Fairy Road

Chapter 738 Meeting the Patriarch

As Wang Hao expected, Wang Hao soon met Ximen Jian, the Patriarch of the Ximen Family.One of the three god-level cultivators on Donglin Continent gave Wang Hao an extremely powerful coercion when they met.This kind of coercion is something that Wang Hao has never felt in all innate creatures. Although Wang Hao's current cultivation base can be said to be superior to his peers, among monks who have mastered the laws of time and space, it can be said that there are few rivals , but in front of Ximen Jian, he still felt a little force.

However, soon, Wang Hao broke free from Ximen Jian's coercion.It's not because Ximen Jian restrained himself intentionally, after all, Ximen Jian didn't intend to release the coercion, he just sat there, and naturally produced a coercion that made Wang Haoli powerful.Fortunately, Wang Hao once faced a demon king who was even worse than the gods. Under the pressure of the demon king, Wang Hao was able to win the betting game. Wang Hao soon became relieved under Ximen Jian's coercion.

However, this rare recovery speed fell into Ximen Jian's eyes, which made Ximen Jian take a look at Wang Haogao again. "This person, even if he is not a monk at the level of a god at the moment, he can be said to be inferior to a god, and he can outshine others. Moreover, he is probably not far away from the level of a god!" Ximen Jian looked at him at this time. Qu Wang Hao's eyes also became a look of appreciation.

"Wang Hao in the Great Desolate World, I have met Patriarch Ximen!" Wang Hao bowed slightly to Ximen Jian neither humble nor overbearing.Ximen Jian laughed long and loudly: "The Great Desolate World, although I have never been to this plane, I have heard about it. It is said that there have been no monks at the level of gods in this plane so far. From this point of view, Wang Hao You should be No.1 in the Great Desolate World?" Ximen Jian smiled and motioned Wang Hao to take a seat, and Wang Hao was not polite, and sat directly under Ximen Jian!

After hearing Ximen Jian's words, Wang Hao was startled slightly, and thought to himself: "I didn't expect Ximen Jian to have heard of the Great Desolate World, and he called me No. 1 in the Great Desolate World. I also fully understand it!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao smiled and said: "Patriarch Ximen is too famous, there are still many monks like me in my prehistoric world, but none of them can break through to the realm of gods, which is quite a pity! "[

"It's really a pity!" Ximen Jian took over the conversation and said, "However, judging from your cultivation level, Wang Hao, there will soon be monks at the level of gods appearing in the Great Desolate World. Hahahahaha, and, according to me I know that you are connected to the underground demon abyss in your great desolate world, and there is a monk with great supernatural powers in that demon abyss, who surpasses the existence of a god-level existence, known as the demon king. I am afraid that the reason why there have been no monks of the god-level level in your great desolate world , has a lot to do with this Demon Venerable!"

With a thought in his mind, Wang Hao secretly said: "I didn't expect that Patriarch Ximen knew so much about the Great Desolate World. This Demon Lord has been suppressing dozens of innate beings. Otherwise, there may have been several of these innate beings who had already broken through to the Great Desolate World." God level!" Wang Hao nodded and said, "That's right, my Great Desolate World was indeed suppressed by this Demon Lord, otherwise" after Wang Haohua finished speaking, at this time, Ximen Jian raised his brows slightly, as if he had received some kind of support. Then he interrupted Wang Hao, and said: "Wang Hao, you and I will not talk about the Great Desolate World for the time being, but I am very interested to know, with your strength, why did you come from the Great Desolate World?" Zhongtong came to my Donglin Continent through the void, and you still want to be the guest minister of my Ximen family, I am really puzzled by this, hahahahaha!"

Indeed, Ximenjian also has doubts in his heart at this moment. With Wang Hao's strength, even if he is not No.1 in the Great Desolate World, he is also a figure across the continent. How could he suddenly come to Donglin Continent, and surrender his status, willing to become Ximen The elder Ke Qing of the family, Ximen Jian must ask this question clearly!

Wang Hao said with a smile: "Master Ximen's question is good, I just want to make this matter clear. First of all, I joined the Ximen family this time, not because I am an elder Keqing who is willing to become the master of the Ximen family, but because I want to cooperate with you, the master of the Ximen family." Fan!" "Oh, cooperation? Hahahahaha, I am very interested, Wang Hao, how do you want to cooperate with me? What is the purpose of the cooperation?" Ximenjian laughed, although as Ximenjian, a person who controls The cultivator who knew the law of time and space said that he wanted to cooperate with him, which really hurt Ximen Jian's majesty. However, Wang Hao's strength and potential made Ximen Jian take a high look at Wang Hao!

