Fairy Road

Chapter 774 Unexpected

Wang Hao also did not expect that after he sacrificed the earth spirit orb, he would actually frighten off such a powerful enemy as Mu Li.In fact, with Mu Li's cultivation, even if he has the Earth Spirit Orb, he is not sure that he will win against Mu Li.However, in Mu Li's eyes, he has traveled across the Mingyang Continent for many years, but he has not suffered any disadvantages.At this moment, he is even more unwilling to compete with Wang Hao without full confidence.But among the three, Granny Lei's cultivation is the highest.

Grandma Lei made a direct move. If she didn't take Wang Hao down, then it really doesn't make much sense to do it herself!Granny Lei has been famous for thousands of years in the Mingyang Continent, and her power shakes the world.It can be said that a set of thunder magic powers has almost never tasted defeat.At this moment to make a move, Mu Centrifuge still has some confidence in it!

Huhuhu Wang Hao saw Granny Lei shoot directly, without the slightest hesitation, the earth spirit bead in his hand instantly burst into a khaki-yellow light.The moment he blasted a strange force, he came in front of Grandma Lei.This elemental force wave is three points stronger than the elemental force wave produced when Cai Cai and Mr. Feng fought.However, the expression on Granny Lei's face did not fluctuate much, but the aura all over her body soared into the sky, boom boom boom, several thunderbolts, as if coming from the void, and the crackling instant hit Wang Hao with all his strength On Yuanlibo.

After a bang, bang, everything dissipated directly.It was as if nothing had happened just now.However, at this moment, Grandma Lei seemed to be descending like a god of thunder, surrounded by thunder and lightning, with awe-inspiring power.Even Wang Hao on the opposite side applauded secretly, this Granny Lei's cultivation is definitely the peak of the middle stage of the gods, and there is always the possibility of breaking through to the late stage of the gods.At this time, Wang Hao might not be her opponent.

However, since Wang Hao practiced Taoism, he has experienced countless dangers.It has also defeated the strong with the weak several times.Therefore, at this moment, although Wang Hao knew that there was still a large gap between his cultivation base and Granny Lei, Wang Hao did not weaken much in terms of aura, on the contrary, he became stronger and stronger!

After taking a step forward, Wang Hao flipped his left hand, and a fiery red bead suddenly appeared.All of a sudden, the breath and energy in the entire space seemed to be on fire.The red light was so bright that everyone's faces turned crimson.At the same time, the three of Muli exclaimed at the same time.

"Fire Spirit Orb!" "It's actually the legendary Fire Spirit Orb!" The expressions on the three people's faces were different, and several expressions changed in an instant.Even the young girl Fanfan has grown up in surprise at this moment, and it seems that they will not be able to close together for a while.At this time, Wang Hao didn't care about the expressions of these people, his Yuan Li was violent, and he immediately attacked and killed Granny Lei three times in a row with supernatural powers.

Granny Lei's complexion was solemn, and the thunder light on her body was even stronger. She used several magical powers in succession, and just now she dispelled Wang Hao's three magical powers.However, after Granny Lei dispelled Wang Hao's three magic tricks, her face became more serious.What she never imagined was that with her cultivation at the peak of the middle stage of the gods, she could only draw with Wang Hao.Although she didn't use the one move she promised, she knew very well in her heart that even if she tried her best, it would be difficult to defeat Wang Hao.What shocked Granny Lei even more was that it was the treasure in Wang Hao's hands.

An earth spirit orb is already shocking enough, but Wang Hao actually has a second heaven and earth spirit treasure, fire spirit orb, in his hand.You know, the four spirit beads of heaven and earth spirit treasures, fire spirit beads, earth spirit beads, water spirit beads plus wind spirit beads.These four spirit beads are the necessary conditions for peerless powerhouses to create a new plane, and they are treasures pursued by countless peerless powerhouses.This Feng Lingzhu has always been in the Mingyang Continent, this is an open secret in the Mingyang Continent.But the other three spirit beads have never been found in Mingyang Continent.In the vast starry sky, there are countless planes, and it is possible for these three great spirit beads to wander to any continent. [

However, at this moment, two of the remaining three spirit beads unexpectedly appeared in the hands of one person at the same time.And, obviously, this pearl has already recognized the Lord.It is conceivable how tough the young man he is facing at the moment is.

Wang Hao's continuous attacks made Granny Lei unable to cope, but in essence they did not pose much threat to Granny Lei.Wang Hao also knew in his heart at this moment that this Fire Spirit Orb was a spirit treasure with extremely strong attack power. Even if he used this treasure, he would not be able to pose a threat to Granny Lei. I am afraid that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to win this competition.

Wang Hao also knew in his heart that although it was difficult for him to win, it was definitely not that simple for Granny Lei to win.You can't win, but it definitely doesn't mean you will lose.Wang Hao pondered for a few breaths, and said to Granny Lei with a sneer, "Go ahead, you can only defend yourself!"

Granny Lei blushed when she heard Wang Hao's words, and then her face changed slightly. After pondering for a moment, she said in a deep voice: "Little friend, although you are only in the early days of the gods, you are very capable. In addition, the treasures in his hands are emerging one after another. Even if the old man tries his best, it will be difficult to win against the little friend."

"Huh? You actually admit that you can't beat me?" Wang Hao's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly smiled, "What? Is it true that Fellow Daoist is going to give up?"

Unexpectedly, Granny Lei really nodded and said: "Yes, today's matter is over. The three of us can't beat Xiaoyou, so let's not mention the festival with that girl for now! "Grandma Lei said this, she turned around and gave Muli and Piyunsou a wink, and the three of them gave the girl Fenfen a meaningful look at the same time, and then flew away without any notice. It means to stay a little longer!

At this time, the young girl Fanfen could not stop turning her bright eyes. When she saw the three of Granny Lei leaving, her face sometimes showed joy and sometimes worry. Then, she didn't look at Wang Hao again, but Shi Shiran wanted to leave quietly.

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows, moved his body, and stopped in front of Fenfen. "Girl, are you so forgetful that you just forgot what you just said?"

Fenfen blushed, and said with a determined look on her face: "Huh! This girl is not so forgetful! Aren't you going to join the oblique moon pavilion? Aren't you going to enter the oblique moon small world? Okay, I will help you once!"

"Oh? I don't know how the girl is going to help me?" Wang Hao continued to ask.

"Hmph! Don't worry about this, you can just follow this girl! When you arrive at the Xieyue Pavilion, this girl will naturally have a way to help you!" Said, Fenfen's figure flashed, and she turned towards the oblique moon. Fly in the direction of the pavilion!

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