Fairy Road

Chapter 107

While the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance was discussing the two important matters, the same topic was also being discussed in the Wu Kingdom Palace and the Weiyang Palace.

The royal family of Wu State and Weiyang Palace, the largest sect of Wu State, also received letters from Sanxianmen, and also got ten places for selection.What's more interesting is that Wang Hao's whereabouts were also exposed to the eyes of these two major forces. The monarch of Wu Kingdom always thought that his second son, Sun Jin, died at the hands of Wang Hao. He immediately dispatched several priests with the highest cultivation levels in the royal family to sneak into the Yan Kingdom, waiting for the opportunity to kill Wang Hao.

However, after arranging the nine disciples to participate in the selection, the Mistress of Weiyang Palace did not mention Wang Hao's name.But when he came to a top-secret dark room, his hands formed strange seals, and suddenly an old man with white beard and hair appeared on a large ancient mirror on the wall.

"What? Wei Yangzi, what do you think of the arrangement of the Three Immortals?" The old man with white beard and hair asked as soon as he appeared.

"Taiqingzi, you should have already made up your mind about the strangeness of this matter?" Wei Yangzi, the lord of Weiyang Palace, did not answer directly, but instead asked the old man in the mirror.

"Hehehehe... not bad! However, this matter is still obscure and difficult to understand, and it needs to be deduced slowly."

"Hmm...Taiqingzi, why don't you and I tell the results of the deduction at the same time, how about confirming each other?" Wei Yangzi raised his brows and said.

"Okay! The selection of disciples by the Three Immortals Sect must have something to do with the Outer Sea Demon Realm!" Tai Qingzi spoke first.

"That's right, the Three Immortals Sect is most likely unable to suppress the monsters in the Outer Sea Demon Realm to enter the cultivation world, so they select disciples from the cultivation world to join the Three Immortals Sect, so as to resist the invasion of the Outer Sea Demons!" Wei Yangzi continued.

"This matter is not a bad thing for my inland cultivation world!" Tai Qingzi said lightly stroking his long beard.

"You mean, the attack on Sanxian Mountain by the Outer Sea Demon Realm is an opportunity for me in the inland cultivation world?" Wei Yangzi said with a slight shock.

"That's right! You and I have entered the late stage of transformation for a thousand years, but we have been unable to ascend to the upper realm. Didn't you deduce the reason?" Tai Qingzi said.

"Hmph! The reason? How could I not know. But, so what if I know? Even if you and I work together, it may be difficult to enter the secret realm of Sanxian Mountain!" Wei Yangzi sighed.

"So, this time we can take advantage of the opportunity of the invasion of the monsters of the Outer Sea Demon Realm, so..." Taiqingzi laughed meaningfully before finishing his sentence.Wei Yangzi also seemed to understand. After a few breaths, Wei Yangzi suddenly stared at Taiqingzi with bright eyes and said, "When will you and I fight again? The old scores from 300 years ago should be settled!"

"Hahahaha, Wei Yangzi, why do you and I have to fight to the death now? It's not too late to make a fuss when we're in the God Realm!" After Taiqingzi finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared into the big mirror.

Wei Yangzi gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Hmph! When I get to the God Realm, I must make you look good!"

In the face of common interests, sworn enemies can also become partners.However, once the goal is achieved, the mortal enemy will eventually become the mortal enemy.

Wei Yangzi waved his right hand, and the ancient mirror suddenly dimmed. A sneer suddenly crossed the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself: Taiqingzi, this old man has found a key person in deducing the secret, and this person is a huge variable , if I can get the help of the dead, let alone ascend to the God Realm, even if I get the Immortal World Talisman in the God Realm and become a fairy official, it is not impossible. At that time, the old man will definitely take revenge !

Thinking of this, Weiyangzi thought, his body gradually faded, and after a breath, he appeared in a cave in the back mountain of Weiyang Palace.

In this cave, a woman with a pretty face and a graceful figure is sitting cross-legged on a boulder, and around her figure, spirits are flowing continuously, obviously she has reached a critical moment in her cultivation.

Seeing this, Wei Yangzi sneered, and with a movement of his body, he appeared behind the woman, with his right palm gently pressing on the woman's spirit.Then, a blush flashed across the woman's face.Not long after, the woman's eyes slowly opened.Seeing Wei Yangzi standing in front of him with a long body, he frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something, then he suddenly got up and fell to the ground, saying: "Ye Qingqing pays homage to senior, senior's life-saving message The kindness of merit, Qingqing will never forget it!"

Wei Yangzi lifted Ye Qingqing up with a chuckle, and said slowly: "You girl, don't talk about repaying your favor, the old man saved you from that villain that day, it was not for your repayment!"

Ye Qingqing blushed, and said: "Senior said yes, but Qingqing is too persistent!"

"Hehehehe, you can want to be better this time. This time, the old man came here to see if you have cultivated the Weiyang Divine Art to the seventh level of Weiyang, and secondly, there is a great good thing for you to do. "Wei Yangzi had a compassionate look on his face.

"Senior, Qingqing has already cultivated the Weiyang Divine Art to the seventh level. I just don't know what the senior said?" Ye Qingqing asked doubtfully.

"The legendary Three Immortals Sect will hold a grand meeting to select disciples, and the old man wants you to attend!"

