fairy flame

Chapter 1160 Magnetic Barrier

() When Luo Yu came here a few times ago, when the other two clones of Empress Baiyu in charge of the elixir saw him, they more or less came out to chat with him, an outsider, in a lukewarm manner. The garden was much quieter, and it seemed that the demon girl's avatar was no longer there. ..

Luo Yu only found out not long ago that these two banshee avatars, who are almost indistinguishable from real people, actually have the terrifying strength in the late stage of alchemy, which really frightened him a lot, but the two avatars are overqualified and useless in Baiyu. Under the order of the empress, she is not allowed to go anywhere except to take care of the elixir in the medicine garden and Qingtan respectively.

Although they are clones of the banshee, they have very different personalities, have their own consciousness, and can completely cultivate by themselves. The banshee usually only gives orders when needed, and many things are handled by the clone.

In comparison, the mere doppelgänger of others makes me elusive, and I really don't know when I will be able to do this.

Since he didn't see it, Luo Yu didn't think much about it, and walked silently along a grassy path for a while, and came to the extremely simple living room in the bamboo house.

Empress Baiyu has always been here waiting for Luo Yu, but this time when she came in, apart from a jade slip quietly placed on the table, there were no other people inside.

The emptiness inside the "junior" made Luo Yu slightly suspicious, and instead of inquiring rashly, he simply stood where he was and greeted him.

But I didn't expect that he just opened his mouth, and before he finished speaking, the jade slip on the table felt a sense, and it turned into a red streak and flew towards Luo Yu with a buzzing sound.

"Listen to everyone!" Luo Yu was startled secretly, although he was surprised why the other party put this restriction on the jade slip, but obviously the intention was obvious, this jade slip was reserved for him.

I couldn't help stretching out my hand to grab it, a golden light flashed on my five fingers, and a series of golden threads shot out from the fingertips, entangled the jade slip like a thousand threads, and the red light on the surface of the slip shone in the golden light, It dissipated quickly.

Seeing that the jade slip was wrapped in gold thread and suspended in mid-air about a foot away from him, Luo Yu did not take the jade slip into his hand immediately, but scanned the jade slip with his spiritual thoughts, and then expanded it to cover the entire living room, After there was no abnormality and no trace of Empress Baiyu, he stretched out his hand in some doubts, and the golden thread quickly retracted into his arm, and at the same time, the falling jade slip was caught in Luo Yu's hand.

The jade slips are ordinary, as long as there are no other restrictions on them, Luo Yu thought about it for a while, and then quietly pasted the jade slips on his forehead for inspection.

After a short while, Luo Yu withdrew his consciousness from the jade slip with a slightly astonished expression, but just stared at the jade slip with flickering eyes and fell silent.

"There are other important things to delay for a few days, let me first understand the key to how to set up the formation!" A series of thoughts arising from this ran through my mind, Luo Yu raised his eyebrows, and said with some doubts.

Sure enough, there were some words of Empress Baiyu in the jade slip, and there was also a detailed description of the pre-buried array, but if this woman was not here, it would make Luo Yu worry about another thing.

After all, it was just agreed yesterday that he had just arrived, and the other party happened to leave, it was a bit too strange, and he wouldn't really go to Luo Yu's cave while he was away.

But this kind of possibility was rejected by Luo Yu as soon as it was born. If the other party wanted to attract his attention, even under Luo Yu's eyes with the magic power of the Nascent Soul stage, he could still be unaware of it, and even more so. There is no need to take the two clones away so solemnly.

Could it be related to those two ice dragon cicadas?Luo Yu suddenly had a flash of inspiration and remembered another thing.

Speaking of it now, even Luo Yu had to admire the abilities of these old monsters in the Nascent Soul Stage. Just two months after Luo Yu handed over the Ice Dragon Cicada, he suddenly felt that the two Ice Dragon Cicadas had evolved from the first level to The second-order spirit insect, Luo Yu cultivated it himself for several years, but there was no movement at all.

Although advancement is a good thing, Luo Yu still carefully sensed whether there was a problem with the blood contract of the spirit beast. After all, these two spirit insects were also the reason why the other party was wary, and no abnormalities were found in the result.

However, since Binglongchan advanced, the spirit worm was transferred to another place by Empress Baiyu. When Luo Yu saw this woman, the latter seemed to be a little anxious about the speed of the spirit worm's cultivation, claiming that she would go to another place before leaving. Going one step further, it will be more likely to assist this woman in completing the ice crystal element mine.

Since then, Luo Yu has never seen Binglongchan again, and the woman did not elaborate on where the spirit insects practiced, but told Luo Yu that in order not to affect the spirit insects' cultivation, during this period As the master of the spirit insects, he had better not bother him.

This made Luo Yu feel a little dissatisfied all the time, but since he could sense that the spirit insects were not in danger through the spirit beast blood deed, and he had promised to hand over the nurturing of spirit insects to this woman, Luo Yu naturally had no objection .

It's just that the speed at which the spirit worms were cultivated made this woman dissatisfied. Now that there are only four months left before leaving, this woman is most likely to find other ways to make the ice dragon cicada break through faster.

