Fairy Road

Chapter 367 Battle Immortal Emperor

At this time, Wang Hao already knew that what he was facing now was not the former Mo Li. The last time he fought, Li Li was only a middle-level immortal emperor. At this moment, Li Li had obviously broken through the middle-level immortal The bottleneck of the emperor, he was successfully promoted to the realm of the high-level immortal emperor.

Senior Immortal Emperor, this is already the most top existence in the Immortal Realm, and his strength is equivalent to that of a high-level God King in the God Realm. With Wang Hao's current cultivation level as an intermediate God King, it may be very difficult for him to defeat Li Li. Difficulties.But even so, it is impossible for Wang Hao to blindly defend passively.

After defending Li Li's first wave of attacks, Wang Hao finally took out the black box from the sky-replenishing ring. The box was naturally filled with the ancient beast Huoxue, and he saw the Huoxue flying fiercely from the black box. After coming out, Li Li's expression also changed. After all, he had also suffered from this ancient beast.However, Li Li, who has cultivated to the high-level Immortal Emperor realm, only had a little scrupulousness, and then he put his hands together and used an extremely terrifying supernatural power.

This supernatural power formed a black hole directly in front of him, and the black hole continuously emitted an extremely powerful and terrifying aura, which made Wang Hao retreat in a hurry, and at this time, he was already biting at Li Li The strange beast Huoxue suddenly fell into the siege of the black hole.

"Hmph, Wang Hao, do you think that with a small strange beast, you can take the lead in my hands?" Before Mo Li could finish his sentence, the firefly that had fallen into the black hole had already started to cry miserably. The cry was clearly telling Wang Hao that he couldn't hold on any longer. Wang Hao's complexion changed, and he threw the black box in his hand into the air, just to take the fire box back again. Unfortunately, after two breaths, , not only failed to take back the fire scorpion, but heard the crazily hissing of the fire scorpion, and finally the hissing sound gradually died down until it disappeared into the air.

The black box in Wang Hao's hand turned into ashes as the sound of the fire disappeared. Wang Hao's face darkened, knowing in his heart that the top-grade artifact in his hand had been destroyed in Li Li's hands.The supernatural power that Li Li is using now is extremely strange, even if he faces it by himself, he might end up in the same fate as Huo Sutong.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao had no choice but to take out the sky-replenishing ring from the storage bag. The gap in realm made Wang Hao want to fight against Li Li now, so he could only use the killer weapon of the sky-replenishing ring. The thing he dreamed of, a greedy look flashed across Li Li's face again.Then he sneered and said, "Hmph! Wang Hao, it seems that you have to show your last hole card. I haven't really made a move yet? Now you should understand the difference in cultivation between the two of us!"

Wang Hao ignored Mo Li's nonsense at all, and input Yuanli into the sky-replenishing ring, and the sky-replenishing ring immediately shot out a ray of light to wrap Wang Hao tightly. The first thing Wang Hao has to do now is Shilling himself invincible.Although the black hole supernatural power displayed by Li Li is extremely powerful, it seems that it is not that simple to break through the defense of the Sky Mending Ring.

Sure enough, when Mo Li saw that Wang Hao was on the defensive, he immediately pushed towards the black hole, and the black hole immediately devoured towards Wang Hao. Wang Hao's expression changed, and a "Sky-shrouding God Palm" hit him. Hit hard towards the black hole.At this time, Wang Hao has the cultivation base of an intermediate god king, and after using this palm of the god of covering the sky, its power is unexpectedly many times higher than that of Chen Tuan.

An extremely huge palm slashed towards the black hole overwhelmingly. However, after hitting the black hole, all the energy contained in the palm of Zhetian God was swallowed up by the black hole bit by bit and disappeared without a trace.Although Wang Hao took this opportunity to push Baizhang back again, when he saw that his supernatural power had no destructive power in front of Li Li, Wang Hao's expression became extremely ugly.

"Is that enough? Go to hell!" Mo Li said fiercely. At this moment, the black hole had already arrived in front of Wang Hao, and the endless black energy emanating from the surroundings of the black hole was already covered with the sky-replenishing ring covering Wang Hao. The emitted light is intertwined. After the two phases meet, the light emitted by the sky-replenishing ring does not seem to fade at all, but the black air around the black hole seems to gradually decrease!

