Fairy Road

Chapter 773 1 person 1 stroke

The old man Piyun used his best supernatural powers when he came up, which was to directly defeat Wang Hao.After all, old man Piyun had a rough idea of ​​Wang Hao's cultivation.Since he could calmly resist the coercion of his mid-stage gods and win a tie in the hands of the four masters of the Xieyue Pavilion, Mr. Feng, Wang Hao is naturally not an easy person.

Faced with this supernatural move of Pi Yunshou, Wang Hao's heart was also surging.This cloud-piercing divine palm is a unique skill that has shocked the entire Mingyang Continent.Its power is so strong that it can almost be said that it is enough to change the color of the situation in an instant.Coupled with Piyunsou's powerful cultivation in the middle stage of the god, Wang Hao can't have the slightest heart to hide his clumsiness at this time. "Hoohoo..." The Yuanli in Wang Hao's body was continuously compressed in an instant, and then, the magical power "Shenguang Mishishi" created by himself not long ago was directly shot.Boom boom boom...... The supernatural powers of the two masters at the level of the gods exploded head-on in the air.

In an instant, all the energy within a radius of a hundred miles seemed to be completely evaporated in this instant.Between the whole world, the light suddenly disappeared.The old woman and others next to her immediately wrapped their whole bodies with Yuanli, and the complexion of the girl Fenfen changed slightly at this moment.However, soon, a bright yellow light enveloped Fenfen, resisting the terrifying fluctuations of Yuanli force caused by Wang Hao and Old Man Piyun's attack.

After a few breaths, the heaven and earth completely returned to normal.The vitality between the heaven and the earth began to gradually recover, and the sky gradually became brighter.At this time, Wang Hao and Piyunsou were still standing in their original positions.However, Wang Hao's state at the moment seems to be quite embarrassing, not only his long hair is extremely messy, but even his white clothes may have traces of tears!

"Huh...... this kid is really tough! He is worthy of being equal to Mr. Feng!" At this time, the old woman with white hair also let out a long breath, muttering to herself, her eyes Turning to the old man Piyun, the expression of the white-haired old woman suddenly became extremely embarrassing.Because, at this moment, the performance of the old man Piyun seems to be the same as before the attack, and even the corners of his clothes seem to be untouched. , however, the aura all over his body seemed extremely chaotic.If it weren't for the white-haired old woman's mid-stage cultivation base of a god, it would be difficult to see.Just now, when Piyunsou and Wang Hao made a full attack, it turned out that Wang Hao had the upper hand.

However, with Pi Yunsou's arrogant temperament, he has been running rampant in Mingyang Continent for many years, and has yet to achieve a miracle of defeat, so abruptly that Pi Yunsou can only knock down his teeth and swallow his blood.He firmly suppressed that destructive force in his body, which made it seem that Pi Yunsou did not lose out in the confrontation with Wang Hao just now.

However, this point, in the eyes of the white-haired old woman and the middle-aged scribe, is simply hard to hide.On the contrary, Wang Hao was only at the early stage of the cultivation of the gods. Although he suspected that the old man Piyun had not gained the upper hand in the competition with him, he was not completely sure that the old man Piyun had suffered serious injuries at this time!

Wang Hao adjusted his messy clothes slightly, and said with a calm smile, "Fellow Daoist's supernatural move just now is really extremely powerful. I admire you, fellow Daoist, let me give you another move!" , and there are two powerful enemies watching beside him, Wang Hao naturally wants to make a strong move, hoping to end the fight with Pi Yunsou as soon as possible.

After hearing Wang Hao's words, old man Piyun suddenly showed a bitter expression on his face.The reason why Piyun old man concealed his injury was because he believed that Wang Hao was at least slightly injured in the competition just now.It should not be possible to make another shot. Unexpectedly, after Wang Hao directly fought, he was ready to make another shot in an instant.But at this moment, my body felt like a knife had been cut, it was really difficult to strike again!

The old man with white hair and the middle-aged scholar were naturally very clear about the old man's thoughts.Seeing that Wang Hao was going to continue to attack, the middle-aged scribe frowned slightly, and with a flash of figure, he stood in front of old man Piyun.The middle-aged scribe smiled and said, "Wait a minute, fellow daoist, I'm at Xiamuli. Although it was just a competition of supernatural powers between fellow daoist and old man Piyun just now, the momentum of fellow daoist is not at all inferior to that of my old friend Piyun." Old man Yun, so, if you are in a hurry for the next moment, how about coming here to ask a fellow Taoist to teach you a trick?"

Seeing Mu Li's sudden appearance, Wang Hao frowned immediately.After pondering for a while, Wang Hao said coldly: "It seems that you want to fight with wheels?" The middle-aged scribe blushed suddenly, and said: "Fellow Daoist misunderstood... this... .Since fellow Taoist and old man Piyun still fought each other, and it was only one move. Then, how about I just ask fellow Taoist to teach you one move? If there is a difference between this move, I will naturally give up and never fight again. How about a shot?" Just as the middle-aged scribe finished speaking, the white-haired old woman not far away continued directly: "That's right, if you are undefeated in one move between fellow daoist and Muli, then the old man will only ask fellow daoist to teach you one move, and he will definitely not lose. There will be more shots, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Wang Hao thought in his heart: Old Man Piyun doesn't make any more moves. It seems that he has suffered a lot from the one-stroke competition with himself just now!However, using this matter to force the other two to promise to only take one shot is considered a bargain!Thinking of this, Wang Hao nodded slightly and said, "In this case, let's make a move!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Hao turned his right hand, and a khaki bead appeared on Wang Hao's right hand.The khaki bead immediately exuded a thick and thick aura, which made the expressions of Muli and the three of them change.

"This...this bead has such a strong earth element aura, it seems to be the legendary earth spirit bead. No wonder this person can compete with Mr. Feng evenly. The wind spirit bead in Mr. Feng's hand, It should be restrained by this earth spirit bead, otherwise, with the strength of Mr. Feng, how could it be possible to draw with a early-stage cultivator of the gods!"

As soon as the Earth Spirit Orb was shot, Mu Li's face immediately showed a cautious look. If Wang Hao didn't have the Earth Spirit Orb in his hand, Mu Li still had the courage to fight Wang Hao, but at this moment, facing the earth Lingzhu, Mu Centrifuge already had the intention to withdraw.Among the three of Muli, in terms of cultivation, the old woman with white hair is the highest, so at this moment, the old woman with white hair laughed dryly and said: "It seems that this time I have to make a move this time, Muli, you and the old man on the ground Back off!"

"Well, an earth spirit bead actually scares away a strong enemy. Hehe, it seems that after reaching the level of a god, this spirit treasure is indeed extremely important!" Wang Hao thought to himself, but the old woman with white hair was already very imposing at the moment. From then on, the peak aura of the entire middle stage of the gods locked Wang Hao's entire body firmly.

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