Fairy Road

Chapter 168 God Destroyer Illusion

At this time, Wang Hao was still in the God's Forbidden Land mentioned by Shui Yuntian, carrying a big blue sword on his back, and walked slowly forward.Every step is extremely difficult, but Wang Hao's steps at this time are extremely solid.Every step he took was actually on the ground, leaving a deep footprint.

"Huh? Why did the scenery in front of me suddenly change? There is no life on the road I'm on. But, unexpectedly, the scenery ahead is like a paradise. On both sides of the road, there are green trees, Slices of flowers, and even countless small animals, playing and playing among them. Could it be that the end of this road is not a passage to ascend to the God Realm, but a paradise?" Wang Hao stopped and stared cautiously ahead , he was extremely vigilant deep in his heart: because often the more beautiful things look, the more murderous intentions they often contain.

"Wang Hao, why don't you leave?" Jian Daoxin's voice suddenly came through.

"Ahead, there seems to be some problems... Sword Dao Xin, can you see something strange?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously.At this time, the big blue sword flew up from behind Wang Hao with a loud bang, suspended in mid-air, pointed forward in a serious manner, then nodded on the sword body, and said: "Wang Hao, the front is indeed the same as It's very different here! However, I haven't been able to see what kind of danger there is. However, the scenery there is too abnormal, and I suspect it is an illusion!"

"Illusion?" Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat, his eyes flickered and he looked forward, without saying a word.After a long time, Wang Hao finally moved, took a step forward, and walked towards the beautiful place.

"Knowing that there are tigers on the mountain, I prefer to go to the mountain of tigers, that's how I cultivate immortals and immortals. Only by going forward can we achieve greatness!" At this time, Wang Hao thought firmly in his heart.The sword heart was also very excited behind Wang Hao, and said: "Wang Hao, you are not only talented, but also have a firm heart. His achievements in the future must be limitless!"

At this time, Wang Hao no longer answered Jian Daoxin's words, because he had already entered the pleasant scene, the surrounding wind was beautiful, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, which made Wang Hao feel relaxed and happy.

"This place is really beautiful. If we can live here with Ziyan forever, we will only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals!" Wang Hao suddenly had such a thought in his heart.Then, the figure of another woman appeared in Wang Hao's heart again. This woman was the one who had been shining in front of him, and said coquettishly, "Wang Hao, have you forgotten me?" Suddenly, another woman appeared in Yan Miao's eyes. In front of Zhenzhen, he stared at Wang Hao with grief and indignation and said, "Brother Wang Hao, you and my childhood sweetheart, why did you betray me? Are you really a betrayer?" The person who spoke was Ye Qingqing, Ye Qingqing said Here, suddenly there was a long sword in his hand, one sword stabbed Yan Miaozhen's chest, Yan Miaozhen screamed and fell into a pool of blood.Then, Ye Qingqing also let out a miserable laugh, and said, "Brother Wang Hao, we are all dead, so you can be with Senior Sister Ziyan." As he said that, the long sword was placed around his neck, and Wang Hao was already alert Woke up, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop!" Then, with a flash, he came to Ye Qingqing, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed Ye Qingqing's right hand holding the sword.

But when Ye Qingqing saw Wang Hao approaching, his complexion changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Wang Hao, since you won't let me die, then go die!" It reached Wang Hao's chest.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, Wang Hao was caught off guard, the long sword had pierced half an inch into his chest, and it seemed to pass through his body.At this time, suddenly a blue light flashed, and with a ding, the long sword in Ye Qingqing's hand was instantly wiped out, and even Ye Qingqing disappeared at the same time.And in Wang Hao's ears at this time, the voice of Jian Daoxin also came: "Wang Hao, you are confused by the illusion, wake up quickly!" Wang Hao's heart was shocked, and the scene in front of him suddenly remained the same, but, There was no sign of Yan Miaozhen and the others.

"It's so dangerous! It turned out that it was just an illusion." Wang Hao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and thought to himself: This illusion is actually directed at the heart, so amazing!

"Don't think too much, Wang Hao, get out of here quickly!" Jian Daoxin's voice came again.Wang Hao nodded and continued to walk forward.However, after walking a few steps, he saw his long-lost father again, who suddenly appeared in front of the road, and beside him was a woman with a vague face.The woman was pushing her father away, and then four monks in black, holding long swords, wanted to kill her father.

