Fairy Road

Chapter 333 Immortal Emperor Mo Li

Wu Song and the others would never have imagined that Wang Hao had such powerful power.Among the monks who originally entered this God's Domain, Wang Hao's cultivation base is also the lowest.It's just that with the second-level cultivation base of the god general, Wu Song and others thought that Wang Hao had no other specialties except that he had better luck.

And this time I saw Wang Hao again, and witnessed the scene where Wang Hao killed the gods and demons so easily.Wu Song and others had already looked at Wang Hao with admiration, and even had a lot of awe!However, driven by interests, Wu Song and the others finally couldn't bear to attack Wang Hao.The four of them all thought in their hearts: Even though Wang Hao's cultivation has greatly increased now, with the joint efforts of the four of them, they will definitely not lose to Wang Hao.

There are often so many stupid monks in this world.After being relieved by Wang Hao, all the energy in his body was exhausted, and he was seriously injured and tired on the ground.Wu Song and the others felt just now that the cultivation of the four of them was in front of Wang Hao, just like four babies in front of a strong adult.

He was so vulnerable, Wu Song and the others had expressions of despair on their faces at this moment.Wanting to kill Wang Hao, but was easily subdued by Wang Hao, then the fate of himself and others can be imagined.

"I won't kill you!" Wang Hao said coldly, "But I believe that with your current state, I'm afraid it will be difficult to support the door of God's Domain to open again..."

Wu Song and the others already looked panicked at this time, but when they heard that Wang Hao would not kill them, they immediately looked happy again, but thinking that they have no strength now, how should they do it here? Survive in God's Domain?

"Boy, kill me if you have the guts!" One of the rough-looking monks cursed.However, Wang Hao sat on the ground as if he didn't hear his scolding at all, and continued to practice.Now these four people can't pose a threat to Wang Hao at all, but Wang Hao is anxious to raise his cultivation level to the level of an intermediate god king at this moment!

Seeing Wang Hao directly ignoring him, the rough monk began to curse even more, and after he had been cursing for half an hour, suddenly, there was a sinister voice in midair: "Hmph! These rubbish in your God Realm are indeed fools who like to kill each other!"

The sound came erratically, but it was impossible for Wu Song and the others to grasp the source of the sound. Only Wang Hao suddenly shot two lights in his eyes at this moment, and looked coldly into the air, his mouth slowly Huan said: "It seems that you are not a monk in the God Realm anymore, I am surprised, how did you get into this God Realm?"

"Hahahaha, boy, you are very curious! In fact, it doesn't matter how I got in, what matters is what is my purpose of getting in here! Now, you are ruining my good deeds and preventing me from going smoothly. I have been promoted to the level of a high-level Immortal Emperor, so I don't mind killing you first in the God's Domain!"

"Senior Immortal Emperor! You really came from the Immortal Realm!" Wang Hao's complexion changed, and he said in surprise, "You really have the guts to enter the God Realm alone, aren't you afraid of falling into a land of eternal doom?"

"Hmph, as long as I can be promoted to a high-level immortal emperor, who in the God Realm can stop me? Boy, my last step was blocked by you, so you must die!" Having said this, the figure of the strange young man finally became Appearing in front of Wang Hao's eyes, this strange young man gave Wang Hao an extremely dangerous feeling. This feeling, since Wang Hao was promoted to the realm of God King, has never appeared again. Now that he appears, it shows the strength of this person should be above oneself.

"If you want my life, I want to see if you have the ability!" Wang Hao said coldly, and then the sky-replenishing ring on the top of his head suddenly appeared, covering Wang Hao in a ray of light.

Seeing the sky-filling ring on top of Wang Hao's head, an extremely greedy look appeared in the eyes of the bewitching young man, as if Wang Hao was no longer in his eyes, but just a rare treasure.

"Report your name, my Immortal Emperor Mo Li's subordinates will not kill unknown monks!" The Yaoyi youth's name was originally Mo Li Shenjun, but after he was promoted to the level of Immortal Emperor, he actually began to call himself Immortal Emperor.

