Fairy Road

Chapter 109

After nightfall, the prosperity of Yanjing faded away, only two or two watchmen walking hobbled on the empty streets.In a room of Fulin Inn, Wang Hao, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, suddenly opened his slightly closed eyes.Then the white figure flashed and disappeared into the room.

In the night, a white figure flew towards the outside of Yanjing City like a wisp of smoke.Not long after Wang Hao left, the four shadows seemed to be erratically chasing after Wang Hao in the direction he left.These four people were enshrined by the royal family of Wu Kingdom who hid in the restaurant during the day. The only purpose of sneaking into Yanjing City was to take Wang Hao's life!The figures of the four late Nascent Soul cultivators are more elegant and agile than Wang Hao, making it almost difficult to see with the naked eye.These four people are known as the "Four Demons" in the enshrining of the Wu royal family. The reason why they have such a title is because of their advanced cultivation, and among hundreds of enshrining, they can also be ranked among the top ten existences.The second reason is that these four people have always been ruthless and ruthless in their actions, and they will do anything to achieve their goals.This time, the monarch of Wu Kingdom sent these four people here, but he made up his mind to take Wang Hao's life.

In a wilderness on the outskirts of the city, Wang Hao suddenly lowered his body, looked around, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Since you're here, why hide?"

"Hahahaha, hide and hide? You think too highly of yourself!" Yan Nantian's figure suddenly appeared in front of Wang Hao, and the "Sky Centipede Hook" in his hand was shining with a green light.

With a thought in Wang Hao's mind, the "Weeping Frost Sword" was already hovering above his head, and he snorted coldly: "Shoot!"

Yan Nan's demeanor changed, and with a finger of his right hand, the "Sky Centipede Hook" cut through the night sky and stabbed Wang Hao.However, before reaching Wang Hao's head, he was intercepted by the "Weeping Frost Sword".With a hook and a sword, strangled in one place, the surrounding spiritual energy was stirred up like a tide.

These two magic weapons are top-grade magic weapons for cultivating weapon spirits. As soon as they confront each other, they are like two equally matched monks, entangled fiercely, and neither of them is willing to be defeated. Around the sword body of the "Weeping Frost Sword", bursts of Weeping Frost Sword Qi are constantly bursting out, and the hook body of the "Sky Centipede Hook" also has clusters of green light flashing from time to time, fighting with the Weeping Frost Sword Qi inextricably point.For a while, it was difficult to distinguish between superiority and inferiority.However, Wang Hao felt extremely relaxed at this time, because he had a majestic source of energy in his body, even if he manipulated the magic weapon and fought for three days and three nights like this, he could easily handle it.However, since this person is like me, he will go to Sanxian Mountain to participate in the selection of Sanxian sect disciples in a month, so I don't mind giving him a thunderous blow to let him understand the gap between him and him, so that he will be less against me in the future.Thinking of this, Wang Hao had a thought, let Sword Spirit Weeping Shuang fight the "Sky Centipede Hook" on his own, his right hand was already in the shape of a fist, and in a flash of his figure, he came to Yan Nantian's body, punching and punching With one punch, in an instant, nine Da Destruction fists were shot towards Yan Nantian, which happened to be the nine strokes of Da Destruction Fist. One move was as strong as the other, but they complemented each other, forming a large force formed by the condensed strength of the original force. The fist like a water tank hit Yan Nantian fiercely.

"Good time!" Yan Nantian is a monk in the late Yuanying period, and his cultivation is also well-known in the Great Yan Empire. Seeing Wang Hao's figure flickering, he no longer controls the magic weapon himself, but concentrates all of his energy on the right side On the feet, the ground-level supernatural power "Mie Shen Legs" was used, and the shadows of the legs flickered, and in one breath, they clashed with the "Great Destruction Fist" nine times.Nine thunderbolts resounded between heaven and earth in the silent night sky.Wang Hao rubbed his body slightly, and stepped back a few feet, while Yan Nantian stepped forward, "Mie Shen Legs" stepped towards Wang Hao relentlessly, but he did not forget to sneer: "Mysterious supernatural powers dare Competing with the supernatural powers of the earth rank? Don't know how to live or die!"

Wang Hao's "Great Destruction Fist" is only a mysterious supernatural power, just now he had a head-on confrontation with the earth-level supernatural power "Destroyer Leg", but he suffered a small loss, but Wang Hao's inner strength is strong, and soon the supernatural power was overwhelmed. Make up for the gap in grades.

Seeing Yan Nantian's confident appearance, Wang Hao sneered, and said, "Today, I will use this mysterious supernatural power to kill you!" After speaking, the energy in his body quickly flowed to his right arm, and he moved his arm Like the wind, the shadow of the fist slammed towards Yan Nantian like raindrops.

Bang, bang, bang...Wang Hao is like a monster in human form, with a figure like lightning, and the energy in his body is as endless as it is, attacking Yan Nantian non-stop.At the beginning, Yan Nantian was still relying on his superiority in supernatural powers to barely cope. After a while, Yan Nantian began to complain secretly: Why does this person have such profound Yuan power, even though he is a Nascent Soul just like me? It's impossible for a monk in the later stage to squander his energy like this?If there is another moment, even I will be exhausted!

Feeling timid in my heart, the supernatural powers on my legs also slowed down.But Wang Hao is still the same as at the beginning, his Yuanli has not weakened in the slightest. The "Destruction Fist" was still raining down on Yan Nantian.

