Fairy Road

Chapter 111

The monk of the Nascent Soul Late Stage was already frightened to the extreme at this moment, and he was experienced in many battles. He had never seen a Golden Core Stage monk who killed and killed infants so easily. Of course, all the monks he faced were below the Transformation Stage. But even so, Wang Hao's impression in his heart at this moment was infinitely elevated.

"Senior, spare your life, senior, spare your life! I am... the enshrined of the royal family of the Wu Kingdom, and it is the Emperor Wu's intention to come here this time!"

"Sure enough, as I expected, monk of the Wu Kingdom!" Wang Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Today, I will spare your life for the time being, and go back and tell the Wu Emperor that one day, I, Wang Hao, will definitely let the blood of the Wu Kingdom Palace flow into rivers!" Wang Hao At this time, Hao had already recorded Xuantianzong's enmity in the account of the Wu royal family. After all, the reason why Xuantianzong suffered disaster at that time was because he killed the prince of Wu.He did not expect that the identity of the Prince of Wu at that time was a disciple of Weiyang Palace.

Wang Hao waved his hand, and the late Nascent Soul cultivator fled in a hurry as if he had been pardoned.Wang Hao looked at Yan Nantian who was still sitting on the ground healing his injuries with a serious face, and said with a sneer, "If you provoke me again next time, I will never forgive you again!" After finishing speaking, his figure gradually disappeared into the night.

After Wang Hao left, Yan Nantian just opened his eyes and murmured, "What kind of monk is this man, he is so terrifying! Yan Chixia, I almost let you kill me!" Thinking of this, Yan Nantian Enduring his injuries, Yu Jian flew towards the city.At this moment, in his heart, he hated Wang Hao to the extreme. After all, Yan Nantian had never suffered such a big loss.And one month later, he and Wang Hao will represent Dayan to participate in the selection of the disciples of the Three Immortals. How should they face this Wang Hao?no!This face must be recovered.Yan Nantian gritted his teeth and spat out a mouthful of bloodshot spittle, thinking of someone who could help him get ahead.

snort!If this person is willing to make a move, wouldn't crushing Wang Hao to death be like crushing an ant?It's just that I can't let others know about this matter, if it gets to the emperor's ears, I'm afraid I will be punished!Thinking of this, Yan Nantian sneered, and said to himself: Wang Hao, wait and see!

After a fierce battle in the wilderness, the trees were broken and the grass was withered, revealing a strong smell of blood.Just after Yan Nantian flew away, an old man dressed in white, with white beard and hair, and a pair of huge wings behind his back appeared.After the old man appeared, he looked at the wreckage of the three monks killed by Wang Hao, and smiled wryly, "Your Majesty really thinks highly of me, old crane. Does Wang Hao still need my protection?" , With a flick of the wings behind his back, he disappeared into the night.

Wang Hao flew all the way back to Yanjing City, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Fulin Inn.

"Huh? In the middle of the night, Hong Sheng is not in the inn?" Wang Hao swept his consciousness and knew that there was no shadow of Hong Sheng in Hong Sheng's room at this moment.Wang Hao unfolded his spiritual consciousness and covered it to the extreme. At this time, Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness can already cover a distance of tens of miles.

"You're not in the city?" Wang Hao felt an ominous feeling in his heart. After all, his identity was exposed, and the enemies might find this place at any time.Could it be that Hong Sheng was robbed by the enemy?Thinking of this, Wang Hao didn't hesitate any longer, took out a communication jade slip, carved it a little bit, injected a trace of Hong Sheng's breath, and the jade slip flew away immediately.

A moment later, a ray of light flashed across the night sky, Wang Hao frowned, and reached out to grab the jade slip in his hand.Spiritual consciousness penetrated into the jade slip, and then, a strange color flashed across his face.

Just after I left the city, there were actually four monks who sneaked into my room. After being discovered by Hong Sheng, Hong Sheng chased them all the way.Who on earth would sneak into my room and be hunted down by Hong Sheng? Then these people must not be strong. Sending these people here is to send them to death?Or is it a trick to lure the enemy?

Thinking of this, Wang Hao's figure moved, and he broke through the air again, and a silver sword appeared under his feet instantly.With a whoosh, it turned into a silver light and followed the path Hong Sheng was chasing.

Yujian flew for only a moment, and Wang Hao's spiritual sense had already sensed Hong Sheng's location. At this moment, he seemed to be fighting with four other monks!Wang Hao activated Yuanli, and the speed of the Weeping Frost Sword increased a bit.

"Ah!!!" Hearing a scream from a distance, Wang Hao frowned, and appeared at the fighting place.Looking up, Hong Sheng was holding the magic weapon "Moyu" and was fighting with three monks majestically. There was also a monk whose corpse was lying on the ground at this moment.

Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness moved slightly, and he found out that only one of the three monks was a monk in the early Yuanying stage, and the rest were monks in the Jindan stage, so he felt relieved.Seeing that Hong Sheng was eager to kill, he was not in a hurry to make a move.I was just thinking in my mind: Which side are these people?It was the monks of the royal family of Wu that he killed just now, and Yan Nantian sent by the little prince of Yan was also defeated by his own men. If Weiyang Palace wanted to come to chase and kill him, they would never send monks of this strength, after all However, the beggars in the late Yuanying period also suffered a lot from their own hands.Could it be that these people are monks of the Ten Nations Cultivation Alliance.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao had a thought, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed that early Nascent Soul cultivator.By arresting this person for interrogation, he can learn some information about the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation. I don't know how Master and the others are doing with Senior Sister Fang Rou now?

