fairy flame

Chapter 1157 Eight Hands and Eight Feet

() "You human beings are good at such rhetoric, but it's a pity that it doesn't work for me at all, but right now, it's the most ideal for you and me to maintain this true and false relationship..." The blood-haired woman's heart That trace of enthusiasm went cold in an instant, and he deliberately regained his coldness and said.

Luo Yu didn't expect that his rare truth would be poured with cold water. He really felt that women are fickle. It doesn't matter whether it's human race or monster race. A witch is a witch!

When he was at a loss for words and was about to explain again, he was interrupted by the blood-haired woman waving.

"If you have nothing else to do, you can leave now. When fellow Taoist Mingri is ready, just come to see me in the bamboo house." The blood-haired woman said in a very light tone, as if she didn't want to say anything more, and just chased away the guest .

Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't make fun of himself, Shi Li retreated to the direction he came from.

At the same time, the demon woman rushed high into the sky and pointed at the golden thunder sea, a ray of white clouds lightly coiled around, and the jade finger flickered, and as soon as it rolled over, it surged into a white hurricane, sweeping away the nearby thunder clouds and remnant clouds , The hurricane was so powerful that it only paused slightly when it broke through the last layer of Thunder Sea.

If he hadn't seen this random move many times, Luo Yu would have been surprised. He had tried his best to make a move, but he could only shake it a little bit. Under the body, there is such a terrifying monster power, I really don't know how old the demon girl's body is.

Thinking about it, Luo Yu knew that he had no right to speak in front of the existence of the Nascent Soul, so he could only accept this woman's attitude towards him.

"The junior will come to disturb the senior next time." After Luo Yu said goodbye with a simple and polite fist, the golden light scattered on his body, turned into an afterimage and flew directly into the evil wind channel opened by this woman. After several flashes in succession, He fell to the top of the mountain and entered a cave, and the figure disappeared.

But the moment he walked into the cave, when Luo Yu glanced out of the corner of his eye at the pool on the top of the mountain that could absorb the spiritual power of the five-element swirling rain, the strange aura that made him quite depressed reappeared, but the tens of feet in size On the pool, there is nothing but the fluctuating auras of various colors.

Since this feeling is not the first time, Luo Yu didn't have any mood swings on his face, and with a little doubt in his heart, after a meal, he quickly left Baiyu Mountain along the familiar underground passage !

The power of the swirling rain outside the mountain faded away, and Luo Yu looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart. Time flies so fast, and it will be almost a year since he arrived in the black region up.

In a deep valley more than ten miles away from Baimei Mountain, Luo Yu just flew here, and several loud and exciting bird songs came from below, and the two male and female blazers who had been waiting here for a long time joined together. The shoulders turned into two blue flames and flew out.

Ever since the two monster birds saw Luo Yu defeating the Kui Huoyan demon, they had obeyed Luo Yu instinctively from the monster beasts. Under Luo Yu's order, they had moved their nests outside the small mine vein where they were practicing. It can protect the place from being invaded by other monsters, and at the same time, it can be dispatched by Luo Yu.

Although he didn't sign a natal contract with the two beasts, for the sake of the two beasts' loyalty, Luo Yu would give some spirit beast pills as rewards from time to time, which made them more dependent.

Luo Yu looked around for a few times, and then the figure flashed, and landed firmly on the back feathers of one of the monster birds, and immediately his divine sense turned into animal language to remind him.

After the two blazing sunbirds followed Luo Yu for this period of time, they could already comprehend his instructions in an instant. Immediately, the two blue flames carried Luo Yu, and flew away in the direction of return without saying a word.

Seeing that Lan Dunguang rushed into the air of nearly a hundred feet in one breath, and the two monster birds themselves were the top monsters in the black domain, Luo Yu didn't have to worry about trouble, he simply closed his eyes and began to think about what happened today matter.

To say that the first thing Luo Yu thought of was naturally the scene of the wonderful battle in his opinion, the scene where he was able to turn defeat into victory by relying on the power of the law, Luo Yu still can't stop thinking about it until now.

In fact, it can only be said that it was a coincidence to cultivate the Dharma. When Luo Yu was asked to do it again, it was hard to say whether he would make the same choice.

To be honest, the reason why the practiced dharma appearance is so weird is caused by the golden Zen relic that Luo Yu obtained in the early years. Even Luo Yu himself is not sure whether the golden Buddha dharma appearance with all hands and feet is a normal dharma appearance or not. A rare variation?

In the beginning, Luo Yu could almost describe his training in Wujing Starry Sky as restless, but with his perseverance and the assistance of Wujing Starry Sky, when "Bazutong" reached the peak of the first level, he hit the ground without much effort. The second level of realm was successful.

And then fortunately, Luo Yu really met the extremely low probability of cultivating the Buddha Yuan, and the body is no longer a steady stream of metallic Xing Yuan power, but replaced with golden Buddha Yuan!

This naturally made Luo Yu happy for a long time, and this was something he had been looking forward to for a long time, so he was not nervous at the moment of Buddha Yuan's transformation. He had seen some of the operation steps that he should know on many jade slips .

