Fairy Road

Chapter 110

The four long swords, like ghosts, were silent, invisible, and stabbed at Wang Hao, wanting to kill Wang Hao with one blow!At this time, Wang Hao was already in a desperate situation.

"Oops, Wang Hao, the four late Nascent Souls!" Weeping Shuangjian also screamed out at this time.At the same time, the Weeping Frost Sword hovered above Wang Hao's head, and dozens of weeping frost sword qi bloomed from the sword body, and the sword qi erupted towards the four strange long swords, hoping to delay the four long swords slightly. The coming of the sword gave Wang Hao a ray of life!

Facing the five masters of the late Nascent Soul, and four of them actually concealed their bodies, they launched a surprise attack.Under such circumstances, Wang Hao could not tolerate the slightest hesitation.

"Boom", after the "Weiyang Divine Bell" rang loudly, a wave of extremely majestic yuan power surged towards Yan Nantian and those Yin soldiers whose fighting strength had been greatly increased after the blood sacrifice.At the same time, Wang Hao's figure faltered, he firmly grasped the Weeping Shuang Sword in his right hand, and slashed fiercely at one of the four long swords that came in surprise.

There was a crisp ding, and the long sword that came from the attack did not meet Wang Hao's divine sense expectations. It was the only high-grade magic weapon among the four swords, while the other three long swords were all top-grade magic weapons.This high-grade magic weapon was slashed by the top-grade magic weapon Weeping Frost Sword, and it actually rolled back.Just in the midst of this flash, a gap has appeared in the deadly situation formed by the four long swords.

However, just as Wang Hao's figure flashed and he wanted to break through this gap, the other three long swords pierced Wang Hao's body like lightning.Thanks to Wang Hao's efforts to dodge, none of the three long swords pierced the vital point, and Wang Hao's physical body at this moment is already the first training of the "Nine Demons of Heaven", which is unrivaled in strength, so the three long swords are just It was possible to stab into Wang Hao's body an inch, but he couldn't continue to penetrate.Even so, the thick and thick Yuanli wrapped in the three swords made the Yuanli in Wang Hao's body into chaos.Although the external injury was not in the way, the internal injury made Wang Hao spit out a bloody arrow from his mouth.

At the same time, Yan Nantian and those Yin soldiers were already blown several feet away by the majestic vitality blessed by the "Weiyang Divine Bell". Dozens of Yin soldiers were all broken down into streaks of faint black air again, and flew back. Into the array above Yan Nantian's head, and Yan Nantian was also spurting blood from his mouth at this moment, and fell to the ground.Immediately afterwards, his complexion turned black, and he sat cross-legged, apparently seriously injured!

"The little thief has such a strong body!" An old voice exclaimed.

"Hmph! He has been injured by our Yuanli, don't talk nonsense, do it quickly and kill him!" Another slightly hoarse voice sounded.

At this moment, Wang Hao took advantage of the momentum of the three swords to rush towards the cultivator whose long sword was smashed by the Weeping Frost Sword, his right hand turned into a fist, and the fist of destruction It slammed down on the monk fiercely!The cultivator of the late Yuanying period saw Wang Hao punching him, but he was quite calm. He also punched out and collided with Wang Hao's destructive punch!


"What! How did this happen?" After a punch collided with Wang Hao's fist, the late Nascent Soul cultivator was thrown backwards, and the bones in his right hand seemed to be broken inch by inch. , couldn't help exclaiming, "The thief is so powerful, brothers, hurry up and get the magic weapon!" This person was very clear at this time, the body of the young monk he was facing now was almost comparable to some powerful monsters, so , he hastily called the other three people, telling them to use their magic weapon as soon as possible.

"Hmph! There's still time to take care of others, I'll take your life first!" Wang Hao snorted coldly, and his punches were like splashing water, scattered on the body of this late Nascent Soul cultivator.This late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator was already so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart. He never imagined that this young man had such a majestic Yuan force, and he could use this set of fists that consume Yuan power like this. Come out, this is almost difficult for monks in the late stage of Lianyuanying.

In a hurry, this late Nascent Soul cultivator was in a rush, and two shields flew out of his storage bag, one black and one white, to block him, and at the same time, he shouted: "Come and help me!" I!"

The three Yuanying late-stage monks did not expect that Wang Hao had such a strong fighting power, and at the same time changed color, and sacrificed their most powerful magic weapons in their hands. Suddenly, a red long sword and a black giant sword appeared in the air. The hammer and a long green needle attacked and killed Wang Hao at the same time.

At this moment, Wang Hao didn't care about it, and continued to swing his fists. Four times in a row, he smashed the two shields, one black and one white, into the air.The cultivator of the late Yuanying stage was ashen-faced at this moment, and stabbed the long sword in his hand that had been blown away by the Weeping Frost Sword, trying to delay Wang Hao's offensive. After all, the magic weapon of the other three could instantly Came to help.

However, when he stabbed out with the long sword, there was only a flash of silver light in front of his eyes, and a silver dragon circled around his neck rapidly, and he felt that the fleshy body under the neck had lost all consciousness. A sharp pain appeared in his mind, and a shrill scream sounded immediately.

