn off, but Lin Sen was given a completely blank Purple Thunder Hammer, and this treasure was directly given to Lin Sen!

Although Lin Sen also said in his mouth that there is no guarantee that it will work, he is just doing his best, but it is best to be able to take the things to others, and what Lin Sen hopes most now is that the two people, Kong Xuan, don't know the people of that day. The usefulness of the three lamps to the three cleansing!

"No matter what, let's go back to Beiju Luzhou and talk..." After thinking for a while, Lin Sen still had no idea, and what Lin Sen said was murmuring!

For the past year, Kunpeng, Zhulong and Luya have been running outside all year round, just to find the whereabouts of Nuwa, and now Lin Sen finally has news. Although it is not good news, it is still necessary for them to hurry up. Knowing a little bit, besides, they are all powerful people from ancient times. How did they get the three lights of the day, the earth, and the people from the hands of the Wu Clan Confucianism? These few people must be able to give Lin Sen some advice!

"I just hope they've come back..." Lin Sen murmured at the moment, and then disappeared without a trace, but before he came to the East China Sea, the three of Kunpeng went out again , Lin Sen was in retreat at that time, but he didn't know when they would be able to come back!

The escaping light passed on by Hong Yun was originally extremely fast, but with the increase of Lin Sen's cultivation base, the speed of this escaping light has increased extremely, almost as close as the sky, so even if there are hundreds of millions of people traveling back from the East China Sea to Luzhou in the north, It's miles away, but it didn't take long for Lin Sen to appear in the poisonous fog and black smoke in Beiju Luzhou 1

But this time, Lin Sen smiled immediately, and said softly to himself, "What a coincidence..." But under his divine sense, he had already discovered the aura of Kunpeng and the others, obviously they had already After coming back, the immediate one is not rushing back to the Hanging Mountain, but going straight to the Demon Master's Palace!

And the three of Kunpeng also felt Lin Sen's aura, so the restriction outside the demon master's palace was also opened by themselves, allowing him to fly into it quickly!

The demon master Gong Linsen has been here several times, so he is familiar with the road now, and he went straight to the main hall of the demon master's palace without any hesitation. There it is!

Lin Sen and the outside of the main hall just fell, and Kunpeng said in the hall, "Lin Sen! Come in quickly!!!" Lin Sen was also eager to discuss with the three of them, so he was very polite and walked away with big strides. went in.

At the same time as seeing the three people with smiles on their faces, Lin Sen immediately followed up and said, "It's a coincidence that the few people came back, Lin Sen is looking for some people to discuss things!"

But after Lin Sen finished speaking in such a hurry, he saw that Kunpeng and the others were all smiling, and Kunpeng also laughed when he heard it, "It's a coincidence, but we also have something to tell you!"

When he said this, seeing the unbearable joy on the faces of several people, Lin Sen was slightly puzzled at the moment, and then smiled, "It seems that the three of you have gained a lot from going out this time!"

"It's not just a lot, the harvest is huge!!" Zhulong couldn't help laughing at the moment, and then said again, "Do you know where we went on this trip?"

Seeing his appearance, Lin Sen shook his head in doubt, and Zhulong's smile became more and more vigorous at the moment, and he said with a smile, "We went to Huoyun Cave..."

When talking about the Huoyun Cave, Lin Sen's first reaction was naturally the Daoist of Hongyun Patriarch, but then he realized that this Huoyun Cave is not the Huoyun Palace, and what he said in his mouth was slightly startled, "You guys Went to meet Emperor Xi!?"

Emperor Xi, Fu Xiye, as Nuwa's brother and one of the four emperors of the monster race, even if he has become the emperor of the human race now, he still cannot completely cut off from the monster race. It is an indisputable fact that the emperor of the monster race brought prosperity to the race!

As for Kunpeng and the others, they may also be looking for Nuwa because they really have no goal. This is the only way to see if they can get some useful information from Xihuang!

"Have you found any news about Emperor Wa?" Lin Sen asked with a smile.

When asked by Lin Sen, it was only after Kunpeng shook his head slightly that he said, "Emperor Xi doesn't know about Emperor Wa, but I am very happy to go to Emperor Xi. Emperor, but it still gave us some help..."

Speaking of Kunpeng's slight pause here, the eyes clearly made Lin Sen guess. Looking at his eyes, Lin Sen immediately smiled slightly. It must be for the whole monster clan to make Kunpeng such a help. It's just that Lin Sen couldn't figure it out, so he smiled and said, "Lin Sen is stupid but he can't figure it can't be Hetu Luoshu...hehe..."

Lin Sen made a casual guess, but saw that Kunpeng's face was immediately full of smiles, and the expression of acquiescence immediately made Lin Sen's eyes widen suddenly and said, "It's really Hetu Luoshu... !!!”

