Fairy Road

Chapter 135 Wang Hao's Counterattack

Before Wang Hao finished speaking, several powerful auras caused the faces of the diners in the entire restaurant to change color, their legs trembled, and they all left the restaurant within a few breaths, even this " The owner of "Deyue Tower" also ran to the opposite side of the restaurant with a face of pain at this time, staring blankly at the property he had worked so hard to manage, and in the next moment, it would be destroyed by the hands of these immortal elders.

"The fire at the gate of the city will affect the fish in the pond, let's go up!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and he said to the three people around him, and then disappeared into the restaurant with a flash of his figure, but there were a few extra coins on the wine table to pay the bill stone.

"Amitabha, thank God!" The owner of the restaurant widened his eyes, looked at the backs of Wang Hao and the others, and bowed down.

In the mid-air away from Deyue Tower, the four of Wang Hao stopped and faced the monks of the Yan family headed by Yan Wanyi.

"It was you who hurt the old man's grandson?" Yan Wanyi asked in a deep voice, the monk beside the voice had already clearly informed that it was the four people in front of him, but Yan Wanyi still wanted to ask the previous question.Because, seeing the four people in front of him, a semi-magic weapon in Yan Wanyi's storage bag moved slightly, and then trembled slightly as if he was a little scared.Therefore, Yan Wanyi used the time of questioning to scan the four people in front of him fiercely with his domineering divine sense, and finally found out that among the four people, only one was a late Nascent Soul cultivator, and the other three had fundamental cultivation bases. It's not worth mentioning, and there is even a junior of the Golden Core stage. I really don't know how Yan Nanxing and the four late Nascent Soul cultivators lost to these four people.

"That's right! Yan Nanxing's right arm was cut off by me!" Wang Hao stepped forward and stood in front of Ye Qingqing and the others, feeling like he was the leader of the four!

"Huh?" Yan Wanyi's eyes suddenly narrowed. This is a habit of his. He always likes to squint when encountering incredible things.

"You?" Yan Wanyi joked, and then pointed at Lu Da, "Why not him?" In his eyes, it is absolutely impossible for a monk in the early Yuanying period to consider himself the most talented Yan family among the younger generation. The cultivation base is also the highest, less than twenty is to be defeated by a genius who has cultivated to the late Yuanying stage.

"Why him?" Wang Hao naturally understood the thoughts of the astonishing white-haired old man opposite him, but Wang Hao smiled deliberately, "Since you are calling Yan Nanxing's grandson, then the seniority status in the Yan family must be very high I'm here to advise you, go back as soon as possible, don't think about avenging Yan Nanxing, otherwise, the Yan family will definitely face disaster!"

"What! You dare to threaten the old man in Fengzhou City? Did I get it wrong? You, a little monk in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, dare to threaten the old man? Hahahahahahaha!" Yan Wanyi burst out laughing wildly. Hearing the funniest thing in the world, the nine Nascent Soul stage priests who followed behind him also laughed out loud.One of them, a wretched-looking old man, shouted: "Little bastard, he has no hair yet, yet he dares to come to Fengzhou City to act wildly. Go back and ask your mother to drink nai for a few years before coming back!"

"Huh! Courting death!" Wang Hao snorted coldly, and a blue light flashed in his hand. After half a breath, the wretched old man who had spoken just now let out a scream. A small hole of an inch was pierced in his chest. It suddenly dimmed, and the breath of life disappeared.

The blue light just now was transformed by the Blue Rain Sword in Wang Hao's hand. The teleportation power of the Blue Rain Sword has been figured out by Wang Hao, and it is naturally easy to use it now!One move is to kill the old man who speaks rudely.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, and everyone present did not react. The Nascent Soul that was enshrined in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul that was killed broke away from the body, staring at Wang Hao with grief and indignation. Gritting his teeth, because he was surrounded by people from the Yan family, this Nascent Soul did not escape.

"Fourth Master, you want to avenge me!"

At this time, Yan Wanyi was already worried. After all, this young man in white was able to kill the mid-stage Nascent Soul powerhouse beside him so easily in front of his face, and it made everyone unresponsive. , I'm afraid I can't do it myself.However, at this moment, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched. If he shows weakness now, from now on, the Yan family in Fengzhou City will become the laughing stock of the whole city!