"Ah... the little thief actually destroyed my body!" A head that had lost its body opened its mouth and screamed wildly. Such a scene was indescribably weird.At the same time of death, a small person about a foot long flew out of his body and flew towards the distance.At this time, Wang Hao could no longer care about the life and death of the Nascent Soul, he grabbed the long sword that was out of control, turned violently, threw the long sword, and hit the red sword. On the long sword, at the same time, the Weeping Frost Sword also flashed silver light, knocking the long green needle out.Among the three attacking magic weapons, only the black giant hammer was left at this moment, and it had already reached the top of Wang Hao's head.

Wang Hao originally wanted to use the "Weiyang Divine Bell" to smash the black giant hammer into the air, but it was too late, so he could only shrink back and dodge into the "Weiyang Divine Bell", with a clang sound, the black giant hammer struck heavily Hitting on the Weiyang Divine Bell, Wang Hao was not hurt at all inside the bell, but after the black giant hammer hit the "Weiyang Divine Bell", the sound of the hammer was a little smaller, and he looked extremely scared. The appearance of "Weiyang Divine Bell" quickly flew back to its owner's hand.

With a thought, Wang Hao appeared in mid-air, grabbed the huge "Weiyang Divine Bell" with his right hand, and shouted majesticly: "Who are you ordered to attack and kill me here?" At this moment in Wang Hao's heart The origins of these four people are already somewhat expected: these people must not be Yan Nantian's gang, otherwise Yan Nantian would not be in a hurry to fight himself desperately.It is very likely that there are monks from the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance or Wu Kingdom.

"Boy, Xiu wants to talk nonsense. We are here today to take your life!" The remaining three Nascent Soul late stage monks were actually shocked at the moment. Before they came to Yan Kingdom, they never thought of it I will face such a terrifying opponent.Under the situation of attack and killing that was extremely beneficial to his own side, this person was able to turn the world around, and even destroyed the body of one of the four people, and the Nascent Soul fled.Now, this person has regained his composure, and it is probably impossible to kill him.Even if the three of them wanted to escape unscathed, they would probably have to resort to some means.However, their mouths still did not give in, and they still shouted, "Surrender!"

Saying that, the three sacrificed their magic weapons at the same time. This time, they used all their energy to bless the magic weapons, making a final fight.

Wang Hao saw the desperate appearance of these three people, and sneered: "Since you all want to die, I will help you!" Wang Hao doesn't kill indiscriminately, it doesn't mean that if you want to kill me, I will spare your life!At this moment, murderous intentions emerged in Wang Hao's heart, and today he wanted to start a killing spree, leaving the lives of these three late Nascent Soul cultivators here.

"Dangdangdang", Wang Hao slapped the huge "Weiyang Divine Clock" in his hand continuously, and the divine clock immediately blessed the three elements to a terrifying level. After the three elements were blessed, they were like three shocking Like Hong, he met the opponent's three magic weapons.

Puff puff puff, the three magic weapons were immediately sent flying backwards by the three forces of origin.At this moment, a silver dragon came through the sky, and appeared in front of the three of them.

The silver dragon hovered beside the three of them with great agility, and countless sword qi poured down. The three late Yuanying cultivators didn't have time to take back their magic weapons, so they hurriedly used the long swords they used to attack and kill Wang Hao at the beginning to resist the fierce and powerful Weeping Frost Sword. Horse's sword energy.

When the three of them were in a hurry, Wang Hao appeared in front of them like a ghost.Pu Chi, a punch, pierced through the chest of one of the monks, and a little man about the size of a foot was also knocked into the air. There was a scream in the air, and he fell into the dust.

Wang Hao's punch not only smashed the cultivator's body, but even killed the man's Nascent Soul!

"Escape!" Seeing this, the other two immediately made an extremely sensible reaction in their hearts, retreated violently, and wanted to escape from this place.However, the Weeping Frost Sword suddenly appeared, entangled one of them, and the other monk saw Wang Hao holding the "Weiyang Divine Bell" and coming towards him, his face turned livid, and he waved his hands continuously, forming a barrier, Suddenly appeared in front of Wang Hao.

"Boundary?" A joking look crossed Wang Hao's face, and with a punch with his left hand, he shattered the barrier. With one step, the "Weiyang Divine Bell" fell on his head, and the Nascent Soul cultivator immediately became The powder, the body dies and the road disappears.

"Use the barrier to trap me, you underestimate me too much." Wang Hao took back the "Weiyang Divine Bell", raised his eyes to look at the monk trapped by the Weeping Shuang Sword, with a thought, Weeping Shuang The sword froze immediately, the monk was already covered in cold sweat, and his heart was extremely frightened.

"Tell me who ordered you, and I'll spare your life!" At this moment, Wang Hao, with his white clothes stained with blood and his arms in his arms, looked like a demon god.

(Dragon Boat Festival, Wang Hao showed off his power, please give me some encouragement for collecting red tickets!)

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