Fairy Road

Chapter 198 Opening the Mountain Gate

It was finally the middle of the month, on the eve of the [-]th day. After discussing with Shang Changhe, Lu Da and others, Wang Hao finally decided on the three test questions for the talent selection of the Cultivation Alliance.

The first question is the simplest, which is to require that the monks who come to participate in the selection must have at least a cultivation level above the foundation stage. After all, Wang Hao will not stay in the lower realm for too long. Spent a lot of time on the disciples.Therefore, it is also the basic condition for Wang Hao to recruit disciples above the foundation building stage.

The second test question is given by Shang Changhe. Shang Changhe has a strange magic weapon in his hand called "Luo Ri Tu". This picture has a round of Luo Ri. As long as ordinary monks look at this picture and count their breaths, they will be called Attacked by the consciousness sent by this picture.If someone can persist in the kung fu of a stick of incense, it means that this person has a firm heart and will definitely have a good future in the future.

The third test question was proposed by Lu Da, and Lu Da personally took the initiative, and the masters in the early stage of the transformation of the gods took the test. Naturally, we can see the depth of the cultivation of the shortlisted monks.

In the end, the Cultivation Alliance decided to recruit one hundred disciples to join the alliance and become the backbone of the Cultivation Alliance in the future.And among these 100 people, there will be two disciples who will become the lucky ones, worship under the leader of the Cultivation Alliance, and become the heirs of the leader of the Cultivation Alliance in the future.

On the morning of the [-]th, the mountain gate of the Cultivation Alliance opened, and just after dawn, countless monks gathered from all directions, and soon the largest square in the Cultivation Alliance was crowded, and there were still monks in twos and threes in midair Flying from all directions.Shang Changhe, who was in charge of presiding over the selection meeting, suddenly smiled wryly. He didn't expect that there would be so many monks in the Ten Cultivation Kingdoms who wanted to join the Cultivation Alliance.At that time, when Tang Ruzhi was the leader of the Cultivation Alliance, many sects in the Ten Cultivation Kingdoms were unwilling to join the Cultivation Alliance for various reasons, and Shang Changhe knew it well.Now that Wang Hao is in charge of the Cultivation Alliance, the atmosphere of Cultivation has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.However, these are probably also related to the reason why Wang Hao has entered the stage of transforming gods and wants to recruit disciples.If he could become Wang Hao's disciple this time, it would be like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate. He would become the most prominent and brightest young generation in the entire Ten Cultivation Kingdoms, which would naturally be very attractive.

At noon, the square was so densely packed that Shang Changhe had to float in mid-air, and behind him were eight late-stage Nascent Soul masters from the Cultivation Alliance.Shang Changhe signaled slightly, and the nine of them released the coercion of the late Nascent Soul at the same time, and cast it towards the monks below.Moreover, Shang Changhe coughed at the same time, and said in a long voice: "Everyone, if you come, you will be safe, please don't make noise, and listen to the old man!"

Shang Changhe's voice was not loud, but most of the young disciples of the Ten Kingdoms below were monks below the Golden Core stage. Feeling the pressure of the late Nascent Soul stage monks, they were all shocked and stopped talking Speaking in Chinese, he looked towards Shang Changhe with a respectful expression on his face.

"Everyone, you are all under the rule of my cultivation alliance, and you are the best among the younger generation of the ten countries of cultivation. Now you come to my cultivation alliance, you are willing to join my cultivation alliance, and even want to become the disciple of the leader of the alliance. I am very pleased. However, this alliance only intends to recruit a hundred disciples. But now, there are more than ten million disciples. The difficulty of the selection has been greatly increased, so after the old man consulted the lord, he increased the difficulty of the first test question a little." Shang Changhe said, and looked at the many monks below with a smile.

At this time, many of the cultivators below began to feel restless. Most of these people only had the cultivation level of the initial stage of foundation establishment. The difficulty of the first test question is naturally to raise the threshold and reject the monks in the early or even middle foundation establishment stage.

"Hmph! I worked so hard to come here, but I didn't expect it to be in vain!" A thick man whispered and cursed, but a monk who came with him persuaded: "You and I are just building At the beginning of the basic cultivation, I came here just to accompany the prince to study, and now I can’t pass the first test, which is normal, so I just take a look at the excitement!” Suddenly, all the monks began to discuss.

