Fairy Road

Chapter 770 Weird Girl

In fact, after Wang Hao fought with Mr. Feng, he already discovered that there was a vague aura lurking near him.At that time, Wang Hao saw that Mr. Feng did not reveal this matter, so he thought in his heart that this aura was released by the monks who followed Mr. Feng.However, with the departure of Mr. Feng and the group of people carrying heavy treasures, this aura still has no intention of leaving.At this time, Wang Hao just felt that the reason why this breath has been lurking here is probably because of himself!

Therefore, Wang Hao waited until all the people left, and immediately asked questions, pointing out the behavior of that person directly. "Hehehehe..." As soon as Wang Hao's words fell, Wang Hao heard bursts of laughter like silver bells, and then, a pale yellow figure appeared in Wang Hao's ears. In front of Hao.

This is a girl who looks to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, with an extremely delicate face, especially those bright eyes, which seem to be like a puddle of clear water, so clear that people will be fascinated by it when they see it!The girl's big eyes rolled slightly, and then she stared at Wang Hao for a while, and after a few breaths, the girl blinked her big eyes and said to Wang Hao: "Brother, I have been watching you secretly just now. , I didn’t expect you to be a good person who would draw his sword to help when encountering injustice. It just so happens that my little sister has encountered a very headache now, so I want to ask you to help me!"

"Help?" Wang Hao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, and found that although the girl in front of him looked young, her cultivation base was extremely high. With Wang Hao's eyesight, it was enough to see that the girl was far away from the early days of the gods. His cultivation base is already only half a step away, compared to the pair of monks just now, it is much stronger.At this age, he has such cultivation, and in this Mingyang Continent, there must be a huge force behind him to support him.After thinking through all this, Wang Hao said with a smile: "This girl, although I am willing to help you, but my ability is limited. With the girl's cultivation base, it is necessary to ask for help. I am afraid that even if I have the heart , it is also very likely to be force!"

Wang Hao's resignation was not intentional. First of all, this girl's cultivation is not ordinary, and the troubles she encountered may be difficult for him to solve.Secondly, the girl appeared here suddenly, and without knowing the details, Wang Hao was unwilling to cause such trouble easily.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wang Hao said this, the girl's face changed slightly, and then she looked pitiful, and looked at Wang Hao innocently with big watery eyes, and said weakly: "Since The elder brother will not save the little girl, so I can only continue to run for my life. It is a pity that I am alone, once I fall into the hands of the enemy, I can only die!" The girl said, and she made a gesture to leave directly. go.At this time, Wang Hao said with a slight smile: "In that case, I'll take my leave!" As he said that, Wang Hao's figure flickered, and he flew directly in the direction of the Xieyue Pavilion!

The girl looked unmoved when she saw Wang Hao, and immediately stomped her feet in anger, then rolled her eyes slightly, and a strange smile appeared on her sullen pretty face!Seeing the direction in which Wang Hao was leaving, the girl said to herself, "Hmph! Aren't you going to the Xieyue Pavilion? Hehe, this Xieyue Pavilion is not easy to join!" She picked up a purple jade pendant, and with a slight shake, the purple jade pendant instantly turned into a burst of purple energy and disappeared into the girl's girl!

Although Wang Hao chose to leave, he was secretly guessing in his heart. With the appearance of this young girl, she didn't look like a treacherous person, but since he was new to Mingyang Continent and was unfamiliar with the place, Better to stay out of trouble!However, before Wang Hao left, he still quietly released a faint wisp of consciousness, which remained on the girl.Once this girl is really in danger, she will be able to notice it!

An hour later, Wang Hao frowned slightly.Because, he found that although he was heading towards the direction of the oblique moon pavilion with all his strength, the girl had been following him from afar.With Wang Hao's current cultivation base, his speed was not comparable to that girl, but the girl never fell behind, and followed him from a distance, which immediately made Wang Hao feel extremely uncomfortable. [

"According to this situation, at least this girl is hiding her cultivation, otherwise it would be impossible to keep up with her speed. This girl deliberately concealed her cultivation and followed her all the time. Looks like he is chasing after him. On the contrary, it is possible that he intends to plot against me! Could it be that the Earth Spirit Orb I sacrificed when I was fighting with Mr. Feng, attracted that girl to covet it! Anyway, in this Mingyang Continent, it is still It's better to be careful, after all, I'm alone!" Wang Hao kept thinking in his heart!

According to the map of Mingyang Continent, if Wang Hao is flying with all his strength, he may be able to reach the Xieyue Pavilion within three days. As long as he enters the Xieyue Pavilion, he can avoid all troubles!At that time, I can concentrate on preparing how to join the oblique moon pavilion, and find a way to finally enter the oblique moon small world!After all, the ultimate goal of my trip is to enter the small world of the oblique moon and raise my cultivation level to the late stage of the gods!

Now, Wang Hao tried his best to avoid all the troubles, so as not to cause side issues and delay the big event of entering the oblique moon small world.However, one day later, Wang Hao found that the more he wanted to avoid trouble, the trouble seemed to be looking for him on purpose.As soon as his consciousness moved, Wang Hao smiled wryly and said to himself: "I don't know what happened to this woman. Not only did she not be left behind by me for more than a day, but she speeded up at this moment and is gradually decreasing. The distance between me and me. It seems that this trouble is coming, and I can't avoid it even if I want to!"

After thinking for a while, Wang Hao simply stopped, quietly waiting for the woman's arrival.Wang Hao's consciousness told himself that the woman was getting closer and closer to him, and at this time, Wang Hao also felt that there were three powerful auras coming with the woman. The aura was extremely strong, and it was not much better than that of Mr. Feng just now. At this time, Wang Hao's brows began to wrinkle tightly.

"These three breaths, are they the ones that the woman said were chasing and killing her?"

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