fairy flame

Chapter 1158 Changes of Imprints

() When Luo Yu read this secret post, he suddenly felt like he had nowhere to go!There happened to be a relic in his storage bag, which was not only left by a holy monk in the Nascent Soul stage, but also said to be one of the three most holy relics in Buddhism. I have followed him for a long time, but it is a pity that because of my own cultivation, I have not been able to find a suitable use for it. The combination of the two just confirms the destiny that I have arranged in the dark.With such a rare opportunity, and in a place full of vitality like Heiyu, Luo Yu consecrated this golden Zen relic with a fever in his head.The refining process was surprisingly smooth, and the dharma images were formed one after another, but before everyone was happy, Luo Yu found that he had neglected a hidden danger mentioned later in this secret technique, that is, the dharma images cultivated by this method may be damaged. It has the characteristics of the original owner of the relic, and then mixes the exercises that the Buddha is practicing now to generate a unique Buddhist method.Because the probability of this kind of mutation is very small, and Luo Yu used opportunistic methods, so naturally he did not take this level of concern seriously.The coincidence happened to him, if it doesn't come, it's nothing, once it comes, it happens one after another, and the dharma that he has cultivated is really unheard of.According to the practice method of Luo Yu's "Eight-legged Tong", the resulting dharma should be an eight-legged Buddha statue, but I don't know whether it was the late holy monk who had practiced the top dharma "eight-armed arhat" in Buddhism, or it was contained in the golden Zen relic. The crystallization of the relic was too huge, and in the end, Luo Yu cultivated a strange appearance with all hands and feet, so now even he himself can't figure out whether it is fusion or mutation.Moreover, apart from himself, there was no other monk with a Dharma image in the entire Black Territory. Even if Luo Yu wanted to compare the power of his Dharma image, he couldn't find anyone to verify it.But no matter what, since the all-handed and eight-legged dharma has become a fact, Luo Yu will not complain any more. He can only bite the bullet and continue to practice. At most, if he has the opportunity to go to Erhai Lake in the future, he will go to some Buddhist holy places to find the truth.Thinking of this, just as the matter of Faxiang came to an end in Luo Yu's heart, Luo Yu's chest suddenly felt hot, and a blue light burst out of his body without any sign, and the breath on his body suddenly changed from calm to fluctuating!But Luo Yu didn't seem to have expected the changes in his body, but he seemed to know something. Under the drastic change in his expression, he just made a gesture with both hands, and felt the Buddha's essence in his body boil uncontrollably, and then Hundreds of strands of gray silk thread in the body unexpectedly wrapped in the Buddha Yuan and sprang out of Luo Yu's body!These hundreds of gray silks frantically scrambled and intertwined, rolling around Luo Yu for a while, completely wrapping Luo Yu in a gray light ball at once!The strange thing is that the hundreds of gray silk threads that made such a big commotion just flashed outside Luo Yu's body, and returned to the body with all the Buddha elements in a moment, as if returning to its original owner.But this kind of ferocious and violent fluctuation of Buddha Yuan is like the gain and loss of mana. The feeling of falling into the bottom made Luo Yu break out in a cold sweat, and his face turned pale instantly, but when he realized and checked his body carefully, But found that the Buddha Yuan and the gray silk thread were quiet as usual, as if it was just a strange dream before.But everything that just happened, how could it be that nothing happened? Luo Yu's face was a little cloudy for a moment, and his eyes calmed down after a while. Suddenly, there was a 'crash', and he pulled the front of his chest with both hands, impressively. A blue butterfly imprint with a corner missing on the exposed chest was shining faintly. "I can't wait any longer! Once the weakening of the magnetic barrier is done, we must perfect this pattern as soon as possible, otherwise the frequency of being backlashed by domain power will increase. Now it will erupt once every other day. If it is normal, it will be fine." , if it happens during the confrontation with the enemy of life and death, it is very likely that you will fall into a situation where you will never be able to recover!" Luo Yu's face was still a little pale, and he reached out to touch the imprint on his chest, and his voice was full of worry. road.This is not the first time this kind of situation has happened, but it seems to be caused by the rapid growth of the magnetic lines of the black domain in his body. Luo Yu calculated before that when he first entered the stage, the maximum amount of black energy that could be accommodated in his body There are only thirteen magnetic field lines, and with the gradual increase of the power in the Wujing starry sky,

