Fairy Road

Chapter 119 God of War

After a night of practice, everyone in the Xuantian Sect was already full of energy, and Wang Hao's Yuanli had also recovered [-]% at this time, but it was impossible for the damaged tendons in his body to fully recover in a short time.Wang Hao frowned and opened his eyes, thinking in his heart: The tendons and veins are difficult to repair for a while, and it seems impossible to use the magical power of "demon saint transformation"...

"Master, suzerain, everyone, now that the energy in your body has been restored, you should hurry up and get on the road. As long as you fly to the territory of Wu State, the forces of the Cultivation Alliance will not be able to easily intervene!" Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

Everyone in the Xuantian Sect nodded their heads one after another, sacrificed their magic weapon, turned into startled dragons, and flew towards the north.Wang Hao also sacrificed the Weeping Shuang Sword and followed. At this time, there was no iron to open the way for everyone. It is really unknown whether the front is bad or good.

Wang Hao's vitality is extremely abundant, and the Weeping Frost Sword is a top-grade magic weapon, so the speed is naturally not comparable to that of Xuantianzong.I saw Wang Hao rushing forward alone with a sword, followed by the members of the Xuantian Sect, several horrified clouds across the sky, repeatedly alarming the monks below, but these monks belonged to the same sect as the former Xuantian Sect , will also obey the dispatch of the Cultivation Alliance, but at this time, there is no order to stop it, and these sects are happy to stand by.

In fact, the Cultivation Alliance has some understanding of Wang Hao's strength at this moment. Even if ordinary sects come out in full force, how long can they stop Wang Hao?Therefore, the alliance simply does not allow these sects to intervene.

Half a day later, Wang Hao and the others met many monks from various sects along the way, but these people had no intention of stopping Wang Hao and the others at all.Everyone in the Xuantian Sect couldn't help feeling suspicious, Chen Yuzhen asked directly: "Wang Hao, what kind of tricks are the Cultivation Alliance playing, and they didn't order to stop us!"

Wang Hao pondered for a moment, then frowned and replied: "Master, this may not be a good thing. It seems that the Cultivation Alliance must have sent extremely powerful monks to intercept and kill them in front... It seems that we have to prepare in advance!" , Wang Hao also smiled wryly in his heart. The early preparations were just psychological preparations. For other conveniences, what kind of preparations can he make now?His tendons were damaged, and the demon sage's supernatural powers could not be used. Seventy percent of his combat power had been lost.If he meets a monk of Jin Kemu's level in front of him, he can still barely deal with it.However, since Jin Kemu was killed by himself, would the Cultivation Alliance be stupid enough to send another monk of the same level?

"Alas...it's a pity that our cultivation base is unable to help you now!" Chen Yuzhen sighed.

"Master, as long as you escape from the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation this time, this disciple will be able to use pills to help you and all masters and uncles break through to the Nascent Soul stage!" Wang Hao still had dozens of Magical Infant Pills in the sky-replenishing ring at this time. It would not be a big problem for these pills to help the Xuantianzong break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

"What! You actually have such an elixir!" Chen Yu was shocked and exclaimed.The faces of Xuan Tianzi and the others also changed drastically at this time, and Leng Qiuyue said directly: "Wang Hao, since there is such a heaven-defying elixir, we might as well take it now, so as to break through the realm and fight with the Cultivation Alliance." field!" Although Leng Qiuyue has a pretty face, her fiery temper doesn't give way to a man in the slightest.

Hearing Leng Qiuyue's words, everyone's faces showed a look of eagerness to try. After all, the Cultivation Alliance has deceived people too much this time, and everyone in the Xuantian Sect has already hated it to the bone!

Wang Hao pondered for a moment, and said: "If you take the elixir now, everyone will have to retreat for at least seven days to try to communicate with the world. Now we are in a dangerous place. If we retreat, it may be too dangerous. We should wait until Yan Kingdom."

Everyone pondered for a moment, knowing that what Wang Hao said was very reasonable.Although it was full of hatred, it was still suppressed.It won't be too late to come back for revenge after his cultivation base has improved!Thinking of this, everyone stopped making a sound, and hurried on their way wholeheartedly!

