Fairy Road

Chapter 197 Demon King

Wang Hao was enveloped by the big skinny hand that pierced through the air, and he was unable to resist at all. The suppression in the realm made Wang Hao's Dao heart start to waver at this moment.

"You can't just catch it like this!" A strong thought of resistance rose in Wang Hao's heart, and the sky-button ring was also trembling in his chest. The trembling of the sky-button ring was not excitement, but fear.Afraid of the overwhelming skinny hands, it seems that they contain destructive energy!

The situation is extremely critical, Fangfo is over, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Wang Hao is about to turn into dust.However, at this moment, another huge bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across the distant sky, and a middle-aged man wearing a crown and a black suit stepped out of the crack in the sky in one step.Stretching out his right palm, he hit the big skinny hand that was grabbing Wang Hao.

The whole world began to be turned upside down, and endless energy gushed out. Wang Hao just felt a dazzling ball of light suddenly appear in front of his eyes, and then his body flew out backwards as if being hit hard, spraying out Blood all the way.

The middle-aged man in Xuanyi in midair had a calm face at this moment, and said slowly: "In my Yanhuang Continent, not everyone can act wild at will!" The big skinny hand that was trembling slightly at this moment suddenly trembled violently, and then disappeared into midair, leaving only an old voice, which was full of resentment.

"One day, I will make your Yanhuang Continent surrender to the feet of my Tianzhu Continent!" The voice echoed between the heaven and the earth, and it could not disperse for a long time, and it seemed to reverberate in the hearts of everyone.

A sneer flashed across the corner of the middle-aged man's mouth in black clothes, and then he looked towards Wang Hao. Suddenly, there was a little strangeness in his eyes. Immediately, the middle-aged man's right hand was a little empty, and a majestic Yuan The force was transmitted to Wang Hao's body through the air, and Wang Hao's spirit was lifted immediately, and most of the injuries all over his body healed.Staring at the middle-aged man with the crown on his head with all eyes, he said, "Thank you, senior, for your help!"

The middle-aged man nodded towards Wang Hao, and said: "Little friend, you have a destiny with my monster clan, don't forget the past appointment!" As he spoke, he smiled slightly at Wang Hao, and then his figure flashed , then disappeared between heaven and earth.Lu Da and the others were left staring at the void dumbfounded, unable to calm down for a long time.

But Wang Hao already knew in his heart at this moment that this person must be the emperor of the demon clan. He had practiced the ancient demon scriptures and had an agreement with the demon clan. come.I have been rescued by the masters of the monster clan several times, it seems that I and others must repay the people of the monster clan well, and have repaid the grace of saving each other!Thinking of this, Wang Hao uttered a long cry, firmly steadied his shaken Dao heart, and immediately called everyone back to the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance to start healing.In today's Cultivation Alliance, the remaining monks are more or less injured. Wang Hao decided to refine a kind of elixir to heal everyone's injuries. He asked whether there was anyone in the Shangchanghe Alliance who could refine this elixir. After the medicinal materials, Wang Hao nodded slightly. Fortunately, the medicinal materials reserves in the alliance are relatively sufficient, which is enough for Wang Hao to refine several furnaces of elixir for healing.

After obtaining the elixir, Wang Hao began to refine a healing elixir that Chen Tuan had taught him - Holy Spirit Powder.This kind of elixir is the holy medicine for healing that Chen Tuan wanted to win over the monks around him when he was in the human world. As long as he takes one pill for ordinary injuries, it can offset the healing time for several days.

Wang Hao retreated and refined medicine for three days, and finally produced a furnace——Holy Spirit Powder.After distributing it to everyone and swallowing it, almost everyone's injuries improved greatly, and some monks healed immediately, and even their cultivation base had a slight improvement.Everyone immediately felt that the current leader is really too powerful, not only has a high level of cultivation, has powerful friends, but also can refine a good medicine pill, which is really incomparable to the previous Tang Ru.

After this encounter, these core monks in the Cultivation Alliance really began to submit to Wang Hao's command, and they no longer had two hearts.

After this battle, Wang Hao decided to re-establish the Cultivation Alliance. Of course, the monks who remained became the core monks in the Cultivation Alliance. With these core monks as the backbone, they were able to neutralize some from the various sects of the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation. Select outstanding monks from the casual cultivators to join the Cultivation Alliance to jointly resist possible future invasions from the Tianzhu Continent.

After Wang Hao's instruction, Shang Changhe began to spread the disappearance of the Cultivation Alliance's recruitment of talents to various sects in the ten countries of Cultivation. It is scheduled to open the selection of talents with the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance on the fifteenth of this month.As soon as the news came out, the entire cultivation world of the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation began to boil, because if they could join the Cultivation Alliance this time, not only would they be able to obtain some high-quality magic weapons, but they would also have the opportunity to become the disciple of the leader of the Cultivation Alliance.Such opportunities are not easily available to ordinary people.

