Fairy Road

Chapter 739 Reaching a Tacit Agreement

Ximen Jian, the patriarch of the Ximen family, is really powerful. In a word, he reversed his passive situation and directly returned the problem to Wang Hao!You've said so much and analyzed so thoroughly, isn't it just for me to help you rescue your friend? I'm not directly answering whether I want to or not, but to see if you can impress me. If you don't have something, why should you help me out!

Wang Hao smiled slightly, and said: "With your strength, Patriarch Ximen, there are not many things in this world that can impress you, Patriarch Ximen! I don't think I have such treasures in my hands." Wang Hao changed the subject here and said , "However, I would like to know that the mid-stage cultivator of the Heavenly God is capable of reaching the sky, and he can defeat two early-stage cultivators of the Celestial God with a single manpower, but I don't know that the three early-stage cultivators of the Celestial God can defeat him."

"Yeah." Ximen Jian was slightly startled, and smiled, "Three early-stage monks of the gods, hehehe, this one can naturally defeat a mid-stage monk of the gods. For monks at the level of the gods, the gap between the early stage and the mid-stage is already extremely large. Xiao, you must know that it is not so easy to cultivate to this level. However, what I don’t understand is, Wang Hao, where can you help us find another early master of the gods? As far as I know, you are a There is no such expert, hahahaha!" Ximenjian's heart is like a mirror at this time, but he does not want to make it clear, just to let you say it willingly.

Wang Hao said with a smile: "Patriarch Ximen, I don't know how far my cultivation is from the early days of Tianshen." Wang Hao simply said it out! "Oh, your current strength, Wang Hao, is enough to disdain the entire Great Cultivator who controls the laws of time and space. It can be said that you are No. 1 under the gods, and you are only one step away from the rank of gods! However, if you want to take this step But it's extremely difficult. After you have cultivated to your current level, the traces of aura in the world are no longer of any use to you. If you want to make a breakthrough in your cultivation, you must have a large amount of primordial aura as a support. Otherwise, it is impossible to make progress in cultivation. Moreover, even with a large amount of primordial aura, it is quite difficult to take this step. Many monks have been stuck in this step for 10 years, and finally died of hatred. Finally! Wang Hao, I admit that you have a lot of potential, but you come to make a deal with me just because of this potential, I really can't take this risk!" Ximen Jian said here, looked at Wang Hao , continued.

"Wang Hao, look, if I help you offend that old guy Dong Linhun, that old guy will definitely attack angrily, and it is impossible for you to break through to the early stage of the gods in such a short period of time. If you don't reach the fox, you'll be full of "sao", hahaha, Wang Hao, don't you think?"[

Wang Hao frowned slightly, knowing in his heart that what Ximen Jian said at this time was indeed the truth, relying on his own potential, it was really difficult to impress Ximen Jian to act for him when the time came.Wang Hao pondered for a moment and said: "What the head of the Ximen family said is indeed reasonable, so, how do you see how I represent the Ximen family to participate in the competition between the two families, this time the competition location is in Donglin In the family, in this way, I can enter the Donglin family. At that time, I will take action. Whether I can rescue my friends below and escape from the Donglin Continent depends on my personal It's a means. At that time, I will be the elder of Ke Qing, so naturally I won't implicate the Ximen family!"

Ximen Jian still frowned when he heard this, and he didn't seem to agree with Wang Hao's statement very much.Wang Hao continued: "In return, I am willing to donate a large amount of Grandmist Spiritual Qi to the Ximen family!" There is a lot of primordial aura, so I can consider helping you out once! Wang Hao, how much primordial aura do you have?"

With a thought in Wang Hao's mind, he drew [-]% of the primordial aura from his own storage space, and handed it to Ximen Jian as a storage magic weapon in a bottle.Ximen Jian swept away his consciousness, and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, Wang Hao, I really didn't expect that you have so much primordial aura, hahahahaha, with these primordial aura, my cultivation base can also be improved Jingjin, at that time, even if you don't break through to the mid-stage cultivation base of the gods, if you join forces with the head of the Nanhua family, it will be enough to restrain that old guy Donglin soul. Hahahaha, okay, Wang Hao, since you gave me so much I promise to fight for you! After you save your friend, as long as the old guy Dong Linhun attacks you, I will do it. I wish you a helping hand!"

Wang Hao was overjoyed immediately, he never thought that these primordial auras could play such a big role.In fact, what Wang Hao didn't know was that in the Donglin Continent, the primordial aura had almost become extinct.And for great cultivators, especially for monks like Ximenjian, who are at the level of gods, the primordial aura is a must for cultivation. Therefore, Ximenjian will be like this after seeing the primordial aura sent by Wang Hao Excited, he readily agreed to Wang Hao's request.