After all, the Erhai Lake, one of the four sea areas, is still dominated by Buddhist sects, and the number of Buddhist practitioners far exceeds that of immortals. Naturally, there are a large number of jade slips in any sea area that record various Buddhist and Taoist cultivation experiences , there is no shortage of black regions with monks from all major sea regions, and Luo Yu is familiar with these things.

However, although the Foyuan is very famous, it is even more powerful than the True Yuan of the monks in the alchemy period, but any Buddhist cultivator knows that if the Foyuan does not have the cooperation of the Dharma, it is only more powerful than the general attribute element to restrain ghosts Due to the characteristics of the two paths, Luo Yu naturally placed his long-term vision on the Dharma after he cultivated into the Buddha Yuan!

Compared with the Buddha Yuan, Luo Yu spent more thought on the magical powers of the Dharma, because for every Buddhist practitioner or more ordinary five-element body refiner, it is pure luck to have the Buddha Yuan, even if Luo Yu The famous "Bazutong" can increase luck from one ten thousandth to one percent, but it also can't give the practitioner the slightest confidence.

Moreover, the improvement of "Bazutong" is only in a certain sense, and it is not so against the sky, because there is no one in a hundred body refiners who can practice "Bazutong" to the second level, and this is the only one. To be selected with a probability of one percent, it can almost be said that the essence of one in ten thousand has not been changed.

But the dharma appearance is different. No matter the body refiner of Buddhism or Taoism, as long as they are in the first to third ranks, they can rely on different exercises to achieve dharma appearance at different stages. Usually, Buddhism has the most cultivation methods for dharma appearance, which makes many Buddha cultivators in the third stage. At the early stage of the third stage, one can develop one's own method, and then double the combat power. The Taoist body refiner will be relatively slow, and often only condenses the method in the middle and late stages of the third stage, but the two have their own strengths.

However, in order to distinguish the difference between the two, Taoist body refiners don't call it Faxiang, but "Yuan Ling", and the third level of body training is also called Yuan Lingjing or Yuanhaijing, but the root cause is actually Not much difference.

Even in terms of the strength of both parties, since most of the immortal cultivators in the Yuanling Realm are proficient in some immortal arts and supernatural powers, they can compete with the Buddhist cultivators who have been passed down for a long time.

Of course, this is the key point. If the power of Buddhist cultivation is only comparable to that of the five-element body refiners of Taoism, it is not worthy of being a religion of its own.

Obviously, the top existence in Buddhist cultivation is at least not weaker than the power of immortal cultivators. Most of these people rely on the Buddha's essence or Buddha's power. The dharma phase, that can almost sweep the same level, there are few opponents!

This is similar to the previous battle, the Buddha element in Luo Yu's body cooperated with the Dharma, and easily defeated the white god general. This kind of hidden lock, even the Nascent Soul stage monk who has mastered the teleportation escapism It is difficult to get rid of, and this is only one of the supernatural powers formed by the combination of the two. There is still great potential to be tapped in the future, but the cultivation of Buddhist supernatural powers is notoriously difficult, and each kind of cultivation requires extremely long years. Luo Yu Dharma and Fo Yuan have only been trained for a short time, so naturally they have to master the simplest supernatural powers first.

However, whether the dharma appearance that Luo Yu cultivated is the mutated dharma appearance in the rumors, even he himself can't say clearly until now, but even the existence of Empress Baiyu seems to be unable to recognize the origin of this dharma appearance, it seems that the possibility of mutating the dharma appearance is even greater big.

The reason for this is that after Luo Yu practiced the second level of "Bazutong" but there was no sign of Dharma Formation at all, he saw a method used by Buddhist monks to condense Dharma Aspects from an ordinary Buddhist classic. After trying it temptingly, the result was a strange dharma appearance with all hands and feet.

Speaking of which, this secret technique has been widely spread in the Erhai sea area, and it is not a secret at all. It only needs to sacrifice a third-level relic, and it will be transformed into pure relic crystals and blended into every inch of bone marrow of the body refiner. In the middle, and urged by a special method, a third-tier Yuan master can quickly cultivate a Dharma appearance. Since this method can be used for both Buddhist practitioners and five-element body refiners, from ancient times to the present, Buddhas have repeatedly The war between Taoism and Taoism is related to this.

Although the four sea areas are now expressly prohibiting, in fact, these prohibitions are not worth the madness of body refiners. Who would not want to participate in the Dharma Aspect earlier, even in the Buddhist sect that claims to be compassionate, such activities are indispensable in private.

But the relics are too rare. Except for some left after the ancient Buddha practiced meditation, only a very small number of Buddhist disciples have the opportunity to cultivate relics. The probability of this is not much higher than that of the Buddha. Even in the nearly boundless four seas, relics are priceless treasures.

(About the update question, Youdao first admits that I have become lazy. From preparing my graduation thesis to now waiting for my graduation certificate, it has been difficult to adjust my mentality. I can’t even locate the present or the future, which leads to frequent insomnia and headaches. As soon as I go out to play with my classmates and friends, I will be impetuous when I come back. I adjust and adjust. Only when I don’t worry about the outside world can I be at peace.)

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