Fairy Road

Chapter 775

Three days later, two figures came across the void, like two rapid meteors, appearing beside the Tongtianshen Mountain wrapped in dense air!These two people, of course, came all the way, directly heading for Wang Hao in the Xieyue Pavilion, and the girl in the Mingyang Continent whose identity is still extremely mysterious——Fanfen!

Along the way, there was very little communication between the two.Even if there were a few words that were not salty or bland, the girl fanfan kept her mouth shut, and did not give Wang Hao the slightest chance to find out her details.However, Wang Hao has experienced countless storms and waves since he cultivated, and he has already linked together the strange things he encountered after entering the Mingyang Continent during this period of time, and constantly analyzed them.As for Fanfen's identity, Wang Hao already had a rough guess in his mind at this moment.However, Wang Hao is not in a hurry to make it clear now.

Because, in Wang Hao's view, as long as it's a secret that doesn't do much harm to him, he can leave it alone.As long as this girl can really fulfill her promise, help herself enter the oblique moon pavilion, and even really help herself enter the oblique moon small world, then everything will be fine!

"Did you see it!" The girl Fenfen suddenly stopped at this moment, pointed at the mountain top hidden in the clouds and mist in the distance, with a proud look on her face, and said to Wang Hao, "This is the oblique Where the Moon Pavilion is located, the most sacred place in Mingyang Continent, Tongtian Peak!"

Looking at the young girl's onion-like fingers, Wang Hao also began to admire secretly in his heart.The Tongtian Peak leaped into view, and I didn't know how high it was, and it instantly gave people a feeling of looking up from a high mountain.You must know that after cultivating to Wang Hao's level, ordinary mountain peaks are basically like a grain of sand in his eyes.But the Tongtian Mountain in front of him is a high mountain, which makes Wang Hao feel an urge to worship.

"Sure enough, it's a good place, and only in such a sacred mountain can there be such a magical existence as the oblique moon small world." Wang Hao thought to himself, "The oblique moon small world is a magical place that can help monks be promoted to the late stage of the gods. Originally, I was skeptical about this legend in my heart, but at this moment, it seems that such a magical place is very likely to exist based on the aura of the Tongtian Peak alone!"

"Why, I'm so dumbfounded, you country bumpkin, you really haven't seen anything in the world, hehehehe!" The girl Fanfen couldn't help laughing when she saw Wang Hao staring at Tongtian Peak in silence.

Wang Hao smiled and said, "You're right, the Tongtian Peak is so majestic, it's really breathtaking!" Wang Hao didn't hide his shock at all at the moment.However, the shock turned into shock, but Wang Hao never forgot the purpose of this trip, "Girl Fenfen, naturally this Xieyue Pavilion is at the top of Tongtian Peak, why don't you and I visit now! It is said that this Xieyue Pavilion The time to open the mountain gate has come, I wonder if there are any rules if you want to join the Xieyue Pavilion?"

Although the girl Fenfen once swore that Wang Hao could join the Xieyue Pavilion, Wang Hao didn't really think in his heart that he could really become a disciple of the Xieyue Pavilion just by relying on Fenfen's words.If this is the case, then Xieyue Pavilion will lose its dignity as the number one cultivation sect in Mingyang Continent!Even lost interest in letting Wang Hao join!Even if the girl fanfan is a disciple with a very special status in the Xieyue Pavilion, as I guessed in my heart, I am afraid it can only serve as a recommendation!

Sure enough, the girl Fenfen sneered and said: "Wang Hao, I think you are stupid, so you are pretending. You actually know that the Xieyue Pavilion is not so easy to join. Hmph! All the monks in the Mingyang Continent are I know that every time the Xieyue Pavilion recruits disciples, it is necessary to go through the three-seven-two-one-difficulty test! These three-seven-twenty-one difficulties, and every difficulty, cannot be easily overcome by ordinary monks. This is why every oblique moon After the gate of the pavilion was opened, although the monks who want to join the Xieyue Pavilion are like crucian carp crossing the river, there are countless monks, but there are very few monks who can really jump the dragon gate with carp!"

After hearing Fanfen's words, Wang Hao was not surprised at all, let alone discouraged, because Wang Hao knew that the more difficult it was, the more he could show what kind of benefits joining this oblique moon pavilion would bring to the monks. benefit.There is a saying: Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance!How can you get what you want without danger?

"However..." The girl Fanfan changed the topic at this moment, and said to Wang Hao, "Since I have agreed to you, I will help you become a disciple of the Xieyue Pavilion in one fell swoop, and even let you enter the Xieyue Elementary School." In this world, how can you break your promise. Therefore, this girl will help you take care of these difficulties!"

"Huh? Help me solve the three-seven-two-one problem!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and then he said with a smile, "Then thank you girl! However, in my opinion, I am afraid that if you want to join the oblique moon pavilion, you may not only pass through Is this three seven and twenty one so simple?" Wang Hao couldn't believe that he could join the Xieyue Pavilion so easily.

"That's natural!" The girl fanfan nodded and said, looking at Wang Hao's eyes, there is a little more appreciation at the moment, "It seems that you are not stupid, hehe, if you want to join the oblique moon pavilion, you need to join the oblique moon pavilion. In addition to these 21 21 difficulties, you have to rely on your own strength to reach the top of Tongtian Peak. No matter who you are, it is impossible for you to help you. You can only rely on yourself. This hurdle is God's will Choice, if you can climb to the top, you are a person favored by God's will, and you will naturally have the opportunity to join the Xieyue Pavilion! And I will enter the Xieyue Pavilion first, to help you get through the joints, and avoid [-] difficulties Checkpoint! Wang Hao, from now on, everything is up to you!"

After the girl Fanfen finished speaking, her figure flashed, and she disappeared as if out of thin air.Wang Hao's complexion remained unchanged, knowing that this girl Fenfen was originally a monk in the Xieyue Pavilion, so naturally in front of his sect, he could display such supernatural powers similar to the teleportation array of the sect.Looking up towards the top of Tongtian Peak, the towering Tongtian Peak in between is solemn and solemn.On the mountainside, there are densely packed spots of light.

Wang Hao knew that these spots of light were the monks in Mingyang Continent who were attacking the top of Tongtian Peak with all their strength at the moment.At this moment, these people are going all out, and the vitality of their bodies is blooming without reservation, naturally forming such a strange scene!

Wang Hao paused for a while, then stopped hesitating, took a step forward, and in a flash, he appeared on the mountainside of Tongtian Peak.With Wang Hao's cultivation at the moment, he can only fly to this height, and if he wants to go up, there is nothing he can do except to climb with his bare hands.

"This Tongtian Peak is really weird!" Wang Hao's complexion changed slightly, and he began to climb up continuously using his hands and feet.But at this moment, among the countless pavilions and pavilions on the top of Tongtian Peak, a girl in pink looked down and murmured to herself: "Wang Hao, Wang Hao, I hope I didn't misunderstand you. Don't let me down..."

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