fairy flame

Chapter 1162 Magnetic Barrier

() All of this seems to have an invisible hand manipulating the incredible celestial phenomena, both disillusioned and real, the world has vicissitudes, but it must be interpreted in an instant, the pain wants to tear the whole body, so that all comers subconsciously Some people want to open their eyes or immediately use the induction technique to see all this clearly, to witness the horror that happens to themselves and the wonderful spectacle of the outside world every moment.

But Luo Yu, who had been prepared for a long time, would be so stupid as to be easily fooled. No matter how his mind fluctuates, he always maintains the last bit of "everything is like a dream".

He forced himself to forget the pain on his body for the time being, and concentrated his thoughts to control the rotation and jump of the magnetic wires outside his body, turning into hundreds of interlaced light threads and searching the sky. Immediately adjusted and merged, just for a split second, like the first awakening light in the chaos, all the negative feelings receded like a flood, although the surroundings still felt the rushing wind, but to Luo Yu, it was as gentle as brothers and feet To include him!

At this time, the outside world is calm and calm, and Luo Yu's original lake-like ancient well without waves is restored, and the defense transformed by the magnetic force of hundreds of black fields has also changed, turning into an upside-down black crystal gourd, airtightly protecting Luo Yu." ".

Under the control of Luo Yu's mind, Yuli Gourd carried his body like floating water and continued to fly deeper into the barrier.

Whether this kind of flying or swimming is an illusion or a real existence, Luo Yu doesn't need to care about it. He just feels that driven by the force of a gust of wind, he turns into a leaf in the wind, twisting and twisting in various ways. But they all show their true and natural postures and walk with the wind, still drifting alone in the unknown.

But Luo Yu knew that this was only the first step, he had only encountered one of the barriers, and he would encounter even greater difficulties in the future, but fortunately, with the previous experience, no matter what kind of storm he experienced next, he would be safe Confidence in the bottom of my heart, but also greatly increased confidence!

As he expected, after traveling peacefully and comfortably for an unknown amount of time, a scorching, scorching pain finally attacked him from nowhere. Not only was there burning pain, but it was as if everything tangible and intangible in the blood and soul were being tortured in purgatory. In the middle, the calm void also resounded with thunderous roars from the Nine Heavens!

It's just that as soon as I heard this kind of loud noise, piercing through gold and cracking stones, it pierced Luo Yu's soul. The sound is the most beautiful and weirdest force in the world. Nothing in the sky, the earth, or the ocean can stop the sound. There is a more irresistible feeling than before.

Luo Yu's tyrannical body couldn't resist at all, and because his mind went from extremely quiet to completely opposite, he was dizzy and dizzy!

The violent thunder and howl that kept coming from his ears didn't give him a chance to resist at all, and rushed into the internal organs deafeningly, and the electric fire bombardment seemed to not stop until Luo Yu was blown to pieces.

In the body, on the outside of the soul, the sound whirled and sang, sometimes hitting thousands of miles straight, sometimes sinking into the abyss, moving a hundred times between the heaven and the earth, like countless electric python thunder dragons, dancing wildly and entangled Luo Yu impenetrably In the entanglement, thunder light continuously released all over the sky and bombarded him.

The bones in the body seemed to be shattered in the next moment, and the blood vessels were roasted by the lightning strike, and it would not take long for them to dry!

"This is all fantasy! Even if you can tear apart everything about me, you can't tear me and her apart! The past is still real! Did you hear the one who is destroying the world!" Luo Yu couldn't stop the blood from his throat. Squirting out wildly, hot and spicy, he was not coerced by the other party to make a sound, but just shouted to the sky from the bottom of his heart!

In desperation, he found out what is a voice that can kill even the soul, something that cannot be cut off, an existence that is equally real, but also between illusions!

It is the memory, the most unforgettable in the memory-missing!

Lovesickness is the most unceasing and inextricable thing. Even if the rift in time and space can transform into a space separated by thousands of mountains and rivers and an infinite time waiting, it still cannot stop the most wonderful thing in the world.

This struggle, crazy but not lost, made Luo Yu more aware of his true nature. With mixed feelings, Wusi Yuli finally captured the mystery of the thunder track, and his own black magnetic field changed like a fish in water, and his whole person seemed to be Appeared in a huge black crystal lightning, slashed through this space fiercely.

Everything was over again and the sky cleared up again, Luo Yu seemed to turn into a bright and bright electric light, descending from the nine heavens carelessly, and drifting away.

Lightning sometimes hits something, and when you want to see it, the latter has turned into a flying back, going through thorns and thorns all the way, experiencing rapid changes all the way, and Luo Yu, who is in the precarious wind and rain, has experienced water, fire, rain, fog, Ze, etc. There are many strange visions, and he probably won't have the mysterious experience of turning into something else to see the world in this life. But after getting more and more experiences, not only is his fear greatly reduced, but he starts to adapt like a duck to water. This kind of double training of mind and body makes it more and more suitable for this world, and becomes a part of the enchantment.

Gudong sound!After all kinds of catastrophes, Luo Yu seemed to have really entered the lake. Just now, it was just an early test for those who broke through the barrier. Now Luo Yu, who passed the test, returned to the lake he saw at first sight. Enchantment, feeling the pressure on his body and the sun melting snow turned into waves of warmth, Luo Yu's face had an uncontrollable look of ecstasy!

