Fairy Road

Chapter 108 Yan Brilliance

"Elder Jin, how can you be sure that the one who killed the elders of the alliance must be Wang Hao, a disciple of our sect? Then Wang Hao is only at the early stage of Jindan, so if he wants to kill the elders of the alliance, it may be as difficult as going to heaven!" Xuan Tianzi said urgently .

"Hmph! Sure enough, you don't cry when you don't see the coffin!" Jin Kemu shook his golden folding fan, turned around and said, "Qin Chong, come out!"

As soon as the words fell, a tall figure walked out from the crowd of the alliance.Everyone in Xuantianzong saw that it was actually a disciple of Xuantianzong, the prince of Wan Kingdom——Qin Chong!

"Sect Master, it's been a long time!" Qin Chongpi said with a smile, "Wang Hao is my fellow apprentice, I should not admit it wrong! After he killed the elders of the alliance, he fled to Yanjing, the capital of Yan Kingdom. Participated in Princess Yan's wedding ceremony!"

"What?" Hearing Qin Chong's words, everyone was surprised and delighted.But at this time, Zi Yan happened to fly from Xuan Tian Peak to Xuan Tianzi, and when he heard that Wang Hao was still alive, but he was attending the marriage invitation meeting of Princess Yan, he was both happy and anxious, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Huh?" Jin Kemu has such a good eye, he can see at a glance that the relationship between Ziyan and Wang Hao is extraordinary, and immediately pointed with his right hand, and said: "Catch them all, that woman, take it alone, don't hurt her xing Life!"

"Yes!" Everyone in the alliance responded in unison. In just a few breaths, several leaders of Xuantianzong were captured. They were all scared and fled in all directions, heading for Xuantian Peak in a hurry.

After Jin Kemu took down the Xuantianzong people, he sneered and said: "Seal their cultivation bases and imprison them. I don't believe that Wang Hao won't return to Xuantianzong after he got the news, hahahahaha!" After finishing speaking, his right hand As soon as he caught it, he held Ziyan in his hands, stared at Ziyan's beautiful face, and said with a sinister smile: "Maybe Wang Hao will come back for you alone, hahahaha!" After a burst of wild laughter, Jin Kemu turned into a A ray of golden light was hidden in a valley. The person had already left, but he left a sentence: "You gather all the people of Xuantian Sect in a valley and keep them under strict supervision! Qin Chong, this counts! You have made a great contribution, and I will recommend you to represent the Cultivation Alliance to participate in the selection of disciples of the Three Immortals!"

Qin Chong's face suddenly showed ecstasy, and he thought to himself: Wang Hao, Wang Hao!Let's see how you escape this time...


However, Wang Hao, who was in Yanjing City, had no idea of ​​the imminent danger at this moment. After refining the Magic Baby Pill and handing it to Hong Sheng, Wang Hao began to practice the skills and supernatural powers in the ancient demon scriptures.

The "Tian Yao Nine Refinements" recorded in the Primordial Demon Scripture is a body training technique. Because Wang Hao absorbed Ziyan's Yuan Dan, he has already cultivated this technique to the level of the first practice inadvertently. .Today's Wang Hao wants to break through this exercise to the second level of practice.If the second refinement is a great achievement, Wang Hao can at least remain invincible in the face of attacks from monks below the transformation stage.

As for the other skill "Heavenly Demon Swallowing the Sun Kung Fu", Wang Hao has already mastered the formulas of performing the kung fu by heart, and there is not a moment when he is not practicing every day.The biggest advantage of this exercise is that as long as the sun and the moon exist between heaven and earth, monks who practice this exercise will never have to stop practicing this exercise.

As for those two schools and their terrifying supernatural powers, although Wang Hao is very greedy, he can only imagine the scene of practice now, but it is difficult to really start to practice.After all, the conditions required to cultivate these two supernatural powers are too heaven-defying.Not to mention the wings of the ancient monster golden-winged roc needed to practice the "Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Demon" acrobatics, which are hard to find in this cultivation world. How can Wang Hao get the blood of the beast and the inner alchemy?

Sigh... Wang Hao was envious of those two supernatural powers, and finally sat on the bed obediently, and started the practice of "Nine Practices of Heavenly Demon". stand up.

What pleased Wang Hao the most was the "Heavenly Demon Swallowing the Sun Kung Fu". After only a few months of practice, he had already touched the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul Stage through this kung fu.The "Xuantian Nine Transformations Art" is indeed far inferior to this "Heavenly Demon Swallowing the Sun Art".

When the "Tian Yao Nine Refinements" breaks through the second refinement stage, one "Phantom Baby Pill" will be worn casually, and one will break through to the early stage of Yuanying, so even if you go to Sanxian Mountain, you will have something to rely on!When Wang Hao thought of this, his heart was filled with emptiness, and he no longer had any distracting thoughts, and started to cultivate with all his heart.

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.In the past ten days, both Wang Haohongsheng and Lin Qi'er in the Butian ring have devoted themselves to cultivation.

This day, outside the Fulin Inn, a handsome young monk dressed in black came.This person exuded an aura of contempt for the world, standing tall and jade outside the inn, with a slight movement of his consciousness, he discovered where Wang Hao was.There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and with his right hand, he grabbed the simple prohibition that Wang Hao had placed outside the room before.Yan Nantian's temperament has been extremely domineering since he was a child, and now he has the instruction of the little prince Yan Chixia, so he can take this opportunity to eliminate this potential threat.