"It seems that you know it well!" Shang Changhe continued, "Originally, the first test question set by the Cultivation Alliance was to be above the Foundation Establishment Stage. Therefore, I had to slightly modify the first test question, changing the foundation-building stage and above to the foundation-building middle stage and above, excluding the middle foundation-building stage!" After Shang Changhe finished speaking, his convenience immediately exploded.Those monks in the early stage of foundation establishment even began to gloat, because those monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment who thought they would definitely pass the first level were also rejected by the alliance, which made them feel a lot more balanced.However, this change was not made randomly by the alliance. Wang Hao and others used their spiritual sense to investigate a little bit, and found that there were hundreds of Jindan stage monks who came to the cultivation alliance this time, so they made the change. The first round of test questions was changed to Foundation Establishment Middle Stage or above.In this way, it saves a lot of time for selection, but now Wang Hao doesn't have much time to rebuild the cultivation alliance. After all, there are two treasures waiting for Wang Hao to explore. He also needs to refine elixir to save him, so Wang Hao must also participate in the auction meeting of Wu Guoling Baozong.If he could not collect enough medicinal materials, Wang Hao would not easily ascend to the God Realm. After all, Zi Yan's cultivation had not reached the level of ascending to the God Realm. Taking her to ascend to the God Realm would inevitably bring her unpredictable consequences .

After Shang Changhe uttered the first test question, more than half of the monks began to sigh inwardly in dejection, and then, some monks in twos and threes began to fly away from the square of the Cultivation Alliance. Only less than [-]% of the remaining monks are left. Among the remaining monks, about three or four hundred monks have cultivation bases above the golden core stage, and the remaining nearly one thousand monks are all in the late foundation establishment stage. for.

Seeing that the rest of the monks had the strength to pass the first round, Shang Changhe said with a long smile: "Everyone, if you can stay, it means that you have strength beyond others. Now we will conduct the second round of testing! "Speaking, Shang Changhe didn't talk nonsense, and directly sacrificed the magic weapon-"Luo Ri Tu".As soon as this picture appeared in the midair, it unfolded immediately, becoming a huge picture several feet in size, suspended in midair, and emitting streaks of heart-pounding strong sunlight!The monks below looked at it for a while, then their complexions changed, and they all looked down, not daring to look at the huge picture anymore.

Seeing this, Shang Changhe said with a smile: "Everyone, this second test question is in this 'Sunset Picture'. After the old man counted to three times, everyone began to observe this picture. They are eliminated. If they cheat, they will be directly disqualified from the selection. In the end, the remaining [-] monks will enter the final round of tests!" Shang Changhe said, and began to count, and after three beeps, the monks below were all motivated , and looked towards the "Sunset Map".

After a few breaths, several practitioners began to have ugly faces, and blood began to overflow from the corners of their mouths. Soon, there was a muffled groan, and then they flew away from the square and flew towards the distance.Afterwards, some monks kept giving up the chance to advance to the third round because they couldn't bear the attack of spiritual consciousness emitted by "Luo Ri Tu", and flew away from the square of the Cultivation Alliance.

Next, there were many monks who were directly picked out from the crowd by Shang Changhe and thrown away. These monks were naturally deceitful, and it was difficult to escape the eyes of the late Nascent Soul monks.

The time for a stick of incense will soon pass, and there are only less than 500 monks left in the square. These people are all outstanding young people from the ten kingdoms of cultivation, and they are still struggling to support .Among the 500 people, especially those monks who have not yet formed a golden core, it is not easy to persevere. To some extent, the potential of these people even exceeds those monks at the golden core stage.

Another incense stick of time passed, and more than 100 people gave up on the square. The remaining ones are basically the monks of the Jindan period, and only three monks of the late foundation establishment period are still struggling to support them. It is a gray-haired old man, one is a young girl with a good face, and the other is a blue shirt boy with a firm face.These three people were extremely conspicuous among those Golden Core stage monks.Wang Hao, who was hiding in the dark and observing secretly, couldn't help but nodded slightly, thinking: The perseverance of these three people is really extraordinary, it seems that I have to observe them carefully.Especially this young man in the blue shirt, who has persisted until now, is actually not too strenuous, extremely calm, really a talent for creation.Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but look at the young man a few more times, as if he saw himself a few years ago.

Finally, there were only [-] monks left in the square. With a long laugh, Shang Changhe took back the magic weapon "Luo Ritu", and said, "Everyone, congratulations for passing the second round of tests, and we will directly enter the third round!" At that time, I also noticed that the three monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, these three people, actually persisted to the end...


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