Fairy Road

Chapter 334 Relief

At this time, Wang Hao had only one thought in mind: that is to escape, the faster you escape, the better!This middle-level immortal emperor named Mo Li is too powerful, and he is really not what he can deal with now!It's just that Wang Hao's current speed is far behind Mo Li's. Even if he keeps using the Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations, it's hard for Mo Li to get rid of him.

An hour later, Mo Li's figure appeared a hundred feet behind Wang Hao again, and Wang Hao suddenly felt an invisible coercion approaching.Wang Hao immediately took out the five fire fans from the sky-filling ring, and slapped dozens of them fiercely behind him. Dozens of fire dragons roared and rushed towards Li Li.

When Mo Li saw that Wang Hao was fleeing, he still didn't forget to attack him, and there was another treasure in his hand, and the treasure's level was not low, and the corner of his mouth showed a trace of Smiling grimly, after a palm shot, dozens of fire dragons immediately turned into thousands of sparks and disappeared into the midair.

"Small tricks!" Li Li said, his figure continued to move rapidly, approaching Wang Hao, and soon, the distance between the two was narrowed by Mo Li again.

"If this continues, I will be overtaken by Li Li sooner or later." Thinking of this, Wang Hao thought of hiding in the Sky-Mending Ring, but Wang Hao did not dare to confirm that once he hid in the Sky-Mending Ring Finally, with Li Li's super strength, will he discover the Sky Mending Ring and refine the Sky Mending Ring?

If he really asked him to refine the sky ring, he would become Li Li's slave, and his life and death were completely controlled by him.Therefore, Wang Hao thought about it, and finally gave up the idea of ​​hiding in the Sky Mending Ring.

"Well, although Li Li's speed is a bit faster than mine, judging from the current speed, it will take at least an hour for him to catch up with me. I can spare some of my spirits within this time. Enter the Treasure Pavilion in Butianhuan to see if you can find some powerful offensive artifacts to slow down Li Li's speed!" Wang Hao soon had a new idea in his mind.

Wang Hao immediately put this idea into practice. After all, when escaping, it is not necessary for Wang Hao to release all of his spiritual consciousness. He can separate a part of it and enter the Treasure Pavilion of Butianhuan.

The artifacts in the Treasure Pavilion are still dotted, hiding in the sky full of stars. However, with Wang Hao’s cultivation base at this time, he no longer has to worry about not being able to obtain these artifacts, but Wang Hao has to think at this time, these Which artifacts are worth obtaining by yourself, and use them to deal with Li Li who is about to catch up with him.

If you take out an artifact that is not enough to threaten Li Li, it will not only waste time, but also put yourself in an extremely dangerous position. Thinking of this, Wang Hao's consciousness began to carefully examine the pieces on the top of his head. Artifact up.

After a while, Wang Hao finally focused his attention on a black box. When Wang Hao didn't take it out and made him recognize the owner of this black box, it actually made Wang Hao Divine consciousness also felt a trace of danger.

"With my current level of cultivation as a junior god king, I can actually feel a hint of danger. There must be an extremely powerful magic weapon in this black box!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness rolled up, and it was this The black box was taken out from the Treasure Pavilion.

At the same time, Wang Hao, who had been closely pursued by Li Li, had a black box in his hand at this time. Wang Hao happened to be bleeding, so he took this artifact.At this time, Li Li behind him really seemed to have cast some kind of secret technique, frantically increasing his speed, and within a few breaths, he was already approaching behind him.

Wang Hao even felt his breath, as if Li Li's attack could hit his own body.Wang Hao was anxious, and the figures of several big monsters appeared between Wang Hao and Li Li.

The cultivation base of these big monsters is already a high-level existence of god generals at this time, but in Li Li's eyes, they are like ants. With a wave of their sleeves, these big monsters are reduced to ashes.However, just as Li Li waved his sleeve, a drop of Wang Hao's blood melted into the black box.

Wang Hao was gambling that this black box could pose a threat to Li Li.After recognizing the owner with a drop of blood, Wang Hao didn't even have time to use his spiritual sense to observe what was in the black box, so he opened the box to Mo Li.

The moment the box was opened, Wang Hao felt an extremely powerful force shoot out of the box like a sharp sword, and then a fiery red shadow appeared between Wang Hao and Li Li.

This fiery red shadow is shaped like a bird, but it has a huge head and sharp teeth that birds can't match.After being released by Wang Hao, the fiery red strange bird immediately screamed and attacked Li Li. The big mouth on the huge head opened fiercely, and devoured Li Li.

"Huozhu!" Mo Li was well-informed, and immediately recognized the name of the strange bird.In fact, this strange bird is a kind of divine beast in the God Realm. This kind of divine beast is extremely ferocious, and it is born with a high-level cultivation base of a god general. Most of the hooligans will eventually be promoted to the level of a god king.

The fireball that Wang Hao released this time has the cultivation base of an intermediate god king. As soon as he appeared in front of Mo Li, Mo Li felt that he was not sure of killing him. Even if he was not careful, he would It is possible to be injured by this fireball.

Mo Li stopped in his tracks, and looked at Huo He coldly, but Huo He relentlessly attacked Mo Li, and Mo Li used several magical powers in succession, but he still didn't take advantage of Huo He. Seeing the slightest advantage, in the end, his complexion changed, and his figure turned into a faint shadow, disappearing in front of Wang Hao.

Wang Hao didn't expect that the artifact he took out from the Treasure Pavilion actually contained such a powerful beast, and it was beyond his imagination that it could repel the middle-level immortal emperor Li Li.With Li Li's departure, Wang Hao let out a long sigh of relief, and with a thought, a ray of light was released from the black box and shot at Huo He's body, Huo He's body shook suddenly, and he flew back into the black box.

It seems that this black box is also a great artifact, and it is actually able to make the beasts so powerful that Huoxue are obediently included in it.Wang Hao thought excitedly that it was a great blessing to be able to escape from Li Li's hands this time. Thinking of this, Wang Hao ran wildly again, wanting to stay away from Mo Li, a master in the fairy world who was a huge threat to him.

At this time, Li Li was extremely depressed. He also did not expect that there was such a powerful beast in Wang Hao's hands for him to drive. With his current cultivation level, Huo Su could not take advantage of it at all. It could be a matter of forbearance for the time being, and when the cultivation base is promoted to a high-level immortal emperor, he will take down Wang Hao and the treasure in his hand in one fell swoop.

"It seems that I still need to find a secret place to devour the gods and demons in the realm of the gods. In this way, within a few years, I will be able to raise my cultivation base to the level of a high-level immortal emperor. At that time, I will be king That boy Hao's death!" Thinking of this, Li Li's speed became even faster.

And Wang Hao is also thinking in his heart at this time, in this God's Domain, he will stay for another six years. During these six years, the opponent he has to face is a fairy emperor who may be promoted at any time , the only way out for him now is to use the sky-filling ring to devour gods and demons crazily, so as to transform them into his own cultivation base.

Only when one's cultivation reaches a higher level, can one save one's life and successfully leave the domain of the gods.

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