Fairy Road

Chapter 136 Past and Present

Chapter 130 Six Past and Present Lives

"Master!" Ba Tie bowed to Wang Hao, Wang Hao nodded his head, his thoughts moved slightly, and he passed the thoughts in his heart to this ancient tenth demon saint.

Baitie understood Wang Hao's meaning in an instant, grinning his teeth at the three ancestors of the Yan family and a group of ancestors, and said with a smile: "There are so many Nascent Souls, it really makes people drool!" With a wave of the stick, he was among the crowd.All of a sudden, it was like a tiger entering a pack of wolves, killing wildly. In a few breaths, there were several Nascent Soul early stage worshipers with relatively shallow cultivation. Iron swallowed it in his mouth.

Lu Da and Ye Qingqing couldn't help but stare sideways when they saw the ferocity of the iron.Lu Daxin said: My mother!Fortunately, the Sa family did not oppose the evil star of the leader, and his servant is too fierce!The Sa family is definitely not an opponent, definitely not an opponent... Ye Qingqing stared at Bi Tie with great interest, and said in his heart: It seems that brother Wang Hao really has enough strength to break into the Wu Palace, and to fight for the dead Xuantianzong. Revenge from the same family!

At this time, Yan Wanyi's Nascent Soul had already escaped to nowhere, looking for a suitable body to seize.As for the other three ancestors of the Yan family, at this time, their canthus were about to crack, and their eyeballs were already red, as if their eyes were about to burst into flames.He commanded a group of offerings and surrounded the iron.And the three of them sacrificed their natal magic weapons to Wang Hao at the same time, a pair of golden scissors, a black long sword and a magic weapon in the shape of a black brick. The three magic weapons rolled up a wave of yuan power, Howling in mid-air, wanting to put Wang Hao to death.

But Wang Hao was sneering at this time, a blue light flashed in his right hand, and everyone just heard three "ding ding ding", and the three ancestors of the Yan family immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood. destroyed at the same time.Although these magic weapons are top-grade magic weapons, they can only be regarded as weak ones among the top-quality magic weapons. The Blue Rain Sword is the seventh-ranked magic weapon in the cultivation world, and naturally it can be destroyed with one touch.

Since Wang Hao killed Tang Ru and seized his Blue Rain Sword, coupled with the majestic energy in his dantian, it can be said that he is invincible below the stage of transforming gods, basically no one can compete with him.

"Second and third, this little thief's magic weapon is really powerful." Yan Wanqian roared, and then shouted, "Formation!" While speaking, the hands of the second and third beside him also formed lines Indian knot.

Seeing this, Wang Hao frowned, and said with a sneer, "Let's see what tricks you can play!" As he spoke, the Blue Rain Sword in his hand stopped flickering, as if he was waiting for the three ancestors of the Yan family to get married. After forming the formation, defeat it in one fell swoop!

After a few breaths, the three ancestors of the Yan family continuously exuded a cold and rotten aura, and then this aura began to spread continuously, spreading to a range of hundreds of miles in an instant.Then, countless yin qi gathered towards the three ancestors of the Yan family like lightning. After these auras entered the bodies of the three people, the auras of the three people suddenly began to rise sharply, and their cultivation bases continued to rise. From the late Nascent Soul stage to the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, and began to continuously impact towards the Transformation God stage.However, in the end, they still did not break through to the stage of transforming gods, but at this time, the aura of the three of them had surpassed that of Lu Da, and there was even a faint demigod cultivator close to Tang Ru.

"Huh? There is such a strange formation that can instantly improve one's own cultivation. It seems that these three people have absorbed the yin energy within hundreds of miles and transformed it into their own energy in a short time, making My cultivation has skyrocketed!" A strange color crossed Wang Hao's face.

"Zong Zong Zong Zong... Little thief, take your life!" The three ancestors of the Yan family were already full of yin energy at this time, without the slightest pure yang energy of a cultivator, but they spread out one after another dead breath!Suddenly, the three of them moved, their speed was as fast as a magic weapon, and they attacked and killed Wang Hao from three different directions at the same time.The three of them didn't use magic weapons, but just used their physical bodies to use their fists and supernatural powers to hit Wang Hao!

"Heavenly Corpse God Fist!" The three majestic fist winds filled with ghostly energy instantly pushed Wang Hao into a situation that was difficult to avoid.

"Hmph! Destruction punch, break it!" Wang Hao roared angrily, and then punched three times in three directions.bang bang bang!Three loud bangs, after the fist wind collided.The three ancestors of the Yan family grinned and continued to attack Wang Hao, but Wang Hao snorted, and he was actually at a disadvantage!