"But it really made you guess right!!" Zhulong smiled slightly at the moment, and two jade tablets full of pictures and texts flashed slowly in his hands!

Seeing the brilliance of the treasures shining, Lin Sen really did not expect that Fuxi would return these two treasures to the Yaozu. Leaving aside the supernatural powers of the two treasures, after having this Hetu Luoshu, the Yaozu Only then can we truly deploy the Zhoutian Star Formation again!

Although Kunpeng, the demon master's palace, has a complete set of Zhoutian Great Formation flags, without Hetu Luoshu commanding it, even 1% of the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation cannot be exerted. In the battle, if there is this Hetu Luoshu, as long as the Yaozu lays down the formation, tens of billions of Buddhist disciples are not enough for the Yaozu's big formation.

"Xihuang gave me the power to protect the monster race! Haha!!" Lin Sen laughed unbearably at the moment. The significance of Hetu Luoshu to the monster race is unimaginable. With Zhou The big array of stars and stars, but all the monster clans have taken a reassurance. After all, the big array of stars and stars this week represents the glory of the monster clan!

"But that's the case. I'm going to start retreat immediately, sacrifice the Hetu Luoshu, deduce the formation, and try to get in early to reproduce the power of my monster clan's great formation!" Zhulong said in a deep voice at the moment. Among the remaining people, Zhulong, who has the innate sun and moon, is the most suitable to take charge of this formation!

Lin Sen nodded fiercely at the moment, and said with a smile, "That's true, this is great news for my monster clan! Haha!" He couldn't help laughing immediately, But after thinking about the three people looking at it, they all saw weird smiles on their faces!

Under the eyes of the three people, Lin Sen immediately came to his senses, and immediately said, "Is there any other good news?"

And after the three of them nodded, Lin Sen smiled and said, "Lin Sen can't guess this time!!" Just now, Hetu Luoshu Lin Sen also guessed casually, but now he really is. I don't know where to guess!

Seeing that he had finished speaking like this, the three of Kunpeng laughed, but Lu Ya smiled slowly and said, "What's the difference between you and me?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ya slowly unfolded the aura on his body. You are brilliant and vast, just like the aura of the sun, but it is as broad as before. In this vastness, Lin Sen really Dao Sisi felt different from before, but Lin Sen couldn't tell what the specific difference was for a while!

Frowning slightly, the three of Kunpeng also had smiles on their faces, waiting for Lin Sen to find out by himself, but when Lin Sen was puzzled, he looked at the faces of the few people, and just looked at them. When he saw Zhulong's face, Lin Sen's heart suddenly lit up, and he blurted out, "It's the emperor's's the demon emperor's aura..."

Lin Sen's feeling became clear immediately after talking about it. In Lu Ya's vast and brilliant aura, it was fused with this aura of a high and mighty emperor. Lin Sen had never felt this feeling before, obviously. It's also new!

Lin Sen yelled at him, and Lu Ya immediately smiled. There was comfort and nostalgia in that smile, and Kunpeng also smiled and said, "We didn't expect that in the Hetu Luoshu, Although there is a ray of the demon emperor's breath left by the demon emperor, it is integrated with the ten princes!"

That Emperor Jun was originally Lu Ya's father, and because of his bloodline, that Emperor Jun's imperial aura could naturally merge with Lu Ya's. In this way, Lin Sen immediately said with a look of surprise on his face, "In this way, Isn't there an extra emperor for my monster clan!" This is definitely a great thing for the monster clan!

In ancient times, the Yaozu was so prosperous and dominated the prehistoric world that gave birth to five emperors, but with the decline of luck, the emperors fell one after another, and the Yaozu also declined. Now there are Lin Sen and the others The three new demon emperors, together with Zhulong and Nuwa, were able to gather together the scattered luck of the demon clan.

The thing of luck is mysterious and mysterious, even the way of heaven can't interfere, as long as there is enough luck, even the way of heaven can only let it go, don't you see that even Kong Xuan Yingzheng, it is only after swallowing the luck of Buddhism. It is to break the way of heaven, establish enlightenment and establish a great country.

Therefore, as long as there is enough luck, any force is difficult to be the rise of the demon clan, and now there is a demon king, which undoubtedly speeds up the process of the monster clan's condensing luck!

Amidst Lin Sen's laughter, several people immediately looked at each other and laughed, but after such laughter, Kunpeng asked, "By the way, you came back in such a hurry. Is there something you want to tell us!?"

When he was asked this question, Lin Sen finally realized what he came back in such a hurry for, and the corner of his mouth curved slowly and said, "My business is more important than yours. The good news is even more shocking!" (To be continued.)

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