Fairy Road

Chapter 169 Meeting Three Old Men

After Wang Hao walked through a beautiful scenery, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.As far as the eye could see, there was an ancient battlefield where mountains of corpses piled up and seas of blood flowed.The entire battlefield was filled with the aura of war and killing, and even more resentment rose to the sky, almost forming a real substance, rushing towards Wang Hao.Wang Hao stopped in his tracks immediately, and secretly drew his strength to contend with the grievance that came over him!

What is this place and why is there such a tragic scene.Looking at the broken weapons next to these corpses, most of them are top-grade magic weapons, and even have the existence of divine weapons. Wang Hao concluded that the dead must be monks with extraordinary strength. fear!

These are naturally illusions!Wang Hao thought to himself, and immediately stepped out and walked towards the ancient battlefield.However, Wang Hao only took three steps, and another majestic voice came from his ears: "Stop the visitor, do you know that a single mistake will bring you the disaster of killing yourself? I think you are in the lower realm , Cultivation is not easy, just spare your life for the time being, leave quickly, and stop trying to ascend to the God Realm. What you see in your eyes is the ultimate fate of monks who want to ascend to the God Realm among countless lower planes!" This said The voice came slowly, as if it represented the will of heaven and earth, more like controlling Wang Hao's consciousness, which made Wang Hao have countless thoughts of retreating.

At this time, Wang Hao did not refute.He just stared blankly at the corpses of those monks. After a few breaths, he seemed to understand something, turned around and left without any hesitation!

The moment Wang Hao turned around, the scene behind him changed suddenly. The ancient battlefield disappeared completely, and there was no trace of the corpses of all the monks.However, Wang Hao was naturally unaware of this.However, Jian Daoxin behind Wang Hao suddenly said: "Wang Hao, you have been confused by the illusion again!"

Wang Hao stopped, thought for a moment, and then said with a sense of comprehension: "Why do I know it's an illusion, but why can't I be controlled by that voice!"

"This is the suppression of the realm! The master of that voice has a realm far beyond yours. Therefore, his voice becomes an irreplaceable will in your ears, which can firmly control your mind and make you I can't help myself!" Jian Daoxin said, "However, your retreat this time will not be a bad thing. Because, the owner of that voice just now, even if it is me, plus your fairy spirit, it is not a bad thing. There is no possibility of victory! Although that person here is nothing more than a clone, but even that clone can easily destroy the entire Yanhuang Continent!" Speaking of this, Jian Daoxin's voice trembled a little, I don't know if it's because of excitement or fear.

"In this way, we can only go back the same way now, and there is no possibility of continuing to move forward?" Deep down in Wang Hao's heart, he still hopes to move forward. After all, there is the only way ahead to find his mother in the God Realm.It is extremely difficult and dangerous to come here now, and it would be a pity to give up now.

"Is it possible to move forward?" Jian Daoxin pondered a little, and suddenly said firmly, "Absolutely not! If we continue to move forward, we can only be killed by that person!"

"If that's the case, then go back!" Wang Hao is not a reckless man, and now the situation is stronger than others, so he can only choose to retreat.However, Wang Hao has a firm belief in his heart. This time he came to Sanxian Mountain and gained a lot. After he got out of the seal here, he immediately searched for the Sun Sutra and improved his cultivation.Then, come here to make a breakthrough!Thinking of this, Wang Hao didn't hesitate any longer, and started walking back along the way he came from.

However, just after walking a distance of hundreds of feet, Jian Daoxin said in shock: "Wang Hao, there seem to be three extremely strong auras approaching here in front, I don't know if they are enemies or friends?"

"I can feel it too. The speed of these three breaths is extremely fast. They are definitely monks above the stage of transforming gods. Naturally, they are not friends, but enemies!" Wang Hao frowned, cursing in his mouth, "How can those demons Have you found this way too? This time, I’m afraid I’ll have to spend a lot of money and waste a bit of fairy energy to solve this matter!”

