Fairy Road

Chapter 112

When Wang Hao saw Ziyan's jade pendant, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted. Although he knew that Ziyan had also fallen into the hands of the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance, at least it was better than having no news.

Cultivation Alliance!Wang Hao squeezed out these four words viciously from between his teeth, as if he wanted to grind these four words on his teeth.Wang Hao has never killed a single person in vain since he practiced, but he is plotted by others everywhere.Now, after practicing the exercises in the ancient demon scriptures, while his strength has improved greatly, he has a sense of pride in his chest: If you don't mess with me, then that's fine.If you offend me, or those around me, then I will pay you back tenfold!

With a puff, Wang Hao smashed the body of the early Yuanying cultivator of the Cultivation Alliance together with the Yuanying with a palm, and said viciously, "Threatening the people around me will be punishable!" After finishing speaking, there was an overbearing aura from the ancient times all over his body.Hong Sheng next to him suddenly trembled, and was about to speak, but Wang Hao said first: "Hong Sheng, in three days, I'm going to the Kingdom of Wan, and you can practice here with peace of mind!"

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Hong Sheng frowned, and after pondering for a moment, he asked: "Master, Hong Sheng is not very clear about what happened, but from the conversation between Master and the monk just now, it can be seen Guess one or two. It's just that Master went to Wan Kingdom this time, did he just fall into the enemy's trap!"

"Trap? Yes! I don't know! They want me to throw myself into a trap and kill me in one fell swoop!" Wang Hao gritted his teeth and said, "It's just that those people trapped are all elders of my teacher, how can I not Go! Alright, you deal with this, I will go to the outskirts of the city to choose a secluded place, and attack the Nascent Soul stage! If I succeed in forming an infant, then I will be [-]% sure to rescue the master!"

"Master, since it is your sect, it is also Hong Sheng's sect. Take me with you..." Before Hong Sheng could finish speaking, Wang Hao waved his hand and interrupted: "This time going, it's not because there are too many people. It can be done. Besides, if you delay the trip to Sanxian Mountain, it is even more worthless to you! You don’t need to say more!” After speaking, Wang Hao had a thought, and Lin Qier, who was practicing cross-legged in the Sky-Mending Ring, suddenly appeared in the into the room!

Lin Qi'er opened her eyes suspiciously and looked at Wang Hao and Hong Sheng. Just as she was about to speak, Wang Hao said to Hong Sheng first: "Hong Sheng, Qi'er is young, please take care of me for now." After speaking, With a flash, he disappeared in front of the two of them.

Hong Sheng looked at Wang Hao's figure disappearing into the night, nodded his head heavily, and said, "Master, don't worry!" Lin Qier patted Hong Sheng's shoulder with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Master, don't worry!" Where is brother going?" Hong Sheng smiled wryly and said, "Save people!" He didn't want to explain too much, which would make Lin Qier even more worried.

Wang Hao, who was flying rapidly in the air, sighed secretly at this moment: It's not that he doesn't want to take you there, it's that he's going to Wan Kingdom this time, and he's close to death, how can I implicate you?

In a short time, Wang Hao left Yanjing City for the third time in one night, and flew towards the south for a distance of several hundred miles. Wang Hao found a quiet valley.So he pressed his body, came to an ancient tree with a rich aura in the valley, and sat down cross-legged.After the "Sky Demon Swallowing Sun Art" in his body ran automatically for a week, Wang Hao took out a crystal clear pill from the storage bag, put it in his mouth, closed his eyes slightly, and felt the medicine's power gradually forming in his body.

This "Phantom Baby Pill" is really effective!As soon as the elixir entered the body, it was in the dantian, continuously condensing the vitality in the dantian.Although the Yuanli in Wang Hao's dantian is majestic and thick, it is not condensed around the golden core like ordinary golden core stage monks.In fact, Wang Hao doesn't have any golden elixir in his body now.Therefore, under the action of the medicinal power, these primordial forces flooding Wang Hao's dantian boiled immediately, and then gradually solidified. After a while, several illusory images were actually formed.

Wang Hao's divine sense penetrated into his dantian, and after sweeping it away, a strange color flashed across his face, followed by a wry smile.It turned out that the "Phantom Infant Pill" was indeed to help Wang Hao form a Nascent Soul in his dantian, but it was not one Nascent Soul, but ten, and these Nascent Souls were not Wang Hao's appearance, but the top ten Nascent Souls in Wang Hao's body. The image of an ancient monster.Moreover, these Nascent Souls are so illusory that if one does not observe carefully, it is almost impossible to discover them.

Wang Hao tried to mobilize the Yuan force in his body, and found that although it had increased slightly compared to before, it did not have the power that the Yuan Ying stage should have.Wang Hao frowned, and smiled wryly in his heart: It's really puzzling that such a strange phenomenon will appear in the "Prime Ancient Demon Scripture" this time.