"Master!" Hong Sheng exclaimed when he saw Wang Hao suddenly appearing.Seeing Wang Hao grabbing towards him, the cultivator at the early stage of Nascent Soul changed his expression drastically, and turned around to flee.Wang Hao could not allow him to escape easily at this time, the silver light of the Weeping Frost Sword flashed, two chirps, two bursts of Weeping Frost Sword Qi immediately blocked the monk's retreat.

"Since we're here, we'll stay!" Wang Hao snorted softly, and had already captured the early Nascent Soul cultivator.And Hong Sheng let out a tiger roar, he controlled the "Mo Yu" sword, and killed the other two Jindan stage monks in an instant!

The Nascent Soul cultivator captured by Wang Hao, before Wang Hao could open his mouth, was already begging for mercy: "Senior, please forgive me, I'm just waiting on someone's errand, and I have no malice towards Senior! "

After Hong Sheng heard this, he stepped up to Wang Hao's side, slapped the monk a few times, and said, "There is no malice. What do you want to do by sneaking into my master's room in the middle of the night?"

"Senior, spare your life, senior, spare your life, I'm just waiting to send a message to this senior king! With our cultivation bases, we are no match for senior Wang, even if we come to dozens of people!"

"Send the letter?" Wang Hao raised his brows and asked in doubt.

"That's right, the jade slip is already on the table in Senior Wang's room!" the monk promised.

Hong Sheng blushed after hearing this, and said to Wang Hao: "Master, I thought..." Wang Hao waved his hand, interrupted Hong Sheng, and asked, "Who sent you here?"

The monk at the early stage of Nascent Soul's face darkened when he heard Wang Hao's question, and then said with a bitter face: "If senior can spare the villain's life, the villain will tell everything he knows!"

"Huh? Talk about terms?" Wang Hao's complexion sank, and a strong force in his right hand entered the monk's body. The monk suddenly let out a scream, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.Wang Hao sneered and said: "Answer truthfully, there is still a glimmer of life, if you continue to be naughty, I will send you back to the west!"

"I said, I said!" the monk suddenly despaired, "The villain is a monk of the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance, and it is all Elder Jin Kemu's intention to come here to send a message to Senior Wang."

"It really is the Cultivation Alliance!" Wang Hao sneered and asked, "Jin Kemu? Who is he?"

"Elder Jin Kemu is the elder in power in charge of all affairs of the Anhui Kingdom in the alliance."

"What? I'm in charge of all the affairs of the Kingdom of Anhui. Could it be that my identity as a disciple of the Xuantian Sect has already been known by the Cultivation Alliance!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao suddenly became anxious. disaster!

"Tell me, what's in the letter?"

"Senior, this villain really doesn't know!"

Wang Hao's complexion sank, and he said to Hong Sheng, "Go back and read the letter before we talk!" After speaking, he carried the early Yuanying monk in his hand, stepped on the Weeping Frost Sword, and flew towards the city of Yanjing.

Sure enough, there was a jade slip in Wang Hao's room.Wang Hao's spiritual sense penetrated into it, and then his complexion became more and more gloomy, and finally, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.Hong Sheng followed Wang Hao these days, but he has never seen Wang Hao so outrageous.Seeing Wang Hao's appearance, the captured monk in the early stage of Yuanying trembled with fright, prostrated himself on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

"Jinkemu! Cultivation Alliance! You actually attacked Xuantianzong!" Wang Hao crushed the jade slips into powder, and said through gritted teeth, "You will definitely pay the price for this!"

Hong Sheng stood aside and asked, "Master, what's going on?"

Wang Hao waved his hand. At this moment, he was in an extremely bad mood. The elders in the division were imprisoned by the Cultivation Alliance, all because of himself.

Wang Hao pondered for a moment, grabbed the cultivator at the early stage of Nascent Soul, and asked viciously: "Are there any casualties in the Xuantian Sect?"

The monk replied tremblingly: "Senior, spare your life, they were only imprisoned, and there were no casualties." Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this sentence, but found a sly look across the monk's face.

"Huh? Do you dare to hide it?" Wang Hao put the monk on the ground and put his foot on his head.

"No, senior, please forgive me...have mercy." The monk screamed again and again, "Elder Jin Kemu asked the villain to bring a sentence to the senior, just now the villain saw that the senior was extremely angry, so he didn't dare to speak."

"Say!" Wang Hao raised his foot slightly

"Yes... yes... Elder Jin Kemu said, if Senior Wang doesn't know Wan Kingdom, he will regret it for the rest of his life." The monk tremblingly took out a jade hairpin from the storage bag and handed it to Wang Hao tremblingly. .

Wang Hao took the jade hairpin, his expression changed drastically, and he said in surprise, "Zi Yan!"

(Do you have rice in your collection? Red tickets are also here!)

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