Fairy Road

Chapter 769

"Good! Good!" At this time, Mr. Feng's face remained unchanged, but his heart was filled with extreme anger, which he never expected.With his fame in the Mingyang Continent, he couldn't frighten such a little-known early-stage cultivator of the gods.What's more terrible is that, in the situation where he shot with all his strength, this person was able to rely on the early cultivation base of the god to fight him like a brother, which is really a big loss of face.

However, at this time, Mr. Feng couldn't show an angry look.On the contrary, his expression remained unchanged, and he said to Wang Hao with a sneer: "I really can't see that Your Excellency has such a powerful method. When did you become a master like you in my Mingyang Continent? It seems that I have been fighting for hundreds of years." Not walking around in the mainland, I am completely unfamiliar with you rising stars!" At this time, Mr. Feng already regarded Wang Hao as an existence of his own level!However, for reasons of face, he still deliberately defined Wang Hao as a "rising star".

Wang Hao saw that Mr. Feng did not continue to attack him, but instead started talking to him, he smiled slightly, clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Feng is laughing, I am not a local cultivator in Mingyang Continent. I came to Mingyang Continent because I have admired the name of Xieyue Pavilion for a long time, and I took advantage of the opening of the gate of Xieyue Pavilion to come here to try my luck!" At this time, Wang Hao also directly pointed out to Mr. Feng Own identity and purpose!

The reason why Wang Hao revealed to Mr. Feng his identity and the purpose of coming to Mingyang Continent this time is the result of careful consideration.Just now that he sacrificed the Earth Spirit Orb, he has already revealed the secret of his precious treasure.This will naturally attract countless covetousness, and even if Mr. Feng no longer takes action against him at this time, there is no guarantee that he will not make arrangements in the next time to start besieging and killing himself!And after he directly revealed his identity, he became a monk who was about to join the Xieyue Pavilion, and ordinary monks naturally did not dare to take action against him easily.As for Mr. Feng, he can no longer attack in secret. After all, if because of attacking Wang Hao, he ends up using unscrupulous means to damage the reputation of his competitors, it may spread to the senior management of Xieyue Pavilion, even in the identity of Mr. Feng. It will also make the high-level officials conceal it, and even directly disqualify him from entering the small world of the oblique moon!

Therefore, Wang Hao's move to reveal his identity can be described as extremely subtle!After Mr. Feng heard Wang Hao's words, his heart skipped a beat. After all, with the strength Wang Hao displayed at this time and the treasures in his hands, he could not only join the Xieyue Pavilion, but even enter the Xiaoyue Xiao world by himself. rival.However, at this time, he couldn't easily arrange to surround and kill Wang Hao.Because Wang Hao showed his identity in front of everyone, before he did it himself, he had to consider the feelings of the senior officials of the Xieyue Pavilion.

Once I easily shot Wang Hao, imagine how those casual cultivators who originally wanted to join the Xieyue Pavilion would feel in their hearts.Who is willing to join the oblique moon pavilion again.Mr. Feng figured out everything in an instant, and the expression on his face changed several times in a row. After a few breaths, he just smiled and said: "It turns out that Fellow Daoist is going to join my oblique moon pavilion, hahahaha , then we don’t know each other anymore. The date when I will open the gate of the Xieyue Pavilion is approaching, I believe that fellow Taoists and I will meet again in the near future. So, let’s say goodbye this time!” Mr. Feng As he said that, with a wave of his right hand, he led the six early stage monks of the gods under him, and flew towards the distance rapidly.What remained were the stunned giant ax and the pipe.

Mr. Feng's actions really did not exceed Wang Hao's expectations. People like Mr. Feng, after knowing that they are existences that can rival him, naturally will not easily lose themselves for a weak monk. face.What's more, I will also be a monk in the oblique moon pavilion in the future, so if I want to fight, I can only fight openly in the oblique moon pavilion!

At this time, a cold light appeared in Wang Hao's eyes, and he coldly swept towards the giant ax and the pipe.At this time, the giant ax and the pipe were already trembling all over, but they couldn't even move their feet even if they wanted to run. "Senior, junior and others have eyeballs, offended senior, let senior punish, and hope that senior can spare the lives of the two juniors!" Yanpi couldn't hold back, and knelt down begging for mercy with a plop.At this time, he already understood in his heart that with Wang Hao's existence, even a person like Mr. Feng would not be willing to offend easily, let alone himself!At this time, my only hope is to hope that Wang Hao can raise his hand, otherwise, I will definitely have no chance of escaping!

Seeing this, the giant ax knelt down with a puff, begging for mercy incessantly.Seeing these two notorious early stage cultivators of the gods turned into such an unbearable appearance in front of Wang Hao.The pair of monks who were pregnant with treasures all sighed in their hearts. They didn't expect that their own map could be exchanged for such a strong support. They are so lucky! [

Seeing the giant ax and pipe like this, Wang Hao also wanted to forgive their lives, but Wang Hao also knew that if the two masters were not given some punishment, they would be lucky, and they would even die. You may do things that are not good for you.Thinking of this, Wang Hao sneered and said: "The capital crime can be avoided and the life crime cannot be escaped!"

As he spoke, Wang Hao tapped his right hand, and two strange sword qi entered the bodies of the two of them respectively, instantly destroying their bodies wantonly. After a few breaths, the aura of the two of them weakened rapidly , not only is there no longer the aura of early stage monks of the gods, but even any one of the two teams of monks on the opposite side is hard to reach.

A look of despair flashed across the eyes of the giant ax and the pipe, and then they kowtowed to Wang Hao three times in a row before slowly getting up and flying towards the distance.The two of them knew in their hearts that from now on, this Mingyang Continent was no longer something they could do rampantly. With the two of them's cultivation at the moment, I'm afraid they could only find a place that was inaccessible and shrink their heads for tens of thousands of years. The turtle is gone.After all, the two had too many enemies, if they knew that their cultivation had been greatly reduced, they would be found by their enemies within three days and beheaded directly!

After dealing with the giant ax and the pipe, the team of monks naturally thanked Wang Hao a thousand times. After being grateful, Wang Hao waved his hand to let them leave first!Looking at the backs of this group of monks leaving, an inexplicable and strange smile crossed Wang Hao's face, and then Wang Hao said to himself: "This fellow Taoist, you have been lurking for such a long time , the play is over, how about showing up and seeing it?"

(Recovering from a serious illness, resuming the update! In the past few days, I will first offer chapters of 2000 words. After a week, each chapter will restore 3000 words, at least one chapter per day! In addition, I would like to thank Lao Shiduan, fellow Taoists Your care and support! Lao Shi has now been resurrected with full blood, and "Xian Dao Xing" has reached the final stage, I hope you will continue to support Lao Shi to complete this story, thank you again!)

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