After pondering for a while, Wang Hao took out three "Phantom Baby Pills" from the storage bag again, and put them all in his mouth.A moment later, the phantoms of the ten ancient monsters at the dantian in his body solidified slightly, but they were still phantoms.At this time, Wang Hao didn't dare to take the "Phantom Baby Pill" again, he could only close his eyes slightly, and began to feel the state at this time.

However, Wang Hao didn't know at this time whether the "Phantom Baby Pill" helped him enter the Nascent Soul stage for a short time. After all, after Hong Sheng took this medicine, a small Nascent Soul was formed in his body very quickly. , and formed a trace of communication with heaven and earth within two days, thus successfully entering the Nascent Soul Stage.And at this time, did I temporarily enter the Nascent Soul Stage?

In the end, Wang Hao could only start trying to communicate with heaven and earth, trying to capture a trace of law between heaven and earth.But two days later, Wang Hao finally shook his head with a wry smile.In the past two days, Wang Hao has gone through countless attempts, but not to mention capturing the laws between heaven and earth, even the first step of communicating with heaven and earth, which is the first step of infant formation, Wang Hao has not been able to touch.

It seems that I haven't reached the step of being able to conceive a baby yet! The "Phantom Baby Pill" can only last for two days at most, although I took a few more pills, the potency of the medicine has gradually faded at this moment.The phantom of the monster beast at the dantian in the body gradually disappeared.Wang Hao sighed, stood up, looked towards the south, and muttered in his mouth, "Even if I can't break through to the Nascent Soul Stage, I will definitely turn the Cultivation Alliance upside down!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao stood up directly, brushed off the dust on his body, and then sacrificed the Weeping Frost Sword, ready to rush towards Wan Kingdom.

At this moment, a powerful aura came towards this side from a distance. Wang Hao's complexion changed, his consciousness moved, and a strange color appeared on his face, and then the aura on his body gradually disappeared. He turned into an ordinary person and hid in the tree hole of the ancient tree behind him.

After a few breaths, a strong gust of wind came to the valley.As long as the flowers, plants and trees in the valley were swept by the foul wind, they would immediately appear wilted, and some flowers would wither immediately.Wang Hao hid in the tree hole of the ancient tree, looked over quietly, his expression changed drastically, it turned out that in the valley, a monster in the shape of a python appeared at this time, but this monster actually had a big head like a Kui ox.

With the head of a bull and the body of a snake, its appearance is indescribably strange.Moreover, Wang Hao's spiritual sense swept over this monster, and he clearly felt a strong threat. It can be seen that the strength of this monster is definitely beyond the average human monk in the late Nascent Soul.

After the strange snake entered the valley, it sprinted towards the depths of the valley without hesitation, and disappeared from Wang Hao's field of vision in a blink of an eye, looking familiar.After Wang Hao pondered for a while, he finally decided not to make any incidents. After all, everyone in the Xuantian Sect was still waiting for Wang Hao to rescue them.

Stepping on the Weeping Frost Sword, Wang Hao's figure burst out from the valley.Just after Wang Hao left the valley, there was a shrill cry from the depths of the valley.This cry, like a cry before dying, made Wang Hao's heart tense.

"Go back and have a look!" Wang Hao's mind moved, and the Weeping Shuang Sword suddenly turned around, returned to the valley again, and shot directly towards the depths of the valley.

Just a few minutes into the valley, Wang Hao felt a strong stench and a faint smell of blood.After a few breaths, the strange snake reappeared in Wang Hao's eyes, and at this time, the strange snake was constantly spraying dark green sprays from the cow's mouth towards an ancient tree several meters thick. se's venom.

And above the ancient tree, there is a golden strange bird crawling. Although the strange bird can keep flapping its wings to beat away the poisonous juice, there is a blood poisoning on the chest of the strange bird. A blood hole the size of an egg, and there is still blood flowing out of the blood hole.

The smaller the swing of the strange bird's wings, the weaker the strong wind it produces.But the strange snake looked proud at this time, turned its head and raised its head, and with a strange roar, a dark green bead protruded from its mouth.The bead emitted a green light, and it attacked the strange bird at an extremely fast speed.

And when that strange bird saw the dark green bead, a look of despair appeared in the bird's eyes, and instead of flapping its wings, it closed its eyes, looking like it was waiting to die, but whimpered endlessly.

Seeing this, although Wang Hao couldn't judge the origin of the strange bird, the strange snake made Wang Hao feel disgusted for no reason, and the desperate eyes of the strange bird made Wang Hao decide to call it a strange bird. saved.

Before he could think about it, the Weeping Frost Sword under his feet pierced through the air, slashing fiercely on the dark green bead.With a loud noise, the green light immediately illuminated the entire valley into a faint green.As soon as the sword light on the Weeping Shuang Sword dimmed, it flew back into Wang Hao's hand, the sword body trembling, and it looked like it was seriously injured.And the dark green bead returned to the strange snake's mouth again at this time.

At this time, the strange snake had turned its head away from the bull's head, staring at Wang Hao with a pair of bull's eyes, murderous intent emerged in his eyes!

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