This road was extremely narrow, and there was no place to hide, so Wang Hao had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk forward.Sure enough, before walking a hundred steps, three extremely fast figures appeared in front of him. It seems that although these three people can't fly, they are performing the lightness kung fu in the world, moving around on the road Zong Leap, as if not affected by the coercion here.

Just as Wang Hao saw those three figures, one of them already had a doubtful voice: "Hey, so it could be him?"

Wang Hao's heart moved: It turns out that these three people are not those demon heads, but the three elders of Sanxian Mountain: Shuiyuntian, Huoyantian and Thunderstorm Tian!Oops, if it is true as I know, these three people followed the intention of the fairy world and controlled the passage of Ascension to the God Realm, but now that I have approached that passage infinitely, I must have touched the reverse scale of these three people.It seems that these three people came here aggressively to accuse me of crimes.The cultivation of these three people is unfathomable, and they even have this extremely powerful fairy weapon in their hands. I am no match at all, what should I do?Wang Hao quickly thought about the countermeasures. At this moment, Shui Yuntian and the other three had already arrived in front of him.

"Boy, why did you come here?" Lei Fengtian looked puzzled at this moment. In his eyes, Wang Hao's mere Nascent Soul cultivation base, even if he is a genius and full of magic weapons, it is impossible to defeat the fairy world. Puppet, come here.

"Well, they didn't believe that I would come here, so that's fine, I just plan!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and he replied, "The junior is incompetent, failed to stop those demons, and was broken by those demons. I escaped here. This junior has tracked all the way from afar just to find out the traces of those old devils!" Wang Hao said, deliberately turned slightly sideways, and displayed the clearance token on his waist, the number on it was 210 Three thousand [-] six, obviously, in the process of stopping the devil, he is the biggest contributor.

"Hmm! You are very good!" At this moment, Lei Tiantian saw the number on the clearance token, nodded slightly, and then asked, "Where are those demons? Why did you go back?"

Wang Hao quickly replied: "Those demons have deep cultivation, this junior only dared to follow from a distance, just now this junior suddenly felt that those demons suddenly stopped not far in front of them, this junior thought that these demons might be When he found the junior, he hurried back and fled. However, these demons don’t seem to be chasing them now.” Wang Hao said, looking thoughtful on purpose, as if he didn’t understand why the demons stopped suddenly, but Don't come after yourself.

"Stop?" Lei Tiantian frowned, and suddenly laughed wildly, "Hahahaha, if they don't stop, I'm afraid they don't need us to take action now, and they are already dead." Wang Hao had a very strong confidence in that checkpoint, and Wang Hao was secretly glad at this time. It seemed that he did not force himself to break through, but it was the right choice.

It was Lei Tiantian who was always asking Wang Hao, but Shui Yuntian and Huo Yantian had sullen faces and kept silent.At this time, Shui Yuntian suddenly asked: "You are only a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and you actually managed to come here, and from the old man's point of view, the coercion here doesn't seem to affect you very much. Your strength should be There is something hidden, or is it that you have a magic weapon against the sky?" As he said, he stared at Wang Hao with all eyes, looking quite puzzled that Wang Hao came here with his cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul look.

Wang Hao's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly replied: "Senior, this junior just practiced a method of body training. The body of this junior is somewhat stronger than that of ordinary monks, so although the coercion here is extremely strong, But the younger generation can still persevere." As he spoke, Wang Hao activated the supernatural power of "Nine Demons of Heaven", and suddenly there was a burst of golden light flowing on his body.Shui Yuntian frowned, his face softened a little, and he seemed to believe him a bit.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you are only a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, but your physical body is comparable to that of a monk in the transformation stage. It's rare, rare, and, although you failed to stop those demons this time, you have made great achievements in tracking them down. Out of here, my Three Immortals Sect will naturally not treat you badly!" Huo Yantian said at this time.

A hint of surprise appeared on Wang Hao's face, and he bowed and said, "Then I would like to thank the three seniors for their cultivation!"

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