Fairy Road

Chapter 332 Elementary God King

However, Wang Hao quickly denied the thoughts in his heart, because after devouring all the vitality remaining in the Sky Mending Ring, Wang Hao felt that there was still a big gap between him and the God King.

"It seems that it is not something ordinary people can accomplish from the ninth level of a god general to the level of a god king. However, I am now in this domain of gods, and I have a large number of gods and demons for myself to devour, which is a very good opportunity." A chance to improve your cultivation!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately sacrificed the Sky-Mending Ring again, and immediately, his body exploded and flew towards the direction of those gods and demons.

Although those gods and demons did not dare to get close to Wang Hao, they also looked reluctant to leave the black hole. They all gathered in a place not far from the black hole, and Wang Hao soon discovered the traces of these gods and demons.The sky-filling ring showed its power again, and flew towards those gods and demons, and began to devour them again and again.

Half a day later, Wang Hao almost devoured all the gods and demons around him again. At this time, within dozens of miles around the black hole, there was no shadow of a high-level god and demon, and the rest of the gods and demons were all Driven away from this place by Wang Hao, Wang Hao took back the Sky Mending Ring again.The devouring this time was several times more than the previous one, reaching the appearance of hundreds of thousands of gods and demons, and the number of magic cores in the sky-replenishing ring has already reached a terrifying number.

It took Wang Hao three full days to absorb the vitality of hundreds of thousands of gods and demons. In these three days, Wang Hao finally touched the edge of the realm of the god king, but he still couldn't break through this bottleneck , after absorbing all the vitality, Wang Hao shook his head with a wry smile and said, "If it wasn't for entering the realm of the gods and devouring a large number of gods and demons, if you want to break through to the realm of the god king, at my speed, at least you have to go up." The time of the year before last."

"Bastard, this kid actually devoured all the gods and demons that originally belonged to me, and he was able to transform the vitality of these gods and demons into his own cultivation, and the speed of transformation was far faster than mine. The effects of the treasures in his hands, after I absorb the vitality, I must snatch the treasures from this kid!" At this time, the strange young man in the black hole was already impatient.

If it weren't for the supernatural powers he cultivated, he couldn't fight other monks when he devoured the vitality and transformed it into his own cultivation. I'm afraid he would have rushed out of the black hole long ago and beheaded Wang Hao directly.

"This kid's original cultivation base is too low. Even if he devours a large number of gods and demons and transforms into his own cultivation base, it will be difficult to be promoted to the level of Immortal Emperor. Further, it is even more unlikely! However, I still have to speed up the speed of devouring, otherwise, the gods and demons will be swallowed up by this kid, where can I find such a good tonic?" The strange young man said to himself, his body The surrounding golden light became more intense.

After the second round of absorption, Wang Hao finally raised his cultivation to the peak of the tenth level of the god general, which is only one step away from the god king level. Wang Hao continued to fly excitedly, looking for the gathering of gods and demons place.Three days later, Wang Hao found a place with hundreds of thousands of gods and demons again.So, he continued to devour, and after devouring, he still absorbed the vitality into his body and transformed it into his own cultivation.

"Huh... I have finally been promoted to the level of a junior god king!" Wang Hao let out a long sigh of relief, and his whole body suddenly burst out with a strong golden light. This golden light shone like a substance, dazzling the whole world. .

"It turns out that the God King has such a powerful power!" Wang Hao felt the true power of the God King at this time, "However, this is only a junior God King. , and what a powerful performance it will be!" Wang Hao thought excitedly.

After absorbing all the remaining vitality, Wang Hao started his journey of searching for gods and demons again. After discovering a large number of gods and demons again, Wang Hao was also surprised to find that his sky-replenishing ring had undergone a strange change again. It turned into a dazzling golden ball like the sun.

"This sky-replenishing ring can really become more powerful with the growth of my cultivation base!" A series of surprises made Wang Hao seem to have seen the dawn of finding his mother at this time.

"There are a lot of gods and demons in front of us, the sky-replenishing ring, devour!" At this time, Wang Hao already regards devouring gods and demons as his greatest pleasure now.

At this moment, Wu Song and others also discovered the existence of Wang Hao. "Look, isn't that person in front of us a second-level cultivator who entered God's Domain with us? It seems to be called Wang Hao!"

"That's right, it's that cultivator named Wang Hao, hey! Why can't I understand his cultivation at all now?"

"That's right. Could it be that he has raised his cultivation level from the second level of the god general to the sixth level of the god general in the domain of the gods?"

"Look, the magic weapon he sacrificed actually started to devour his gods and demons!!"

"How is it possible, what kind of treasure is in this kid's hand? It has such power! It seems that it is absolutely impossible for us to get the first place!"

These cultivators are already afraid to go any further at this moment. The scene of Wang Hao devouring a large number of war demons gave them too much shock. This is no longer something that ordinary cultivators can do. Killing gods and demons, I am afraid it is also very difficult to do!

"Huh, this kid probably killed tens of thousands of gods and demons and tens of thousands of magic cores at one time. We have worked so hard to get thousands of magic cores. He got tens of thousands so easily. He is really human!" It's more popular than death!"

"Hey! You see, he seems to have started to practice on the spot!" Wu Song said.

"Hmph! This kid is so entrusted to practice here, Wu Song, not as good as us..." A sinister look suddenly crossed the face of a monk.

"You mean..." Wu Song asked pretending not to know.

The cultivator made a beheading action, and then sneered: "Otherwise we can't be the first in this trial!" This proposal was quickly agreed by the other three.

The four figures approached Wang Hao's place like ghosts.

Wang Hao's state at this time was already extremely excited, and the vitality transformed by a large number of gods and demons made him constantly approaching the goal of an intermediate god king. At this moment, his consciousness moved slightly, The eyebrows also raised slightly.

"Huh? These four people are sneaking towards me. What do you want to do?" Wang Hao thought to himself, "Hmph! Could it be that they wanted to hit my magic core? If that's the case, I don't mind Teach these guys a good lesson!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao continued to practice without paying attention.

At this time, Wang Hao's strength was no longer something these monks could shake.Even if it is a sneak attack, it is impossible to cause harm to Wang Hao.

When these four people came behind Wang Hao, they each took out their artifacts and greeted Wang Hao fiercely. Wang Hao's expression changed, and he said inwardly: These four people are so vicious. I am put to death!It seems that I can't be too kind.

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself!Thinking of this, Wang Hao suddenly turned around, showed a strange smile towards the four people, and then tapped each of the four with his right hand...

Wu Song and the others felt that Wang Hao's fingers were pressing on their bodies like a hill.

Puchi!The four of them spurted blood at the same time, and withered on the ground...

(For collection!)

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