"Wang Hao." Wang Hao said coldly, with no expression on his face.Li Li opened his mouth and said with a smile: "A junior god king is so calm when facing me, you can be regarded as a character. It's a pity, you are about to die by my hands!" Mo Li Before Li could finish speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, a black light and shadow appeared above Wang Hao's head as if piercing through the sky of God's Domain. Li Li's sneak attack was so powerful that it was the first time Wang Hao had seen it in his life. .

In fact, in Li Li's mind, he also regarded Wang Hao as a difficult opponent. Although Wang Hao only had the cultivation level of a junior god king, his calmness and the strange and powerful magic weapon in his hand made him even more impressive. De Moli made a ruthless move as soon as he came up.

"Fighting Eighteen Slashes!" Mo Li's voice resounded like thunder in the space of God's Domain.

At this moment, Wang Hao already felt that his body was about to be torn apart under Li Li's powerful offensive. Fortunately, he had the protection of the sky-replenishing ring, which gave Wang Hao a chance to breathe a little.

"The Nine Changes of the Heavenly Demon!" Wang Hao thought, and then his figure disappeared, appearing directly outside of Mo Li's attack range, but Mo Li's attack was actually slashed at the place where Wang Hao stood just now, and cut There was a deep pit about several feet deep.Wu Song and others were also affected, and their bodies were directly turned into dust and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Such a powerful attack made Wang Hao secretly cry out in his heart. Even if he couldn't kill himself, it was absolutely impossible for him to pose a threat to the immortal cultivator he was facing now!

"Huh? Shape-shifting supernatural power!" Mo Li showed a little surprise at Wang Hao's sudden disappearance, because in front of his offensive, as long as the cultivation base is not as good as his own, he will usually be stunned by his offensive Shocking, there is no possibility of escape, but Wang Hao did it.

"You are not bad!" Mo Li said to Wang Hao with a smile. After speaking, his figure disappeared again. The next moment, the shadow of a knife all over the sky suddenly appeared on top of Wang Hao's head. Wang Hao frowned deeply. This time, the range of Mo Li's attack was so large that it already exceeded the range of his Sky Demon's Nine Transformations Teleportation.

Wang Hao didn't have time to think about it, and tried his best to use the Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Demon to leave the place where the attacks were the most intensive, and his figure directly appeared in the place where the attacks were the rarest, but there were also four knife shadows slashing fiercely on top of Wang Hao's head At this time, the sky-butting ring has become a shield on top of Wang Hao's head.

"Ding ding ding ding!" After four crisp sounds on his face, Wang Hao's body was slightly shaken, and four extremely destructive waves of Yuanli spread to his body. Fortunately, after being buffered by the sky-filling ring, the destructive The xing yuan force has changed to the range that Wang Hao can bear. Wang Hao just felt that the yuan force in his body froze slightly, and soon returned to normal.

"What a treasure!" Seeing that his powerful attack was blocked by Wang Hao's sky-replenishing ring again, Li Li's eyes became even more frenzied.

"See where you hide!" Mo Li growled, and continued to attack Wang Hao. At this time, Wang Hao had already taken out the Extinguishing Bow, and the three Yuanli arrows were like three dragons, and they were moving towards Mo Li. Bite it.

"Well, a junior god king can fight back in front of me!" Mo Li screamed strangely, and slashed the black long knife in his hand fiercely on three Yuanli arrows, killing Wang Hao's arrows all at once. The divine arrow of Yuanli cut into six pieces.

"This person, I can't defeat him at all now!" Wang Hao immediately realized the gap between himself and the fairy emperor in front of him. With a flash of his figure, the Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations kept using them, and he started to run away crazily. .

"If you can't beat it, just run!" Wang Hao said in his heart, "I won't be so stupid as to fight this guy who is so powerful that he has gone crazy!" Wang Hao quickly fled towards the distance.

"Want to escape? Hmph! God's Domain is such a big place, let's see where you can escape!" Mo Li sneered, "I'm somewhat interested in playing the game of cat and mouse!"

(Old Shi is not an abuser. The protagonist always has to pay some price on the road of growth. Without external stimulation, how can Wang Hao quickly become a great power in the God Realm? However, everyone can rest assured , after leaving God's Domain, Wang Hao's strength will definitely make everyone happy!

Give a collection, this collection is really depressing!woo woo woo woo)

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