However, before Wang Hao added a large amount of primordial aura, he also had concerns in his heart, worrying that Ximen Jian would attack secretly when he saw Cai's intentions.However, Wang Hao also knew in his heart that this possibility is very small.On the one hand, this one percent of primordial aura is already an extremely large amount.On the other hand, although Ximenjian is a monk at the level of a god, there is still a lot of danger in trying to snatch treasures from Wang Hao. As long as Wang Hao has a thought, it is enough to turn all the treasures in the storage space into ashes , In this way, the loss outweighs the gain.Therefore, the possibility of Ximen Jian making a move is also extremely small.

"Then I would like to thank Patriarch Ximen!" Wang Hao clasped his fists and said, "Although Patriarch Ximen agreed to take action, I am still willing to promise that if I break through to the level of a god in a short period of time, I will definitely join forces with the Ximen family to eradicate the Donglin family. Your ancestor!" Ximen Jian laughed and said, "It seems that little friend Wang Hao still has a lot of primordial aura in his hands, otherwise how could he have such great confidence hahahaha, but you don't have to worry about it, little friend Wang Hao , You have given me a lot of primordial aura this time, so I will naturally not covet your remaining primordial aura, I just hope that you can make good use of that primordial aura and make a real breakthrough! My little friend Wang Hao, you This friend, I have made a deal today!"

Seeing Ximen Jian's straightforwardness, Wang Hao was a little bit sure, and then said: "Patriarch Ximen, so I won't repeat it! I don't know when the competition between the two families will be scheduled." "After half a month!" Ximen Jian said in a deep voice, "So, Wang Hao, you can stay in my Ximen family to practice with peace of mind for half a month!" "Okay, then I will spend half a month trying to break through Try it!" Wang Hao said, in fact, Wang Hao didn't have much confidence in breaking through to the level of a god, but this time he has a lot of primordial aura in his hands, so it's really worth a try, if he can really break through to the level of a god Level, then the rescue of Dongfang Ying is a little more sure.

For the next time, Wang Hao practiced with peace of mind in a secret room of the Ximen family under the arrangement of Ximenjian.This Ximen Jian is also a straightforward person. Not only did he arrange a place for Wang Hao to practice, but he also gave Wang Hao his experience of breaking through to the world of gods with a jade slip.For Wang Hao, this can be said to be a very rare treasure. With this experience, Wang Hao has a little more chance to break through to the world of gods!

In half a month, Wang Hao consumed almost the same amount of primordial aura that was given to Ximen Jian, but in the end, Wang Hao still failed to pierce that layer of household paper.In the meantime, Wang Hao also used the method Ximen Jian gave him in his experience, tried many times, and experienced the bottleneck many times.However, every time, Wang Hao failed to break through that bottleneck. In the end, Wang Hao broke through with regret.

After all, half a month is still too short.It is not so easy to break through the realm of the gods.Although Wang Hao has a lot of primordial aura, there is also the breakthrough experience that Ximen Jian gave him.However, Wang Hao still failed.In Ximen Jian's eyes, Wang Hao's failure was a matter of course. If a monk who only mastered the laws of time and space could break through to the level of a god in just half a month, then a monk at the level of a god would be too worthless!

"Hahahaha, little friend Wang Hao, what's the matter, it's not so easy to break through to the level of a god, isn't it?" Ximen Jian said to Wang Hao with a smile. He has improved a lot, and he will be able to be promoted to the middle stage of the gods in a short time. Therefore, Ximen Jian is in a good mood these few days.

Wang Hao shook his head with a wry smile and said: "That's true, if it wasn't for the cultivation experience that you, Patriarch Ximen, gave me, I am afraid that in half a month, I would not even be able to touch the bottleneck of breaking through to the level of a god! "What, in half a month, you have already touched the bottleneck of the god level." After hearing Wang Hao's words, Ximen Jian was also slightly taken aback. In half a month, you touched the bottleneck of the god level, It is already an extremely monstrous existence! "

Wang Hao nodded and said: "That's right, but this bottleneck has never been broken through, what a pity!" Ximen Jian was shocked, and stopped talking. Only now did he really start to look forward to what Wang Hao had said, Break through to the level of a god, and then join forces with yourself to deal with the Donglin soul of the Donglin family!

Recently, I searched on Baidu, and found that as soon as Laoshi’s vp chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... the truth is spoken.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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