Wang Hao, who was practicing, frowned, feeling the threat outside the inn, and with a movement of his body, he appeared outside the inn.Looking up, Yan Nantian was looking at him with a sneer.

"You are Wang Hao?" Yan Nantian asked proudly.

"That's right! Who are you?" Wang Hao frowned, and said, "Why did you break the restriction outside my room?" After all, Wang Hao didn't have any impression of this person in his heart, so he didn't want to act casually.

"Hahahahaha, who am I? Do I need to tell you? You offended the little prince, and you still want to practice in Yanjing City with peace of mind? I am here today to teach you a good lesson on behalf of the little prince. Guy." Yan Nantian immediately moved the little prince out, and in the future, even if Yan Changsheng blamed him, the little prince would stand up to him.

Wang Hao was relieved when he heard the word "little prince". It turned out that this guy didn't dare to come by himself, and actually sent someone to trouble him.However, the person in front of him is arrogant, but he doesn't know if he has the capital of arrogance.While Wang Hao was thinking, Hong Sheng's voice came from behind him: "Where did the bastard come from, dare to yell at Lao Tzu and Master, did he eat the guts of ambition?" As he said, he exuded a strong breath.

Wang Hao had a thought: This kid actually broke through to the early stage of Nascent Soul so quickly, it seems that the effect of "Phantom Baby Pill" is really good.

After being bluffed by Hong Sheng, Yan Nantian on the opposite side calmed down. This guy named Wang Hao actually had a Nascent Soul Stage apprentice, so could it be that the Golden Core Stage cultivation level he showed was fake.Yan Nantian was fighting between heaven and man, but Hong Sheng was still yelling: "What's wrong? You bastard, are you afraid?"

"Afraid?" Yan Nantian's eyes were filled with anger, and he said angrily, "I will be afraid, okay! Since you are looking for death, don't blame grandpa for being cruel!" After speaking, he stretched out his right hand, and a magic weapon appeared in his hand.

This magic weapon is called "Heavenly Centipede Hook", and it is also a top-quality magic weapon for cultivating the spirit of weapons.Relying on this magic weapon, Yan Nantian was firmly seated in several states in the south of the Great Yan Empire, and his reputation can be said to be resounding throughout Yannan.I didn't expect that when I met these two people today, I would look down on me so much, and I already had all my strength in my heart to kill them on the spot.

The "Heavenly Centipede Hook" was extremely nimble, it floated up from Yan Nantian's right hand, and it more than doubled in size against the wind, and the hook body emitted green light.

Wang Hao scanned the "Heavenly Centipede Hook" with his spiritual sense, knowing that this magic weapon was powerful, he made a gesture of stepping back towards Hong Sheng, and the Weeping Frost Sword above his head began to circle like a silver dragon.

The situation was imminent, and at this moment, a shout came from mid-air: "Stop!" As soon as the voice fell, a tall and handsome young man stood between Wang Hao and Yan Nantian.

"Yan Huihui!" Yan Nantian naturally knew this person, and exclaimed, "My business has nothing to do with you, don't meddle in it!"

At this time, Wang Hao's heart also moved: Isn't this person the young man who taught the guards a lesson at the entrance of Yanjing City last time?This person's name is Yan Huihuang, and it seems that he is also a member of the royal family.

Yan Huihuang looked at Yan Nantian with all eyes, and said word by word: "Yan Nantian, the emperor has issued a decree that among the ten people who go to the Three Immortals Gate, no infighting is allowed! Do you want to disobey the decree? "This Yan Huihuang's identity is actually similar to that of Yan Nantian. He is also Yan Changsheng's nephew, and was sent by Yan Changsheng to guard the western border of Yan Kingdom, so he is also called Pingxi King.

When Yan Nantian heard that Yan Huihuang directly used the imperial decree to suppress him, his complexion changed immediately, he pondered a little, and suddenly smiled: "Yan Huihuang, who said that I am going to fight with this person, I just want to discuss with him. Just two!" As he spoke, he looked towards Wang Hao with a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, he actually sent a voice transmission to Wang Hao: "Boy, let's have a showdown outside Yanjing City tonight!"

After Wang Hao heard it, his face was expressionless, and he just replied via voice transmission: "Third watch." Yan Nantian didn't expect Wang Hao to agree so readily, and his expression changed slightly. At this time, Yan Huihuang also noticed Yan Nantian's lips slightly Moved, as if communicating with Wang Hao, and said: "Yan Nantian, I hope you don't play tricks, otherwise, you will regret it someday!" After finishing speaking, he turned to Wang Hao and said, "You are the same, don't take advantage of others without authorization." Fight, after all, this is Yanjing City!" After speaking, his body turned into a silver light, and he left through the air.

Yan Nantian narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Hao, but stopped talking, just sneered a few times, and turned into black light, and flew towards the imperial city.At this time, Hong Sheng was still full of anger and said: "Master, just let him go like this?" Wang Hao waved his hand and said: "I will solve this matter by myself. You continue to practice. You have just entered the initial stage of Yuanying, you must We must lay a solid foundation!" Hong Sheng responded, and walked towards the inn.Naturally, Wang Hao also entered the inn.

But in a restaurant opposite the inn, four monks in gray clothes had expressions of regret at the moment.One of them said: "It seems that it is really difficult to do anything in this city of Yanjing. If we attract experts from the imperial city, it will be difficult for us to escape!"

"That's right, but we can wait until midnight before taking action. At that time, we will lure this kid surnamed Wang outside the city and kill him in one fell swoop!"

"Okay! Just do it!"

(For collection!)

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