Gradually intensifies, and undergoes a qualitative change to transform into a Buddha element, and the magnetic lines in the black domain also increase almost with ri.However, the speed of the latter's increase was not directly controlled by Luo Yu, and he couldn't tell when the number of magnetic lines in the black domain quietly exceeded the limit that Foyuan could bear.At the beginning, there was no disadvantage, but every time he left the Wujing Starry Sky, there would be another imprint on his body. When the number of imprints increased, Luo Yu finally realized that this was actually a vivid blue butterfly Speaking of patterns, when Luo Yu first discovered the effect of butterfly marks, he thought it was a good thing!At that time, he was also fighting with Empress Baiyu to test the progress of Lei Huo's cultivation. In the end, Luo Yu barely ended up in disgrace by relying on his body training strength, but strange things happened after Luo Yu left.At that time, Luo Yu consumed a lot of energy in his body, and he was in a hurry to return, so he didn't deliberately recover, but he didn't expect that the blue butterfly on his chest would light up and become hot on the way, and spread around his body with the blue light. Under the condition of actively absorbing, the vitality in the black domain poured into the body like a river, crazily making up for the lost energy, and it only took a moment for most of the consumed energy to recover!If Luo Yu hadn't seen such an unimaginable scene in person, it would be hard for Luo Yu to believe it. Fortunately, he knew the source immediately, and immediately checked the butterfly mark on his chest with his spiritual sense.At that time, there were not many imprints, and they barely looked like half of the colorful butterfly. When Luo Yu saw it, a small part of the imprints were shining, and the charming blue light began to spread, and soon half of the colorful butterfly pattern disappeared. It has a blue color, which is very exquisite and fascinating.What's even more miraculous is that Luo Yu's origin force also surged as the number of imprints lit up increased. It seemed that there was a certain balance between the two, especially when it happened to him. Luo Yu could clearly sense that when When the blue light filled half of the butterfly, it was the moment when his body was full of vitality.As a result, within two or three breaths of effort, the blue light emitted by half a butterfly became saturated.At this moment, an accident also appeared. When the blue brilliance finally covered half of the colorful butterfly pattern, Luo Yu, who felt the complete restoration of Yuanli, naturally cut off his sense of Yuanli from the outside world immediately. Otherwise, if the vitality in the body increases endlessly, there is a danger of going crazy.But Luo Yu didn't expect that the blue light on his chest wouldn't listen to him at all, as if half of it was missing and couldn't function to form the sky.Everything that happened after that was exactly the same as the scene when the vitality in the body was exhausted just now, and this kind of pain broke out more and more times as the number of marks on Luo Yu's body increased.From the first eruption to the present, all conceivable solutions have been used during this period, but the mysterious butterfly imprint has no effect at all. Luo Yu can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After the butterfly imprint is completed, this sequelae will be eliminated.Of course, looking at it so optimistically, there is no lack of Luo Yu's dependence on the Wujing Starry Sky. Even though he knows that the imprints will increase every time he goes down, it is really difficult to resist this kind of practice that lasts for a day inside the cave and a thousand years outside the cave. Temptation, after all, the faster cultivation speed and the increase of the black field magnetic lines are real benefits, and this imprint has such a heaven-defying recovery effect, even if there is only a ray of dawn on the road ahead, he still has to break through I broke through.There was no turning back when he opened the bow, and when he returned to his cave, Luo Yu just adjusted his breath a little, and then called the Destiny Mouse and the two flame birds to him, and began to give some serious instructions.Since it is unclear how long it will take to leave, and Empress Baiyu also made it very clear that the law of the black domain in the magnetic barrier is almost hundreds of times that of the outside, although it is not necessarily more terrifying than the Wujing Starry Sky, but in In the Wujing starry sky, the law of the black field is an extremely regular operation method, and there will never be any other changes. Luo Yu, who is familiar with the way, can easily wrap himself with magnetic wires and integrate into it.But listening to Empress Baiyu's description of the magnetic enchantment, it is obviously very different from the Wujing Starry Sky. The black domain law in the enchantment has many forms and is extremely unstable, and the effect formed is not repulsive attraction or simple Gravity is that simple.

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