Fairy Road

Chapter 368

"The sword aura in this kid's hand really looks like the sword aura transformed by the aura of golden essence. Could it be that this kid actually has a rare fetish like the aura of golden essence in his hand?" Mo Li thought in his heart, Unexpectedly, at this time, the Soul Eater Demon Knife was already deformed by the sword energy, turning into a piece of scrap iron without the slightest aura.And that sword energy relentlessly assassinated towards Li Li, Mo Li's complexion changed, and then his body disappeared in place.

"Teleportation!" This is the most powerful feature of high-level immortal emperors and high-level god kings. Even intermediate-level immortal emperors and god kings cannot realize such supernatural powers. It has the same effect, but it is more powerful than Tian Yao Nine Changes.Not only can teleport in a wide range and long distance, but it can also move with the mind.

Seeing Li Li's body suddenly disappear, Wang Hao couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. He naturally knew that such supernatural powers could be used to torture and kill people whose cultivation was not as good as his own.So Wang Hao took out the sky-filling ring again and covered himself in it. Just after doing all this, Mo Li's figure suddenly appeared behind Wang Hao, and a green dagger was fiercely aimed at Wang Hao. Hao stabbed behind.

With a chirp, although it is guarded by the sky-filling ring, Wang Hao's right shoulder was still cut with a long cut by the green dagger, and the destructive force attached to the green dagger was also intruded. into Wang Hao's body, frantically destroying Wang Hao's tendons.

Fortunately, with the protection of the sky-replenishing ring, Wang Hao did not receive fatal damage, but felt that his cultivation base at this time had been greatly reduced. Even if he met a middle-level immortal emperor, it would be difficult for him to win , not to mention that Li Li is already a high-level immortal emperor.

"Hey, boy, let's see what else you can do!" Mo Li sneered, the green dagger stabbed towards Wang Hao again, and Wang Hao manipulated the strange sword energy to attack Li Li.Seeing this, Mo Li immediately used his teleportation power again, and then suddenly appeared on Wang Hao's left.

Wang Hao couldn't help being furious: Do you think I can't teleport because I'm an intermediate god king?Wang Hao displayed the magical power of the Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Demon, and the moment Mo Li's figure just appeared, the mid-level figure also suddenly disappeared in front of Li Li's eyes. "This kid actually understood teleportation when he was at the intermediate level of the king of gods. I'm really afraid. If he is left behind, the future life of the intermediate level will most likely be lost in this kid's hands.

"This person must not stay!" Mo Li once again strengthened his determination to kill Wang Hao.Therefore, the two of them continuously displayed their instantaneous supernatural powers in this God's Domain, chasing and fleeing like a cat catching a mouse.

The reason why Wang Hao escaped was because he was forced to do so. After all, with his current cultivation and the artifact in his hand, it was impossible for him to put Li Li to death, but Mo Li had many ways to kill him.Therefore, Wang Hao had no choice but to escape!

But a month later, Wang Hao felt that his energy was almost exhausted, while Mo Li was still full of energy, so Wang Hao took out a high-grade immortal stone from the sky-filling ring, and put the All the celestial spirit energy has been transformed into one's own origin power.

After Li Li saw this situation, he felt extremely depressed. This kid escaped so fast. Originally, he planned to drag him until the lamp was exhausted, and then kill him in one fell swoop. He didn't expect that this kid actually had a high-grade one in his hand. The fairy stone can replenish Yuanli at any time, so it is too difficult to kill Wang Hao.

In addition to running away, Wang Hao also used that strange sword energy to harass Mo Li from time to time. Although it was impossible to hit Li Li, it did make Mo Li dare not take it lightly.The two of them were like this, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.After half a year, Wang Hao managed to evade Mo Li's pursuit only by spending hundreds of high-grade immortal stones. Later, Mo Li stopped following Wang Hao and chose to sit on the ground instead. Practice directly.

Seeing that Mo Li started to practice, Wang Hao actually started to practice instead of running away, which made Mo Li even more annoyed. After several times of chasing, there was still no result. At the last moment when the realm of the gods was about to open, he also thought of an excellent way to kill Wang Hao.

"Even if I can't get it, I won't leave such a treasure to the monks in the God Realm!" Li Li secretly said, and then continued to chase Wang Hao.One month later, the gate of God's Domain was getting closer and closer. Wang Hao discovered that during this month, Li Li hadn't had the slightest rest, and kept following behind him, and he seemed to be tricked by Mo Li. Usually, he entered a strange place in the God's Domain.

Here, there are no gods and demons appearing, not even the lowest level gods and demons, only endless death energy, this death energy is not the death energy that appears on monks when they die, but a kind that can directly make The death aura of monks' death, if this kind of death aura appears on the Cultivation Continent in the lower realm, it may be enough to wipe out all the monks in the Cultivation Continent.

As for Wang Hao and Mo Li, at this moment, one is an intermediate god king and the other is a high-level immortal emperor. Naturally, they will not be affected by these dead airs, but these dead airs are flooding the entire environment, making Wang Hao feel absolutely at ease. Extremely uncomfortable.But Li Li seemed to have gone crazy these past few days, following him stubbornly, with no intention of letting go!

Wang Hao secretly said in his heart: The days before the re-opening of God's Domain are getting closer and closer, and it's only a few days. It seems that Zhen Moli wants to stage the last madness!Once the God Realm is opened, he can only escape back to the Immortal Realm and stay in the God Realm. I am afraid that what is left for him is the fate of being directly beheaded by all the high-level god kings.

"As long as you survive these few days, you can escape from the sky when God's Domain is opened again!" Wang Hao thought to himself, at this moment, a long and narrow canyon suddenly appeared in front of him, Wang Hao did not hesitate at all , Just drilled in.After a few breaths, Li Li's figure appeared outside the canyon.

At this time, a sneer appeared on the corner of Mo Li's mouth, and he said to himself, "Wang Hao, Wang Hao, you are really courageous, you dare to enter this area, even though I He is a high-level immortal emperor, and he dare not enter this canyon, hahahahahaha! I won’t play with you anymore, the treasures that I can’t get, you monks in the God Realm can’t even think of getting them, let the treasures annihilate together with Wang Hao In this realm of the gods!"

As Li Li spoke, his figure flickered several times in a row, and then disappeared in place.The gate of God's Domain was about to open, and Li Li also chose to leave quickly at this time, returning to his fairy world.After all, I am alone in this God Realm, and even with the cultivation base of a high-level Immortal Emperor, I am afraid it will be difficult to save my life.

However, Wang Hao, who entered the long and narrow canyon, felt more and more hairy in his heart. The death energy in the canyon was stronger than the outside. It is also a back and forth situation.And when Wang Hao found out that Mo Li didn't continue to chase after him, Wang Hao suddenly had an ominous premonition: he was played by Mo Li, this guy clearly wanted to force him here, Could it be that there is something weird here, otherwise why would there be such a strong dead air?

Wang Hao was trembling in his heart. At this time, a strange voice suddenly came from his ear: "Intermediate God King, this is a good dinner!"

What?Think of me as dinner, what the hell is this?

(Ask for a favorite, it will be 100 million words soon, and it is coming to an end!)

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