"Father!" Wang Hao yelled wildly, and ran towards the front. At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly had a little more understanding in his heart: his father had already disappeared, so he appeared here, it seems that this is another illusion.Thinking of this, Wang Hao stopped and stared at the front with a sneer. Sure enough, his father suddenly disappeared, and the four black-clothed monks who had killed his father turned their swords at the same time and killed him.

"Hmph! Go to hell!" Wang Hao frowned, and the Blue Rain Sword made a sudden move, beheading the four black-clothed monks instantly. "Okay, Wang Hao, it seems that you won't be easily confused by illusions anymore, let's move on. Remember, what you see here is all illusions, don't take it seriously!" Jian Daoxin Laocheng said.

"Hahahahaha, ignorant junior, you actually say that this place is full of illusions. You are really a frog at the bottom of a well. I don't know how big the sky is!" At this moment, a majestic voice sounded in midair, and a golden-armored immortal full of immortality appeared in the air. In front of Wang Hao's eyes.This Golden Armored Immortal was wearing a pair of golden armor and held a golden long sword in his hand.The momentum is monstrous, it seems that with just a few gestures, you can turn the river and the sea, destroy the world and destroy the earth.At this time, the immortal was looking at Wang Hao with disdain, and pointed at the golden sword in his hand: "Retreat quickly, otherwise, you will die!"

Wang Hao frowned, and thought to himself: This illusion is like a real existence.Saying that, the Blue Rain Sword in his hand struck out again, killing the golden-armored immortal.Unexpectedly, with a wave of the golden sword in the hand of the Golden Armored Immortal, the Blue Rain Sword collapsed back, and then stepped forward, and the golden sword in his hand slashed fiercely towards the top of Wang Hao's head.

Wang Hao couldn't help being terrified, the golden sword slashed down like the sky, making him unable to hide, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and raise the blue rain sword to slash towards the golden sword.

Ding!The Blue Rain Sword in Wang Hao's hand was knocked into the air by the golden sword again, and the golden sword was about to split Wang Hao in half.At this time, a blue sword suddenly appeared on the top of Wang Hao's head, facing the golden sword, the two swords intersected, and there was a crisp sound, and then, the golden sword broke inch by inch and disappeared in place.And a golden sword appeared in the hand of the golden-armored fairy again, but at this moment, a dignified expression appeared on the face of the golden-armored fairy, and suddenly murmured: "How can there be things from the fairy world in the lower realm. This sword looks very familiar, like the fairy weapon used by that person, but hasn't that person been beheaded by the immortal emperor and wiped out? It is impossible for his fairy weapon to appear in the lower realm! Could it be me I read it wrong?"

Seeing the golden-armored immortal groaning silently, Jian Daoxin suddenly said proudly: "At first I thought this place was all an illusion, but I didn't expect that someone would leave a clone here. However, you are just a fairy soldier in the fairy world. Now It's nothing more than a clone left in the lower realm, yet dare to be arrogant, I think back then, I killed countless immortal generals and commanders, and today I will kill your clone!" Said, whoosh With a sound, it appeared in Wang Hao's hands.

Wang Hao, who was just in shock, naturally understood at this time, and a trace of fairy spirit immediately spread to the blue sword.Jian Daoxin shook his sword body, let out a dragon cry, and then appeared in front of the Golden Armored Immortal.

At this time, the Golden Armored Immortal seemed to be contemplating something, and when he saw the sword approaching, he came to his senses, with a frightened look on his face, and shouted: "Could it be that you are really that person's immortal weapon... Heaven-reaching... Ah!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Before the Golden Armored Immortal finished speaking, he let out a miserable cry, his whole body burst open, turned into powder, and dissipated on the spot .

Wang Hao was dumbfounded. After a long time, he asked, "You seem to have a great reputation in the fairy world? Why did you come to the lower realm? Is it because you were knocked down?"

Jian Daoxin had already returned to Wang Hao's back at this time, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "This matter is a long story, and I tell you now, maybe it will only leave a disaster for you. If there is a suitable opportunity in the future , I will tell you my origin myself!"

After Wang Hao heard this, he didn't ask any more questions. In fact, he also knew in his heart that with his current cultivation, the more he knew, the more trouble he would cause himself.Ken Dao Xin doesn't tell her origin now, which can be regarded as a kind of protection for herself.

Wang Hao stood still for a moment, and continued to walk forward. After a beautiful scene, there was a scene that made Wang Hao even more dumbfounded...


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