Fairy Road

Chapter 118

Hearing Ziyan's intermittent words, Wang Hao's heart was shocked: It seems that Senior Sister Ziyan also has me in her heart... But, how did she know that I participated in the marriage recruitment conference in Yan Country?

Blood gushed out of Ziyan's mouth, just now the red-robed old man of the Cultivation Alliance fought to the death with a sword, which was powerful enough to shake the world, if Ziyan hadn't sacrificed himself to stand in front of Wang Hao, even if Wang Hao had already defeated the "Nine Demons of Heaven" After reaching the peak of the first stage, he might be pierced by a sword just like Ziyan!

"Yan'er!" Ziyan's master, Zixuan, was so anxious that tears fell down.And Fang Rou and the others also had sad expressions on their faces, and Zi Yan's appearance looked really scary.Moreover, her breath of life is constantly weakening.

Wang Hao put his arms around Ziyan, and suddenly said: "Don't be sad." As he said, a strange seal formed in his hand. The medical scriptures of the ancient monster clan also have a way to rescue such injuries, but Ziyan With the current injury, even Wang Hao has no confidence in whether he can be saved.

At this moment, Zi Yan had passed out, her beautiful face was full of grievances.Wang Hao's question that he asked just now didn't get an answer from Wang Hao, but he couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

The crowd surrounded Wang Hao nervously, staring at the ever-changing knots on Wang Hao's hands, not daring to make a sound.Finally, Wang Hao let out a long sigh of relief, then his complexion darkened, and he stared blankly at Zi Yan's pale face in a daze.Everyone's hearts sank: It seems that even Wang Hao is powerless!The tears in the eyes of Zixuan, Chen Yuzhen, Leng Qiuyue, Fang Rou and others have already flowed down like broken pearls.

"Junior Brother Wang Hao...Senior Sister..." Fang Rou asked with a sob.

"I temporarily used Yuanli to protect her lifeline. Just now, the sword pierced her vitals, and the Yuanli contained in the sword also shattered all the tendons in her body..." Speaking of this, Wang Hao also felt sad in his heart, he couldn't say any more, after all, Ziyan became what he is today for himself!

"Wang Hao, is it really hopeless?" Leng Yue asked.

Wang Hao nodded, and said: "I just used the secret technique, and it can only keep her alive for a while. But, it can only last for three months at most, and after three months..."

After Zixuan heard Wang Hao's words, she gritted her teeth and said, "I swear today that I will destroy the Cultivation Alliance!" Like mother and daughter.Seeing that Ziyan was seriously injured and dying at this moment, Zixuan could no longer hold back the grief in her heart.

"Master!" Bi Tie said suddenly, "There is a kind of elixir, which can save this girl!"

"Huh?" Wang Hao's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly said, "What elixir? Tell me!"

"Nine Turns Back to the Soul Pill!" Pitie said in a deep voice, "It's just that in this lower realm, I'm afraid it's hard to find such a panacea!" It was replaced by loss, after all, this "Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill" has never been heard of in the cultivation world.

Only Wang Hao's eyes lit up at the moment. Although Wang Hao didn't know how to refine the "Nine Turns Returning to the Soul Pill", there lived an alchemy master in the fairy world in the sky-filling ring. Although it was difficult for Chen Tuan to be awakened, he was always There is a glimmer of hope!

Wang Hao took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and then said to the Xuantianzong people around him: "Now we know that the 'Nine Turns Back to the Soul Pill' can save Senior Sister Ziyan. There is a glimmer of hope. Now that we are in a dangerous situation, we should leave the sphere of influence of the Cultivation Alliance early, after all, the power of the Cultivation Alliance is not something we can shake!"

After the words were finished, everyone nodded one after another. Everyone knew Wang Hao's current strength in their hearts, and everyone was rescued by Wang Hao before they got out of trouble. At this moment, there was no objection.After getting everyone's unanimous approval, Wang Hao had a thought and put Ziyan into the sky-filling ring. Everyone was surprised, but seeing that Wang Hao didn't explain too much, no one asked. After all, some secrets are better not to ask too much.

"Can everyone still fly with the sword now?" Wang Haoxiang hurried on his way before the iron disappeared, and it was best to leave the scope of the Cultivation Alliance.In fact, Wang Hao also thought about taking all the members of the Xuantian Sect into the Butian Ring, but after thinking about it, the fewer people who know about his secrets, the better, so he dismissed this idea.

After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads, saying that Yujian's flight is not a big problem.Wang Hao nodded, and communicated with Pie Tie a little bit in his thoughts, and Pie Tie understood and flew towards the north, and then all the people sacrificed magic weapons one after another, and followed Pie Tie.

With everyone's speed, it would take at least four days to fly away from the sphere of influence of the Cultivation Alliance.However, Baitie can only exist for a little more than a day at most, and the rest of the time is dangerous at every step. Only when it is out of the sphere of influence of the Cultivation Alliance can it be considered truly safe.

On the first day, there were no Cultivation Alliance monks who were intercepted.Along the way, everyone had some verbal exchanges, Wang Hao naturally told some of his situation to the people in the teacher's school, and everyone sighed after hearing it.Xuan Tianzi, the patriarch of the Xuantian Sect, also said with emotion: Although the Xuantian Sect is on the verge of exterminating the sect, it is not only a blessing for the Xuantian Sect to be able to appear such a rare cultivation genius like Wang Hao, but also for the future. It is not difficult to revive the Xuantian Sect in the realm of comprehension.After Wang Hao heard this, he naturally said that as long as everyone can safely leave the sphere of influence of the Cultivation Alliance, they can choose a mountain range rich in spiritual energy in the territory of Yan Kingdom to start a new sect.And after he came back from Sanxian Mountain this time, he would also start rebuilding Xuantianzong.After hearing Wang Hao's plan, everyone nodded in approval.However, after thinking about Zi Yan's safety, everyone became silent again.

The Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation have a radius of thousands of miles. On the first day, everyone flew with all their strength, but they only traveled more than two thousand miles. After the sun set, they finally disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. People are really facing a huge crisis.Seeing that everyone was exhausted and it was too late, Wang Hao suggested that everyone find a secluded place to restore their vitality.After all, not only the vitality in his body has not recovered, but even the damaged tendons need time to repair.If he hurried on the road now and encountered the alliance chasing soldiers, if he did not have the strength to fight, the people around him might still be doomed.

Finally, before dark, everyone came to the depths of a dense forest, pressed down on their bodies, and began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, restoring the exhausted energy in their bodies.

At this time, within the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance.The leader Tang Ru was furiously yelling at the nine elders under him at this moment: "Elder Jin died in battle, and even the four law enforcement elders died. What is the origin of this Wang Hao?" He also bowed angrily in front of Tang Ru, not daring to make a sound.

Tang Ru continued to shout: "Bai Zhanyuan, Hu Zhezong, Wang Li, Gao Peng, Duo Li, these five people have defected, and people are searching quickly, and when they are found, they will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes!" The nine elders responded in unison.

"Phew..." Tang Ru took a deep breath, and continued, "I just received the news that Wang Hao and the Xuantian Sect have entered the territory of Yu Kingdom. Hmph! I will personally go to intercept them. You wait in the headquarters, quickly gather those disciples who are going to Sanxian Mountain, teach them the strongest exercises, give them the best magic weapon, and make sure that there are disciples who can stand out in the selection of Sanxian Mountain disciples this time!"

"Observe!" These nine elders with real power are all powerful in their cultivation countries, but in front of Tang Ru, they are extremely respectful. All of this is because Tang Ru has already stepped into the stage of transformation... …


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