But he still didn't dare to open his eyes, and his spiritual thoughts were tightly retracted into his body. Luo Yu knew that this place was probably the closest to the crack in time and space, so he didn't dare to make the slightest mistake in every move.

He could only be cautious and explore forward like crossing a river by feeling the stones. He felt that what he was stepping on was a muddy ground. Every step has the feeling of falling into the abyss at any time.

But Luo Yu smiled instead of being surprised, and even more regarded this as an exciting and thrilling dream.

I remember that Empress Baiyu said that the closer you get to the depths of the enchantment, everything you feel will gradually become real, and the illusion will become less and less. The most ideal place to deploy.

Now Wusi Yuli protects all parts of his body, and the next step is that Luo Yu will walk a large circle in the swamp mud to accommodate the formation. All of this is of course done by intuition. The array flags are inserted everywhere in the circle, even if half of the trip is completed, the only thing left is to go through the magnetic barrier and bury the array disk in the chaotic abyss. It depends on whether Empress Baiyu's supernatural powers are reliable.

However, after knowing the possibility of space-time rifts, the danger of Luanmingyuan is not as good as the magnetic barrier. After all, the threats of the former are restrained by the innate thunder and fire, but the time-space rifts are hard to guard against.

Just when the hope of this trip was ignited in Luo Yu's heart, and it was about to be carried out, suddenly his foot stepped on the air, and his body fell forward involuntarily. With Luo Yu's meticulous control of the body, it could have been very simple He adjusted his posture, but found that there was no place where his feet had just stepped on.

Under the feet, there are layers upon layers of voids, and the layers are getting deeper and deeper. Large and small are lined up side by side to form a narrow and short strange passage, and the only way is to enter the passage.

Luo Yu was so startled that he didn't have time to stay where he was and consider whether to pass through. The body that fell forward could not be controlled and passed through, but this mysterious space did not bring any painful lessons after traveling through it. Luo Yu still felt that he appeared in the mud again, and the surroundings were still calm, but Luo Yu couldn't figure out whether the place he was standing now was still at the place where he fell down a moment ago, or whether it was a certain place he had just walked by. place, or another place farther away from the original place.

"Teleportation! No, I didn't move, and the space here didn't move, but it seems that the kick went down..." Although he couldn't see it with his eyes, Luo Yu's perception of the force outside his body had already reached the point of nuance. The state of the world, the faint trace of something wrong just now made him think of something in shock, but he was not sure!

"Could it be..." Luo Yu suddenly stopped talking to himself, and a scene of countless intertwined lines appeared in his mind, forming a mysterious and mysterious picture scroll, a mystery that far surpassed simple repulsion and gravity was hidden in his heart It's within reach, but it's still hard to understand what I've penetrated for a while.

The magnetic power of the black domain is called domain power, and it is obviously terrifying to turn decay into magic, and it is definitely not superficial as Luo Yu understands now!

Luo Yu has been immersed in the feeling of seeming nothing, but he stood still without moving. After an unknown period of time, suddenly with a shake of his arm, a small silver-gray flag slipped out from the inside of the cuff, and a layer of cloth covered the surface. After Wusi dispersed in an instant, Luo Yu couldn't wait to plant the banner on the ground. Since there was no spiritual stimulation, the banner was just an ordinary dead thing, and it would not cause any reaction from the magnetic barrier.

Of course not any treasure can do this, the main reason is that this chess set was refined by Empress Baiyu according to the characteristics of Heiyu, and the materials used are also obtained from Heiyu, so it will not be affected.

Luo Yu just casually stepped behind his feet, his attention was obviously not on the small streamer, as soon as he turned around, he followed the trajectory of the step he just took without hesitation, and took a step backwards like a memory!

This time, Luo Yu's footsteps fell extremely slowly, and he began to feel the mysterious feeling at his ankles. He didn't look or listen, and he could feel that the trajectory of Wusi's movement began to change drastically with every inch of the stepped space. , which seems to contain the repulsive force and gravitational force that Luo Yu has mastered from the beginning, but at the same time, it combines the two to produce something new!

No matter how slow the pace is, there will be a moment to step in. Luo Yu just touched some inspiration but didn't have time to fully comprehend it. Suddenly, his whole body was shaken. Chou proved that he was still in the magnetic swamp, but Luo Yu couldn't tell with his eyes whether he had returned to the original place after two transfers, but this was not important to him. He took out another small gray flag from his bosom, and inserted the array flag at the foothold just like before.

Since it is impossible to prove it with divine sense and eyes, there are always other ways. Luo Yu only needs to leave marks on both sides to know whether the weirdness here is what he thought!

But even though he wanted to know the secrets here urgently, Luo Yu knew that judging by the endlessly entangled and chaotic trajectory of the feedback in his mind, the chance of enlightenment was very small, so he calmed down his impatience. Turning around again, he stepped in again.

In order to understand the various changes in the domain power here due to his entry, Luo Yu's step seems to be much slower than the previous step. With the experience of last time, the countless domain power Wusi sent back from the mysterious sense in his mind At the beginning, he sketched with spirit, and under the kind of persistent and meticulous revisiting, Luo Yu's face flashed an unspeakable expression of sudden surprise several times!

In the blink of an eye again, Luo Yu had already teleported once, bent down slightly, stretched out his hand to look around, and immediately grabbed the corner of the flag in his hand.

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