Fairy Road

Chapter 106

Yan Miaoke and Yan Miaozhen frowned at the same time, seeing a stout young man barging in.Yan Miao is the little princess of the empire, who is deeply favored by Yan Changsheng, the emperor of Yan Kingdom. Her bedroom is not something that ordinary people can break into at will.But the person who broke in now made Yan Miao helpless, because this stout young man, named Yan Chixia, was the youngest prince of the Great Yan Empire, and also the successor to the throne that Yan Changsheng had decided upon. .

"Eldest sister, second sister, what are you talking about here?" Yan Chixia sat down opposite the two princesses, picked up the freshly brewed tea on the table, tilted her neck, and the cow drank a cup.

Yan Miaozhen shook her head with a wry smile, she had very little contact with this younger brother of hers, after all she entered the Taiqing Sect when she was young and became the head disciple of the Taiqing Sect.Although she had heard of Yan Chixia's arrogance and domineering in the palace for a long time, after all, the two were too far away, and there was no intersection between them.On the other hand, Yan Miaoke played with Yan Chixia since she was a child. Although Yan Chixia was domineering, she always seemed to obey her sister who was only a few months older than herself.

"I have eyes, but I can't see?" Yan Miaoke gave Yan Chixia a sideways look, snatched the teacup from his hand, and said, "I brewed this cup of tea for Eldest Sister, you It's good, just drink it regardless!" Yan Chixia immediately opened her mouth, scratched her head and said, "Hehe, those who don't know are not guilty, I don't think the elder sister will blame me!" As she spoke, she licked With a deep bow to Yan Miaozhen, he continued, "Actually, I'm here today to find Eldest Sister!"

Yan Miao's face was different, this guy seldom interacted with her, what kind of trouble is this today, she secretly speculated in her heart, but she joked with a wry smile: "Looking for me? It must be nothing good!"

Yan Chixia still looked carefree, and continued: "Eldest sister, you have to stand up for me this time! Those people under me, none of them are useful, they are all trash."

"Getting ahead? What's going on?" Yan Miaoke and Yan Miaozhen were startled at the same time.

"Little brother, I was bullied!" Yan Chixia gritted her teeth and said, "In Yanjing City, in the Dingyuan Chamber of Commerce, someone dared to rob me and even injured my people. I swallow this breath Don't go down!"

While talking, Yan Chixia looked at Yan Miaozhen, seeing that there was no difference in Yan Miaozhen's face, she went on to say: "Eldest sister, all five of my golden elixir were defeated by one move. Ah, I am afraid that this person's cultivation can only rely on you, eldest sister."

"Someone robbed you of something? I think it's you who robbed them." Before Yan Miaozhen could speak, Yan Miaoke teased her first.Yan Chixia's face turned red, and she suddenly sighed and said, "Alas... It seems that the eldest sister is not willing to help me!" After finishing speaking, she got up dejectedly and was about to leave.Yan Miaozhen said with a wry smile at this moment: "Tell me, where is that man now? I'll go meet him!"

When Yan Chixia heard Yan Miaozhen let go, she immediately replied with a look of joy: "I have already sent someone to inquire about that person. He lives in the Fulin Inn, and his name is Wang Hao!"

"What?" Yan Miaozhen and Yan Miaoke exclaimed at the same time.Yan Miaoke even stood up and said anxiously: "Is that man dressed in white?"

"Yes, second sister, do you know this person?"

"Hmph! Did you know that he has entered the semi-finals at this marriage recruitment meeting, and even the elder sister's senior brother Yue Bufan was defeated by him, so you still go to provoke him? Besides, the emperor has already designated him as a referee. The candidates selected by the disciples of the Three Immortals, I advise you to give up the idea of ​​revenge!" Yan Miaoke finished speaking in one breath, and suddenly blushed, and sat down again.

Yan Chixia's face was gloomy at this moment, she stared at Yan Miaoke and said, "Second Sister, I understand, so he is your future husband-in-law candidate! Very good, I didn't expect Second Sister to come here for an outsider. But I don’t even care about my younger brother, well, you don’t care, I have my own way!” After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

Yan Miaozhen stared at Yan Chixia's leaving back, smiled wryly and said to Yan Miaoke: "It's good to let him suffer a little bit, otherwise this arrogant and domineering temper doesn't know when it will change, so what about the father?" Don't worry, let him take care of the Great Yan Country!"

Yan Miaoke frowned and said, "Sister, do you think Wang Hao won't suffer?"

Yan Miaozhen said with a wry smile: "He can even defeat Senior Brother Yue, besides Father Huang and Mr. Xue, who else is his opponent in the royal family?" After finishing speaking, she picked up a delicate teacup and took a sip of the fragrance Tea, no more talking.

Yan Chixia left Yan Miaoke's bedroom angrily, and was overwhelmed with anger when she suddenly heard someone shouting from behind: "Your Highness, where are you going when you are so angry?"

