fairy flame

Chapter 1161 Magnetic Barrier

() Seeing this unexpected change, the expressions on the faces of the two of them have not changed in the slightest. The Empress Baimei has passed through the entrance of the magnetic barrier several times, and she is well aware of these changes.

A large piece of black light formed by the magnetic force around him approached Empress Baiyu, but she hadn't really touched it yet, but as soon as she lifted her plain hand, countless black threads surged out in front of her and intertwined into a black and blue mask, stalemate in a burst of black and blue brilliance During the battle, the influence of the law of the black domain was easily isolated.

On the contrary, because Luo Yu came down for the first time, there was still a trace of nervousness in his heart. When he drank lightly, a golden light surged on his body, and dozens of silk threads that were exactly the same as the attacking black silk came out from all over his body, but when he touched it, it was more intense. When there are many wires, there is no fierce resistance, but the wires bend and change, forming the same arc as the force of the external law, and wrapping their body, just like melting into the black light.

This set of methods was comprehended in the Wujing Starry Sky, as long as it is in the same-origin black domain law, it can be used.

Seeing Luo Yu's calm and composed expression in Wu Guangzhong, it seemed that he saved a little more effort than himself.

Empress Baiyu's beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance, but she secretly rejoiced that she did not find the wrong person. Even though she had only guessed before, she finally saw it with her own eyes this time. Only people with such power can help her!

Empress Baiyu retracted her eyes and looked at the ferocious momentum of Wusi who was about to push her away, compared with Luo Yu's body that seemed to be easily penetrated by Wusi. The one who nodded said, "Sure enough, this is the benefit of domain power from the same origin. Daoist friends have a good chance, which makes me a little jealous."

Except for body refiners who can initially control the power of the Yuan Sea at the third level, demon and human Qi trainers can only touch this mysterious threshold when they reach the realm of Yaozun and Lingzun respectively. Terrible cultivation, there will still be such a saying, but this reveals from the side that this female cultivation base should be in the early and middle stages of the demon baby, and has not yet reached the state of Dzogchen.

Luo Yu secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. The number of black silk he cast this time far exceeds that of seven months ago. The Empress Baiyu seems to be only one of the mysteries of Yuli, and she doesn't doubt why she has grown so fast , this made Luo Yu's prepared rhetoric useless.

He still doesn't know much about the nature and use of domain power. According to the words from Empress Bai, although domain power is mysterious and powerful, it will take a long time for Luo Yu to truly comprehend and use it. Apart from the fact that his cultivation is part of the reason, the main reason is his personal strength. The insight and chance, the tragedy point can even be said to be luck.

Luo Yu already knew and was satisfied with this, but he was afraid that the secret of the Wujing Starry Sky hidden in his heart would be discovered by this woman's vicious eyes, at least until he perfected the weird butterfly pattern on his body, otherwise If the hidden danger is not eliminated, he will definitely suffer a big loss in the future.

"Senior, the law of the black domain here is indeed far stronger than that of the ground, but" I am afraid that in terms of the perception of domain power, the black domain, including the blood-haired girl, is far inferior to Luo Yu. For some reason, Luo Yu faintly felt that the nearby black domain The law seems to be not as powerful as the Wujing Starry Sky.

This place is already thousands of feet deep, isn't the law of the black domain stronger as it goes down!

"What's wrong, Fellow Daoist, could it be that this palace is wrong, could something have happened?" The blood-haired girl beside her saw the startled look on Luo Yu's face, her heart tightened for no reason, her pretty face flashed in surprise and asked.

Having said that, the woman clearly saw the black silk on Luo Yu's body and faintly resonated with this place, which was just as she expected.

Luo Yu was a little surprised when he heard that, he didn't expect this woman to be so nervous, but naturally she couldn't answer any secrets about Wujing Xingkong. : "I didn't expect the law of the black field here to be so powerful. This is the first time for this junior to feel it. If the senior hadn't reminded me, I'm afraid I'd be in a hurry now. Thinking of the even more unfathomable magnetic barrier, even if With the protection of the domain power of the same origin, this trip will be extremely dangerous."

Seeing that Luo Yu's face gradually recovered, the woman finally calmed down a bit, but when she thought of those memories that made her shudder, she sighed: "It will only benefit you and not harm you if you can be more vigilant. Ben Gong has personally broken through once, and knows that there are some things in the magnetic enchantment, which cannot be resisted by your weak field strength, but as long as you remember, no matter what situation you encounter, you must keep your eyes closed, let alone act rashly Use your divine sense to investigate, otherwise, if you are a person with a weak mind, you may fall into it and never recover!"

"Never again? Senior hasn't been lying to me all this time. Back then, senior promised that junior would pass through the barrier safe and sound, so junior agreed to cooperate. Now you want me to die." Surprised and angry, Luo Yu He didn't even care that the other party was in the Nascent Soul stage, and retorted coldly.

Listening to this woman's tone now, it seems that she has escaped death. How can Luo Yu, who is confident, accept this, but at the same time, she can't figure it out. Come to expose, Luo Yu does not believe that the other party suddenly found out his conscience.

However, compared with Luo Yu's look, the blood-haired girl's expression is as stable as an ancient well. It is not surprising that Luo Yu's angrily expression, soft water-like eyes cast on one place intriguingly, and said with a mysterious smile: "Fellow Daoist, don't Think about it, those threats that this palace refers to are actually the magnetic cracks that I told you earlier, but these things exist at the intersection of the enchantment and the chaotic abyss.