"Well, how could this be? This is my best supernatural power in the fairy world, and now even a monk whose realm is one level lower than myself is blocked by a divine weapon. This divine weapon is really too powerful Now, I must grab it!" After some failed attacks, Li Li's determination to snatch the Sky-Mending Ring became more firm, and Li Li knew that if he could get this artifact in his hands, he would return to the Immortal Realm Afterwards, although he would not be proud of the Immortal World, there might not be a few left in the entire Immortal World who could provoke him.

At this time, Wang Hao, who used the sky-replenishing ring to resist the engulfment of Mo Li's black hole, secretly groaned in his heart. He clearly felt that although the sky-replenishing ring could block Li Li's black hole attack, the spirit of the fairy in the sky-replenishing ring Qi is also constantly decreasing. Once the fairy Qi in the sky-filling ring is exhausted, how can he resist Li Li's attack? This is really a problem that gives Wang Hao a headache!

Li Li didn't think so at the moment. In his opinion, Wang Hao used the sky-replenishing ring to block his black hole attack, so it would be meaningless to attack Wang Hao with the black hole magic power.Therefore, Li Li chose to use the ultimate fairy weapon in his storage bag to put Wang Hao to death.

A black long knife suddenly appeared in Li Li's hand, Mo Li said coldly: "Wang Hao, it's worth it for you to die under my soul-devouring sword!" With a light wave of the long knife, a series of resentful souls began to cry in the long knife.

Howling ghosts and wolves is the most appropriate way to describe the sound in the Soul Eater Demon Knife at this time. I don't know how many innocent souls have been devoured and how many monks have been killed by the Soul Eater Demon Knife. It's just a feeling of anger and resentment.But Li Li's powerful cultivation was able to suppress this resentful fairy weapon and let it serve him.

When Wang Hao saw the Soul-Eating Demon Knife, he not only lost confidence in his Sky-Mending Ring, but most of all artifacts or sacred objects were magic weapons that could be contaminated by them, and the Soul-Eating Demon Knife, It is such a magic weapon, such a top-grade fairy weapon, and its biggest function is to make the sky-replenishing ring in Wang Hao's hand become filthy, making it difficult to exert its power.

"This soul-devouring sword cannot be contaminated with the sky-replenishing ring!" Thinking of this, the sky-replenishing ring immediately sank into Wang Hao's body, and at the same time, a strange sword energy appeared in front of Wang Hao.This strange sword energy was like a silver dragon, writhing in front of Wang Hao.

The reason why he took out the sword energy was that Wang Hao also discovered its current power in the sky-filling ring. Compared with when he was in the lower realm, he did not know how many times stronger. He has no more powerful attack methods now, so he wielded the strange sword. Qi is your best reliance.Moreover, this sword energy has no body, so it is not afraid of being contaminated by the energy of resentment in the Soul Eater Demon Saber, thus losing its spiritual energy.

"Go!" Wang Hao pointed with his right hand, and the strange sword energy rolled towards the Soul Devouring Demon Knife in Mo Li's hand like a silver thread. When Mo Li saw Wang Hao, he didn't even take out the artifact. But just took out a sword qi, and said with ecstasy in his heart: "It seems that this kid is looking for death by himself!" As he said, the black Soul Eater Demon Knife turned into a black lightning and slashed towards Wang Hao.

In mid-air, the black Soul-devouring Demon Knife encountered the sword energy released by Wang Hao. Mo Li thought that this sword energy would definitely be in front of the Soul-devouring Demon Knife without any resistance.But to his surprise, the sword energy was like a soft thread, tightly entwining the Soul Devourer Knife.

Mo Li's expression changed, and the next scene made him even more frantic. It turned out that after the sword energy turned into soft silk and wrapped around the Soul Devouring Demon Knife, it immediately began to wrap the black sword tightly. The Soul-Eating Demon Knife was reined in, and then, the blade of the Soul-Eating Demon Knife began to gradually become more and more dim.After a few breaths, there was no more domineering aura just now.

"What's going on, how can my top-grade immortal weapon be no match for a sword qi, it's absolutely impossible!" Mo Li was already furious at this time, and roared, "Unless this sword qi is transformed by the qi of golden essence! "The words that came out of his mouth immediately caused a look of vigilance to appear on Mo Li's face.

(Please wipe your hands!!! Otherwise, Wang Hao will be killed by Li Li)

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