fairy flame

Chapter 1159 Get Ready

() All in all, the magnetic barrier is terrible. As the great demon of the Nascent Soul Stage, Bai Yu Niang Niang went all out and still damaged several powerful treasures and an incarnation outside her body, so she saved her life and returned to the black Yu Yu, although this woman didn't explain which treasures they were, but she must have taken out treasures that would not be easily used on weekdays at the critical moment of her life, and most of them suffered heavy losses, so she didn't want to tell Luo Yu more. : .. This time Luo Yu will naturally learn from this woman, not to mention the treasures, even the storage bag and vitality gourd, Luo Yu will all stay in the cave, and then go down alone. No matter what happens, at least it won't suffer too much in the end.After all, for some of the treasures in his storage bag, no matter which one he loses, it will make Luo Yu heartbroken for a while, not to mention that in the magnetic barrier, there is no way to use any treasures related to spiritual power. Luo Yu relies on the law of the black domain.With this kind of thought in mind, Luo Yu had to come back and prepare after agreeing to the demon girl, in fact, it was also to hide these things. Similarly, the Destiny Rat and Lieyang Bird could only stay here. The strength of the beast guards this place, and Luo Yu is not worried that the things in the cave will be taken away by outsiders during this period.After Luo Yu frankly explained everything, knowing that although the danger is unpredictable, at least there will be no fear of life, the Destiny Mouse is not as panicked as last time, when Luo Yu asked the Destiny Mouse to leave with all his treasures , almost to the point of narrow escape, this beast is still extremely impressive.As for the storage bag and the spirit animal bag, Luo Yu originally planned to hide in a hidden place in the cave where no one would be able to find. There is nothing more reliable than directly handing it over to the Destiny Rat for safekeeping.During his absence, Luo Yu also ordered the Destiny Mouse to stop playing, and wait for him to come back in the cave.The other two blazing sunbirds didn't need to explain anything, they had already moved their nests to the top of the mine, and they happened to be able to monitor this area, and if there was any danger that they couldn't handle, they could immediately notify the Destiny Mouse.After the three beasts took their positions under Luo Yu's command, Luo Yu came to a tiny stone room only a few feet away from the mountainside, which was the underground passage leading to the Wujing Starry Sky.Luo Yu obviously cannot let other people know the secret here, especially Empress Baiyu. Although Luo Yu is not worried that the other party will find this place after he leaves, but people's hearts are unpredictable, he has to be on guard.Now, instead of blocking the hole leading to the bottom in a deceitful manner, it is better to directly destroy the entire passage from the mountainside to the stone chamber, leaving no trace at all. Anyway, with Luo Yu's current magical power, any passage can be re-established at any time.Finally, after checking that there were no abnormal changes in the stone chamber and the underground cave, several golden lights flashed on Luo Yu's body in turn, and the golden Buddha Yuan circled around Luo Yu in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, several mouthfuls of golden giant blades that seemed to be solid were condensed , floating in the space Zhang Xu in front of him.Looking at the bright blades in front of him, Luo Yu's feet surged with golden light, and rushed into the passageway with a blank expression. As a result, where Luo Yu's golden rainbow flew past, the passageway, which was also only ten feet wide, immediately shook the mountain Trembling like shaking, countless boulders were easily crushed and then collapsed, filling and compacting the passage quickly.Before the time was up for a stick of incense, Luo Yu returned to the mountainside again, and without saying a word, sat cross-legged in the Guiyuan formation to meditate and adjust his breath. It was not until the second day when the time was counted that Luo Yu got up and left the mine vein.Flying out of the mountain range, Luo Yu directly stopped the light on the top of the mountain, and then steered one of the blazing sunbirds into a ball of blue fire arrows, flying towards the direction of Baiyu Mountain.A few hours later, Luo Yu appeared above a swamp more than ten miles away from Baimei Mountain. The next step was the underground passage leading to Baimei Mountain. In the past, the area within a radius of ten miles of Baimei Mountain was covered by a layer of dust. Shrouded in light and mist, the magnetic force of the black field within this range is almost dozens of times that of the outside world.Once ordinary monks approached, they would immediately be in a state of confusion and be backlashed by their own energy.Although Luo Yu no longer has to worry about the magnetic force of the black domain, he doesn't want to be hit by the whirlpool rain flying down from the sky. Although most of the power of the whirlpool rain calamity above his head is locked by the thunder cloud array arranged by the witch, there are still some The whirlwind rain that slipped through the net will appear