"This 'Heavenly Corpse God Fist' is so powerful, my 'Great Destruction Fist' is absolutely no match!" Wang Hao thought, and the Blue Rain Sword kept swimming around his body, attacking and killing the three ancestors of the Yan family. Fist cut to pieces.However, at this time, the boxing speed of the three ancestors of the Yan family was extremely fast, and the boxing wind seemed to be like a shooting star, constantly flashing around Wang Hao's body. Everyone only saw three faint shadows beside Wang Hao's body. They kept turning around Wang Hao, but they couldn't see where the three of them were at all.

Although Lan Yujian was powerful, he could only defend hard at this time, but he couldn't find a way to counterattack.At this time, if one of them was killed with the Blue Rain Sword, the fists of the other two would definitely hit Wang Hao. Such a situation where both sides would be hurt was not what Wang Hao wanted.Therefore, for a while, the scene became a stalemate.

On the other side, Baitie killed dozens of early and mid-stage Nascent Soul monks in a majestic manner, but at this time the remaining twenty or so monks were all late Nascent Soul monks. Under the siege of these people, Bared Iron It is not an easy task for Tie to kill them.

At this time, Lu Da and Ye Qingqing were also ready to make a move. With a roar, Lu Dahu rushed to Wang Hao's side, and slashed towards the three faint needs with an axe. Cut a blank.The figures of the three ancestors of the Yan family who performed the secret formation technique can be described as ghostly.You can only catch its faint shadow with your spiritual sense, and it is difficult to attack it at all.Wang Hao also had a big headache at this time. He manipulated the Blue Rain Sword, chopped all the fist winds of the three ancestors, and suddenly sacrificed the Weeping Frost Sword to attack one of them, but he did encounter the same situation as Lu Da As a result, they were only able to attack and kill the real bodies of the three people just by cutting on the faint phantom!

When Lu Da missed a hit, his temper suddenly became angry and he roared wildly. He swung a huge ax like a giant wheel, and kept killing the ancestor of the Yan family, but even so, it was still in vain.There is no ax that can really hit the ancestor of the Yan family.

Ye Qingqing was standing aside at this time, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, she was silent, but her eyes were shining brightly, as if she was planning something!Suddenly, a brilliant divine light appeared between her eyebrows, and a bell the size of a baby's fist flew out.With a slight turn in mid-air, it has increased several times in size.Ye Qingqing scolded coquettishly, and said the formula in her mouth, and the bell suddenly burst into divine light, and halos of light came out from the bell, attacking and killing the three ancestors of the Yan family.

"Past and present lives, disturb your mind! Chaos!" Ye Qingqing yelled.Then, in the consciousness of the three ancestors of the Yan family, countless phantoms suddenly appeared: in Yan Wanqian's consciousness, a scene of blood flowing into a river appeared, and Yan Wanqian was lying in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses , suddenly the eagle and vulture suddenly landed in mid-air, and the next thing was to peck out his own eyeballs.Yan Wanqian suddenly let out a roar, extremely stern, and his figure slowed down immediately.In Yan Wanhe's spiritual consciousness, a scene also appeared at this time. Yan Wanhe turned into a wild wolf, constantly chasing prey, but was stabbed by a hunter, and even his internal organs were stabbed. Gotta smash!

"Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yan Wanhe yelled wildly, actually stopping his attack on Wang Hao.Yan Wanmin was even more miserable at this time. In his spiritual consciousness, there was a scene of him being executed by someone lingeringly. With one knife, the flesh on his body was cut off. The pain made Yan Wanmin desperate for life , actually punched himself in the chest!Puchi, a mouthful of blood spurted out, Yan Wanmin's eyes had just recovered his clear look, but at this moment, his boxing and figure had stopped, Puchi, a silver flying sword suddenly appeared It landed on his chest, pierced through his chest at once, then turned back and pierced his abdomen, even the Nascent Soul in the dantian was strangled together!

"Ah~~~~~~~~~" screamed, and Yan Wanmin's body fell down.The other two ancestors of the Yan family screamed in unison: "Third!" Just at this time, the two were also hit by Lu Da's giant axe, and suddenly there was an astonishing streak of blood in their stomachs. The mouth, even the intestines are exposed!

"Ah~~~~~~~~~~~Tiege, I want to die with you!" The two ancestors of the Yan family were already crazy at this time, and their aura began to be violent, as if they were about to detonate themselves Yuan Ying, kill Wang Hao and Lu Da together!


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