At this time, Wang Hao, because of Leng Qiuyue's words, began to think: the energy of the Xuantian Sect is far inferior to his own, and after taking the Huanying Pill, he needs to retreat for seven days.And at this moment, I have already felt the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul stage, and the Yuan power in my body is endless, so I don't need to retreat and accumulate by myself, but I can try to take a magic baby pill.If he can really break through the realm at this critical moment, it will add a little support for his successful breakout.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao no longer hesitated, and three phantom baby pills appeared in his right hand immediately, and after swallowing them in one gulp, they didn't stop at all, and they still flew in the lead in the air.Compared with ordinary monks, Wang Hao's biggest advantage is the boundless vitality in his dantian. At this moment, if he is an ordinary monk, he must meditate, mobilize all the energy, and dissolve the medicinal power of the magic baby pill.And Wang Hao doesn't need to do this at all, because the energy that supports his flight is only one percent of all the energy in his body, and to dissolve the medicinal power of the magic baby pill, Wang Hao only needs to allocate one-tenth of it. Yuanli will do.In addition, Wang Hao's cultivation method of the demon race - the Sky Demon Swallowing the Sun Kung Fu can operate on its own.So, on the surface, Wang Hao is flying with all his strength in mid-air, but in fact he is flying and practicing at the same time.If Wang Hao is really allowed to fly with all his strength, how can everyone in the Xuantian Sect keep up?

It was another boring half-day flight, and everyone in the Xuantian Sect had almost exhausted their energy at the moment. Wang Hao stopped and signaled to rest and recover his energy.During these half a day, Wang Hao repeatedly communicated with the world, and already touched a little bit of the law of the world, but he still didn't break through the last membrane of the Nascent Soul Stage.

In Wang Hao's dantian, at this moment, the vision that appeared, if seen by others, would definitely be scared to death.The phantoms of the ten great sages of the monster clan gradually solidified and became like real existences, but in terms of shape, they were countless times smaller than the real monster sages.Every demon saint is only about a foot tall, like a monk's nascent baby.

Could this be the Nascent Soul that I condensed after conceiving a baby?Wang Hao was shocked when he saw this situation for the second time.It seems that after he practiced the Primordial Demon Scripture, he was destined to take a path of cultivation that was different from that of ordinary monks.However, all kinds of avenues and all kinds of methods are just appearances...

Um!It seems that after swallowing the inner alchemy of the strange God of Transformation last time, his original strength has improved a lot.The phantom of the demon saint condensed this time has gradually solidified.Once solidified, he has entered the Nascent Soul Stage, and when his cultivation base is reached, he wonders if he can fight against ordinary masters of the Transformation Stage?At this moment, Wang Hao felt a sense of pride in his heart, because, in this realm of comprehension, the highest level of cultivation is only the stage of becoming a god.

In the valley, everything is silent, only the sound of the Xuantian Sect's people's breathing is long and far-reaching in the valley.Occasionally, there are one or two small beasts, who want to approach here, but are frightened away by the powerful breath of these human monks.

It was late at night... Suddenly, the flowers, plants and trees in the valley moved without wind.Countless plants drooped down one after another as if they were under great pressure.Everyone in Xuantianzong opened their eyes wide at the same time except Wang Hao, and then, a mouthful of blood spewed out from their mouths.Xuan Tianzi even exclaimed: "Be careful, this person's cultivation is so deep. Just exuding a little coercion can hurt us!"

Only Wang Hao stood up at this moment, not affected by the coercion at all, stepped into the air with one step, looked up, and saw a middle-aged scribe in white.This middle-aged scribe was staring at Wang Hao with interest, with a meaningful smile on his lips.

Seeing that the scribe was staring at him and smiling, Wang Hao snorted coldly, stared back with his eyes all around, twitched his mouth, and said, "Who are you from the Cultivation Alliance? Shouldn't the status in the alliance be low?"

The middle-aged scribe chuckled, and said, "My Tang Ru is the leader of the Cultivation Alliance today! Little guy, I see you. You are still one step away from the initial stage of the Nascent Soul, and you can kill several people one after another. The monks in the late Yuanying period must have a magic weapon against the sky in their hands? Hand it over quickly, I can consider it, and spare the lives of the people below!" Saying this, he waved his right hand, and a white light was extremely fast It fell down like a ribbon, actually binding everyone in the Xuantian Sect together.

Wang Hao saw that Tang Ru made a sudden attack, and immediately captured everyone in Xuantianzong.Furious in his heart, he didn't say any more, with a finger of his right hand, the Weeping Frost Sword went straight for Tang Ru's head!

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