In the gray light fog.Every time Luo Yu came here, he went directly to Baiyu Mountain from the cave hidden under the swamp, but this time Luo Yu waited silently in mid-air for a long time before he calmed down and let the Lieyang Bird return the same way, and Then he fell into the swamp in a flash.In the underground passage, there was a dim fire that was constantly burning. Luo Yu flew forward slowly, thinking about the scene he saw just now.It seems that Empress Baiyu didn't deceive him, because although the gray mist has not completely faded this time, the coverage area is obviously much smaller than when she left yesterday, which just confirms what the other party said, the power of the Cycling Rain Calamity will be here It will gradually fade within seven days, otherwise how could the magnetic force of the black field near the mountains be reduced for no reason.In this way, this woman said that the day when the whirlwind catastrophe completely subsides will be the period when the magnetic barrier is at its weakest, and it seems true, Luo Yu couldn't help but feel a little more confident about this trip.However, this kind of belief has nothing to do with Empress Baiyu, and it will not make Luo Yu's vigilance about this woman change. Luo Yu always feels that the other party is not simple, but he has never been able to find out what is wrong.After passing through the stone gate at the last section of the passage, Luo Yu came to a rather large stone hall, which was very empty, except for a white altar that was exuding a ruddy aura, there was nothing else.Luo Yu looked around for a while, then lifted his foot expressionlessly, and stood on the altar in a flash of golden light.Every time I want to enter the medicine garden full of aura, I use this altar to move the teleportation, but it is not the real teleportation array, because Luo Yu, who has been teleported several times, has never felt that kind of teleportation array. The unique dizziness of the teleportation array, so the altar can only move a very short distance.This kind of small-scale relocation should not be difficult for a Nascent Soul cultivator. What Luo Yu was more curious about was that there are bamboo forests, small courtyards, clear streams, medicine fields and sunlight places, which are more mysterious than the altar under his feet. too much.Such an unreasonable medicine garden was definitely not formed naturally by the black domain, but it might be the rumored mustard seed space technique, but this kind of treasure seems to have only appeared in ancient times, and this witch really has some skills.Curiosity is curiosity, Luo Yu doesn't dare to inquire about the witch's secret, Luo Yu has been here many times, although he hasn't searched carefully, but there is no sign of a medicine garden in the places he has visited, and since the other party built this sacrificial He must not want him to know the real location of the medicine garden. How could Luo Yu offend the other party just because of a little interest.After a burst of magic spells was played smoothly, a white thunder light flicked along Luo Yu's palm on the altar under his feet, and suddenly there was a sound of thunder, and a large wave of white clouds spewed out from the surface of the altar. It started to run violently, and spread rapidly in a blink of an eye, submerging Luo Yu and the altar in the glow.Then I saw Baixia tumbling, and there seemed to be traces of electric arc intertwined in it. After a while, both the electric arc and the white light on the altar disappeared without a trace. feather. .......With just one breath, Luo Yu reappeared in the manor full of medicinal fragrance and vegetation vitality. Everything here is as before, and you can still hear the melodious birdsong and leaves flowing in the bamboo forest The 'rustling' sound of knocking can smell the vitality, but it's not the gentle breeze hitting the body. It's hard to believe that such a unique place really exists.Luo Yu couldn't help but look up at the sky, his bright eyes were shooting down from the top of his head, the brightness was a bit dazzling, he had been here a few times, if it was said that the only thing in this mysterious medicine garden that made Luo Yu feel unreal , is the sun hanging in the sky.He believed that even if the demon girl had all eyes and hands, she would not be able to fabricate the sun and the moon, but since it was inside the manor, it seemed that there was no need to use the phantom array to conceal it.I don't know if it's a hallucination, Luo Yu faintly felt that the sun was lower in the sky of the manor, and he looked a few more times, as if there was a strange scene of blood flowing in the splendor, and if he looked carefully, there was nothing there look.Surprised in his heart, but Luo Yu was used to withdrawing his gaze without showing the slightest change, and then looked in the direction of Yaotian and Qingtan respectively, his expression became a little strange. (This chapter is called good preparation, and I hope that students who take the college entrance examination are fully prepared and win once!)

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