Fairy Road

Chapter 170

The three of Shui Yuntian looked at each other and ignored Wang Hao. Among them, Lei Tiantian said: "Those monsters naturally stopped at the last checkpoint. We will rush over now, just to close the door and beat the dog. They caught them all!"

Shui Yuntian and Huo Yantian nodded at the same time, and said: "That's right, it's best to force them into the last checkpoint. Then, we can solve those troubles without us!" People also have a little bit of fear for those devils in the transformation stage. After all, if you want to kill the monks in the transformation stage, you will have to pay some price. Now, it is a coincidence, and there is a person who can do it without any effort. It is no wonder that these two people have a wishful thinking if they have the opportunity to kill a powerful enemy.

"Okay, without further ado, let's start now!" Lei Tiantian said, stomping his feet, and ran forward quickly.Huo Yantian did the same and followed.Only Shui Yuntian glanced at Wang Hao suddenly, and suddenly said: "Little guy, you also go and have a look with us!" As he said, he rolled up his sleeves and rolled towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's heart moved, he wanted to resist, but then he changed his mind, gave up the idea of ​​resisting, and was swept up by Shui Yuntian.Shui Yuntian rolled up Wang Hao and ran quickly, while Wang Hao was rolled up by him with his long sleeves and dragged behind him like flying a kite.

If I resist at this time, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of this person, why not follow him, even if I don't see those monsters at that time, it doesn't mean that what I said is not true, after all, those monsters are very likely to enter the ancient battlefield .

Not long after, the three of them had arrived at the ancient battlefield. At this time, the situation there was the same as what Wang Hao saw when he came here for the first time.

"What's going on? So there are no shadows of those devils?" Lei Tiantian asked with his eyes wide open, glaring at Wang Hao.Shui Yuntian also waved his sleeves, threw Wang Hao to the ground, and asked in a deep voice, "How dare you lie to us?"

"Junior don't dare! This junior follows those demons and doesn't dare to get too close. He just feels that they are stopping in front of him!" Speaking of this, Wang Hao suddenly seemed to think of something, and said, "Three seniors, maybe those It's unknown if the devil continues to walk forward!"

"Fart!" Thunderstorm said angrily, "Do you know where this place is? Even though those devils are at the stage of transformation, it is absolutely impossible for them to pass through here!" Said, Thunderstorm looked towards the ancient battlefield, Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he muttered to himself: "Could it be that those devils are overthinking their abilities and want to force their way in, and they can't be killed at this moment?"

"It's not impossible!" Huo Yantian frowned and said, "After all, among those old demons, Li Huo and Lu Mao have already cultivated to the late stage of transformation, and the temptation ahead is also great for them. Fighting hard, It's not absolutely impossible!"

"Okay, Huo Yantian, needless to say!" Shui Yuntian glanced at Wang Hao and said, "Since those old devils are not here, we can go back. After all, if those old devils enter this ancient battlefield, They must have been killed by now!"

"Shui Yuntian, if you go back without finding those demons, isn't that too hasty?" Huo Yantian asked.

"Then what else, this road, we have walked all the way, and we have not seen any traces of those demons. At this moment, we have reached the last checkpoint. Even if we are, it is impossible to pass this checkpoint. Could it be that those demons Is it possible to break through with your head?" Shui Yuntian said, staring at Wang Hao suddenly and said, "Now, there is only one possibility, that little guy over there lied to us, and those demons never took this road at all! "

"Huh? Little guy, is what you said true or false?" Lei Tiantian stared at Wang Hao and said angrily.

Wang Hao hurriedly replied: "This junior joins the Sanxian Sect with all his heart, how could he deceive the seniors?" Wang Hao explained, but at this moment, he noticed that the lips of Shui Yuntian and the other three moved slightly, which seemed to be communicating through sound transmission wearing something.Wang Hao thought to himself: It seems that they are going to attack him, and he must not stand still!Even if there is too much difference in cultivation base, we must fight hard!As he said that, he passed the last trace of fairy spirit in the sky-filling ring to the sword body of Jian Dao Xin.Jian Daoxin suddenly understood, and the sword body moved slightly, responding to Wang Hao.

As expected by Wang Hao, the three of Shui Yuntian were discussing how to deal with Wang Hao at this moment. Shui Yuntian meant to capture Wang Hao and take him into custody, while Huo Yantian and Lei Baotian meant to kill Wang Hao directly!

"Shui Yuntian, do you understand that this kid knows too much, and he followed us to the last checkpoint. This is something that hasn't happened in thousands of years. If this person passes on the secret Go out, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"That's right, although the second son has outstanding talents, he must be killed! Otherwise, he will not complete the task assigned by the fairy world. Not only will the three of you and I have no hope of ascending to the fairy world, but we are even more likely to be killed directly!"

"That's the only way to go!" Shui Yuntian pondered, "It's up to you to take action over there!"

"Senior, don't you believe what the junior said?" Wang Hao asked intentionally. "Humph! Although everything you said is watertight, we haven't seen those demons. How can you believe us, boy, I will capture you first and bring you back to the sect, and wait until we capture those demons! , then deal with it!" Lei Tiantian said, stretching out his right hand, he went towards Wang Hao to grab it.

snort!Capture me, I'm afraid you want to kill me directly!At this time, Wang Hao already knew the intention of Shui Yuntian and the other three. When he saw Lei Tiantian grabbing towards him, his figure flashed, and there was a blue light in his hand. Only on the big hand.

Rumble!The Lan Yu sword slashed on Lei Tiantian's big hand, and unexpectedly defeated the big hand made of Lei Tian's origin force in one fell swoop.However, Lei Tiantian didn't make a full attack just now.

"Hmph! How dare you resist!" Lei Fengtian said with his eyes wide open at this time, "I thought I had a magical weapon, so I dared to be arrogant. Since I don't obey the arrangement, then the old man will kill you directly!" As he said, his whole body exploded With a rushing momentum, two big skinny hands grabbed Wang Hao fiercely.

For the monks who have reached the late stage of transforming gods, even the weapons, legs and feet transformed by Yuanli are comparable to the existence of top-grade magic weapons.At this time, Lei Tiantian made a full-strength attack. If he was caught by him, even if Wang Hao cultivated the supernatural power of "Heavenly Demon Nine Refinements", he would definitely end up violently killed!

"Sword Dao Heart!" Wang Hao roared angrily when he saw the two big hands coming over the sky, and the blue light sword on his back immediately won the blue light, and a destructive aura was rolled up, and the sword smashed the thunderstorm Tian Yuan. The two big hands, then unexpectedly slashed towards Shui Yuntian and the three of them.

"Well, fairy artifact!" Shui Yuntian's complexion changed at this time, and he said in shock, "You actually have a fairy artifact! What is your origin?" As he said, his whole body changed, and he attacked and killed Wang Hao .

Huo Yantian also roared at this time, and with a push of both hands, a pair of huge palms slashed towards Wang Hao.Lei Tiantian was even more furious at this time, a small green knife appeared in his hand, and he yelled: "Boy, die!"

The joint attack of these three cultivators in the late stage of transformation was so powerful that Wang Hao immediately felt a strong breath of death rushing towards him...

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