
The first update!There is another chapter tonight. ,.

The Japanese government's expenditure items are constantly increasing, and the annual military expenditure of 2 million yuan for the army is one of the larger expenditure items.

In addition to military expenditures, the Japanese government also spends the most on non-profit infrastructure construction.

The Republic of China will also use the people as an excuse to exploit the Japanese government. For example, if the Japanese people have no food, the Japanese government has to purchase a batch of grain produced by the Republic of China for relief. [

After joining the Asian Health Organization, Japan has to build various medical and health facilities, and usually has to pay for high-priced vaccines.

All kinds of piecemeal expenses add up, and the debt of the Japanese government is getting higher and higher.

But for the Japanese government, it also obtained a lot of money from the Republic of China, which made the current Japanese economy begin to flourish.

If you want to fatten a pig, you have to feed it first.

In addition, although the Japanese government borrowed a lot of money, it actually only got about 80% of it. In addition, those construction projects and procurement were subcontracted by the Republic of China, and the profits were very high.

It is equivalent to Japan borrowing 1 million, but the money actually used is less than 5000 million, and Japan has to repay not only the 1 million, but also an annual interest of 6%.

Under such continuous exploitation, no matter how prosperous Japan's economy is in the future, it will lose a lot of wealth every year, so as to realize the model of Japanese production and Chinese consumption.

The Taisho Japanese King also knew that if the Republic of China wanted to keep pitting Japan like this at this time, Japan would have no way to resist.

But the upright thing is that Si Nei Zhengyi is too soft, wouldn't this guy protest once or twice?Even if you know it's the law to change, it's good to fight for it!At least next time the Chinese will not be so aggressive.Doesn't such a soft bone make the Chinese think that they can continue to take advantage of it?

But no matter how angry Taisho is, it has been decided to organize an army of 100 million troops to train in the Central Asian administrative region of the Republic of China.

In Japan, those Japanese soldiers with excellent combat skills were mobilized again.Many Japanese soldiers had just returned to Japan from Europe.He was mobilized again to train in the Central Asian administrative region.

The fighting will of many Japanese soldiers is very good, and the idea that the Japanese have accepted since childhood is to obey discipline, and management is also very convenient.

So the Japanese are both excellent slaves and excellent cannon fodder.

The mobilization speed of the Japanese government was very fast. It took only three months to mobilize millions of people to the Central Asian administrative region. These Japanese troops were broken up by the Republic of China and divided into ten armies.

Each army has [-] Japanese troops and is a strategic combat unit.

Each Japanese street fighting army specially trains street fighting skills, and the military of the Republic of China equips the Japanese street fighting army with a large number of submachine guns and other street fighting equipment.

Those Japanese soldiers thought that street fighting was a very easy war. At this time, the world war is going on.Street fighting has never happened on a large scale.

Because countries do not have such strong organizational capabilities.

If we say that the world at this time has the most brutal street fighting, it is Japan, Russia, and China.Japan is militaristic, with the Emperor of Japan as the spiritual pillar, very fanatical.Therefore, if there is a foreign invasion, the Japanese people are likely to fight street battles with the enemy in the city. [

However, most houses in Japan are wooden houses.Therefore, Japanese street fighting can be dealt with by planes and cannons, but the madness and tenacity of the Japanese cannot be underestimated.

In Russia, with communism as the spiritual pillar, it will risk its life in a fight. As long as the top leader of the red bear gives an order, the subordinates will continue to resist.Russian cities are mostly constructed of reinforced concrete and stone.Airplanes and cannons have relatively little effect. Even if the house is blown down, you can still hide in the ruins and fight.

China.At this time, the atmosphere of nationalism is strong. In the event of a war, Chinese cities will also become the enemy's grave.However, for the time being, no country has the ability to invade the mainland of the Republic of China.

As for Europe and the United States, their street fighting capabilities are relatively weak.the people of European and American countries.After the war hits the mainland, the people generally do not choose to resist strongly.The only possible violent resistance is Germany.But not all Germans will resist fiercely.

Especially in the United States, the United States has strong individualism and the weakest willpower. In the United States, it is the least likely country to have fierce street fighting.

During the Sino-Japanese War, the Republic of China relied on bombing, blockade, and supporting the revolutionary government to make the Japanese government conditionally surrender. In addition, most of the Japanese cities were wooden structures, and the planes and cannons would burn to nothing. The Japanese did not have many ruins to serve as bunker, so there was no tragic street fighting in the Sino-Japanese War.

At this time, all countries in the world have not realized the cruelty of street fighting, and this kind of "rat war" has not yet been successfully applied.

Therefore, the Republic of China asked Japan to fight street fighting, which was an easy task for Japanese soldiers and the Japanese government.The Republic of China does not require them to be the vanguard, and there is no need to rush to the forefront.Therefore, in their view, they were not treated as cannon fodder by the Celestial Empire.