Yan Chixia looked back, and immediately beamed with joy. It turned out that the person who called him was his cousin, and now Yan Nantian, the King of Zhennan in the Great Yan Empire, was stationed on the border of the Great Yan Kingdom all year round. It has already reached the late stage of Nascent Soul.

If the cousin is invited to make a move, then the boy is definitely not the opponent!Thinking of this, Yan Chixia immediately smiled and said, "So it's you, that's great!" Pulling Yan Nantian to a secluded place, she revealed the quarrel between herself and Wang Hao.

After hearing this, Yan Nantian smiled and said: "Your Highness, don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders. Since this person can be listed with me in the selection list for the disciples of the Three Immortals, I really want to see if he has any qualifications." What kind of method?" Yan Nantian said, exuding an air of supremacy in heaven and earth.

When Yan Chixia saw Yan Nantian's aura, although she still had a smile on her face, she was already faintly displeased.Although you are the overlord of one party, you should restrain yourself when you enter the imperial city. After all, Dayan's world will still be yours in the future.However, because she wanted to use Yan Nantian to deal with Wang Hao now, Yan Chixia didn't say much, she just praised Yan Nantian a few words, and then told Yan Nantian where Wang Hao lived, and said that it would be best to Only by being able to severely injure Wang Hao can he relieve the hatred in his heart.

Yan Nantian responded, but secretly said in his heart: Since your little prince asked me to deal with this person, then I will just take the opportunity to get rid of this future competitor. Even if Yan Changsheng finds out in the future, he can push the blame to him. You Yan Chixia's body.


Naturally, Wang Hao couldn't know about these things in the imperial city.Today, the Dingyuan Chamber of Commerce has delivered the medicinal materials, and Wang Hao arranged some simple prohibitions around the room in the inn, and began to refine the "Phantom Baby Pill", hoping to use this pill to help Hong Sheng break through to Yuan Dynasty in one fell swoop. infancy.


The headquarters of the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance is built on a mountain peak with strong aura in the Yue Kingdom of the Ten Cultivation Kingdoms.The mountain peak is called Yuenv Peak, which is thousands of feet high and surrounded by mist that lingers all year round.Through the mist, one can see an extremely magnificent palace.At this time, in the palace, a hall was filled with core figures in the cultivation alliance.

On the top of the main hall, the middle-aged scholar-like layman sitting in the middle is Tang Ru, the leader of the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance, and below it, the ten monks sitting on the left and right are the chief elders of the ten countries in the alliance. , Elder Jin was among them.

"Today, I'm calling everyone back to the alliance headquarters. There are two important matters that need to be discussed." Tang Ru's voice was not loud, but with a breath-taking force, "The first important matter is about A letter from the Sanxian Sect of the Overseas Sanxian Mountain. The letter said that the Sanxian Sect will open its gates two months later to select disciples, and it has given me ten places to participate in the selection for the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance. This is both an opportunity and a Challenge! If one or two of the ten young talents selected by our Cultivation Alliance can eventually become disciples of the Three Immortals, then from now on, our Cultivation Alliance will no longer be afraid of the Weiyang Demon Palace in the Kingdom of Wu. However, if If no one can be selected, then my cultivation alliance is facing a catastrophe! After all, the Weiyang Demon Palace in Wu Kingdom must have a lot of places. Therefore, I have called you here this time, and I hope that you will come here this month. From the ten kingdoms of cultivation, select the ten most outstanding disciples, go to the Three Immortals Mountain, and attend the disciple selection meeting of the Three Immortals Sect."

As soon as Tang Ru finished speaking, the next ten elders began to discuss. After all, such a major event, let alone a rare event in a hundred years, has never happened in a thousand years.The Three Immortals Gate, to the realm of comprehension, is a legendary existence.In the eyes of ordinary monks, the monks in the Three Immortals Sect are like gods!

Tang Ru paused for a moment, coughed, and continued, "The second matter is also related to the future of my cultivation alliance. Elder Jin, do you remember the boy in white that you led people to hunt down?"

Elder Jin's complexion changed, and he said, "Naturally, is this person's whereabouts already known?"

"That's right! There's news from the Yan Kingdom that this person appeared in Yanjing City and participated in the Princess Recruitment Conference of the Yan Kingdom. More importantly, there is also information about this person's sect in the news!"

"Okay! This time I will definitely not let this son escape. If I can snatch the last treasure map from him, the alliance can organize people to go find the treasure. Leader, what is the origin of this son?" Elder Jin said excitedly.

"Hehehehe..." Tang Ru chuckled, "His background is quite simple, he is a disciple of Xuantianzong in Wan Kingdom, but I don't know how a small sect like Xuantianzong can cultivate such a character .Elder Jin, I will leave this matter to you. If you need manpower, the alliance can mobilize some Nascent Soul stage monks to help you."

"Okay, Jin will definitely not disappoint the leader this time!" Elder Jin stood up and said with fists clasped.I have already begun to calculate in my heart: good you Xuantianzong, you did not obey the alliance's dispatch a few days ago and returned to Xuantian Peak privately, and now there is another traitor who betrayed the alliance.This time, the old man will take you first!

(for collection)

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