Fairy Road

Chapter 167 3 Immortal Mountain's Calculations

The three elders of the Sanxian Sect, Shuiyuntian, Huoyantian and Leitiantian, are on the Penglai fairy island, drinking tea and discussing chess, enjoying themselves.At this moment, the expressions of the three of them suddenly changed, and they exclaimed at the same time: "The puppet of the fairy world is broken!" With a wave, the seal is untied directly.The three stepped forward and entered the seal.

After the three of them entered the seal, Shui Yuntian took out a quaint compass from the storage bag, and with a push of Yuanli, several small yellow dots appeared in it.The three of Shui Yuntian frowned slightly, and then their figures changed, and the next moment, they actually appeared in the black hole leading to another space.

At this time, beside the black hole, Yue Bufan and others were discussing, preparing to enter the space at the other end of the black hole, looking for Wang Hao who had been in for a day and still hadn't returned.Seeing the sudden appearance of Shui Yuntian and the three of them, everyone's expression changed immediately, and then a breath of anger was brewing on everyone's faces.

Shui Yuntian and the others didn't care about the expressions on the faces of Yue Bufan and the others at all, they just stared at the black hole with their brows tightly furrowed.After a long time, Shui Yuntian suddenly said: "The old man asked you to stop the demons in the Demon Realm of the Outer Sea, can you do it?" Then he looked at the clearance tokens on everyone's waists, and saw five people's waists. The numbers on the time tokens are all in the thousands, and some are even close to ten thousand. Their faces are now a little pale, but they still have a dissatisfied expression.

At this time, Lei Tiantian's face was even darker, and he suddenly said: "They are all useless things. Not only did they fail to stop those demons, they actually broke through the weakest node in the seal by those demons, allowing them to enter. In another space. Useless! Extremely stupid!" Lei Tiantian said, exuding bursts of berserk breath from his whole body, and he seemed to be extremely angry.

Yue Bufan and the others heard Lei Tiantian's complaints, and their faces became more angry. Zhou Qing finally couldn't help shouting: "I, Zhou Qing, will withdraw from this competition now. This last round of tests is really wonderful. We More than a dozen people came in, and now there are only a few of us left. Don’t you know that among these demons there will be the existence of the transformation stage? The highest cultivation level of us is only the late Yuanying stage. Let us Come to stop those demons, it is tantamount to sending us to death!" Zhou Qing said here, pulled off the clearance token from his waist, and threw it on the ground viciously.

"That's right, this third round of testing is not something that we can complete. Now, it's unexpected that the few of us can save our lives, and it's only natural that we can't stop the devil!" Yue Bufan said at this time Also said.

"Hmph! You juniors, a few trials just made your Dao heart unstable, and you still want to join my Three Immortals. Hehe, it's really wishful thinking. What's the point if a few monks die? On the way to cultivate immortality, the weak are prey to the strong, you It's perfectly normal for me to be exterminated for my lack of cultivation!" Thunderstorm said angrily, and with a wave of his right hand, a majestic force rolled towards Yue Bufan and the others, and said in his mouth, "Destroy Passing the pass token is disrespect to my Three Immortals, this is a serious crime, you will be detained first, and then punished, others, etc., are guilty of the same crime and arrested together!"

"What, we are working so hard here, and you are being used as spearmen by your Sanxianshan, and you still want to detain us for crimes! What a Sanxianmen!" Zhou Qing was already furious at this time, and the red flying sword in his hand was extremely fierce. The big hand in the depths of the thunderstorm chopped off.

"Things that don't know how to live or die!" Lei Tiantian said disdainfully, and then turned his hands, and everyone suddenly felt that the sky was about to collapse, and when their eyes went dark, they entered a chaotic space.The space here is extremely small, the five of them can only be squeezed together, Yue Bufan smiled wryly and said: "It seems that we were captured by that old guy with a magic weapon of space..." Everyone couldn't help feeling sad, but there was nothing The only way is to sit cross-legged in this space.

At this time, Lei Tiantian was holding a purple wooden box in his hand. The wooden box was engraved with simple and simple runes, and there were mysterious auras floating around.

"Lei Yutian, why did you capture these juniors?" Shui Yuntian said at this time, "Your magic weapon is the most precious treasure of the fairy family, a low-grade fairy artifact in the fairy world. Now you have taken out these juniors to hold these juniors, and you are not afraid of losing yours. identity!"

"Identity, what is identity? Strength is identity!" Lei Baotian said disdainfully, "Shui Yuntian, isn't it your purpose to capture these juniors? When you came up with this plan, it attracted all the sects in the Yanhuang Continent. Outstanding disciples, all came to my Sanxian Mountain to participate in the selection of disciples, and then you arranged for these juniors to come to this sealed place to complete this impossible task. Isn’t it to weaken the strength of the entire Yanhuang Continent? Now these survived The younger generation, within a hundred years, will definitely be able to enter the stage of transforming gods. I will help you capture them now, so as to save them from having to learn from their masters and ancestors when they can, and run to my Sanxian Mountain to find the passage to ascend to the God Realm , disrupt our cleansing!"

"Hmph! Thunderstorm, you are talking more and more now! There are some things that everyone knows in their hearts, and there is no need to say them out. Although we have inherited the will of the fairy world, I don't want to become the enemy of the entire Yanhuang Continent." !" Huo Yantian said suddenly at this time.

"That's right, what Huo Yantian said is right, Lei Tiantian, you need to get rid of your talkative old habit!" Shui Yuntian agreed, then raised his brows, and continued, "These juniors, you can accept it if you accept it." Accepted. However, for the current plan, we still need to enter the forbidden land of the gods, find the escaped demons, and kill them in one fell swoop!"

"Hmph! Of course I know this. Those devils seem to have walked the right path, and they have reached the fairyland puppets, and even beheaded the four puppets. After two more steps, they will be able to reach the Ascension God Realm At the entrance of the passage, we will catch up now and kill them all!" Lei Tiantian said.

"This is not urgent!" Shui Yuntian said slowly, "Although these demons are all at the stage of transformation, there are only two people in the late stage of transformation. Their strength can kill the puppets of the fairy world, but they will never Maybe pass through the God-destroying Illusion in the back! Maybe, before we catch up with them, they have already fallen in that God-destroying Illusion! Now the first thing we need to do is to seal the six passages here, Seal them all, lest any more devils break in!"

"Shui Yuntian is right, let's do it now!" Huo Yantian said in a deep voice, and then disappeared in place.Next, Shuiyuntian and Thunderstorm also disappeared at the same time.


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