"Three Immortals Sect? Qingqing still hopes to join Weiyang Palace." In Ye Qingqing's mind, the scene of Weiyangzi helping her and teaching her skills appeared again in Ye Qingqing's mind.

"Silly girl, a disciple of the Three Immortals, but the status that all monks dream of!" Wei Yangzi smiled, "In addition, the old man has received news from the Yan Kingdom. After you were injured, the brother Wang Hao who has been chanting in your mouth, this time Fan is also going to the Three Immortals Mountain..."

"What? Brother Wang Hao is going to Sanxian Mountain too!" Ye Qingqing blushed, and continued, "Then Qingqing thanked senior, when will I be able to leave?"

"Hahahahaha, when it comes to your brother Wang Hao, I think you are in a hurry!" Wei Yangzi is like a kind elder at this time, without the sharp domineering arrogance just now, "The Three Immortals will only grow up after two months You don’t need to worry about opening the mountain gate, I will arrange for you to go there with other disciples in one month. During this time, you should still devote yourself to cultivation!”

"Qingqing obeys orders!" Ye Qingqing was overjoyed at this moment, she never thought that she would be able to see Wang Hao again so soon after being rescued from serious injuries after being captured by that villain.What she didn't know was that in her sea of ​​consciousness, a Weiyang seed had already been planted by Weiyangzi at this moment, and it would be difficult to escape from Weiyangzi's control from now on.


Since Xuan Tianzi returned to Xuan Tian Peak with everyone from the Xuan Tian Sect, he has opened the gate of the mountain to recruit ordinary casual cultivators and children from ordinary families within a radius of five hundred miles.In just a few months, the entire Xuantian Peak recovered a lot of popularity.

Cooling Moon, Chen Yuzhen, the Xuantian Eight Sons of Xuantian Sect, are also so busy that they don't even have time for their own cultivation.In addition to teaching the new disciples the exercises, they also need to organize those new disciples to re-open the medicine fields and build caves.Even Fang Rou was entrusted with an important task by Xuan Tianzi at this time, and became a confidant in the entire Xuan Tian Sect who was responsible for receiving new disciples. He was very busy all day long, and his longing for Wang Hao had faded. a bit.

It's just that Ziyan still looks sad, depressed all day long, and occasionally comes to the Fearless Valley where Wang Hao used to live, stands still for a while, and then returns to his residence.Xuan Tianzi knew that she was suffering in her heart, but he let her temper go.Of course, as long as her master Zixuan, Leng Qiuyue and others have free time, they will come to chat with her about the reconstruction of the sect, hoping to alleviate her longing for Wang Hao.

"Poor bone beside the Wuding River, like someone in a boudoir's dream." Everyone was most afraid of such a thing happening to Zi Yan, so they just tried their best to comfort her.

It seems that the entire Xuantian Sect is developing in a good direction.However, on this day, a group of cultivators from the Cultivation Alliance suddenly came to Xuantian Peak, and the leader was the leader of the Cultivation Alliance in Wan Kingdom, Elder Jin, Jin Kemu!

Xuan Tianzi was the first to notice the arrival of a large number of monks from the Cultivation Alliance, and he was naturally awe-inspiring. After all, if there was an announcement, the Cultivation Alliance would never have so many people.What's more, the leader is actually Jin Kemu, so it must be that the comer is not kind.

"Everyone in the Xuantian Sect, hurry up and pay respects to Elder Jin of the Alliance!" A pockmarked man Yun Yuanli who came with Jin Kemu shouted, and his voice echoed throughout the Xuantian Peak.

Xuan Tianzi didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly led the Xuantian disciples to the sky, bowed deeply to Jin Kemu and the others, and said: "Everyone in the Xuantian Sect welcomes Elder Jin!"

"Huh!" Jin Kemu snorted coldly, and said, "Xuantianzi, I came to Xuantianzong personally this time, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I just want to ask you, is there a person named Wang Hao in your Xuantianzong?" disciple?"

Everyone's face changed when they heard the name "Wang Hao", and Emperor Xuan hurriedly responded: "There was indeed a disciple named Wang Hao in my sect, but this child may have died in the last catastrophe." dead."

"Hahahaha..." Jin Kemu laughed wildly, and said: "Xuan Tianzi, Xuan Tianzi, you are very good at evading. I came today to tell you that this kid named Wang Hao not only survived, but also killed the elders of the alliance and the law enforcement team." My cultivator! Today I am here to punish you Xuantianzong!" After speaking, he waved his hands, and several people around him threw magic weapons one after another, and surrounded the Xuantianzong.

Jin Kemu's plan is very simple, first control everyone in Xuantianzong, and then send people to Yan Kingdom to chase and kill Wang Hao.However, chasing and killing Wang Hao is just a cover. After all, in the capital city of Yan Kingdom, monks from the Cultivation Alliance can't do it arbitrarily.Moreover, Wang Hao's cultivation was also unfathomable, and it would be as difficult as reaching the sky to kill him in Yan Kingdom.Therefore, the monks sent out are like bait, revealing the situation of Xuantianzong to Wang Hao, and then laying a big net in Xuantianzong, waiting for Wang Hao to drill.

In fact, at the beginning Jin Kemu was not sure whether Wang Hao could come back from Yan Kingdom to help Xuantianzong, but Qin Chong stepped forward and revealed Wang Hao's character. In this way, Jin Kemu's plan for himself is I am more confident.

(For collection!)

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