In fact, they are cannon fodder.

It's just that they don't realize it at the moment. After the war against Russia begins, they will understand the cruelty of street fighting.

In addition to Japan organizing 100 million soldiers to be sent to the Central Asian administrative region for training, the Republic of China also asked other dependent countries to organize troops and send them to the Central Asian administrative region to prepare for the ROC’s military operations against Russia.

Of course, this issue of military expenditures needs to be discussed.

However, in the end, the military expenditures were paid by the dependent countries.

Because the explanation given by the Republic of China is that the Republic of China is helping them train the army to consolidate national defense.On weekdays, the Republic of China guarantees their national security, but this security must be obtained by the dependent countries by supporting the military operations of the Republic of China.

In other words, the armies formed by various countries are not placed within their countries, but are commanded and mobilized by the Republic of China.

They just need to maintain the number of troops that can maintain internal stability, and the Republic of China is responsible for the overall planning and responsibility of resisting external invasion.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money to build an army. The Republic of China can lend them money and pay it back slowly every year.

After a series of meetings with the dependent countries, North Korea decided to form an army of 20, Vietnam to form an army of 10, Siam to form an army of 10, Persia to form an army of 20, and Afghanistan to form an army of 5, a total of 75, plus One million in Japan is 100 million.

In addition, Nicholas II also formed the Tsarist Russian National Salvation Army with a strength of 100 million, which is also a cannon fodder force.

The army of the Republic of South China is inseparable from the Republic of China. The Republic of South China does not have much army, mainly to join the Marine Corps of the Republic of China.

The Republic of China deployed 60 marines in the Nanyang region, threatening Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Burma, the British colonies and dominions at any time.

As for those dependent countries, it doesn't matter if Nicholas II has no money. The Republic of China can lend them money and pay it back slowly. [

In particular, the Tsarist Russian government-in-exile of Nicholas II can be regarded as a venture capital investment of the Republic of China.

If the law helps the Tsarist Russian government-in-exile restore the country, then the money will be wasted.But this is obviously not a big problem.

As for Nicholas II's own money, obviously this guy can't.

According to Nicholas II, the money exchanged for the gold was the property of the Russian royal family and had nothing to do with the Russian government-in-exile.

The restoration of Tsarist Russia is beneficial to the Republic of China.

After the restoration of Tsarist Russia, the Republic of China could exploit the Russians by means of economic colonization and control Russia's resources, finance, business and other fields.

It is equivalent to those Russians who will also become slaves of capital, constantly being squeezed out of labor.

It doesn’t matter if you pay back the money. Whether it’s working hard or selling resources, anyway, when you get the plan, you can pay back as much as you can. If you don’t pay it in ten years, you can pay it back in 100 years.If the grandson is not yet, let the grandson's grandson continue to pay.

More than 200 million troops from dependent countries have been mobilized in the Central Asian administrative region, and the Republic of China has assembled a large number of troops in the Central Asian administrative region.

The red bear felt tremendous military pressure because of this, the country of Russia had already been battered with holes, 13 billion people were beaten to only about 7000 million people, and most of them were old and weak.

The famine in Russia continued this year, and a large number of Russians starved to death.

The famine has been going on for more than two years.

However, the red bear is at a loss for this, because the red bear feels that its dominance is seriously threatened by the outside world, so it focuses on the restoration and development of heavy industry.

Heavy industry can't eat or wear, and the red bear has not yet developed mechanized agriculture, and even tractors can't be built, so Russia's agricultural production is still not improving.

The consequence of insufficient food supply is starvation.

Of course, the public can be deceived. Through propaganda, the red bear shifted the main conflict to the ROC.However, the Republic of China also took countermeasures. Chinese bombers and transport planes continued to fly to the hinterland of Russia, dropped a large number of leaflets from the sky, and airdropped some food to the Russian people in the name of Nicholas II.

These methods made the red hairy bear one head and two big.

Nicholas II's sensational offensive has successfully influenced many brainwashed Russians, causing many Russians to change their minds.

Under such circumstances, all the red bear can do is to keep blocking, confiscating the leaflets as soon as they find them.

In order to resist the possible attack of the Republic of China on Russia at any time, while developing heavy industry, the red bear can only mobilize the scarce labor force into the army, and then send it to the border for garrison.

The red bear mobilized nearly 400 million troops, of which 300 million were stationed in the three regions south of Siberia and the Ural Mountains, and the northeastern Caucasus.

The other 100 million troops are partly deployed on the Polish border and partly near Moscow.

At this time, Red Bear feels that he is in a very bad situation. A kind of internal and external troubles has always haunted Red Bear. For Red Bear, a stable development environment is too important.

But the Republic of China is like a timed bomb that can explode at any time.

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