Thinking about it this way, Luo Yu's heart was relieved a lot. As long as this woman is not going to his cave, no matter what she is doing, it has nothing to do with him. Since this woman asked him to wait, Luo Yu just took advantage of this Opportunity to learn about sea formations and

The difference between what I have learned.

Looking at the empty bamboo house, Luo Yu randomly found a place to sit cross-legged, and the jade slip in his hand floated again under Luo Yu's divine sense, and soon Luo Yu was immersed in it.

Just sitting tight like this for three days, I thought it wouldn't take too long to learn my own formations, but I didn't expect that the sea formations are completely different from the land formations, or because the formations are a fusion of earth, fire and water. Because of the four attributes of wind, Luo Yu found it simple when he finished the whole chapter, but when he revisited it the second time, it became complicated.

Immediately after the third and fourth times, there were more and more incomprehensions. Thanks to Luo Yu's extraordinary perseverance, he did not quit meditation until he boiled down the incomprehensions to a few points.

Coincidentally, when he woke up, he heard the witch's concerned voice.

"Fellow daoist woke up? I thought I didn't warn you in advance, and you would accidentally wander around. I didn't expect that when I came back, I found out that fellow daoist didn't go anywhere. No wonder your human monks have a short lifespan, but they always There is no shortage of top old monsters, just this seriousness and endurance, our monster race is much worse."

The Qingwan voice came from behind, and it seemed to say with a little sigh, as if the person who spoke had a deep understanding.

Luo Yu felt cold all over his body, but he didn't notice the sudden person coming from behind. There was no one else except Empress Bai, but the other party's ability to appear and disappear made Luo Yu's face change, and he hurriedly got up and turned his head. A few feet away from the house, under an ancient cyan oil umbrella, a demon girl is sitting in one place, her bloody hair with a striking shawl is particularly coquettish and eye-catching.

This woman was looking at herself quietly, her beautiful eyes seemed to have a little brilliance, Luo Yu didn't dare to look at a Nascent Soul cultivator, bowed her head a little and apologized: "Senior is too flattering, the formation on the jade slip This junior still has a lot of puzzles, and now I can only barely remember it, but the senior can create this formation, which is far behind me, so I must have made the senior wait for a long time for this meditation!"

Although the words were extremely respectful, Luo Yu secretly scolded himself for being too devoted just now, and at the same time complained that this woman's behavior was always so unexpected.

"It didn't take long. It's just that fellow daoist was so focused that he realized that you are also talented in formations. You humans are most afraid of disturbing you when you are quietly enlightened. How can I not become the beauty of renren? I just don't know that you are very talented. How do you master this formation?" The blood-haired girl smiled lightly and said without blame.

Since this woman really wants to deal with the magnetic barrier, she should be happy.

Luo Yu didn't know the real intention of this girl saying this, but after seeing that formation, even the other party's attainments were much higher than his own, and he didn't dare to fight against him, so he replied cautiously: "The younger generation actually just glanced over it hastily. , I can’t even say that I have mastered it, but most of the things I don’t understand are concentrated in the place where the formation and the restriction are combined.”

"This is indeed the most difficult part of this formation. It is not easy for you to comprehend this level without the time-consuming teaching by me one by one. So I will start from the most profound place. "The blood-haired girl just heard it, but she was shocked in her heart that Luo Yu had such a comprehension, and her comprehension of the formation really impressed her, but Luo Yu's humility, it seemed that even he himself didn't know it.

However, this is beneficial and not harmful to the burying plan, so the blood-haired girl should be happy. Without further investigation, the blood-haired girl smiled, and the beautiful voice rang out

Under the careful explanation of Empress Bai Yu, Luo Yu himself has a high level of understanding in this area, and after two days he roughly understood the core of this formation, but Luo Yu knew that there were still two or three days left before he left, and this was waiting for him. The opportunity to listen to the powerful preaching of the Nascent Soul Stage is once in a thousand years, so naturally he has always pretended to understand half of it.

However, under this kind of cheeky asking for advice, Luo Yu really made great progress in the way of combining formation and restriction. Originally, he was stuck in the long-standing bottleneck in the perception of formation. There was another breakthrough like fueling the flames.

Empress Baiyu was also patient, she didn't seem to notice that Luo Yu deliberately played a little cautious, maybe she was really worried that Luo Yu would never return in the magnetic barrier, so she didn't mind.

When Luo Yu woke up from the trance, he was already familiar with the formation, and after he knew it, he came to the white altar with Empress Bai, who was quite satisfied with his performance in the past few days. !

The latter hit a corner of the altar with a bloody light, and amidst the bursts of ruthless runes, both of them flickered a few times in the tumbling white light, and then disappeared instantly.

After a while, the light in front of him suddenly went dark, and on a similar white altar deep in the ground, a burst of white clouds rolled over, and the figures of Luo Yu and the blood-haired girl appeared on it together.

Through the flashing rune aura just now, it is vaguely revealed that this place is a cave several feet in size, not only deep and dark, but also a little quieter than the Wujing space that Luo Yu has been to.

Of course, there will only be this kind of empty darkness deep in the ground, which is normal.

As soon as the two of them appeared, it was so dark that they didn't know whether it was the void or the surrounding rocks suddenly buzzed, and at the same time, slender black filaments of light shot out from all directions, catching the two of them like silkworm chrysalis. Go around.

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