"Patriarch Ximen." Wang Hao said slowly, "As far as I know, there are three patriarchs in the Donglin Continent, namely the Donglin Family, the Ximen Family and the Nanhua Family. Among the three major families, the most powerful It should be the Donglin family, and the Ximen family and the Nanhua family have been forming an alliance in secret all along, and they were able to stand on a par with the Donglin family just now. I wonder if what I understand is true?"

Ximen Jian nodded slightly and said: "You are right. In the Donglin Continent, the strength of the Donglin family is indeed superior to others! However, when my Ximen family and the Nanhua family join forces, I can still fight against the Donglin family." The Lin family is divided into courts!"

"Does the court stand against the court?" Wang Hao smiled slightly and said, "Forgive me to be blunt, I have not been here in Donglin Continent for a long time, but I have heard that the Donglin Family will indeed support the Ximen Family and Nanhua. The family has some face, but in fact, the real overlord of the Donglin Continent is the Donglin Clan. Most of the resources and treasures in the Donglin Continent are still seized by the Donglin Clan. A fair competition is also secretly controlled by the Donglin family. For example, this time, it is said that the Donglin family has recently joined three powerful Ke Qing elders. Therefore, in this competition, there must be There are three Keqing elders participating in the rules. Dare to do it, is this rule set by the Donglin family, and is it completely beneficial to the Donglin family?"

With Wang Hao's analysis layer by layer, Ximen Jian's face became more and more ugly.In Donglin Continent, although the families of Ximen and Nanhua can maintain the dignity of the family on the surface, in fact, every monk in Donglin Continent is well aware of the strength of Donglin Family!However, this point, from Wang Hao, a foreigner who has just arrived, Ximen Jian's face is indeed a bit embarrassing.

After pondering for a while, Ximen Jian just sighed: "Wang Hao, you just came here, and you can see the form of my Donglin Continent so thoroughly!" After Ximen Jian said this, he pondered a little again, and then said: "You You are right. The situation in Donglin Continent is indeed as you said. The reason why the Donglin family is so powerful is not because the head of the Donglin family, Donglin Soul, is a monk in the middle stage of the gods, and I Both the head of the Nanhua family and the Patriarch of the Nanhua family are just cultivators at the early stage of the gods. Even if I join hands with the Patriarch of the Nanhua family, we can only barely withstand the attack of the Donglin soul. It is simply impossible to win. The Donglin family The reason why I tolerate the existence of the two great forces, Ximen and Nanhua, is only because I worry that the patriarch of the Nanhua family and I will harm the members of the Donglin family!"

Wang Hao nodded and said: "That's right, the reason why Donglin Soul has not taken action against you is mainly because he is worried about dealing with your two big families. You and the head of the Nanhua family will be angry and attack the members of the Donglin family." Although Donglin Soul is not afraid of the anger of two god-level monks, the Donglin family can hardly bear it!" Ximenjian nodded and said, "That's right, so we can always live in peace!"

"Is it safe? Hehe, I don't think so!" Wang Hao shook his head and said, "Nowadays, in the entire Donglin Continent, most of the resources and treasures are owned by the Donglin Clan. It is conceivable that the three major The gap between the families will become bigger and bigger in the future. One day, the Donglin family will be so large that it will shock the two big families of Ximen and Nanhua! On that day, the Donglin family will probably not tolerate the mainland. Among them, there are still two other major forces left!"

Ximen Jian's complexion changed, and he said: "Wang Hao, what do you mean?" Ximen Jian stopped immediately when he said this, but began to think according to Wang Hao's meaning. This thought immediately turned pale, He secretly said in his heart: "I didn't expect that we were all in the middle of the game. It seems that Wang Hao, an outsider, can see it more clearly! However, this Wang Hao will not just take care of the situation in my Donglin Continent, he must have plans! "Thinking of this, Ximen Jian laughed loudly and said: "Wang Hao, you are right, but that is all for the future. And Wang Hao, if you want to cooperate with me now, I am afraid you have something to ask me for?"

Wang Hao secretly said in his heart: "This Ximen Jian is really old and cunning, and he knew what I meant in an instant!" I came to Donglin Continent this time to rescue my friends from the hands of the Donglin Clan! However, the Donglin Clan is extremely powerful, so I hope to get the help of the Ximen Clan!"

"Huh? Let me help you?" Ximen Jian narrowed his eyes and smiled, "So Wang Hao, you said so much, that's why you said so much. Now I don't want to directly answer whether you want to help me, I want to hear, what chips are you going to use to cooperate with me!"

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s vp chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... the truth is spoken.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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