The reason why Wang Hao asked Shang Changhe to spread the news that he was going to choose disciples from the monks who came to participate in the selection was entirely because he had already cultivated to the stage of transforming gods, and the day of ascension to the God Realm was no longer in the foreseeable future. Select one or two disciples from time to time, and teach them the supernatural powers well. In the future, they will be able to take care of those Xuantianzong people who have been kind to him.

In addition to the earth-shaking changes in the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation, a distinguished guest also came to the Weiyang Palace in the Wu Kingdom at this time.After Taiqingzi and Weiyangzi entered the secret room, they talked in secret for a day before saying goodbye and leaving.No one knew what kind of things these two people had secretly discussed during this day.

And in the overseas Three Immortals Mountain, the three of Shui Yuntian were also communicating nervously.Shui Yuntian frowned and said: "It seems that the Yanhuang Continent is really going to have a big change, and the battle in the ten kingdoms of cultivation, even if you and I go there, I'm afraid we can only end up on the spot!"

"Yeah, I thought it was the one from the monster race, but I didn't expect there to be another one with the same power. This power has already surpassed the limit of the lower realm. I really don't understand why these people are in the lower realm. With such a cultivation base?" Huo Huo Tian sighed.

"Hmph! Even if the owner surpasses the power of the late stage of transforming gods, so what? As long as the top-grade fairy world in the hands of the three of you and I join hands, even if he has the cultivation base of a fairy, he must be enraged on the spot!" Lei Tiantian said , bursts of violent aura emanated from all around his body.At this time, Shui Yuntian shook his head and said: "This matter must not be underestimated. The three of you and I have an arduous task in this Yanhuang Continent. Once the passage to ascend to the God Realm is opened by monks from this realm, the Immortal Realm will definitely descend. Guilty, when the time comes, it will be the time when you and I will be doomed!"

"Shui Yuntian is right. Thunderstorm, we must take a long-term view. In the current Yanhuang Continent, there are more and more people who have surpassed you and me. We must face up to this situation!" Huotian said.

Lei Yutian clenched his fists and said fiercely: "There is no need for any plan at all. In my opinion, it is best to defeat them one by one and kill them one by one, so that there will be no situation where they join hands to attack Sanxian Mountain! You and I They all have top-grade fairy weapons in their hands, and it is not easy to kill them!"

Listening to Lei Tiantian's words, Shui Yuntian and Huoyantian suddenly nodded at the same time, and said: "Lei Tiantian, you finally made a good suggestion. This time, it seems that we really want to defeat them one by one and kill them one by one. Only then can I guarantee the safety of my Sanxian Mountain!" As they spoke, a black long sword suddenly appeared behind the two of them, and above this long sword, there was a soul-stirring black light...

At this time, in a small world, a white-haired old man was standing behind the middle-aged man wearing a crown and black clothes, and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you ask about the whereabouts of little princess Wang Hao?" !" The middle-aged man frowned and said: "Zi Yan is destined to have this catastrophe, so there is no need to ask. At this moment, she is already beginning to respond to the catastrophe. If she can escape this catastrophe, she will definitely become the new queen of my monster clan in the future. I think Wang Hao's son is extraordinary, and he must have had an encounter far beyond his past, so Ziyan can place his love on this son, which is not a bad thing!" Saying that, the middle-aged The man looked into the distance, as if he could see through everything, and saw Zi Yan who was unconscious in the Sky Mending Ring on Wang Hao's chest at this time.

"Your Majesty, who is the master who went to our Yanhuang Continent this time?" the old man asked again.The middle-aged man pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "In the Tianzhu Continent, unlike my Yanhuang Continent, there are countless sects, but there is only one huge sect in the continent, and that is the Kuchan Temple. The monks in the entire Tianzhu Continent are Kuchan Temple. The disciple of the Zen Temple, and the big skinny hand that attacked Wang Hao is the abbot of the Kuchan Temple——Changmei!"

"Long eyebrows! It turns out that he is the ruler of the legendary Tianzhu Continent. Your Majesty, your cultivation level..." The old man suddenly stopped talking.

"My cultivation is not Chang Mei's opponent. If Chang Mei really leads the Tianzhu Continent to attack my Yanhuang Continent, I can't stop it!" The middle-aged man said, with a hint of worry between his eyebrows.

"What? You can't even stop your Majesty, so wouldn't Weiyangzi and Taiqingzi be even more so! Then I, Yanhuang Continent..." The old man turned pale with shock, but was suddenly interrupted by the middle-aged man as he spoke.The middle-aged man pointed his right hand, pointed in the direction of the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation, and said slowly, "Isn't there him?"

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