"You leave quickly and find a suitable body to seize the house. I will naturally make the decision for you here." Yan Wanyi said in a deep voice, then rolled his eyelids, stared at Wang Hao, and said slowly: "You really have A bit of proud capital, but in this Fengzhou city, you can't turn the sky!" After finishing speaking, his most proud semi-divine weapon - "Sky Breaking Hook" appeared in his hand, and he shouted loudly: "Boy! Save your life!" At the same time, several Nascent Soul Stage priests behind him sacrificed magic weapons and greeted the three people behind Wang Hao. Fang Rou was too weak, and Wang Hao thought that Fang Rou Income into the Sky Mending Ring.Because Fang Rou had already entered the Sky-Mending Ring once last time, this time she was very cooperative, and she disappeared in the eyes of the Yan family's priests without delay. There were two priests who wanted to capture and kill Fang Rou. Suddenly disappeared, with a look of surprise on his face, but soon he was besieging Lu Da. After all, a monk at the golden core stage would not cause any disturbances, so it is not worth paying too much attention to!

When Wang Hao saw Yan Wanyi's sacrifice of the semi-divine weapon "Heaven-breaking Hook", he naturally didn't dare to be careless. The Blue Rain Sword in his hand immediately turned into a blue raindrop, and swayed towards Yan Wanyi.And Yan Wanyi had already learned from Yan Nanxing that the seventh-ranked treasure in the cultivation world seemed to be in the hands of the enemy. Seeing it now, he was even more convinced in his heart, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes!However, this greed was quickly replaced by panic, because after his "Heaven Breaking Hook" was hit by the blue raindrops transformed by the Blue Rain Sword, countless fine dots appeared on the hook, "Heaven Breaking Hook" The aura on the "hook" also suddenly dimmed a lot.

Yan Wanyi couldn't help being horrified, he had relied on this semi-divine weapon throughout his entire life, and had never suffered from others' losses in weapons. He never thought that this time when he met this white-clothed boy, he would actually have a prestigious divine weapon in the cultivation world. Directly, he lost his spiritual energy by hitting his "Sky Breaking Hook".

"Take it!" Yan Wanyi had a thought, and the "Breaking Sky Hook" returned to the storage bag, and then two flying swords, one green and one red, appeared in his hand, and charged towards Wang Hao.And Yan Wanyi had already begun to read the formula for summoning Yin soldiers, because Yan Wanyi already knew at this time that if he didn't use the magical power of "Yin soldiers borrowing the way", he would have no way to defeat Wang Hao !

"Yin-soldier-borrow-dao!" After the two long swords were swept two sections by Lan Yujian, thousands of yin soldiers had already appeared in front of Wang Hao, and these yin soldiers were all Nascent Souls With a long period of cultivation, Yan Wanyi can be said to have cultivated this supernatural power to the extreme.However, he didn't expect that the artifact in Wang Hao's hands, the Blue Rain Sword, could be said to be the nemesis of these Yin soldiers.

Sure enough, as soon as these yin soldiers appeared, the Blue Rain Sword danced countless sword flowers in the air with great excitement. It seemed that a blue rain fell in mid-air and landed on those yin soldiers.In an instant, thousands of Yin soldiers all disappeared in smoke.A frightened look flashed across Yan Wanyi's face, but it was already too late.The last thing he saw was a blue light, and then he felt his head and neck separated, and Nascent Soul rushed out from the neck.

"Fourth brother!" Cao manipulated the Blue Rain Sword to cut off his head.

The three patriarchs were already looking like crazy tigers at this time, without saying a word, they directly took out the magic weapon from the storage bag, and shouted: "Little thief, take your life!" Dozens of yuan followed behind the three of them. The infant offerings also took out the magic weapons together at this time, and blasted towards Wang Hao.

With the joint attack of dozens of Nascent Soul Stage cultivators, Wang Hao had no choice but to change color at this time, and his figure rose directly into the sky, avoiding the blow that was enough to kill the Transformation Spirit Stage cultivators.Then, an obscure formula was read out of his mouth, and a man like an iron tower suddenly appeared beside Wang Hao.

I only heard Wang Hao say in a deep voice: "Since you are here to fight for your life, then leave your life here!"

At this time, all the cultivators in Fengzhou City were watching from a distance, and many of them were secretly happy: The Yan family is rampant in this Fengzhou City, and today they finally have an enemy!


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