"Don't you have high-level supernatural powers? I'll use my superiority in Yuanli to exhaust your Yuanli!" Wang Hao already had some calculations in his heart. Qing's two magic weapons.At this time, the Weeping Frost Sword also gradually began to gain the upper hand, and the flashing sword light on the sword had already firmly suppressed the green light on the "Sky Centipede Hook".

"If this continues, I will definitely end up exhausted!" Yan Nantian also felt the disadvantage of his magic weapon "Heavenly Centipede Hook" at this moment, and there was already a hint of anxiety in his heart. Afterwards, his face Se froze, gritted his teeth and thought to himself: Fight!Immediately afterwards, his figure flashed, avoiding Wang Hao's attack, and then retracted the "Sky Centipede Hook", and above his head, there was already a huge formation disk hovering.

"Huh? Array!" Wang Hao was startled, it seems that Yan Nantian is not Yi Yi's generation!

At this moment, Yan Nantian showed a solemn expression, and shouted: "The Yin soldiers borrow the way and help me destroy the enemy!" As soon as the words fell, countless lines of Yin Qi rushed towards the formation within a few miles , the formation coiled above Yan Nantian's head, turning faster and faster, until in the end, it turned into a black light.

Wang Hao stared at the vision of the array above Yan Nantian's head, and he didn't make a move for a long time. After all, it was the first time Wang Hao had seen Yan Nantian's supernatural powers at this time. Curiosity made Wang Hao want to take a look at Yan Nantian. What kind of tricks can Nan Tian play?

After a few breaths, Yan Nantian's face turned red, and then he yelled, "Give it to me!" At the same time, pointing with his right index finger, dozens of black shadows floated out of the array and appeared on the king's wall. In front of Hao.

Looking at the dozens of strangely dressed and zombie-like soldiers in front of him, Wang Hao was secretly startled: Yan Nantian actually has such supernatural powers?

Dozens of Yin soldiers were exuding Yin Qi, grinning their teeth, stretching their hands, and surrounded Wang Hao in an instant.Wang Hao frowned, and the Weeping Frost Sword immediately circled and shot dozens of sword qi, chi chi and chi chi, all falling on Yin Bing's body.However, these Yin soldiers actually looked like they hadn't been hurt at all, and they were attacking and killing Wang Hao with grinning teeth.

When Yan Nantian saw that Wang Haocao failed to control the Weeping Shuang Sword to kill the Yin soldiers, he immediately sneered and said: "Boy, you forced me to use a unique move. This unique move was originally intended to be used on Sanxian Mountain. Now that it has been used in advance, If you find out, then you will save your life!" As he said, he made several strange seals with his hands in the air.The arrogance of those Yin soldiers suddenly became more arrogant, and Wang Hao had already been forced into a very small space.

"Hahahaha, tear him apart!" Yan Nantian laughed wildly, but then his eyes widened, and a look of extreme surprise appeared on his face.

It turned out that Wang Hao actually used the "Great Destruction Punch", hitting those Yin soldiers one by one. Although he couldn't kill these Yin soldiers, every time he punched, he could also repel the Yin soldiers. Counting steps, although one enemy is dozens, but for a while, Wang Hao is not at a disadvantage.

"Freak! What a freak! His fists can actually resist these Yin soldiers. Such a powerful body is really shocking! If he had known that this person was so fierce, he shouldn't be an enemy. However, it has become The enemy must be wiped out in one fell swoop, otherwise, there will be endless troubles in the future!" Thinking of this, Yan Nantian screamed wildly, and actually spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and sprinkled it on those Yin soldiers.This move of "Blood Sacrifice Yin Soldiers" instantly doubled the combat effectiveness of those Yin Soldiers. Wang Hao's Great Destruction Fist hit these Yin Soldiers, and they were no longer able to repel them.

At this time, Wang Hao's complexion changed just now, and his figure retreated a few feet, and he already had an extra simple small clock in his hand!

"Weiyang Divine Bell!" Yan Nantian naturally knew this semi-divine weapon that is well-known in the cultivation world, and his face was already covered with cold sweat. It's unknown.But at this moment, the arrow is on the string, Yan Nantian can only grit his teeth, bite the bullet, and continue to command the Yin soldiers to attack and kill Wang Hao.

"Wang Hao, between you and me this time, only one will survive!" Yan Nantian gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Haha, let's see who's method is better!" Wang Hao smiled, and kept making seals with his right hand towards the "Weiyang Divine Bell", and the "Weiyang Divine Bell" suddenly grew to a size of several feet, suspended In mid-air.

Wang Hao's expression was awe-inspiring, and he continuously injected dozens of thick yuan power into the "Weiyang Divine Bell", then smiled slightly at Yan Nantian and said, "I will die with your Yin soldiers!"

Yan Nantian's face turned pale at this moment, because at this moment, he already felt the threat of death from the "Weiyang Divine Bell".

Wang Hao's right hand formed a palm, and he was about to slap out the blessed Yuanli in the "Weiyang Divine Bell" with one palm, killing Yan Nantian and those Yin soldiers in one fell swoop.Suddenly, the sky-replenishing ring on his chest vibrated slightly, and Wang Hao's consciousness moved, and then he felt that four extremely powerful long swords stabbed towards him in the dark around his body without sound!

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