At the bottom of the world, the number will never be too many, otherwise it would be difficult for me to return last time, but based on your induction of the magnetic force of the black domain, there is no such concern at all. As long as you remember my instructions, you will definitely not There is a threat to life, but the reason why they are said to be extremely dangerous is because I have figured out something in recent days, and since I can't prove the truth, I don't know whether to say it. "

Luo Yu heard that the woman's words came from the heart, but he couldn't help but became more curious, his face softened a little, but he still felt a little unhappy, and said in a deep voice: "If you have any questions, seniors, please ask for famous words, as for whether you believe it or not." , this junior has his own measure, although this junior knows it's impossible, I still hope that senior can explain everything in detail, and don't hide anything anymore."

In fact, speaking of it, it was at the last juncture, Luo Yu couldn't help it if he didn't want to, and as long as this woman really wanted to ride in the same boat with him, she would take it to heart.

The blood-haired girl was silent for a moment, she naturally understood the truth, but thinking that she didn't want to say it, Luo Yu didn't know how to treat her like a sinister snake and scorpion, she couldn't help being slightly annoyed, and her phoenix eyes were ruthless. He stared at Luo Yu hard for a moment, and thought to himself that since you don't know what is good or bad, why should I be a villain in vain.

"Then you have to listen carefully. The so-called magnetic cracks appear on the surface as two completely different 'realms' of the magnetic barrier and the chaotic abyss collide with each other, but it may be even more terrifying. It is the black domain extending to When the outside world was blocked by the laws of the human world and counterattacked, after all, if the black domain really came from the fire outside the sky, it would naturally be a complete foreign object to this world. This palace once accidentally wrote about it in an ancient book that cannot be traced back. I have seen such descriptions, and the terrifying rift created by the friction between the two worlds is far from being as simple as a space rift. It is said that the force of such an interface is strong enough to distort time and form a space-time rift that reverses time!"

Hearing this, Luo Yu's complexion changed suddenly. Although it was the first time he heard the term "space-time rift", it vaguely reminded him of something, but he was not sure.

"Perhaps what I said was too mysterious, so let's make it simpler. If you say that this crack can allow fellow Taoists to go back to the past or leap into the future, would you believe me?" Luo Yu said slowly.

"There is no such thing in the world. Although Luo has little knowledge, but according to my judgment, the theory of the past and the future may exist, but the black domain is only a small domain compared to the human world. If it is another one that is as big as the human world Interface, maybe there is only a slight possibility." Luo Yu suppressed the shock in his heart, thought for a while, shook his head decisively, and replied in disbelief.

"How impossible! No matter how small the Black Territory is, and how extreme the environment is, it is undeniable that this is still a place that can accommodate living beings and give all things a chance to grow and grow. Of course, the meaning of 'everything' here is quite different from that of the outside world. , even the human race and monster race may not be among them. For the black domain, we are different, because it has its own world and time. Perhaps this kind of existence and essence are not as vast as the human world, but it is only for us all creatures. In terms of human beings, there are also unpredictable and unpredictable powers." The blood-haired girl turned her eyes to the dark world, and felt that she was in a strange situation.

"It's time!" Luo Yu finally understood where the problem he couldn't figure out was. After being shocked, his face became even more unbelievable, but his eyes were strangely thoughtful, and he murmured to himself: "If this is the case, Isn't the time change of the two worlds completely different? No wonder the human world has the order of the four seasons, but the black domain only has swirling rain and dark and boring rotations. Because of the difference in nature, the passage of time is also different, and the laws of the two worlds collide , there are also different rays of light intertwined and intertwined, and it is not impossible to form the so-called space-time rift."

The blood-haired girl who was facing Luo Yu with a displeased face suddenly trembled when she heard it. It would not be surprising if such an analysis came from the mouth of an old Nascent Soul monster, but how could Luo Yu's cultivation base be so different? Great insight.

Of course she didn't know that Luo Yu had studied the way of space for a long time, so she could understand it a little bit, but now Luo Yu suddenly thought of something, and his face turned pale.

"Senior, can you figure out whether the time in the black domain is faster or slower than the outside world?" At this moment, Luo Yu's thoughts changed sharply, thinking of his beautiful wife Ling'er, and suddenly he felt faintly worried, but this was not the time to be dejected. After suppressing the worries in his heart, he sighed.

Heiyu can really form a world of its own, so the Yu Compass, which he has always hoped for, is naturally impossible to have the ability to sense across the world. The possibility that has not been lucky in the past is suddenly shattered. If Luo Yu's mind is not extraordinary , at this moment, he will definitely be twisted and hit in chaos.

How could the blood-haired girl guess that Luo Yu had other thoughts, but she felt more and more that Luo Yu was a little unclear, not only because she had never been with a man for a long time, but she also had a different feeling for Luo Yu. When Su Er cast her gaze with deep affection, her heart trembled, and she dared not look at him, but her cheeks became more glowing because of this!

Although Luo Yu's cultivation is extremely ordinary, during the days with her, he is not numb and encouraged by her. On the contrary, he has very different opinions on alchemy, formation, qi training, and body training. Frequently, this woman had to secretly praise her, but the truth is that Luo Yu used many anecdotes about the world of cultivating immortals in Mengzhou to communicate with this woman, and it was not his own perception. You can get it casually.

Over time, the two people's originally disparate status has also drawn in a lot, and Luo Yu's perseverance in cultivation also made this woman gradually turn from emotion to a little admiration.

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